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Herodian's World : Empire and Emperors in the III Century /
The History of the Empire from the Death of Marcus of Herodian in eight books, written in Greek, is a key source for the period from the reign of Commodus (AD 180) to that of Gordian III (238). Herodian is an eyewitness and the only contemporary historian whose work has come down to us in full. His point of view is all the more valuable because he is an outsider with respect to both court historiography, whose flattery he stigmatized, and to senatorial historians, represented mainly by Cassius Dio and by the biographies in the Historia Augusta . Nonetheless, Herodian has often been harshly criticized as a historian. This volume aims to shed light on the different areas and themes in which his historical work moves - literary technique, political lexicon, religious conception, geographical space, economic, political, cultural and military themes - to better understand the relevance of his historiographical approach and his historical thought.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Reconfiguring the Imperial Past: Narrative Patterns and Historical Interpretation in Herodian's History of the Empire /
In the process of recording the history of the Roman Empire, from the death of Marcus Aurelius to the accession of Gordian III, Herodian makes his characters respond to the same situations in similar or different ways. This book shows that each reign in Herodian's History is creatively mapped onto ever-recurring narrative patterns. It argues that patterning is not simply decorative in Herodian's work but constitutes a crucial conceptual and methodological tool for writing interpretative history. Herodian deserves credit as an original and independent author. A careful consideration of the formulaic nature of his historiography indicates that there is more artistry in his composition than had previously been discerned.
This book argues that Herodian uses an orderly and coherent historiographical form to reconfigure and explicate a most chaotic period of Roman history. Through patterning he offers a distinctive interpretative framework in which successive reigns and individual emperors need to be read in a dovetailed way. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Quintus of Smyrna's Posthomerica, A study of heroic characterization and heroism.
Quintus of Smyrna's Posthomerica (3rd century C.E.) is of great literary value to the field of Greek epic. It is a stylistic imitation of Homer and recounts what Iliad and Odyssey have left untold of the Trojan War. Tine Scheijnen offers the first linear study of this still little-known poem. Progressing from book 1 to 14, she focusses on key issues such as Homeric similes and characterization of heroes (especially Achilles and his son Neoptolemus). Ideologically, Quintus engages in a critical way with Homer, but possibly also Vergil, Triphiodorus and tragedy. Scheijnen's work can be read as a thorough introduction to Quintus' Posthomerica , while also offering new insights into Homer reception, the conception of heroes and heroism in Greek epic.
1 online resource. :
Les campagnes de Sésostris dans Hérodote : essai d'interprétation du texte grec à la lumière des réalités égyptiennes /
Errata slip inserted.
Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral--Université catholique de Louvain, 1986). :
215 pages, [1] folded leaf of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 189-200) and indexes. :
Le voyage à Héliopolis : description des vestiges pharaoniques et des traditions associées depuis Hérodote jusqu'à l'Expédition d'Egypte /
"The city of Heliopolis in Egypt has always fascinated its visitors. Some recognized the residence of the famous magician-priests of the Phraraohs, those who gave their teachings to some great men of ancient Greece; others, the places of famous episodes of the Holy Scriptures; even others, some strange remains with miraculous virtues. This book gathers the descriptions of Heliopolis and its ruins by pilgrims, travelers, geographers and historians from different cultural backgrounds: Greeks, Romans, Muslims, Jewishs [sic], Christians of Orient and Occident. These testimonies, from the 5th century BC to the end of the 18th century AC, tell us about the appearance of the site and its monuments over the centuries, its history and above all, teh legends developed around this universal symbolic place" -- Page [4] of cover.
Includes one folded loose-leaf map (24 cm x 16 cm) of the site of Heliopolis in present day Matariya, Egypt.
On front cover: "Culture et savoirs" :
xvii, 222 pages : illustrations, maps, plans, facsimiles ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 185-212) and index. :
9782724706543 :
Characterization in ancient Greek literature /
Characterization in Ancient Greek Literature is the fourth volume in the series Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative. The book deals with the narratological concepts of character and characterization and explores the textual devices used for purposes of characterization by ancient Greek authors spanning a large historical period (from Homer to Heliodorus) and a variety of literary genres (epic, elegy, historiography, choral lyric, drama, oratory, philosophy, biography, and novel). The book's aim is not only to describe these devices, but also to investigate their effects and the implications of their use for our interpretation of the texts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004356313 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Space in ancient Greek literature : studies in ancient Greek narrative /
This is the third volume in the series Studies in Ancient Greek narrative. It deals with the narratological category of space: how is space, including objects which function as 'props', presented in Greek narrative texts and what are its functions (thematic, symbolic, psychologising, or characterising)?How are longer descriptions organised and integrated into the story? Long deemed a mere ancilla narrationis, especially in narratives which precede the age of the realist novel, space turns out to play an important and multifaceted role in Greek literature.
1 online resource (xiv, 610 pages) : mappages. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004224384 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.