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Studies in rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity : text and context /
The question of the origins of Christianity is a theme still discussed in historical research. This book investigates the relations between the Rabbinic Judaism and the Primitive Christianity. It studies the factors of influences, the polemics in the texts and factors of mutual conceptions between two new movements: Rabbinical Judaism and Primitive Christianity. Finally it offers an analysis of the perception of Christianity in the corpus of talmudic literature. La question des origines du christianisme est un thème encore débattu par la recherche historique. Cet ouvrage choisi d'explorer les relations entre le judaïsme rabbinique et le christianisme primitif. Il étudie les facteurs d'influences, les polémiques dont témoignent les textes et les emprunts réciproques entre les deux mouvements naissant : le judaïsme rabbinique et le christiansime primitif. Il propose également une analyse sur la perception du christianisme à l'oeuvre dans la littérature talmudique.
"This volume emerged from the symposium held at Paris in March 2007 on the theme 'Rome, Athens or Jerusalem. Where does Christianity come from?' under the auspices of the Alliance Israelite Universelle" -- Introd. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004190627 :
1871-6636 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
James the Just and Christian origins /
The lack of serious and sustained investigation of the historical figure of James \'the Just\', brother of Jesus, is one of the curious oversights in modern critical study of Christian origins. James the Just and Christian Origins addresses this problem. The questions that surround this exceedingly important, yet largely ignored figure are several and complicated. Was he really the brother of Jesus? How influential was he in the early church? What was the nature of his relationship to the other apostles, especially to Paul? How did James understand Christianity's relationship to Judaism and to the people of Israel? Out of this grows a very important question: In its generative moment, was Christianity in fact as well as in its self-awareness, a species of Judaism? Contributors from several countries are currently engaged in collaborative study in James and early Jewish Christianity. James the Just and Christian Origins is the first of several planned volumes to be published.
1 online resource (x, 299 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004267480 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Early Christian poetry : a collection of essays /
This collection of essays deals with the rise and development of early Christian poetry, discussing its techniques and its theoretical foundation. The individual papers concern specimina of Hebrew, Syriac, Greek and Latin poetry and study the various and partly conflicting traditions from which it originated. The biblical examples, e.g. of the Psalms, held great authority, but on the other hand it was impossible to break away from the models of classical Greco-Roman poetry, although these were deemed dangerous because of the pagan content and excessive cult of literary art. The book shows how the problems involved were solved in different ways, which justified the use of pagan literary accomplishments for singing the praises of the Lord.
1 online resource (xi, 318 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004312890 :
0902-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The chapters of the wisdom of my Lord Mani.
The Chapters of the Wisdom of My Lord Mani , a Coptic papyrus codex preserved at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, describes Mani's mission, teachings and debates with sages in the courts of the Sasanian empire during the reign of Shapur I; with an extended account of his last days and death under Bahram I. The text offers an unprecedented new source for the history of religions in Late Antiquity, including interactions of Manichaean, Zoroastrian, Christian, Jewish, and Buddhist traditions in Iran, remarkably transmitted into the Mediterranean world as part of Manichaean missionary literature. This is the first of four fascicles constituting the editio princeps , based on enhanced digital and multispectral imaging and extended autoptic study of the manuscript.
1 online resource (viii, 216 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004363403 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The encounter of Eastern Christianity with early Islam /
The theme of this book is the early encounters between Christianity and Islam in the eastern provinces of the Byzantine Empire and in Persia from the beginnings of Islam in Mecca to the time of the Abbasids in Bagdad. The contributions in this volume deal with crucial subjects of political and theological dialogue and controversy that characterized the varying responses of the Christian communities in the Byzantine Eastern provinces to the Islamic conquest and its subsequent impact on Byzantine society and history. This volume opens up new research perspectives surrounding the confrontation of Christianity with the early theological and political development of Islam. The present publication emphasizes the importance of the study of the beginnings and the foundations of the relations between the two religions.
Papers from a workshop held in June 2003 in Erfurt, Germany. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 312-330) and index. :
9789047408826 :
1570-7350 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The earliest history of the Christian gathering : origin, development and content of the Christian gathering in the first to third centuries /
Recent research has made a strong case for the view that Early Christian communities, sociologically considered, functioned as voluntary religious associations. This is similar to the practice of many other cultic associations in the Greco-Roman world of the first century CE. Building upon this new approach, along with a critical interpretation of all available sources, this book discusses the social and religio-historical background of the weekly gatherings of Christians and presents a fresh reconstruction of how the weekly gathering originated and developed in both form and content. The topics studied here include the origins of the observance of Sunday as the weekly Christian feast-day, the shape and meaning of the weekly gatherings of the Christian communities, and the rise of customs such as preaching, praying, singing, and the reading of texts in these meetings.
Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Leiden University, 2009. :
1 online resource (xvii, 342 pages) : illustrations, plans. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 301-321) and indexes. :
9789004190702 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement.
Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement explores the events, people, and writings surrounding the founding of the early Jesus movement in the mid to late first century. The essays are divided into four parts, focused upon the movement's formation, the production of its early Gospels, description of the Jesus movement itself, and the Jewish mission and its literature. This collection of essays includes chapters by a global cast of scholars from a variety of methodological and critical viewpoints, and continues the important Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context series.
1 online resource. :
"The Teaching of These Words": Intertextuality, Social Identity, and Early Christianity : Essays in Honor of Clayton N. Jefford /
What does it mean for a group to speak of its identity and, in contrast, to speak about the "other"? As with all groups, early Christian communities underwent a process of identity formation, and in this process, intertextuality played a role. The choice of biblical texts and imageries, their reception and adaptation, affected how early Christian communities perceived themselves. Conversely, how they perceived themselves affected which texts they were drawn to and how they read and received them. The contributors to this volume examine how early Christian authors used Scripture and related texts and, in turn, how those texts shaped the identity of their communities.
1 online resource (387 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Reflections on the early Christian history of religion = Erwägungen zur frühchristlichen religionsgeschichte /
Reflections on the Early Christian History of Religion documents the results of two recent workshops on Martin Hengel's and Maria Schwemer's first volume of first volume of Geschichte des frühen Christentums ( Jesus und das Judentum [title of volume 1], Tübingen 2007) and Larry Hurtado's Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity (Grand Rapids 2003). The contributors, including Hengel himself, focus on problems and possibilities of studying and presenting Christian religion in Roman Antiquity. They discuss distinctive features of these two remarkable publications and some material aspects that illustrate the relationship between the historical study of early Christian religion, religious studies in general and New Testament studies in particular. Mit den Erwägungen zur frühchristlichen Religionsgeschichte liegen die Ergebnisse zweier Fachtagungen vor, die sich mit dem ersten Band der Geschichte des frühen Christentums von Martin Hengel und Maria Schwemer ( Jesus und das Judentum , Tübingen 2007) und Larry Hurtados Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity (Grand Rapids 2003) beschäftigt haben. Die Beiträge, u.a. von Hengel selbst, diskutieren Probleme und Möglichkeiten der Erforschung und Darstellung christlicher Religion in der römischen Antike. Sie setzen sich mit den Zugangsweisen dieser beiden Bücher auseinander und zeigen an verschiedenen Sachfragen die Bezüge, die sich bei der historischen Erforschung der frühchristlichen Religion zwischen Geschichtswissenschaft, Religionswissenschaft und Neutestamentlicher Wissenschaft ergeben.
Title from PDF title page (viewed on Dec. 3, 2012). :
1 online resource (xiv, 374 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004230675 :
1871-6636 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament : Reflections in the Dim Mirror /
In Early Jewish Messianism in the New Testament Serge Ruzer takes a new tack on the investigation of early Christian polemical strategies against the backdrop of Second Temple Judaism. Complementing traditional inquiry on the subject, Ruzer focuses on those elements of Messiah- and Christ-centered ideas that bear witness to patterns of broader circulation - namely, the Jewish messianic ideas that provided the underpinning for the identity-making moves of Jesus' early followers. The volume suggests that such attempts can be expected to reflect eschatological ideas of the Jewish ʻOtherʼ. Exploring cases where the New Testament shows itself an early witness for belief patterns found in contemporaneous or only later rabbinic sources, this volume reveals a fuller picture of Second Temple Jewish messianism.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism : Studies in Honor of Alexander Golitzin /
The essays collected in Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism intend to honor Alexander Golitzin, a scholar known for his keen attention to the Jewish matrix of Eastern Orthodox spirituality. Following Golitzin's insights, this Festschrift explores influences of Jewish apocalypticism and mysticism on certain early and late Christian authors, including Irenaeus, Origen, Evagrius of Pontus, Pseudo-Dionysius, and Symeon the New Theologian. Special attention is given to Jewish theophanic traditions regarding the beatific vision of the divine Glory (Kavod), which profoundly shaped Eastern Christian theology and liturgy. This volume demonstrates that recent developments in the study of apocalyptic literature, the Qumran Scrolls, Gnosticism, and later Jewish mysticism throw new and welcome light on the sources and continuities of Orthodox theology, liturgy, and spirituality
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
Calendrical variations in Second Temple Judaism : new perspectives on the "Date of the Last Supper" debate /
Starting from the seminal work of the French scholar Annie Jaubert on the date of the Last Supper, the present work revisits known - and identifies new - calendrical issues in the literature of Second Temple Judaism. The research supports the conclusion that all known calendrical traditions functioned on the tenet that orthopraxis in ancient Judaism meant close interconnection between cultic and agricultural cycles. From this perspective the book removes the calendrical objection leveled at the Jaubertian theory. Further, the research brings new light on current debates about Qumran calendrical documents and proposes the identification of a previously unknown calendrical polemic in the Astronomical Book of Enoch concerning the synchronization of the 364DY tradition with the lunar cycle.
