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When the gods were born : Greek cosmogonies and the Near East /

: xii, 302 pages ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 255-284) and indexes. : 9780674049468 : wafaa.lib

منشور في 1987
The twelve gods of Greece and Rome /

: Based on the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Case Western University, 1980, originally presented under the title: The twelve gods in Greek and Roman art. : 1 online resource (xxii, 372 pages, [1], 101, [2] pages of plates) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004296657 : 0531-1950 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2008
The study of religion under the impact of fascism /

: The study of religion under the spell of fascism has not received due attention. One reason for the noticeable lack of interest was the political involvement of many historians of religions. Among those who had good reason to leave the era of fascism untouched, we find prominent figures in the field. Another obstacle to examining the past impartially has been the connection with religious and other worldviews which render historical accounts in the study of religion an intricate matter. The articles in this volume provide evidence of the great complexity of the problems involved. Laying the groundwork in many cases, they shed new light on a dark and poorly-lit era of the academic study of religion in Europe.
: Includes index.
Papers presented at an international symposium on "The Study of religion under the Impact of National Socialist and Fascist Ideologies in Europe" held 16-18 July 2004 at the University of Tübingen--Pref. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047423065 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1979
Private morality in Greece and Rome : some historical aspects /

: Includes indexes. : 1 online resource (xii, 305 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 289-294). : 9789004327740 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2018
Beyond Schools: Muḥammad born Ibrāhīm al-Wazīrʼs (d. 840/1436) Epistemology of Ambiguity.

: In Beyond Schools: Muḥammad born Ibrāhīm al-Wazīrʼs (d. 840/1436) Epistemology of Ambiguity , Damaris Wilmers provides the first extensive analysis of Ibn al-Wazīrʼs thought and its role in the "Sunnisation of the Zaydiyya", emphasizing its significance for conflicts between schools of thought and law beyond the Yemeni context. Contrasting Ibn al-Wazīrʼs works with those of his Zaydi contemporary Aḥmad born Yaḥyā born al-Murtaḍā, Damaris Wilmers offers a study of a number of heretofore unedited texts from 9th/15th century Yemen when Zaydi identity was challenged by an increasing theological and legal diversity. She shows how Ibn al-Wazīr, who has been classed with different schools, actually de-emphasized school affiliation and developed an integrative approach based on a unique theory of knowledge.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004381117

منشور في 2008
Aelius Aristides between Greece, Rome, and the gods /

: Wealthy, conceited, hypochondriac (or perhaps just an invalid), obsessively religious, the orator Aelius Aristides (117 to about 180) is not the most attractive figure of his age, but because he is one of the best-known -- and he is intimately known, thanks to his Sacred Tales -- his works are a vital source for the cultural and religious and political history of Greece under the Roman Empire. The papers gathered here, the fruit of a conference held at Columbia in 2007, form the most intense study of Aristides and his context to have been published since the classic work of Charles Behr forty years ago.
: "Papers given at a conference organized ... by the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean at Columbia University on April 13th and 14th, 2007"--Pref. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [295]-317) and index. : 9789047425366 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2011
Current research in Egyptology 2010 : proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium /

: x, 205 pages : illustration ; 25 cm. : 9781842174296
1842174290 : http://olc1.ohiolink.edu/search~S0?/tCurrent+Research+in+Egyptology+2010/tcurrent+research+in+egyptology+2010/1%2C1%2C2%2CB/marc&FF=tcurrent+research+in+egyptology+2010+proceedings+of+the+eleventh+annual+symp&1%2C%2C2

منشور في 2023
Myth and History in the Historiography of Early Rome /

: The histories of early Rome written in antiquity by the likes of Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus include many sensational stories, from the she-wolf suckling the twins to the miraculous conception of Servius Tullius and the epiphany of the Dioscuri at Lake Regillus. Even the more sober parts of the narrative are of dubious historicity, and certainly include a good deal of rhetorical invention, aetiologies and folktales. The essays composing this volume attempt to analyse these stories to explore the porous boundaries and the hybrid borrowings between myth, history and historiography, and the limits of historical knowledge.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004534490

منشور في 1991
Das Buch vom Fayum : zum religiösen Eigenverständnis einer ägyptischen Landschaft /

: Two folded plates in pocket of vol. 2. : 2 v. : ill. ; 31-37 cm. + 2 folded plates. : Includes bibliographical references (v.1, p. [329]-334) and indexes. : 3447031174

Studien zu den "Geographischen Inschriften" (10.-14.o.ag.Gau) /

: Originally presented as the author's thesis, Heidelberg, 1974. : iv, 179, [76] pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 3774913811

منشور في 2014
Studies in ancient Judaism and early Christianity /

: Over the past 45 years Professor Pieter W. van der Horst contributed extensively to the study of ancient Judaism and early Christianity. The 24 papers in this volume, written since his early retirement in 2006, cover a wide range of topics, all of them concerning the religious world of Judaism and Christianity in the Hellenistic, Roman, and early Byzantine era. They reflect his research interests in Jewish epigraphy, Jewish interpretation of the Bible, Jewish prayer culture, the diaspora in Asia Minor, exegetical problems in the writings of Philo and Josephus, Samaritan history, texts from ancient Christianity which have received little attention (the poems of Cyrus of Panopolis, the Doctrina Jacobi nuper baptizati, the Letter of Mara bar Sarapion), and miscellanea such as the pagan myth of Jewish cannibalism, the meaning of the Greek expression 'without God,' the religious significance of sneezing in pagan antiquity, and the variety of stories about pious long-sleepers in the ancient world (pagan, Jewish, Christian).
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004271111 : 0169-734X ;

منشور في 2008
Empsychoi logoi--religious innovations in antiquity : studies in honour of Pieter Willem van der Horst /

: The fact that religions show internal variation and develop over time is not only a problem for believers, but has also long engaged scholars. This is especially true for the religions of the ancient world, where the mere idea of innovation in religious matters evoked notions of revolution and destruction. With the emergence of new religious identities from the first century onwards, we begin to find traces of an entirely new vision of religion. The question was not whether a particular belief was new, but whether it was true and the two were no longer felt to be mutually exclusive. The present volume brings together articles that study this transformation, ranging from broad overviews to detailed case-studies.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047433224 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2008
Leo the Great and the spiritual rebuilding of a universal Rome /

: Leo the Great was a major figure of the late Roman world whose life and work were profoundly intertwined with the political crisis of his day. As the western empire gradually succumbed to the advancing barbarian kingdoms, Leo understood that the papacy needed to expand its authority in order for the church to survive the demise of the political system. This book argues that his achievement was to transform the church not only in the practical level of administrative organization, but in the more fluid realm of thought and idea. The secular Rome that was crumbling was replaced with a Christian, universal Rome that he fashioned by infusing his theology with humanitarian ideals.
: 1 online resource (xii, 422 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789047443100 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2010
Divine images and human imaginations in Ancient Greece and Rome /

: The polytheistic religious systems of ancient Greece and Rome reveal an imaginative attitude towards the construction of the divine. One of the most important instruments in this process was certainly the visualisation. Images of the gods transformed the divine world into a visually experienceable entity, comprehensible even without a theoretical or theological superstructure. For the illiterates, images were together with oral traditions and rituals the only possibility to approach the idea of the divine; for the intellectuals, images of the gods could be allegorically transcended symbols to reflect upon. Based on the art historical and textual evidence, this volume offers a fresh view on the historical, literary, and artistic significance of divine images as powerful visual media of religious and intellectual communication.
: Paperback version published 2015. : 1 online resource (xvi, 437 pages) : illustrations, map, plans. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 303-359) and indexes. : 9789047441656 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2017
Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule /

: This volume explores the nature of religious change in the Greek-speaking cities of the Roman Empire. Emphasis is put on those developments that apparently were not the direct result of Roman actions: the intensification of idiosyncratically Greek features in the religious life of the cities (Heller, Muñiz, Camia); the active role of a new kind of Hellenism in the design of imperial religious policies (Gordillo, Galimberti, Rosillo-López); or the locally different responses to central religious initiatives, and the influence of those local responses in other imperial contexts (Cortés, Melfi, Lozano, Rizakis). All the chapters try to suggest that religion in the Greek cities of the empire was both conservative and innovative, and that the 'Roman factor' helps to explain this apparent paradox.
: 1 online resource (xvii, 221 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004347113 : 1572-0500 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2016
The religious aspects of war in the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome /

: The Religious Aspect of Warfare in the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome is a volume dedicated to investigating the relationship between religion and war in antiquity in minute detail. The nineteen chapters are divided into three groups: the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome. They are presented in turn and all possible aspects of warfare and its religious connections are investigated. The contributors focus on the theology of war, the role of priests in warfare, natural phenomena as signs for military activity, cruelty, piety, the divinity of humans in specific martial cases, rituals of war, iconographical representations and symbols of war, and even the archaeology of war. As editor Krzysztof Ulanowski invited both well-known specialists such as Robert Parker, Nicholas Sekunda, and Pietro Mander to contribute, as well as many young, talented scholars with fresh ideas. From this polyphony of voices, perspectives and opinions emerges a diverse, but coherent, representation of the complex relationship between religion and war in antiquity.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource. : 9789004324763 : 1566-2055 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2011
Severus Pius Augustus : Studien zur sakralen Reprasentation und Rezeption der Herrschaft des Septimius Severus und seiner Familie (193-211 n. chr.) /

: The Roman Emperor Septimius Severus (193-211 A.D.) originated from the North-African town of Lepcis Magna. His reign is seen as a time in which profound changes within Roman society became evident resulting in many provincials achieving important positions in the Roman state. The book examines this development from the perspective of a possible use of the non-Italian home and deities of the Emperor within Imperial iconographics. Important evidence for that are the native deities propagated by the Emperor. The book further discusses the relationship of Severus towards Roman gods and a possible sacralisation of the Emperor which might suggest changing attitudes towards the Emperor. The latter however has to be critically assessed and asked who was responsible for certain images. Was it the Imperial house or were it other groups? Der römische Kaiser Septimius Severus (193-211 n. Chr.) stammte aus dem nordafrikanischen Lepcis Magna. Seine Regierung wird als eine Zeit des Umbruchs charakterisiert, geprägt von einer Veränderung der römischen Gesellschaft, in die nun immer mehr Provinzialen in führende Positionen kamen und eine Verschiebung des Zentrums weg von Rom erfolgte. In dem Buch wird dieser Entwicklung aus der Perspektive der möglichen Instrumentalisierung einer nicht-italischen Heimat des Kaisers in der kaiserlichen Repräsentation nachgegangen. Wichtigstes Zeugnis dafür sind heimatliche Götter, die vom Kaiserhaus propagiert wurden. Außerdem betrachtet das Buch die religionspolitischen Schwerpunktsetzungen des Kaisers und die auf seine Person bezogenen Sakralisierungstendenzen, die auf eine möglicherweise veränderte Auffassung des Kaisertums zurückschließen lassen, wobei insbesondere zu fragen ist, ob dies auf das Kaiserhaus oder andere Gruppen zurückzuführen ist.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004211964 : 1572-0500 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

The Poison King : the life and legend of Mithradates, Rome's deadliest enemy /

: xxii, 448 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations (some color), maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9780691126838

منشور في 2018
The impact of the Roman Empire on the cult of Asclepius /

: In The Impact of the Roman Empire on The Cult of Asclepius Ghislaine van der Ploeg offers an overview and analysis of how worship of the Graeco-Roman god Asclepius adapted, changed, and was disseminated under the Roman Empire. It is shown that the cult enjoyed a vibrant period of worship in the Roman era and by analysing the factors by which this religious changed happened, the impact which the Roman Empire had upon religious life is determined. Making use of epigraphic, numismatic, visual, and literary sources, van der Ploeg demonstrates the multifaceted nature of the Roman cult of Asclepius, updating current thinking about the god.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004372771 : 1572-0500 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Egypt in Italy : visions of Egypt in Roman imperial culture /

: "This book examines the appetite for Egyptian and Egyptian-looking artwork in Italy during the century following Rome's annexation of Aegyptus as a province. In the early imperial period, Roman interest in Egyptian culture was widespread, as evidenced by works ranging from the monumental obelisks, brought to the capital over the Mediterranean Sea by the emperors, to locally made emulations of Egyptian artifacts found in private homes and in temples to Egyptian gods. Although the foreign appearance of these artworks was central to their appeal, this book situates them within their social, political, and artistic contexts in Roman Italy. Swetnam-Burland focuses on what these works meant to their owners and their viewers in their new settings, by exploring evidence for the artists who produced them and by examining their relationship to the contemporary literature that informed Roman perceptions of Egyptian history, customs, and myths"-- |c Provided by publisher.
: xii, 249 pages ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9781107040489