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Les ors de Mari /
Cet ouvrage étudie la totalité des objets d'or, découverts sur le site de Mari de 1933 à 2006. La ville de Mari, fondée au début du IIIe millénaire (Ville I) a connu une grande activité artisanale et l'orfèvrerie s'illustre par des découvertes techniques d'avenir. Après 2500, les souverains de la Ville II favorisent une production de pièces de grande qualité. La Ville III prend fin avec la dynastie amorrite, dont les archives étudiées ici rendent compte de la multiplicité des ateliers. Les cimetières médio-assyriens installés sur le site ont livré ensuite de très nombreux objets, peut-être fabriqués sur place. Sur le Moyen Euphrate, Mari apparaît donc comme une des capitales du travail de l'or faisant pendant à Sumer sans en dépendre, comme on l'avait prétendu. Son orfèvrerie nous éclaire aussi sur la société, la religion et les pratiques funéraires.
"Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes (DGCID) et du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (UMIFRE 6, USR 3135) et avec le soutien de la société Total E & P Syrie et de la mission archéologique française de Tell Hariri/Mari." :
478 pages : ill., chart (1 fold.) ; 28 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
Plato's Gorgias: Speech, Soul and Politics /
In the Gorgias Plato offers a synthesis of what he thinks about the bitter conflict between philosophical and non-philosophical approaches to one's responsibilities in private and public life. This book contributes to a deeper understanding of this historically and conceptually rich canvas by shedding light on its main topics: speech in its philosophical and non-philosophical forms, psychology in relation to virtuous life, and politics which charges the two former topics with high stakes that call for personal choices.
1 online resource (252 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Democritus : science, the arts, and the care of the soul : proceedings of the International Colloquium on Democritus, Paris, 18-20 September 2003 /
This volume gathers the papers presented at an International Colloquium held in Paris in 2003, and offers new contributions and new interpretative suggestions about both canonical and relatively neglected research areas on Democritus, including ethics, physics and epistemology, as well as musical and literary criticism, technics, zoology, and the catalogue of works. Specific contributions are furthermore devoted to Democritus' posterity and the problem of sources. The book also offers a detailed bibliography and several indices, which render it an up-to-date and stimulating tool for contemporary research on Democritus and atomism. Essays by: A. Brancacci, L. Gemelli, A. Jaulin, W. Leszl, J. Mansfeld, P.-M. Morel, D. O'Brien, L. Perilli, J. Salem, C.C.W. Taylor, J. Warren.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [293]-307) and indexes. :
9789047409724 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Plotinus on What We Think We Are /
The Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus invites us to take part in his philosophizing when he encourages his readers to think about what they think they are, as living beings, human beings, as rational beings, ethical subjects and as philosophers. He is interested in what we say about ourselves in ordinary language and notices that such ordinary experience conflicts with what the Platonic tradition claims we (truly) are. This conflict does not lead him to turn away from the human terms and expressions, but impels him to take seriously what we say about ourselves and to explain it philosophically.
1 online resource (180 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Plotinus in dialogue with the Gnostics /
The point of view put forth in the following pages differs greatly from the common perspective according to which the treatises 30 to 33 constitute a single work, a Großschrift , and this single work, Plotinus' essential response to the Gnostics. Our perspective is that of an ongoing discussions with his "Gnostic"-yet Platonizing-friends, which started early in his writings (at least treatise 6), developed into what we could call a Großzyklus (treatises 27 to 39), and went on in later treatises as well (e. g. 47-48, 51). The prospect of an ongoing discussion with the Gnostics bears an additional virtue, that of allowing for a truly dynamic understanding of the Plotinian corpus.
1 online resource (viii, 152 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004216396 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Across the ocean : nine essays on Indo-Mediterranean trade /
Across the Ocean contains nine essays, each dedicated to a key question in the history of the trade relations between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean from Antiquity to the Early Modern period: the role of the state in the Red Sea trade, Roman policy in the Red Sea, the function of Trajan's Canal, the pepper trade, the pearl trade, the Nabataean middlemen, the use of gold in ancient India, the constant renewal of the Indian Ocean ports of trade, and the rise and demise of the VOC.
"This volume is a collection of papers delivered at the conference "A Tale of Two Worlds: Comparative Perspectives on Indo-Mediterranean Commerce (I-XVII c.)," held at the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean, Columbia University, March 4th-5th, 2011"--Acknowledgment. :
1 online resource (ix, 204 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004289536 :
0166-1302 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient readings of Plato's Phaedo /
Plato's Phaedo has never failed to attract the attention of philosophers and scholars. Yet the history of its reception in Antiquity has been little studied. The present volume therefore proposes to examine not only the Platonic exegetical tradition surrounding this dialogue, which culminates in the commentaries of Damascius and Olympiodorus, but also its place in the reflections of the rival Peripatetic, Stoic, and Sceptical schools. This volume thus aims to shed light on the surviving commentaries and their sources, as well as on less familiar aspects of the history of the Phaedo 's ancient reception. By doing so, it may help to clarify what ancient interpreters of Plato can and cannot offer their contemporary counterparts.