1 online resource (xvi, 280 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 251-268) and indexes. :
9789004226326 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Angelomorphic christology : antecedents and early evidence /
This study demonstrates that angel and angel-related traditions, especially those growing from the so-called "Angel of the Lord" in the Hebrew Bible, had a significant impact on the origins and early development of Christology to the point that an Angelomorphic Christology is discernable in several first century texts. Significant effort is given to tracing the antecedents of this Christology in the angels and divine hypostases of the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Jewish literature. The primary content of this volume is the presentation of pre-150 CE textual evidence of Angelomorphic Christology. This religio-historical study does not spawn a new Christology among the many scholarly "Christologies" already extant. Instead, it shows the interrelationship of various Christological trajectories and their adaptation from Jewish angelomorphic traditions.
1 online resource (xvi, 403 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 352-370) and indexes. :
9789004332447 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Catena in Marcum : a Byzantine anthology of early commentary on Mark /
The Catena in Marcum commonly attributed to Victor of Antioch, is the earliest anthology of patristic commentary on the gospel according to St Mark. Its compilation dates from the end of the fifth century and the beginning of the sixth century. Providing the first extended English translation, this book identifies the range of patristic sources employed by the editors, and the historiographical, literary and dogmatic concerns which informed the editing and compilation of this important text. It provides an invaluable resource for those interested in the history and development of the interpretation of Mark.
44. On the woman who anointed the Lord with sweet perfume. :
1 online resource (524 pages) :
9789004228337 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Calendar and chronology, Jewish and Christian : biblical, intertestamental and patristic studies /
Judaism and Christianity are both religions of history and remembrance and rely on calendars and accurate chronologies to recall and reenact the signal events in their histories. The import of dividing the day and night, of knowing the moment of Sabbath and Lord's Day, of properly timing Passover and Easter cannot be overstated. Throughout the history of both religions, these issues were central to worship and practice of religion and had far-reaching effects from messianism to prophecy. But their very centrality meant they were issues of controversy and debate. Roger Beckwith looks carefully at the Jewish and Christian records concerning calendar and chronology, compares, contrasts, and challenges rival solutions to these complex questions. His breath of research - from the ancient Near East to Qumran, from Josephus and Philo to the Maccabean writings, and from the points of view of Paul and Jesus to the Fathers of the church - and his focus on the more controversial issues of dating make Calendar and Chronology an essential book for any serious scholar of history, liturgy, worship, and interpretation. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource (xv, 333 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004332874 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Authoritative texts and reception history : aspects and approaches /
Reception history has emerged over the last decades as a rapidly growing domain of research, entertaining a notable methodological diversity. Authoritative Texts and Reception History samples that diversity, offering a collection of essay that discuss various reception-historical issues, from a plurality of perspectives, across several fields: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Pseudepigrapha and the Dead Sea Scrolls, New Testament, early and late-antique Christianity. While furthering specific discussions in their specific fields, the contributions included here-authored by both established and emerging scholars-illustrate just how wide the umbrella of 'reception history' can be, and the varied range of topics, concerns and approaches it can accommodate.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004334960 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Scriptures of Israel in Jewish and Christian Tradition : Essays in Honour of Maarten J. J. Menken.
The Scriptures of Israel in Jewish and Christian Tradition is a collection of studies in honour of Professor Maarten J.J. Menken (Tilburg/Utrecht) and illustrates the rich diversity of approaches to biblical interpretation at the beginning of the Common Era. An international team of specialists share their insights on such topics as the availability of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts, Jewish and Christian hermeneutics, notions of authority and inspiration and even a study of inscriptions. Each in its own way demonstrates that the relationship between text and tradition, culture and belief is always complex.
Description based upon print version of record. :
1 online resource (495 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004247727 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.