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Published 2009
Seeing Egypt and the Holy Land /

: xv, 393 pages ; 24 cm. : 9781593339111

Published 2007
Who travels sees more : artists, architects and archaeologists discover Egypt and the Near East /

: An ASTENE Publication -- page 4 of cover. : xiii, 202 pages, [16] pages of plates : illustrations (some color), facsims, map, plans, portraits ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9781842172735

Published 2000
Purity and Holiness : The Heritage of Leviticus /

: Purity has long been recognized as one of the essential drives which determines humankind's relationship with the holy. Codes of purity and impurity, dealing with such far-ranging topics as 'external stains' and 'inner remorse', represent the physical and 'bodily' side of religious experience and provide the key to the understanding of human orientation to nature, and the structure of society, including even relationships between the sexes. Starting with the Hebrew Bible, a number of articles study some rather neglected passages from both exegetical and cultural-anthropological standpoints. Next, it is shown that the concept of purity is far more central to the New Testament than previously thought. Luke is portrayed as a Jewish-oriented writer. The discussion of purity in Mark is compared with Rabbinical and Qumranic material. Patristic discussions of purity reflect both allegorical and literal interpretations, while rabbinical rulings display a fine sense for detail and realia. Biblical references to illness are interpreted both in Christian and Jewish traditions as a metaphor for immoral behavior. The present collection of studies proceeds far beyond other collections on purity, studying both the medieval and modern periods. Purity rules, in both Christian and Jewish society, do not disappear in the Middle Ages, but become increasingly stronger. Sometimes there appear unexpected and surprising similarities between both societies. Modern society sees a decline in the importance of purity, reflecting a growing ambiguous attitude to the relationship between the body and the holy. A feminist perspective is also provided, examining the intertwined relationship between religion, gender and power. Exegesis, archaeology, liturgy, anthropology and even architecture are all used to study the complex phenomena of purity in their religious and social dimensions from both Christian and Jewish perspectives.
: 1 online resource : 9789004421394

Published 2004
Saints and role models in Judaism and Christianity /

: This volume deals with the role of saints and exemplary individuals in Judaism and Christianity. Although sharing the Hebrew Bible and recognizing the same Biblical figures there, both religions have developed widely divergent perspectives upon the significance of these figures, although there are occasional common motifs and themes. Moreover, even the contrasting themes betray an underlying interaction between both religions as is clear from the contributions on, for example, Melchizedek, Elijah, the Desert Fathers, Rabbis on clothing, the Apostle Peter in Jewish tradition, the Maccabees in Christian tradition and the Biblical examples in Saint Antony the Hermit. The book examines Jewish and Christian perspectives upon saints and role models from the Biblical period to the present time. It will be of special importance to scholars and general readers interested in an interdisciplinary approach to theology, rabbinics, history, art history and much more.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047401605

Published 2021
Jerusalem and Other Holy Places as Foci of Multireligious and Ideological Confrontation /

: Jerusalem and Other Holy Places as Foci of Multireligious and Ideological Confrontation brings together the papers that were read at an international conference at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in May 2018. The contributions to this volume develop a multi-disciplinary perspective on holy places and their development, rhetorical force, and oft-contested nature. Through a particular focus on Jerusalem, this volume demonstrates the variety in the study of holy places, as well as the flexibility of geographic and historical aspects of holiness.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004437210

Published 2022
The Spirit as Gift in Acts : The Spirit's Empowerment of the Early Jesus Community /

: "What does Luke mean when he describes the Spirit as gift (Acts 2:38)? This study explores the social implications of gift-giving in the Greco-Roman world, arguing that gifts initiate and sustain relationships. Therefore, the description of the Spirit as gift is inherently social, which is shown in the Spirit's empowerment of the teaching, unity, meals, sharing of possessions and worship of the early Jesus community. The Spirit as gift then leads us to see that the early Jesus community is 'the community of the Holy Spirit'"--
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004504431

Published 2015
La perte de l'Esprit Saint et son recouvrement dans l'Église ancienne : la réconciliation des hérétiques et des pénitents en occident du IIIe siècle jusqu'à Grégoire le Grand /...

