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Voués à Ishtar : Syrie, janvier 1934, André Parrot découvre Mari : Exposition au musée de l'Institut du monde arabe 23 janvier-4 mai 2014 /
Ouvrage publié à l'occasion de l'exposition présentée à l'Institut du monde arabe, Paris, du 23 janvier au 4 mai 2014. Il y a tout juste quatre-vingts ans, à peine une vie d'homme, André Parrot mettait au jour en Syrie une petite statue avec une inscription sur l'épaule qui lui révélait le nom ancien de la ville, Mari, dont la fouille débutait. À regarder les photographies en noir et blanc prises alors, on peut aisément concevoir l'émotion qu'il en ressentit. Cependant, loin de la vision romantique de l'archéologue-héros développée depuis par un certain cinéma, les photographies des premières campagnes conduites sur le site montrent un quotidien différent, soucieux d'une vision à la fois large des vestiges dans leur environnement, grâce aux photos aériennes prises avec le concours de l'armée, et au plus près du sol d'où sont, patiemment, excavés les fondations de cet ensemble urbain ainsi qu'un abondant matériel, catalogué avec soin, soir après soir.
312 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9782351593943 :
Rabbinisme et paganisme en Palestine romaine : étude historique des Realia talmudiques (Ier-IVème siècles) /
This study deals essentially with the knowledge of the Palestinian Rabbis concerning paganism in the days of Mishna and Talmud. The Late Professor Saul Lieberman wrote that "Many isolated items on idolatry and idol worshippers are scattered all over rabbinic literature. It would require a large volume to treat this topic". This valuable and exhaustive study proves methodically that the Rabbis had deeper knowledge about Syrian, Arabian, Anatolian and Graeco-Roman Pagan cults than is commonly believed. Clear, accessible and displaying considerable scholarship this work will undoubtedly provide an important challenge to both historians, archaeologists, and scholars of Rabbinic texts. *** Cette étude traite essentiellement du niveau de connaissances des Rabbins de Judée et de Galilée concernant les cultes païens dans le sens le plus large du terme. Le Professeur Saul Lieberman affirmait : "Many isolated items on idolatry and idol worshippers are scattered all over rabbinic literature. It would require a large volume to treat this topic" Ce travail exhaustif, à travers l'ensemble du corpus talmudique et au regard de la réalité historique propre à la Palestine romaine, montre méthodiquement que les connaissances des Sages, tant sur les divinités du paganisme que sur des rites syriens, arabes, anatoliens voire gréco-romains, étaient bien plus vastes et approfondies, que ce qu'il est communément admis aujourd'hui par la recherche historique. De part sa clareté et son accessibilité, ce livre intéressera aussi bien les historiens du peuple juif, que ceux des religions antiques. Les archéologues, les historiens du Levant à l'époque romaine, ainsi que les spécialistes de la littérature talmudique y trouveront également un vif intérêt en vertu de son aspect extrêmement novateur.
1 online resource (xx, 447 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 385-421) and indexes. :
9789047408277 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Departure and consolation : the Johannine farewell discourses in light of Greco-Roman literature /
In contrast to the common opinion that the Johannine Farewell Discourses represent solely the Jewish genre of the Testament, George Parsenios argues that features of the discourses are misread or missed completely apart from Greco-Roman literature. Evidence from classical drama, for instance, assists in reading Jesus' return to the Father as a dramatic exit and, further, accounts for the puzzling delay of Jesus at 14:31 without recourse to redaction theories. Consolation literature and the literary symposium emphasize Jesus' continuing and consoling presence, with particular attention to the Paraclete's role as doppelgänger. The thread that binds the various chapters into a coherent whole, therefore, is the utility of classical literature in clarifying Jesus' consoling presence even after his departure to the Father.
Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Yale University, 2002. :
1 online resource (x, 174 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [155]-164) and indexes. :
9789047407010 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Nicole Oresme, Questiones in Meteorologica de prima lectura : Study of the Manuscript Tradition and Critical Edition /
The open access publication of this book has been published with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. Nicole Oresme, a mathematician, philosopher, and theologian, stood as one of the most original and influential thinkers of the Late Middle Ages. This volume presents the critical edition of Oresme's earliest work, his first cycle of lectures on Aristotle's Meteorology (1346). Transcribed directly by one of his students at Paris Arts Faculty, this text explores problems of physics, cosmology, geology, and optics, providing invaluable insights into late medieval philosophy of nature.
1 online resource (500 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Brill's companion to Apollonius Rhodius /
This volume on Apollonius of Rhodes, whose Argonautica is the sole full-length epic to survive from the Hellenistic period, comprises articles by eighteen leading scholars from Europe and America. Their contributions cover a wide range of issues from the history of the text and the problems of the poet's biography through questions of style, literary technique and intertextual relations to the epic's literary and cultural reception. The aim of this 2nd edition is to give an up-to-date outline of the scholarly discussion in these areas and to provide a survey of recent and current trends in Apollonian studies which will be useful also to students of Hellenistic poetry in general.
Revised edition of: A companion to Apollonius Rhodius. :
1 online resource (xiii, 479 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 445-475) and index. :
9789004217140 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Zoroastrian myth of migration from Iran and settlement in the Indian diaspora : text, translation and analysis of the 16th century Qeṣṣe-ye Sanjān 'The story of Sanjan' /
The Qesse-ye Sanjān is the sole surviving account of the emigration of Zoroastrians from Iran to India to form the Parsi ('Persian') community. Written in Persian couplets in India in 1599 by a Zoroastrian priest, it is a work many know of, but few have actually read, let alone studied in depth. This book provides a romanised transcription from the oldest manuscripts, an elegant metrical translation, detailed commentary and, most importantly, a radical new theory of how such a text should be "read", id est not as a historical chronical but as a charter of Zoroastrian identity, foundation myth and justification of the Parsi presence in India. The book fills a lacuna that has been acutely felt for a long time.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [239]-242) and indexes. :
9789047430421 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A companion to Apollonius Rhodius /
This volume on Apollonius of Rhodes, whose Argonautica is the sole full-length epic to survive from the Hellenistic period, comprises articles by fourteen leading scholars from Europe and America. Their contributions cover a wide range of issues from the history of the text and the problems of the poet's biography through questions of style, literary technique and intertextual relations to the epic's literary and cultural reception. The aim is to give an up-to-date outline of the scholarly discussion in these areas and to provide a survey of recent and current trends in Apollonian studies which will be useful to students of Hellenistic poetry in general as well as to scholars with a specialised interest in Apollonius.
1 online resource (xiii, 362 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 341-360) and index. :
9789047400462 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Language of Digital Education : An Expanded Glossary of Key Terms and Concepts /
This book presents concise definitions and illustrative contexts for many approaches, ideas, and paradigms related to digital education. Unlike existing glossaries that often focus solely on technical terminology, this resource uniquely integrates pedagogical, technological, and socio-cultural perspectives. It not only defines terms but also critically examines their implications for teaching and learning, providing a more holistic understanding of digital education. Contributors are: Isabel Balteiro, Miguel Ángel Campos-Pardillos, Ka Long Roy Chan, Salvatore Ciancitto, Liubov Darzhinova, Derya Duran, Georgios Ellinas, Stella Hadjistassou, Pascal Hohaus, Teppo Jakonen, Marjut Johansson, Merve Kıymaz, Ioannis Lefkos, Ruslana Margova, Claudia Mustroph, Maarit Mutta, Svitlana Nasakina, Liisa Peura, Alessandro Puglisi, Violeta Stojičić, Ralia Thoma, Outi Veivo, Johanathan Woodworth and Siyang Zhou.
1 online resource (223 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :