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Philosophia Translata: The Development of Latin Philosophical Vocabulary through Translation from Greek : A Case Study Approach /
How Latin philosophical vocabulary developed through the translation of Greek sources, the varieties of translation practices Roman philosophers favoured, and how these practices evolved over time are the overarching themes of this monograph. A first of its kind, this comparative study analyzes the creation of philosophical vocabulary in Lucretius, Cicero, Apuleius, Calcidius, and Boethius. It highlights a Latin literary tradition in which the dominance of Greek philosophical expression was challenged and renovated over time through the individual translation choices of different Latin authors. Included are full glossaries of Latin and Greek philosophical terms with explanatory notes for the reader.
1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Why Translate Science? : Documents from Antiquity to the 16th Century in the Historical West (Bactria to the Atlantic) /
From antiquity to the 16th century, translation united culturally the peoples in the historical West (from Bactria to the shores of the Atlantic) and fueled the production and circulation of knowledge. The Hellenic scientific and philosophical curriculum was translated from and into, to mention the most prevalent languages, Greek, Syriac, Middle Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin. To fill a lack in existing scholarship, this volume collects the documents that present the insider evidence provided in contemporary accounts of the motivations and purposes of translation given in the personal statements by the agents in this process, the translators, scholars, and historians of each society. Presented in the original languages with an English translation and introductory essays, these documents offer material for the study of the historical contextualization of the translations, the social history of science and philosophy in their interplay with traditional beliefs, and the cultural policies and ideological underpinnings of these societies. Contributors Michael Angold, Pieter Beullens, Charles Burnett, David Cohen, Gad Freudenthal, Dag Nikolaus Hasse, Anthony Kaldellis, Daniel King, Felix Mundt, Ignacio Sánchez, Isabel Toral, Uwe Vagelpohl, and Mohsen Zakeri.
A collection of documents from antiquity to the 16th century in the historical West (Bactria to the Atlantic), in the original languages with an English translation and introductory essays, about the motivations and purposes of translation from and into Greek, Syriac, Middle Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin, as given in the personal statements by the translators, scholars, and historians of each society. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
'Greek' and 'Roman' in Latin medical texts : studies in cultural change and exchange in ancient medicine /
Latin medical texts transmit medical theories and practices that originated mainly in Greece. This interaction took place through juxtaposition, assimilation and transformation of ideas. 'Greek' and 'Roman' in Latin Medical Texts studies the ways in which this cultural interaction influenced the development of the medical profession and the growth of knowledge of human and animal bodies, and especially how it provided the foundations for innovations in the areas of anatomy, pathology and pharmacology, from the earliest Latin medical texts until well into the medieval world.
1 online resource (pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004273863 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ambiguities of War: A Narratological Commentary on Silius Italicus' Battle of Ticinus (Sil. 4.1-479) /
The book lays bare the narrative form of Silius' text. It focuses on the phenomenon of ambiguity due to the epic's constant oscillation between fact and fiction, highlighting Roman triumph in defeat and defeat through triumph.
This Narratological Commentary on Silius' Battle of Ticinus lays bare the narrative form of the text by addressing numerous narratological aspects, including plot-development, focalization, space, and intertextuality. The book also focuses on the phenomenon of ambiguity with its dynamic processes of (un-)strategic production, perception, and resolution. Ambiguity is a central feature of the Punica because of the epic's constant oscillation between fact and fiction: it treats the changing fortunes of war and the tension between Rome and Carthage, which Silius translates into a moment of poetical equilibrium by his paradoxical problematization of triumph in defeat and defeat through triumph.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Parabiblica Latina : Studien zu den griechisch-lateinischen Ubersetzungen parabiblischer Literatur unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der apostolischen Vater /
The author presents a comprehensive historical examination of the early Christian graeco-latin translations of the biblical 'apocrypha' and 'pseudepigrapha'. The analysis of the translation techniques employed yields a distinction between 'literal' and 'adaptive' translations on the hand and translations associated with the textual tradition of the bible and those not associated with it. Whereas the former can be distinguished by the respective handling of textual macrostructures, the latter 'biblical' translations were subject to constant revision according to their original and thus always display a number of different versions. Als erster Schritt hin zu einer Geschichte der christlichen Übersetzungsliteratur werden hier die lateinischen Übersetzungen griechisch erhaltener "Apokryphen" und "Pseudepigraphen" erstmals umfassend historisch einzuordnen versucht und einer übersetzungstechnischen Analyse unterzogen. Obwohl keine dieser Übersetzungen wirklich sklavisch wörtlich vorgeht, ergibt sich dabei doch ein relativ deutlicher Unterschied zwischen ,wörtlichen' und ,literarischen' Übersetzungen einerseits und mit der biblischen Überlieferung assoziierten und nicht damit assoziierten andererseits: Lassen sich die ersteren beiden primär anhand ihres Umgangs mit textlichen Makrostrukturen auseinanderhalten, zeichnet sich die biblische Überlieferung durch ständig neue Rückbindung einer Übersetzung an ihr Original in Form unterschiedlicher Revisionen aus.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004315976 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Greek world of Apuleius : Apuleius and the second sophistic /
The first three chapters of this book elucidate the scholastic goals of both classical cultures during the Roman Imperial period. Apuleius' works share the stage in these chapters with representatives of the second-century Greek cultural paradigm. They define patterns of discourse and fit selected examples of analogous Apuleian strategies into the broader cultural framework. Subsequent chapters focus closely on the complete Apuleian corpus under the general headings of Apuleius in the roles of orator, philosopher and novelist. Two of Apuleius' philosophical works and his novel the Golden Ass provide an unparalleled opportunity to analyze the methods of translation and adaptation employed by the major Latin writer of the second half of the second century.
1 online resource (x, 276 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 257-263) and indexes. :
9789004330320 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
History of the Graeco-Latin fable /
This third volume of the History of the Graeco-Latin Fable offers a complete inventory and documentation of the Classical fable tradition in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The original Spanish edition (1987) has been considerably enlarged with numerous supplementary references and less than 350 new fables. The present edition uniquely refers to fables in more than 20 different languages, not only in Greek and Latin, but also in other Oriental and Western languages such as Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Sanskrit, Egyptian, Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish, Armenian, Circassian, Slavonian, Albanian, Spanish, Italian, English, French, German, and Dutch, thus paving the way for studies of comparative literature. The book is conveniently concluded with elaborate indexes of fable characters, passages included, and numeration systems of other contributions in the field.
"This edition has been revised and updated by the author and Gert-Jan van Dijk." :
1 online resource (3 volumes (xviii, 740, xx, 756, xlviii, 1168 pages)) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004350885 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Greek religious terminology : telete and orgia : a revised and expanded English edition of the studies by Zijderveld and Van der Burg /
A proper understanding of the words τελετή and ὄργια and the context in which they occur is fundamental to the study of Greek religion. This volume seeks to make a significant portion of the source material available to present-day students of religions in the Graeco-Roman world. The ancient texts are accompanied by English translations. Revised chapters from the seminal works by Zijderveld (1934) and Van der Burg (1939) show a whole range of different contexts in ancient literature, thus arguing against an automatic equation of τελετή and ὄργια with mystery rites. New chapters give an overview of the loanword orgia in Latin poetry, and of τελετή and ὄργια in the epigraphical evidence.
1 online resource (xxii, 285 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 249-254) and indexes. :
9789047440499 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to the reception of Galen /
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Galen presents a comprehensive account of the afterlife of the corpus of the second-century AD Greek physician Galen of Pergamum. In 31 chapters, written by a range of experts in the field, it shows how Galen was adopted, adapted, admired, contested, and criticised across diverse intellectual environments and geographical regions, from Late Antiquity to the present day, and from Europe to North Africa, the Middle and the Far East. The volume offers both introductory material and new analysis on the transmission and dissemination of Galen's works and ideas through translations into Latin, Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew and other languages, the impact of Galenic thought on medical practice, as well as his influence in non-medical contexts, including philosophy and alchemy.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Text Editions of (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Greek, Latin and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca : Some...
This volume is a Festschrift in honour of Francisca Hoogendijk, containing contributions by forty friends, colleagues and former students. It includes fifty-six editions and re-editions of (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Greek, Latin and Coptic texts, most of them from Ancient Egypt. The texts are as diverse as the jubilee's own range of interests and her extensive papyrological network, including both literary and documentary texts, written on papyri and potsherds, dating from the twelfth century BCE to the eighth century CE. All texts are published with transcriptions, translations, commentary and photographs.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The mythic voice of Statius : power and politics in the Thebaid /
This is the first thematic study of Statius' Thebaid to be published in monograph form in English in the past twenty years. It examines in detail the thematic design and intent of the Thebaid and considers the question of its contemporary relevance. The book focuses on the central theme of power - how it is exercised on the supernatural and human levels and the consequences of its pursuit and abuse in terms of the human condition. An ensuing discussion explores the political undercurrents of the epic. This discussion is in four main parts: (1) 'Use and Abuse of Supernatural Power'; (2) 'Pursuit and Abuse of Monarchal Power'; (3) 'Consequences of the Abuse of Power'; and (4) 'Political Relevance to Contemporary Rome'. The views expressed represent a fundamental departure from previous studies and constitute a critical reassessment of the Thebaid . The provision of translations makes the book accessible to the Latinless reader.
1 online resource (xiv, 198 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 184-190) and indexes. :
9789004329416 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Evolution of Direct Discourse Marking from Classical to Late Latin /
Changes in the marking of direct discourse show us the vitality of Latin and the creativity of Late Latin authors, who were able to integrate two potentially conflicting traditions - "classical" and "biblical".
If you read a work by Cicero or Seneca and then open The Pilgrimage of Egeria , Augustine, or Gregory of Tours, you will soon notice that Late Latin authors quote authorities differently. They provide a perfect example of synthesising two potentially conflicting traditions - "classical" and "biblical". This book examines how the system of direct discourse marking developed over the centuries. It focuses on selecting marking means, presents the dynamics of change and suggests factors that might have been at play. The author guides the reader on the path that goes from the Classical prevalence of inquit to the Late innovative mix of marking words including the very classical inquit , an increased use of dico , the newly recruited ait , and dicens , influenced by biblical translations. The book suggests that Late authors tried to make reading and understanding easier by putting quotative words before quotations and increasing the use of redundant combinations (e.g. "he answered saying").
