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Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic religions : presented to Gilles Quispel on the occasion of his 65th birthday /
Text in English, French, and German. :
1 online resource (xiv, 622 pages) : portrait. :
"List of Professor Quispel's publications": pages 1-12.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004295698 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New Zealand's Muslims and multiculturalism /
Issues of integration, multiculturalism and policies of ethnic and religious minority rights have gained greatly in significance in recent years, especially in relation to Muslims. This book deals with the Muslim minority in New Zealand, with special emphasis on policy aspects relevant to the integration of Muslims in the host society. The book also discusses many other issues, among which are Muslim political representation, inner coherence of the Muslim community, effects of public policies, differentiated citizenship, gender issues and gender equality, and points of friction with the encapsulating host society, including the effects of sharia application, radicalism and the fallout of the Danish cartoon affair.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047440703 :
1570-7571 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Climbing Together: Relational Morality and Meaningful Action in Intercultural Community Engagement /
Scholars and commentators have noted the frequent inefficacy of "development," and criticized the power relations it entrenches. Aware of these problems, some North Americans choose to disengage from transnational work. But the reality is that we cannot avoid participating in global networks that affect people in many countries, and there are vast inequalities in access to resources that need to be addressed. Through philosophical insights, narrative accounts, and testimony from community members, we can discover a path between development and disengagement, through which relational morality and meaningful action can enrich intercultural collaboration and yield many fruits.
1 online resource (245 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Myths, martyrs, and modernity : studies in the history of religions in honour of Jan N. Bremmer /
This volume in honour of Jan N. Bremmer contains the contributions of numerous students, colleagues, and friends offered to him on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Throughout his career, Bremmer has distinguished himself as an internationally renowned scholar of religion both past and present, including first and foremost Greek and Roman religion, but also early Christianity and post-classical developments in religion and spirituality. In line with these three main areas of Bremmer's research, the volume is divided into three parts, bringing together contributions from distinguished scholars in many fields. The result is a diverse book which provides a broad spectrum of original ideas and innovative approaches in the history of religions, thus reflecting the nature of the scholarship of Bremmer himself.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004193659 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New faith in ancient lands : Western missions in the Middle East in the nineteenth and early twentienth [i.e. twentieth] centuries /
Over the centuries, the Middle East has held an important place in the religious consciousness of many Christians in West and East. In the nineteenth century, these interests culminated in extensive missionary work of Protestant and Roman Catholic organisations, among Eastern Christians, Muslims and Jews. The present volume, in articles written by an international group of scholars, discusses themes like the historical background of Christian geopiety among Roman Catholics and Protestants, and the internal tensions and conflicting aims of missions and missionaries, such as between nationalist and internationalist interests, between various rival organisations and between conversionalist and civilizational aims of missions in the Ottoman Empire. In a synthetic overview and a comprehensive bibliography an up-to-date introduction into this field is provided.
Proceedings of a symposium held in Jan. 2005 at the Universiteit Leiden. :
1 online resource (xi, 339 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 309-328) and index. :
9789047411406 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Voicing Vulnerable Bodies Living on the Edges : The Autoethnography of a Transnational Mariposa /
Panama has been considered one of the most developed countries in Latin America. With high skylines and a modern metro system, this Central American country hides a true reality when we explore it in a deeper level. Like many other marginalized groups, LGBT communities in Panama have been invisible and ignored by the State. Incidents related to homophobia, transphobia, and hate crime have been taken for granted for many years. Instead, LGBT individuals have been blamed for behaving against social and sometimes religious norms. This book answers the researcher's questions: (1) How can I use my transnational mariposa consciousness to document my lived experiences as a maricón in Panama? (2) What does it mean to be a gay man in Panama nowadays? (3) How do trans women's experiences with a hostile society shape their everyday existence?
1 online resource (153 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Women and knowledge in early Christianity /
Women and knowledge are interconnected in several ways in late ancient and early Christian discourses, not least because wisdom (Sophia) and spiritual knowledge (Gnosis) were frequently personified as female entities. Ancient texts deal with idealized women and use feminine imagery to describe the divine but they also debate women's access to and capacity of gaining knowledge. Combining rhetorical analysis with social historical approaches, the contributions in this book cover a wide array of source materials, drawing special attention to the so-called Gnostic texts. The fourteen essays, written by prominent experts of ancient Christianity, are dedicated to Professor Antti Marjanen (University of Helsinki).
1 online resource (x, 379 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004344938 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Social relations in Ottoman Diyarbekir, 1870-1915 /
Social Relations in Ottoman Diyarbekir, 1870-1915 offers new, microhistoric and non-nationalist perspectives on the late 19th century history of the province of Diyarbekir. Focusing on a period dominated by violent conflicts between the authorities and various local elites and population groups of the region - urban Muslims, Kurds, Armenians, Syrian Christians and others - this book offers new insights into the social history of the region and the origins of the Armenian and Kurdish \'Questions\', which were to gain such prominence in the 20th century.
1 online resource (x, 369 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004232273 :
1380-6076 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Prehistoric pottery : people, pattern and purpose /
: Proceedings of a conference organized by the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group in conjunction with the Ceramics Petrology Group, held at the University of Bradford, Oct. 2002. : xii, 226 pages : illustration, maps ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 1841715263
Satanism : a social history /
A 17th-century French haberdasher invented the Black Mass. An 18th-century English Cabinet Minister administered the Eucharist to a baboon. High-ranking Catholic authorities in the 19th century believed that Satan appeared in Masonic lodges in the shape of a crocodile and played the piano there. A well-known scientist from the 20th century established a cult of the Antichrist and exploded in a laboratory experiment. Three Italian girls in 2000 sacrificed a nun to the Devil. A Black Metal band honored Satan in Krakow, Poland, in 2004 by exhibiting on stage 120 decapitated sheep heads. Some of these stories, as absurd as they might sound, were real. Others, which might appear to be equally well reported, are false. But even false stories have generated real societal reactions. For the first time, Massimo Introvigne proposes a general social history of Satanism and anti-Satanism, from the French Court of Louis XIV to the Satanic scares of the late 20th century, satanic themes in Black Metal music, the Church of Satan, and beyond.
1 online resource (xi, 655 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004244962 :
1871-1405 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Cornelius Castoriadis and radical democracy /
Cornelius Castoriadis and the Project of Radical Autonomy analyses the philosophy of Greek-born French philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis. A leading member of the influential revolutionary group, Socialism or Barbarism in France, Castoriadis analysed contemporary political subjectivity and culture in terms of the collective and individual attempt to gain autonomy. His philosophy frames a multi-dimensional analysis of modern capitalist societies, based on a systematic critique of orthodox Marxism, Heideggerian ontology and Lacanian psychology. The present volume consists of two parts. In the first part, his most significant essays written before his departure to France in 1945 are translated and present young Castoriadis' interpretation of Max Weber's theory of bureaucratic societies. The second part consists of a series of essays by various scholars on aspects of Castoriadis' mature philosophy in relation to other thinkers, and against the background of Europe's political and social history.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004278585 :
1572-459X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Dispensing Justice in Islam : Qadis and their Judgements /
Dispensing Justice is designed to serve as a sourcebook of Islamic legal practice and qadi court records from the rise of Islam to modern times, drawing upon court records and qadi judgments, in addition to literary sources. In the first chapter, we survey the state of the field, sketching the history, structure, and modern transformation of the qadiship. The twenty chapters that follow are grouped thematically in four sections: (1) the nature and functions of the judgeship and its development over time; (2) the structure of the judicial apparatus; (3) the application of juristic thought and reasoning to specific cases in selected areas of the law; and (4) judicial procedure and the different forms of evidence. The volume fills a large gap in Islamic legal history.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Imagination and Art: Explorations in Contemporary Theory /
This transdisciplinary project represents the most comprehensive study of imagination to date. The eclectic group of international scholars who comprise this volume propose bold and innovative theoretical frameworks for (re-) conceptualizing imagination in all of its divergent forms. Imagination and Art: Explorations in Contemporary Theory explores the complex nuances, paradoxes, and aporias related to the plethora of artistic mediums in which the human imagination manifests itself. As a fundamental attribute of our species, which other organisms also seem to possess with varying degrees of sophistication, imagination is the very fabric of what it means to be human into which everything is woven. This edited collection demonstrates that imagination is the resin that binds human civilization together for better or worse.
1 online resource. :
Brill's Companion to Classics in the Early Americas /
Brill's Companion to Classics in the Early Americas illuminates the remarkable range of Greco-Roman classical receptions across the western hemisphere from the late fifteenth to the early nineteenth century. Bringing together fifteen essays by scholars working at the intersection of Classics and all aspects of Americanist studies, this unique collection examines how Hispanophone, Lusophone, Anglophone, Francophone, and/or Indigenous individuals engaged with Greco-Roman literary cultures and materials. By coming at the matter from a multilingual transhemispheric perspective, it disrupts prevailing accounts of classical reception in the Americas which have typically privileged North over South, Anglophone over non-Anglophone, and the cultural production of hegemonic groups over that of more marginalized others. Instead it offers a fresh account of how Greco-Roman literatures and ideas were in play from Canada to the Southern Cone to the Caribbean, treating classical reception in the early Americas as a dynamic, polyvocal phenomenon which is truly transhemispheric in reach.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Kitāb al-tafṣīl li-jumal al-Taḥṣīl : Sharḥ Kitāb al-taḥṣīl li-muʾallifihi Ḥasan b. Muḥammad al-Raṣṣāṣ /
From the time of its foundation in 284/897, the Zaydī Imamate of Yemen was home to Muʿtazilī ideas. During the first centuries and starting with Imam al-Hādī ila ʼl-Ḥaqq (d. 298/911), Zaydī ideology included elements very much akin to the opinions of the Baghdad School of the Muʿtazila as founded by Bishr b. al-Muʿtamir (d. 210/825). However, in the 6-7th/11-12th centuries, we see a rise in popularity of Bahshamiyya ideas, a sub-group of the Basran School of the Muʿtazila around Abū Hāshim al-Jubbāʾī (d. 321/933). These ideas were systematized and elaborated upon by the Zaydī theologian al-Raṣṣāṣ (d. 584/1188), notably in his short theological summa the Kitāb al-taḥṣīl fi ʼl-tawḥīd wal-taʿdīl . This work soon gained popularity and within 30 years after his death, as three commentaries on it were written. The one whose surviving part is published here is an early witness of Yemeni Zaydī acquaintance with Ibn al-Malāḥimī's (d. 536/1141) works and anti-Bahshamī teachings.
1 online resource. :
Simone de Beauvoir : a humanist thinker /
This collection of humanist readings of Simone de Beauvoir's work is a novel contribution to contemporary research on Beauvoir, and a defense of the importance of the humanities. It demonstrates the significance and value of humanistic research through the work of Beauvoir, and argues that the reception and influence of her works demonstrate the transformative potential of humanistic research. Organized around three topics, each chapter ascertains Beauvoir's relation to the humanities and the humanist tradition. The first group focuses on Beauvoir's interdisciplinary methodology and critical thinking, the second on her ethics of freedom and the construction of values. The last section explores how Beauvoir uses literature as a laboratory for developing her ideas on human interaction. The chapters can be studied as independent essays, or read together as a whole. Simone de Beauvoir-A Humanist Thinker reveals new and previously unexplored dimensions of Beauvoir's work by exposing her as a significant and inspiring humanist thinker. This volume attests that Beauvoir's works continue to offer conceptual tools and insights enabling readers to critically analyze their own situation. In today's world, where religious fanaticism and totalitarian ideologies are gaining ground, humanist values and humanistic research are more important than ever.