1 online resource (viii, 364 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 311-335) and index. :
9789004289543 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Fichte und seine Zeit : Kontext, Konfrontationen, Rezeptionen /
Mit dem Ausdruck "Fichte und seine Zeit" können die letzten Jahre des 18. und das erste Jahrzehnt des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Völkerschlacht von 1813 überschrieben werden: die ertragreichsten Jahre im Schaffen und Wirken Fichtes. Fichte erarbeitete das System der Wissenschaftslehre keineswegs in Selbstisolierung und ohne Rücksicht auf die spekulativen Anregungen, die er von dem ihn prägenden geistigen und kulturellen Milieu erhielt. Die Jahre des Übergangs vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert sind auch diejenigen, in welche man die Geburt der ,romantischen Bewegung' ansetzt, deren Vaterschaft man wohl Fichte zusprechen muss, obzwar er bald von vielen seiner Schülern verleugnet wurde. Diese Jahre machen zugleich einen entscheidenden Zeitabschnitt in der deutschen Geschichte aus, welcher große Veränderungen - sowohl in staatlich-institutioneller als auch in gesellschaftlicher Hinsicht - mit sich gebracht hat und der mit den Eroberungskriegen Napoleons zu Ende geht, welche eine Zäsur in der deutschen Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts bewirkt haben. Die Absicht vorliegenden Buches ist es, das Geflecht der unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen, die mit dem Stichwort "Fichte und seine Zeit" verbunden sind, in Betracht zu nehmen und ihre internen Zusammenhänge und ihre Geschlossenheit deutlich zu machen. Das Ziel ist daher, nicht nur die einzelnen Themen in ihrem Entstehen, Aufblühen, Sich-Entfalten zu verfolgen, sondern näher zu verstehen, wie Fichtes Gedanke gerade dank dem intellektuellen und wissenschaftlichen Austausch und der Auseinandersetzung mit ,seiner Zeit' bzw. seinen Zeitgenossen gereift und selbstbewusst geworden ist. Die Beiträge stammen von Elena Alessiato (Greifswald/Turin), Marco Bazzan (Toulouse), Carla De Pascale (Bologna), , Faustino Fabbianelli (Parma), Luca Fonnesu (Pavia), Erich Fuchs (Eichenau/München), Jonas Gralle (Freiburg), Laurent Guyot (Toulouse), Tamás Hankovszky (Budapest), Silvan Imhof (Bern), Marco Ivaldo (Neapel), Jindřich Karàsek (Prag), Hans Georg von Manz (München), Monica Marchetto (Palermo), Hitoshi Minobe (Tokyo), Alessandro Novembre (Lecce), Ernst-Otto Onnasch (Utrecht), Francisco Prata Gaspar (São Paulo/München), Manuel Roy (Montréal), Irene Sacchi (Berlin), Stefan Schick (Pentling/Regensburg), Jürgen Stahl (Leipzig), Nobukuni Suzuki (Tokyo), Hartmut Traub (Mühlheim/Ruhr), Martin Vrabec (Hradec Kralove)
1 online resource (i, 412 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004319820 :
0925-0166 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christian Missions and Humanitarianism in The Middle East, 1850-1950 : Ideologies, Rhetoric, and Practices /
From the early phases of modern missions, Christian missionaries supported many humanitarian activities, mostly framed as subservient to the preaching of Christianity. This anthology contributes to a historically grounded understanding of the complex relationship between Christian missions and the roots of humanitarianism and its contemporary uses in a Middle Eastern context. Contributions focus on ideologies, rhetoric, and practices of missionaries and their apostolates towards humanitarianism, from the mid-19th century Middle East crises, examining different missionaries, their society's worldview and their networks in various areas of the Middle East. In the early 20th century Christian missions increasingly paid more attention to organisation and bureaucratisation ('rationalisation'), and media became more important to their work. The volume analyses how non-missionaries took over, to a certain extent, the aims and organisations of the missionaries as to humanitarianism. It seeks to discover and retrace such 'entangled histories' for the first time in an integral perspective. Contributors include: Beth Baron, Philippe Bourmaud, Seija Jalagin, Nazan Maksudyan, Michael Marten, Heleen (L.) Murre-van den Berg, Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Idir Ouahes, Maria Chiara Rioli, Karène Sanchez Summerer, Bertrand Taithe, and Chantal Verdeil.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Women and knowledge in early Christianity /
Women and knowledge are interconnected in several ways in late ancient and early Christian discourses, not least because wisdom (Sophia) and spiritual knowledge (Gnosis) were frequently personified as female entities. Ancient texts deal with idealized women and use feminine imagery to describe the divine but they also debate women's access to and capacity of gaining knowledge. Combining rhetorical analysis with social historical approaches, the contributions in this book cover a wide array of source materials, drawing special attention to the so-called Gnostic texts. The fourteen essays, written by prominent experts of ancient Christianity, are dedicated to Professor Antti Marjanen (University of Helsinki).
