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Isopoliteia in Hellenistic Times /
The diplomatic tool known as isopolity is a testament to Greek ingenuity and is attested all over the Mediterranean from the 4th to 1st century B.C., mainly epigraphically. "Isopoliteia" was a popular way to establish new relashionships, reinforce old ones or to regulate difficult situations among communities in the Hellenistic Period. This book offers close scrutiny of potential citizenship between communities as well as a fresh examination of new evidence which has emerged since the publication of the only monograph written on the topic by Wilfried Gawantka in 1975. The book brings together all the evidence for isopolity in the Hellenistic world and demonstrates that communities used this diplomatic tool across different kinds of agreements and through a range of different ways.
1 online resource. :
The Daimon in Hellenistic astrology : origins and influence /
In The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence , Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum investigates for the first time the concept of the daimon (daemon, demon), normally confined to religion and philosophy, within the theory and practice of ancient western astrology (2nd century BCE - 7th century CE). This multi-disciplinary study covers the daimon within astrology proper as well as the daimon and astrology in wider cultural practices including divination, Gnosticism, Mithraism and Neo-Platonism. It explores relationships between the daimon and fate and Daimon and Tyche (fortune or chance), and the doctrine of lots as exemplified in Plato's Myth of Er. In finding the impact of Egyptian and Mesopotamian ideas of fate on Hellenistic astrology, it critically examines astrology's perception as propounding an unalterable destiny.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004306219 :
1566-7952 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The reconfiguration of Hebrew in the Hellenistic period : proceedings of the seventh International...
The present volume of proceedings offers cutting-edge research on the Hebrew language in the late Persian, Hellenistic and Roman periods. Fourteen specialists of ancient Hebrew illuminate various aspects of the language, from phonology through grammar and syntax to semantics and interpretation. The research furthers the exegesis of biblical and non-biblical texts, it helps determine the chronological outline of Hebrew literature, and contributes to a better understanding of the sociolinguistic aspects of the language in the period of the Second Temple. Hebrew did not die out after the Babylonian exile, but continued to be used in speaking and writing in a variety of settings.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004366770 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Dead Sea Scrolls in the Context of Hellenistic Judea : Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting...
This volume situates the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls within Hellenistic Judea. By so doing, this volume shows how the Dead Sea Scrolls participate in broad, cross-cultural intellectual discourses that surpass the Jewish group that produced and collected these scrolls.
Approaching the Qumran scrolls as an intrinsic part of Hellenistic and Roman antiquity, this volume shows how the authors and collectors of the Scrolls shared the interests of other inhabitants of the ancient Mediterranean and Near East and engaged in the same debates and dialogues as others in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Thus, this volume offers an invitation to both Scrolls scholars and academics working on other disciplines to create opportunities for interdisciplinary research and exchange.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Honorific Culture at Delphi in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods /
The goal of this inscription-based study is to shed new light on Hellenistic and Roman Delphi by placing inscribed honours at the front and centre of the investigation. This book provides, for the first time, a comprehensive and coherent discussion of the Delphic gift-giving system, its regional interactions, and its honorific network. It employs both conventional and new scientific methods, including an analysis of quantitative trends in the epigraphic records and a Social Network Analysis (SNA) approach. The volume also addresses a broad spectrum of epigraphic topics and discusses current research questions as well as future perspectives.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Hellenizing art in ancient Nubia, 300 BC-AD 250, and its Egyptian model s a study in "acculturation" /
Presenting a large body of evidence for the first time, this book offers a comprehensive treatment of Nubian architecture, sculpture, and minor arts in the period between 300 BC-AD 250. It focuses primarily on the Nubian response to the traditional pharaonic, Hellenistic/Roman, Hellenizing, and "hybrid" elements of Ptolemaic and Roman Egyptian culture. The author begins with a history of Nubian art and a critical survey of the literature on Ptolemaic and Roman Egyptian art. Special chapters are then devoted to the discussion of the Egyptian-Greek interaction in the arts of Ptolemaic Egypt, the place of Egyptian Hellenistic and Hellenizing art within the oikumene, the pluralistic visual world of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, as well as on the specific genre of terracotta sculpture. Utilizing examples from Meroe City and Musawwarat es Sufra, the author argues that cultural transfer from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt to Nubia resulted in an inward-focused adaptation. Therefore, the resulting Nubian art from this period expresses only those aspects of Egyptian and Greek art that are compatible with indigenous Nubian goals.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004211292 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's Companion to Theocritus /
Through the variety of its scholarly perspectives, Brill Companion to Theocritus offers a tool for the study of one of antiquity's foremost poets. Offering a thorough examination of textual transmission, ancient commentaries, literary dialect, and poetic forms, the present volume considers Theocritus' work from novel theoretical perspectives, such as gender and emotions. It expands the usual field of inquiry to include religion, and the poet's reception in Late Antiquity and early modern times. The various chapters promote Theocritus' profile as an erudite poet, who both responds to and inaugurates a rich and variegated tradition. The combination of these various perspectives places Theocritus at the crossroads of Ptolemaic patronage, contemporary society, and art.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Hellenistic, Roman, and Medieval Glass from Cosa /