: Quand Dieu fait don de l'Esprit aux croyants, comment l'Esprit est-il conféré ? L'Esprit peut-il être perdu ? Laurence Decousu s'attache à répondre à ces questions en étudiant comment l'Église ancienne réconciliait les pénitents et ceux qui s'étaient séparés d'elle. Depuis le Moyen-Âge, la théologie catholique pense que l'Esprit est donné à travers des rites célébrés une fois pour toutes : baptême, confirmation, ordre. Or l'Église des Pères n'a pas vu ces rites comme transmettant l'Esprit et ses effets. Pour eux, recevoir l'Esprit dépendait d'une initiative divine, à la fois directe, libre et souveraine. Cette étude représente une contribution importante pour renouveler la pneumatologie, la pastorale, et les relations œcuméniques. When God gives the Spirit to believers, how is the Spirit conferred ? Can the Spirit be lost ? Laurence Decousu answers these questions by studying the reconciliation of penitents and those who have separated themselves from the Church. Ever since the Middle Ages, theology has held that the Spirit is given through rites celebrated once for all : Baptism, Confirmation, Order. The Church Fathers did not see these rites as transmitting the Spirit and the effects of the Spirit. For them, reception of the Spirit depended on a divine initiative that was direct, free and sovereign. This study is an important contribution to the renewal of pneumatology, pastoral practice and ecumenical relations.
: 1 online resource (xiii, 545 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004291683 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2002
Autobiographical Biblical Criticism : Between Text and Self /

: The autobiographical turn in biblical criticism reveals the interpreter's "I" and reclaims it as an essential critical category, issuing a challenge to traditional, "objective" criticism. Pioneers in the field have contributed essays both practical and theoretical. They offer stimulating autobiographical re-readings of Hebrew Bible and New Testament texts, and address hermeneutical issues that are at stake in this young field of criticism.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004397514

Published 2007
Iconoclasm and iconoclash : struggle for religious identity /

: This book focuses on iconoclastic controversies and, in particular, their impact on the creation of religious identities. In the history of Jewish, Christian and Muslim culture, religious identity was not only formed through historical claims, but also through the use of certain images: 'images of God', 'images of the others', and 'images of the self.' Moreover, in the struggle for religious identity these 'images' were time and again employed for the purpose of establishing distinct groups, both ortho- dox and deviant. At the same time, they supplied weapons in the theological debate and found explicit expression in certain rituals or liturgical traditions. These conference proceedings include a discussion of the role of images in society, politics, theology and liturgy, in particular addressing the 'iconoclash' of physical, mental and verbal images on the construction of religious identity.
: "Second conference of church historians Utrecht; University of Tilburg, faculty of Catholic Theology, Theology Department of Utrecht University." : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047422495 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
The Temple of Jerusale m from Moses to the Messiah : in honor of Professor Louis H. Feldman /

: The Temple of Jerusalem: From Moses to the Messiah brings together an interdisciplinary and broad-ranging international community of scholars to discuss aspects of the history and continued life of the Jerusalem Temple in Western culture, from biblical times to the present. This volume is the fruit of the inaugural conference of the Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies, which convened in New York City on May 11-12, 2008 and honors Professor Louis H. Feldman, Abraham Wouk Family Professor of Classics and Literature at Yeshiva University. Feldman is the doyen of modern scholarship on Judaism in the Greco-Roman period, focusing on the writings of Flavius Josephus. A beloved mentor to generations of Yeshiva University students and of scholars across the globe, Professor Feldman has taught at YU since 1955. \'The articles are consistently of high quality. This book is highly recommended for any academic collection in Jewish studies.\' Jim Rosenbloom, Judaica Librarian, Brandeis University; President, Association of Jewish Libraries
: "This volume is the product of the inaugural conference of the Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies which took place on May 11-12, 2008"--Preface. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004214712 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Conversion and church : the challenge of ecclesial renewal : essays in honour of H.P.J. Witte /