1 online resource (xiv, 215 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004294462 :
0929-8436 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Living in the Ottoman ecumenical community : essays in honour of Suraiya Faroqhi /
This book dedicated to Suraiya Faroqhi shows that the early modern world was not only characterized by its having been split up into states with closed frontiers. Writing history "from the bottom", by treating the Ottoman Empire and other countries as "subjects of history", reduces the importance of political borders for doing historical research. Each social, economic and religious group had its own world-view and in most of the cases the borders of these communities were not identical with the political frontiers. Regarding the Ottoman Empire and the other early modern states as systems of different ecumenical communities rather than only as political units offers a different approach to a better understanding of the various ways in which their subjects interacted. In this context the term ecumenical community designates social, religious and economic groups building up cross-border communities. Different ecumenical communities overlapped within the boundaries of a state or in a specific area and gave them their distinctive characters. This festschrift for Suraiya Faroqhi aims to describe some of the close contacts between various ecumenical communities within and beyond the Ottoman borders.
1 online resource. :
"Publications by Suraiya Faroqhi": pages [479]-488.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047433187 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Korean Art since 1945: Challenges and Changes /
Over the past decades, Korea has gradually risen to become one of the global representatives of Asian culture. Korean artists have been increasingly active at an international level, with many being invited for residencies and exhibitions all over the world. Nonetheless, for various reasons, the general understanding of Korean contemporary art remains insufficient. Although a few overviews of Korean contemporary art do exist, they typically focus on the history of art groups and movements. In addition, several anthologies have been published with articles on a range of topics, offering multiple perspectives. However, there have been few attempts to provide a unified synopsis of Korean contemporary art. Presenting a comprehensive, engaging survey that covers the full spectrum of Korean contemporary art, Korean Art since 1945: Challenges and Changes seeks to fill this lacuna. Drawing on primary sources, it discusses the main issues, including the ideological stakes that affected the art world, modernist art vs. political art, and the fluidity of concepts such as tradition and national identity. Moreover, the book also has a chapter on the art of North Korea. Korean Art since 1945: Challenges and Changes is an invaluable tool for those intent on grasping the entire scope of modern art in Asia.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Fall of the Caliphate of Córdoba : Berbers and Andalusis in Conflict /
This book is a discussion of the complex events which surround the breakup of the Muslim Caliphate of Córdoba in the early eleventh century. The focus of the study concerns quite a short period of time: 1009-1031 A.D., although a wide-ranging investigation of the political structure of Muslim Spain is embarked on. A thorough narrative of the events is followed by separate discussions of some of the main groups involved in the civil wars, the Marwānids (the supporters of a legitimately-appointed Umayyad representative), the saqāliba (Slavs), the Berbers and the Christians of northern Spain. This book is able to fill the gap in our knowledge of this hitherto little-understood period of Spanish history and tackles important questions, such as the attitude towards the Berbers, tribal solidarity and the importance of land-reforms during the 10th century
1 online resource (280 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Fighting over the Bible : Jewish interpretation, sectarianism and polemic from Temple to Talmud and beyond /
Fighting over the Bible explores the bitter conflicts between main stream Jews and their internal and external opponents, especially between particular Jewish groups such as Pharisees, Sadducees, Qumranites, Samaritans, Rabbanites and Karaites, as well as with Christians and Muslims regarding their interpretations of Jewish Scripture. The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament is an important sacred text for all branches of the Abrahamic faiths, but it has more often divided than unified them. This volume explores and exemplifies the roots of these interpretive conflicts and controversies and traces the rich exegetical and theological approaches that grew out of them. Focusing on the Jewish sources from the late Second Temple period through the high Middle-Ages, it illustrates how the study of the Bible filled the vacuum left by the Temple's destruction, and became the foundation of Jewish life throughout its long conflicted history.
1 online resource (xi, 341 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004339118 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.