The Hellenistic, Roman, and Medieval Glass from Cosa continues the exemplary record of publication by the American Academy in Rome on important classes of materials recovered in excavation from one of the principal archaeological sites of Roman Italy. Over 15,000 fragments of glass tableware, ranging in date from the mid-second century BCE to the early fifth century CE, were found at Cosa, a small town in Etruria (modern Tuscany). Cosa's products were chiefly exported to North Africa and Europe, but its influence was felt throughout the Mediterranean world. The research and analysis presented here are the work of the late David Frederick Grose, who began this project when no other city site excavations in Italy focused on ancient glass. He confirmed that the Roman glass industry began to emerge in the Julio-Claudian era, beginning in the principate of Augustus. His study traces the evolution of manufacturing techniques from core-formed vessels to free blown glass, and it documents changes in taste and style that were characteristic of the western glass industry throughout its long history. At the time of Grose's unexpected passing, his study was complete but not yet published. Nevertheless, the reputation of his work in this area has done much to establish the value and importance of excavating and researching Cosa's glass. This volume, arranged and edited by R.T. Scott, makes Grose's essential scholarship on the subject available for the first time.
"This volume, arranged and edited by R.T. Scott"--Dust jacket. :
xiv, 247 pages, 37 pages of plates : illustrations ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 231-247) :
The Villanovan, Etruscan, and Hellenistic collections in the Detroit Institute of Arts /
The Villanovan and Etruscan collections of the Detroit Institute of Arts not only represent an important source of Classical Antiquity in the United States, but also serve as a historical model of how such artifacts were acquired by large American museums from the late-nineteenth through mid-twentieth centuries. These collections provide museum visitors, scholars, and students with an indepth view into one of antiquity's most fascinating peoples, the Etruscans and their predecessors. The wide-ranging collections contain artifacts from every aspect of Etruscan life such as utilitarian tools and weapons, objects for personal adornment, votive statuettes, and cinerary urns to house the dead. One statuette, the Detroit Rider, is considered to be among the finest surviving examples of Etruscan small sculpture. The catalogue brings together all of these pieces for the first time with photographs and relevant bibliographic sources on their cultural and religious functions in antiquity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789047425779 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The New Testament and early Christian literature in Greco-Roman context : studies in honor of David E. Aune /
This volume is a collection of scholarly studies honoring Prof.Dr. David. E. Aune on his 65th birthday. Its title, The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context: Studies in Honor of David E. Aune , reflects Prof. Aune's academic training, interests, and extensive publications. The volume's studies investigate a range of topics within the Pauline correspondence, Gospels, Apocalypse of John, and other early Christian writings with insights drawn from Greco-Roman culture and Hellenistic Judaism. Thus, the studies make use of Greco-Roman literature, rhetoric, magic, medicine, moral philosophy, iconography, archaeology, religious cults, and social conventions while also utilizing social-historical, social-scientific, literary-critical, and rhetorical-critical methodologies, thereby adding an interdisciplinary dimension to the volume. These groundbreaking studies have been written by prominent international scholars and are published here for the first time.
1 online resource. :
"David E. Aune's major publications": pages [445]-456.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047407140 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Reading the human body : physiognomics and astrology in the Dead Sea scrolls and Hellenistic-early Roman period Judaism /
This study deals with physiognomic and astrological texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls that represent one of the earliest examples of ancient Jewish science. For the first time the Hebrew physiognomic-astrological list 4Q186 (4QZodiacal Physiognomy) and the Aramaic physiognomic list 4Q561 (4QPhysiognomy ar) are comprehensively studied in relation to both physiognomic and astrological writings from Babylonian and Greco-Roman traditions. New reconstructions and interpretations of these learned lists are offered that result in a fresh view of their sense, function, and status within both the Qumran community and Second Temple Judaism at large, showing that Jewish culture in Palestine participated in the cultural exchange of learned knowledge between Babylonian and Greco-Roman cultures.
Originally presented as author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Groningen, 2006. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [293]-319) and indexes. :
9789047420460 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The tools of Asclepius : surgical instruments in Greek and Roman times /
With The Tools of Asclepius Lawrence Bliquez offers the first comprehensive treatment in English of the instruments and paraphernalia employed by Greco-Roman surgeons since John St. Milne's Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times (1907). Introductory sections cover topics ranging from literary and archaeological sources to the design, materials and production of instruments and the training and practice of the doctors-surgeons who used them. Summaries of Hippocratic and Hellenistic surgery lead to the meat of the book: tools used during the Roman Empire. These are presented by category (e.g. Cutting Instruments) broken into subcategories (Scalpel, Lithotome, et cetera). A substantial appendix deals with biodegradable items, such as suppositories. Much new material is featured and the book is richly illustrated.