: Conversion is an important characteristic of religious renewal, and of the dialogue between churches and religious believers. In the Roman Catholic Church, conversion has played a significant role in ecumenical dialogue recently. It has become a challenge for the Church as a whole, instead of a call to individual believers alone. The contributors of this volume explore the different aspects of conversion in the history of theology, in the developments during and after the Second Vatican Council, in the Ignatian tradition, and in several ecclesial groups that have explored the opportunities of the ongoing renewal of the churches. Contributors are: André Birmelé, Inigo Bocken, Erik Borgman, Catherine Clifford, Peter De Mey, Adelbert Denaux, Eugene Duffy, Stephan van Erp, Joep van Gennip, Thomas Green, Wiel Logister, Annemarie Mayer, Jos Moons, Marcel Sarot, Karim Schelkens, Nico Schreurs, Matthias Smalbrugge, and Arnold Smeets.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource. : 9789004319165 : 2352-5746 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his world /

: Heir of Ptolemy son of Lagus, Alexander the Great's general (who took Egypt over in 323BC), Ptolemy II Philadelphus reigned in Alexandria from 282 to 246. The greatest of the Hellenistic kings of his time, Philadelphus exercised power far beyond the confines of Egypt, while at his glittering royal court the Library of Alexandria grew to be a matchless monument to Greek intellectual life. In Egypt the Ptolemaic régime consolidated its power by encouraging immigration and developing settlement in the Fayum. This book examines Philadelphus' reign in a comprehensive and refreshing way. Scholars from the fields of Classics, Archaeology, Papyrology, Egyptology and Biblical Studies consider issues in Egypt and across Ptolemaic territory in the Mediterranean, the Holy Land and Africa.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [409]-454) and indexes. : 9789047424208 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
Legal fiction s studies of law and narrative in the discursive worlds of ancient Jewish sectarians and sages /

: Ancient Jewish writings combine interpretive narratives of Israel's sacred history with legal prescriptions for a divinely ordered way of life. Two ancient Jewish societies have left us extensive textual corpora preserving interpenetrating legal and narrative interpretive teachings: the sectarian community of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the sage-disciple circles of the early Rabbis. This book comprises studies that explore specific aspects of the interplay of interpretative, narrative, and legal rhetoric with an eye to pedagogic function and social formation for each of these communities and for both of them in comparison. It addresses questions of how best to approach these writings for purposes of historical retrieval and reconstruction by recognizing the inseparability of literary-rhetorical textual analysis and a non-reductive historiography.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004201842 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2025
Book of the Songs of Israel : Three Introductions to Psalms on Poetry, Translation, and Music by Joel Bril (Berlin 1791). A Bilingual Edition, translated with Commentary and an Int...

: This annotated bilingual edition presents to readers for the first time a key Hebrew book of Jewish Enlightenment. Printed in Berlin in 1791, Joel Bril's Hebrew introductions to Psalms constitute the earliest interpretation of Moses Mendelssohn's language philosophy, translation theory, and aesthetics. In these introductions, Mendelssohn emerges as a critic of Maimonides who located eternal felicity not in union with the Active Intellect but in the aesthetic experience of the divine through sacred poetry. Bril's theoretical insights, the broad range of his myriad textual sources, and his linguistic innovations make the Book of the Songs of Israel a touchstone of modern Hebrew literary theory and Jewish thought. See Less
: 1 online resource (249 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004536470

Published 1985
Human Rights of Aliens in Europe : proceedings of the Colloquy on Human Rights of Aliens in Europe /

: 1 online resource (484 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004638129

Published 2024
How Heaven Works : The Collective Shamanic Journeys of Phạm Công Tắc and the Syncretic Afterworld of Caodaism /