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A newly discovered Greek Father : Cassian the Sabaite eclipsed by John Cassian of Marseilles /
This is a critical edition of texts of Codex 573 (ninth century, Monastery of Metamorphosis, Meteora, Greece), which are published along with the monograph identifying The Real Cassian , in the same series. They cast light on Cassian the Sabaite, a sixth century highly erudite intellectual, whom Medieval forgery replaced with John Cassian. The texts are of high philological, theological, and philosophical value, heavily pregnant with notions characteristic of eminent Greek Fathers, especially Gregory of Nyssa. They are couched in a distinctly technical Greek language, which has a meaningful record in Eastern patrimony, but mostly makes no sense in Latin, which is impossible to have been their original language. The Latin texts currently attributed to John Cassian, the Scythian of Marseilles, are heavily interpolated translations of this Greek original by Cassian the Sabaite, native of Scythopolis, who is identified with Pseudo-Caesarius and the author of Pseudo Didymus' De Trinitate . Codex 573, entitled The Book of Monk Cassian , preserves also the sole extant manuscript of the Scholia in Apocalypsin, the chain of comments that were falsely attributed to Origen a century ago. A critical edition of these Scholia has been published in a separate edition volume, with commentary and an English translation (Cambridge).
A critical edition of texts written by Cassian the Sabaite and preserved in Codex 573 of the Monastery of Metamorphosis (the Great Meteoron), in Meteora, Greece; the codex is entitled "The book of Monk Cassian the Roman." Cf. Preface, pages [xi]. :
1 online resource (xv, 715 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 639-695) and indexes. :
9789004225275 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient stepmothers : myth, misogyny, and reality /
Ancient Stepmothers is the first full-length study of the stepmother in Graeco-Roman antiquity. Several perspectives are covered: literary, historical and sociological, the last-mentioned making use of comparative material from modern studies of stepfamilies. The portrayal of the stepmother in myth and literature is thoroughly explored. The historical background in Athens and Rome is examined with a view to determining the relationship between fiction and real life. The book makes an important contribution to the study of both literary history and family relationships: in particular, it sheds light on attitudes to women, the portrayal of the stepmother being an outstanding illustration of misogynistic prejudice. It will also interest sociologists wishing to place studies of the contemporary stepfamily in a wider historical context: for this reason, all Greek and Latin is translated into English.
1 online resource (xii, 288 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 272-277) and indexes. :
9789004329485 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 2359, 3876, 2619, 2803 /
The work of Stesichoros, an ancient Greek poet of the early sixth century B.C., is transmitted in fragments only. This volume contains a new edition of some of the most interesting Stesichoros-papyri from the Oxyrhynchus collection. The papyri are analysed under various aspects: survey of relevant secondary literature, introduction about identification and contents of each papyrus (including archaeological evidence), papyrological description, metrics; the edition is complete with a Latin critical apparatus, translation and detailed commentary. A brief general introduction illustrates notorious problems concerning the author, the genre et cetera A bibliography and indices are provided at the end of the volume. The book will be welcomed by classicists and papyrologists alike.
1 online resource (239 pages, plates) : illustrations, facs. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004350878 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Free speech in classical antiquity /
This book contains a collection of essays on the notion of "Free Speech" in classical antiquity. The essays examine such concepts as "freedom of speech," "self-expression," and "censorship," in ancient Greek and Roman culture from historical, philosophical, and literary perspectives. Among the many questions addressed are: what was the precise lexicographical valence of the ancient terms we routinely translate as \'Freedom of Speech,\' e.g., Parrhesia in Greece, Licentia in Rome? What relationship do such terms have with concepts such as isêgoria , dêmokratia and eleutheria ; or libertas , res publica and imperium ? What does ancient theorizing about free speech tell us about contemporary relationships between power and speech? What are the philosophical foundations and ideological underpinnings of free speech in specific historical contexts?
Consists of a collection of papers presented at the second Penn-Leiden Colloquium on Ancient Values, held in June 2002 at the University of Pennsylvania. :
1 online resource (xii, 450 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047405689 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Framing Classical Reception Studies : Different Perspectives on a Developing Field /
Framing Classical Reception Studies contains a representative number of analytic and synthetic contributions by scholars from diverse parts of the field of Classical Reception Studies. Together, they afford a synoptic view and typology of an extremely large and continuously diversifying discipline. Attentive to questions such as what, by whom, in what contexts and to what ends Classics have functioned and are functioning in our culture, all contributors ask themselves from what conceptual or disciplinary frame they approach the reception of the cultures of classical Greek and Roman antiquity. Within this questioning format, the book also contains suggestions for future agendas of research, and forcefully argues for the political, cultural and cognitive relevance of classical receptions in the Academy.
1 online resource. :