marcho » march (توسيع البحث), marco (توسيع البحث), marche (توسيع البحث), marchho (توسيع البحث), maryho (توسيع البحث)
marie » maria (توسيع البحث)
marc » march (توسيع البحث), mary (توسيع البحث)
soulo » soulou (توسيع البحث), soul (توسيع البحث), souls (توسيع البحث)
God's kingdom and God's son : the background in Mark's christology from concepts of kingship in the Psalms /
How is the kingdom of God related to Messianic kingship (or divine sonship)? Starting from what he terms a 'two-tier' kingship in the Psalms, Robert Rowe explores the linkage of these terms in Mark's gospel. The linked concepts - God's kingship and Davidic (Messianic) kingship - are traced from the Psalms and Isaiah 40-66, through the Dead Sea Scrolls and other inter-testamental documents, into Mark's gospel. Mark's characterization of Jesus as Messiah is shown to centre around four royal Psalms (2; 22; 110; 118). Contributing to the continuing study of the Old Testament in the New, Rowe argues that the concepts of God's kingdom and the Messiah are inherently closely related. This has importance both for the study of the historical Jesus, and for Mark's presentation of God and Jesus in his gospel.
1 online resource (xvii, 435 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 315-367) and indexes. :
9789004331136 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Life after God: An Encounter with Postmodernism /
In this volume, Mark Bevir argues that postfoundationalism is compatible with humanism and historicism. He shows how postmodernists, especially Derrida and Foucault, drew on structuralism and the avant-garde in ways that led them to downplay human agency and historical context. He then explores how we today might recover and rethink humanism and historicism. And, finally, he discusses the critical and ethical practices that such ideas might inspire.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
In the name of God : the Bible in the colonial discourse of empire /
In In the Name of God biblical scholars and historians begin the exciting work of deconstructing British and Spanish imperial usage of the Bible as well as the use of the Bible to counteract imperialism. Six essays explore the intersections of political movements and biblical exegesis. Individual contributions examine English political theorists' use of the Bible in the context of secularisation, analyse the theological discussion of discoveries in the New World in a context of fraught Jewish-Christian relations in Europe and dissect millennarian preaching in the lead up to the Crimean War. Others investigate the anti-imperialist use of the Bible in southern Africa, compare Spanish and British biblicisation techniques and trace the effects of biblically-rooted articulations of nationalism on the development of Hinduism's relationship to the Vedas. Contributors include: Yvonne Sherwood, Ana Valdez, Mark Somos, Andrew Mein, Hendrik Bosman and Hugh Pyper.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (viii, 192 pages) :
9789004259126 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Representation of Eve and Mary in Selected Russian Icons : Thirteenth to Seventeenth Century /
The typological connection between Eve and Mary is shown in the symbolism in Russian icons. The Russian Orthodox Church understood Eve as a prefiguration of Mary, who was revered as the "New Eve", whose obedience to God's will reversed the sins of Eve, thus raising the status of Eve as well. The symbolism relating to Eve and Mary in Russian icons is evidence of how the Russian Orthodox Church understood Eve and Mary in relation to the salvation of humanity. Pasichnik's research examines the Descent into Hell, Dormition, Last Judgment, and Deacons' Door icons that best capture these eschatological aspects and the nexus between Eve and Mary.
1 online resource (210 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Plotinus in dialogue with the Gnostics /
The point of view put forth in the following pages differs greatly from the common perspective according to which the treatises 30 to 33 constitute a single work, a Großschrift , and this single work, Plotinus' essential response to the Gnostics. Our perspective is that of an ongoing discussions with his "Gnostic"-yet Platonizing-friends, which started early in his writings (at least treatise 6), developed into what we could call a Großzyklus (treatises 27 to 39), and went on in later treatises as well (e. g. 47-48, 51). The prospect of an ongoing discussion with the Gnostics bears an additional virtue, that of allowing for a truly dynamic understanding of the Plotinian corpus.