: In 1948, Vietnam's great 20th Century mystic Phạm Công Tắc (1890-1959) began a series of sermons making Caodaism's claims to universal salvation the clearest. In only two decades, Caodaism had stamped its fast-growing presence on the nation. With potent creative and poetic skill Phạm Công Tắc invited his co-religionists to take a shamanic journey with him to examine the heavens and literally see how they would be saved. The 35 sermons translated here are provided with a commentary and extensive introduction by Hartney. How Heaven Works is a fascinating insight into the deep connection between shamanic atmosphere, literature, and Modern syncretic concepts of salvation. See Less
: 1 online resource (385 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004697935

Published 2014
Women in the Bible, Qumran, and early Rabbinic literature : their status and roles /

: Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature: Their Status and Roles portrays the tension between the unity of husband and wife and their different legal and social status from a wide range of perspectives, as deduced from the texts of the three corpora. The volume discusses the related topics of divorce, polygamy, woman's obligations to fulfill precepts, membership in the community, genealogy and attitudes toward sex, such as rejection of asceticism. Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature begins with an objective interpretation of the biblical narratives of the Creation and the Fall, the intellectual basis of Jewish attitudes toward women, and then analyzes the divergent interpretations of Qumran and the Rabbis, the grounds of their distinct doctrines and halakhot .
: 1 online resource (xiii, 420 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004277113 : 0169-9962 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2001
To increase learning for the understanding ones : reading and reconstructing the fragmentary early Jewish sapiential text 4QInstruction /

: This study aims at furthering our understanding of the early Jewish sapiential composition 4QInstruction which was found in fragmentary manuscripts at Qumran. The first part focuses on the reading and joining of the fragments, and gives an approximate reconstruction of the manuscripts and the composition. The second part discusses some disputed sections and themes in more detail, especially the beginning of the composition (4Q416 1), its relation to the Community Rule and the Hodayot, alleged sacerdotal fragments (4Q415 1 ii-2 I and 4Q418 81), as well as fragments describing fate after death (4Q418 55 and 69 ii). The first part is intended as a supplement to the official DJD edition, whereas the second part is of a more general interest.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 265 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 249-252) and indexes. : 9789004350427 : 0169-9962 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Inquisitionis Hispanicae artes /

: The Inquisitionis Hispanicae Artes (Heidelberg, 1567), written by exiled Spanish Protestants, is the first systematic denunciation of the Spanish Inquisition. Its first part is a description of the Inquisition's methods, making use of the Inquisition's own instruction manual, which was not publicly known. Its second section presents a gallery of individuals who suffered persecution in Seville during the anti-Protestant repression (1557-1565). The book had a great impact, being almost immediately translated into English, French, Dutch, German, and Hungarian. The portraits very soon passed into Protestant martyrologies, and the most shocking descriptions (torture, auto de fe) became ammunition for anti-Spanish literature. This critical edition presents a new text as well as, for the first time, extensive notes.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004365766 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
Munāẓara-yi Baḥr al-ʿulūm Sayyid Muḥammad Mahdī Burūjirdī Ṭabāṭabāʾī (1212 HQ) bā Yahūdiyān-i Dhu ʼl-Kifl : Guzārishhā-yi ʿArabī u Fārsī /

: In the history of Islam, Muslim-Jewish polemics have been documented from the earliest times and studies on this subject abound. The present work is a case in point. In the spring of the year 1211/1796, the famous Shīʿī scholar Sayyid Muḥammad Mahdī al-Ḥusaynī al-Ṭabāṭabāʾī (d. 1212/1797) was on his way from Mashhad to visit the holy shrine of Imam Ḥusayn in Karbala, accompanied by a flock of his senior students. When they reached the town of al-Kifl, less than 20 km north of Najaf and home to a community of over 3.000 Jews, a delegation of the latter came to see Ṭabāṭabāʾī in the caravanserai where was staying, wishing to engage in a debate with him. The text presented here is an account of Ṭabāṭabāʾī's detailed listing of the contradictions and errors in Judaism as seen by him, a listing that remained largely unanswered. Arabic text, with a Persian translation from before 1238/1822-3.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004405912