1 online resource (xxxv, 439 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004283596 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Strangers in the Land: Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions in Late Antique and Mediaeval Times /
This volume explores the ways in which representatives of different monotheistic traditions perceived and described or experienced themselves as "the other." This central category - which includes not only those of different religions, but also converts, foreigners, sectarians, and women - is studied from various perspectives in a range of texts composed by Jewish, Christian, and Muslim authors during late antique and mediaeval times. Conceptualizations of such "others" are often intrinsically related to the idea of exile, another important category that is analysed in this work.
1 online resource (285 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Time and Cosmology in Plato and the Platonic Tradition /
The way Plato discusses time and its relation to the cosmos has puzzled and divided his readers from the very beginning. This originated rich and diverse readings that shaped and contributed to the cosmological discussion of the Hellenistic and Late Antiquity periods. Modern scholars too, have offered many and often opposed views on the matter. This book assembles an international team of scholars to move forward the study of Plato's conception of time, to find fresh insights for interpreting his cosmology, and to reimagine the ancient Platonic tradition.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Josephus' Jewish war and its Slavonic version : a synoptic comparison of the English translation by H. St. J. Thackeray with the critical edition by N.A. Meščerskij of the Slavonic...
This volume presents in English translation the Slavonic version of Josephus Flavius' Jewish War , long inaccessible to Anglophone readers, according to N.A. Meščerskij's scholarly edition, together with his erudite and wide-ranging study of literary, historical and philological aspects of the work, a textological apparatus and commentary. The synoptic layout of the Slavonic and Greek versions in parallel columns enables the reader to compare their content in detail. It will be seen that the divergences are far more extensive than those indicated hitherto.
1 online resource (xxii, 696 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 683-686) and indexes. :
9789004331143 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Concepts of space in Greek thought /
Concepts of Space in Greek Thought studies ancient Greek theories of physical space and place, in particular those of the classical and Hellenistic period. These theories are explained primarily with reference to the general philosophical or methodological framework within which they took shape. Special attention is paid to the nature and status of the sources. Two introductory chapters deal with the interrelations between various concepts of space and with Greek spatial terminology (including case studies of the Eleatics, Democritus and Epicurus). The remaining chapters contain detailed studies on the theories of space of Plato, Aristotle, the early Peripatetics and the Stoics. The book is especially useful for historians of ancient physics, but may also be of interest to students of Aristotelian dialectic, ancient metaphysics, doxography, and medieval and early modern physics.
1 online resource (365 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004320871 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The manipulative mode : political propaganda in antiquity : a collection of case studies /
This book deals with political propoganda in classical antiquity, exploring the contexts, strategies, and parameters of a fascinating phenomenon that has often been approached with anachronistic models (such as the centrally organized 'propaganda machines' of the 20th-century totalitarian regimes) or completely ignored. It offers case studies on the archaic period, classical Athens, the Hellenistic kingdoms, the Augustan age and the late Roman empire, and emphasizes concepts such as interaction, integration, and horizontal orientation.
1 online resource (vi, 318 pages) : illustrations, plans. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789047414544 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Valuing the past in the Greco-Roman world : proceedings from the Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values VII /
The 'classical tradition' is no invention of modernity. Already in ancient Greece and Rome, the privileging of the ancient played a role in social and cultural discourses of every period. A collaboration between scholars in diverse areas of classical studies, this volume addresses literary and material evidence for ancient notions of valuing (or disvaluing) the deep past from approximately the fifth century BCE until the second century CE. It examines how specific communities used notions of antiquity to define themselves or others, which models from the past proved most desirable, what literary or exegetic modes they employed, and how temporal systems for ascribing value intersected with the organization of space, the production of narrative, or the application of aesthetic criteria.
Papers presented at the Penn Leiden Colloquium on Ancient Values VII, entitled "Valuing Antiquity in Antiquity," Leiden University, June, 15-16, 2012. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004274952 :
0169-8958; ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Votives, places and rituals in Etruscan religion : studies in honor of Jean MacIntosh Turfa /
Etruscans were deemed "the most religious of men" by their Roman successors and it is hardly surprising that the topic of Etruscan religion has been explored for some time now. This volume offers a contribution to the continued study of Etruscan religion and daily life, by focusing on the less explored issue of ritual. Ritual is approached through fourteen case studies, considering mortuary customs, votive rituals and other religious and daily life practices. The book gathers new material, interpretations and approaches to the less emphasized areas of Etruscan religion, especially its votive aspects, based on archaeological and epigraphic sources.
1 online resource (xliii, 291 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047442622 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.