1 online resource (viii, 152 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004216396 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The trinitarian theology of Hilary of Poitiers /
When Hilary of Poitiers was exiled from his native Poitiers in Gaul to Cappadocia, his entire theological sensibility changed. The Latin bishop, schooled in the tradition of Tertullian and Novatian, became a full-throated participant in the Trinitarian controversies of his time. This book offers a new reading of Hilary's Trinitarian theology that takes into account the historical context of Hilary's thought. It first examines this context and the course of Hilary's engagement with his Homoian opponents. It then turns to the key themes of Hilary's theology as he worked them out in that context. The result is a work that not only helps clarify Hilary's theology, but that offers new insight into the Trinitarian controversies as a whole.
Originally presented as the author's thesis--Marquette University. :
1 online resource (viii, 219 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 203-215) and index. :
9789047431275 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Hearing Kyriotic sonship : a cognitive and rhetorical approach to the characterization of Mark's Jesus /
In Hearing Kyriotic Sonship Michael Whitenton explores first-century audience impressions of Mark's Jesus in light of ancient rhetoric and modern cognitive science. Commonly understood as neither divine nor Davidic, Mark's Jesus appears here as the functional equivalent to both Israel's god and her Davidic king. The dynamics of ancient performance and the implicit rhetoric of the narrative combine to subtly alter listeners' perspectives of Jesus. Previous approaches have routinely viewed Mark's Jesus as neither divine nor Davidic largely on the basis of a lack of explicit affirmations. Drawing our attention to the mechanics of inference generation and narrative persuasion, Whitenton shows us that ancient listeners probably inferred much about Mark's Jesus that is not made explicit in the narrative.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004329652 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Amor Dei in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Amor Dei , "love of God" raises three questions: How do we know God is love? How do we experience love of God? How free are we to love God? This book presents three kinds of love, worldly, spiritual, and divine to understand God's love. The work begins with Augustine's Confessions highlighting his Manichean and Neoplatonic periods before his conversion to Christianity. Augustine's confrontation with Pelagius anticipates the unresolved disputes concerning God's love and free will. In the sixteenth-century the Italian humanist, Gasparo Contarini introduces the notion of "divine amplitude" to demonstrate how God's goodness is manifested in the human agent. Pierre de Bérulle, Guillaume Gibieuf, and Nicolas Malebranche show connections with Contarini in the seventeenth-century controversies relating free will and divine love. In response to the free will dispute, the Scottish philosopher, William Chalmers, offers his solution. Cornelius Jansen relentlessly asserts his anti-Pelagian interpretation of Augustine stirring up more controversy. John Norris, Malebranche's English disciple, exchanges his views with Mary Astell and Damaris Masham. In the tradition of Cambridge Platonism, Ralph Cudworth conveys a God who "sweetly governs." The organization of sections represents the love of God in ascending-descending movements demonstrating that, "human love is inseparable from divine love."
1 online resource (175 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401209458 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Offerings to the gods in Egyptian temples /
Kings and gods adorn the walls of Egyptian temples in face -to-face meetings, and for two millennia these depictions have united the king and the divine. The king, the son of the god, presents his ancestors an offering or performs a ritual. Over two hundred offerings are divided into broad categories : purification, beverages, foods, produce from the fields, fabrics, ointments and adornments ; rituals for goddesses and gods; symbolic, cosmic, funerary and defensive rituals ; and royal cult rituals. All are explained, from their simple action (e.g. offering beer as a daily drink) to their symbolic meaning (beer is also a sacred drink that induces ecstasy of a divine nature which annihilates the destructive force of the daughter of Ra). A drawing and photographs illustrate each offering. The title of the offering is given in hieroglyphs to enable everyone to locate the words on the temple walls. Translations of the most significant texts accompany each of the offerings.
Originally published : 2011. :
xiii, 282 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (page 18). :
9789042926189 :
"Convinced that God had called us" : dreams, visions, and the perception of God's will in Luke-Acts /
Dream and vision scenes figure prominently in Luke-Acts. Following a discussion of methodology, historical background, and critical scholarship, this study provides a comprehensive examination of the dreams and visions in the Lukan narrative. Special attention is given to those scenes that feature significant interpretation by characters in the story (e.g., Zechariah and Mary [Luke 1-2], Saul's/Paul's conversion [Acts 9, 22, and 26], the Cornelius-Peter episode [Acts 10:1-11:18], and Paul's dream at Troas [Acts 16:9-10]). While a number of studies have highlighted the importance of dreams and visions for Luke's portrayal of God, the present study suggests that the human side of these visionary encounters is equally important. Just as Lukan dreams and visions depict God's active involvement in the events of human history, they also depict God's people attempting to perceive God's will through these visionary encounters.
Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Princeton Theological Seminary. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [245]-257) and indexes. :
9789047411420 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Thinking the divine in interreligious encounter.
Thinking the Divine in Interreligious Encounter seeks to take seriously our questions of cross-cultural and inter-religious dialogue on God or the Divine: How can the Divine be named and thought as Europe finds itself in midst of cross-cultural processes of a global nature and as religions such as Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism come into the foreground in the West? What are some of the major shifts in Christian theology, as it recognizes that peoples of non-Christian faith traditions name and think the Divine in ways that differ from and sometimes conflict with Europe's dominant religion(s) and secular culture? Together with "Naming and Thinking God in Europe Today" and "Post-colonial Europe in the Crucible of Cultures" (Rodopi 2007), this volume allows us to discover opportunities for a multivalenced reflection on God or the Divine that achieves mutual intelligibility without surrendering to a dogmatic untranslatability or a crude relativism.
1 online resource (321 pages : illustrations) :
9789401207577 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Plotinus on What We Think We Are /
The Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus invites us to take part in his philosophizing when he encourages his readers to think about what they think they are, as living beings, human beings, as rational beings, ethical subjects and as philosophers. He is interested in what we say about ourselves in ordinary language and notices that such ordinary experience conflicts with what the Platonic tradition claims we (truly) are. This conflict does not lead him to turn away from the human terms and expressions, but impels him to take seriously what we say about ourselves and to explain it philosophically.
1 online resource (180 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The boundaries of monotheism : interdisciplinary explorations into the foundations of western monotheism /
What is the significance of monotheism in modern western culture, taking into account both its problematic and promising aspects? Biblical texts and the biblical faith traditions bear a continuous, polemical tension between exclusive and inclusive perceptions and interpretations of monotheism. Western monotheism proves itself to be multi-significant and heterogeneous, producing boundary-setting as well as boundary-crossing tendencies, is the common thesis of the authors of this book, who have been collectively debating this theme for two years in an interdisciplinary scholarly setting. Their contributions range from the fields of biblical and religious studies, history and philosophy of religion, systematic theology, to gender studies in theology and religion.The authors also explain the particular contribution of their own theological discipline to these debates.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [223]-240) and index. :
9789047426639 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Basil of Caesarea's anti-Eunomian theory of names : Christian theology and late-antique philosophy in the fourth century trinitarian controversy /
Basil of Caesarea's debate with Eunomius of Cyzicus in the early 360s marks a turning point in the fourth-century Trinitarian controversies. It shifted focus to methodological and epistemological disputes underlying theological differences. This monograph explores one of these fundamental points of contention: the proper theory of names. It offers a revisionist interpretation of Eunomius's theory as a corrective to previous approaches, contesting the widespread assumption that it is indebted to Platonist sources and showing that it was developed by drawing upon proximate Christian sources. While Eunomius held that names uniquely predicated of God communicated the divine essence, in response Basil developed a "notionalist" theory wherein all names signify primarily notions and secondarily properties, not essence.
Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Emory University, 2009. :
1 online resource (xiv, 300 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 267-284) and indexes. :
9789004189102 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mighty Baal : Essays in Honor of Mark S. Smith /
Mighty Baal: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Smith is the first edited collection devoted to the study of the ancient Near Eastern god Baal. Although the Bible depicts Baal as powerless, the combined archaeological, iconographic, and literary evidence makes it clear that Baal was worshipped throughout the Levant as a god whose powers rivalled any deity. Mighty Baal brings together eleven essays written by scholars working in North America, Europe, and Israel. Essays in part one focus on the main collection of Ugaritic tablets describing Baal's exploits, the Baal Cycle. Essays in part two treat Baal's relationships to other deities. Together, the essays offer a rich portrait of Baal and his cult from a variety of methodological perspectives.
1 online resource. :