1 online resource (x, 379 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004344938 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Demons and the Devil in ancient and medieval Christianity /
This collection of essays approaches the role of demons and the devil in ancient and medieval Christianity from a variety of scholarly perspectives: historical, philosophical, and theological as well as philological, liturgical, and theoretical. In the opening article Gerd Theissen presents a wide-ranging overview of the role of the devil, spanning the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and patristic literature. The contributions that follow address texts on the devil, demons, and evil, and are drawn from ancient philosophy, the New Testament, early Christian apologetics, hagiography, and history. Covering primarily the patristic period, the volume also contains articles on medieval sources. The introduction discusses the different angles of approach found in the articles in an effort to shed fresh light on this familiar but also uniquely troubling theme.
Based on a conference held Oct. 6-7, 2006 in Heeze, Netherlands. :
1 online resource (xii, 257 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004208056 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Searching for the Cinaedus in Ancient Rome /
The cryptic figure of the cinaedus recurs in both the literature and daily life of the Roman world. His afterlife - the equally cryptic catamite - appears to be well and alive as late as Victorian England. But who was the cinaedus ? Should we think of a real group of individuals, or is the term but a scare name to keep at bay any form of threating otherness? This book, the first coherent collection of essays on the topic, addresses the matter and fleshes out the complexity of a debate that concerns not only Roman cinaedi but the foundations of our theoretical approach to the study of ancient sexuality.
1 online resource (326 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Practicing Gnosis : ritual, magic, theurgy, and liturgy in Nag Hammadi, Manichaean and other ancient literature : essays in honor of Birger A. Pearson /
Ritual, magic, liturgy, and theurgy were central features of Gnosticism, and yet Gnostic practices remain understudied. This anthology is meant to fill in this gap and address more fully what the ancient Gnostics were doing. While previously we have studied the Gnostics as intellectuals in pursuit of metaphysical knowledge, the essays in this book attempt to understand the Gnostics as ecstatics striving after religious experience, as prophets seeking revelation, as mystics questing after the ultimate God, as healers attempting to care for the sick and diseased. These essays demonstrate that the Gnostics were not necessarily trendy intellectuals seeking epistomological certainities. They were after religious experiences that relied on practices. The book is organized comparatively in a history-of-religions approach with sections devoted to Initiatory, Recurrent, Therapeutic, Ecstatic, and Philosophic Practices. This book celebrates the brilliant career of Birger A. Pearson.
1 online resource (ix, 571 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004248526 :
0929-2470 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Magic and ritual in the ancient world /
This volume contains a series of provocative essays that explore expressions of magic and ritual power in the ancient world. The essays are authored by leading scholars in the fields of Egyptology, ancient Near Eastern studies, the Hebrew Bible, Judaica, classical Greek and Roman studies, early Christianity and patristics, and Coptic and Islamic Egypt. The strength of the present volume lies in the breadth of scholarly approaches represented. The book begins with several papyrological studies presenting important new texts in Greek and Coptic, continuing with essays focusing on taxonomy and definition. The concluding essays apply contemporary theories to analyses of specific test cases in a broad variety of ancient Mediterranean cultures.
1 online resource (xvii, 468 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047400400 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Overturning certainties in Near Eastern archaeology : a festschrift in honor of K. Aslihan Yener /
This volume, Overturning Certainties in Near Eastern Archaeology , is a festschrift dedicated to Professor K. Aslıhan Yener in honor of over four decades of exemplary research, teaching, fieldwork, and publication. The thirty-five chapters presented by her colleagues includes a broad, interdisciplinary range of studies in archaeology, archaeometry, art history, and epigraphy of the Ancient Near East, especially reflecting Prof Yener's interests in metallurgy, small finds, trade, Anatolia, and the site of Tell Atchana/Alalakh.
1 online resource. :
9789004353572 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The philosophy of spirituality : analytic, continental, and multicultural approaches to a new field of philosophy /
The essays in The Philosophy of Spirituality explore a new field in philosophy. Until recently, most philosophers in the analytic and continental Western traditions treated spirituality as a religious concept. Any non-religious spirituality tended to be neglected or dismissed as irremediably vague. Here, from various philosophical and cultural perspectives, it is addressed as a subject of independent interest. This is a philosophical response to increasing numbers of spiritual but not religious people inhabiting secular societies and the heightened interaction between a multitude of spiritual traditions in a globalized age. A provocative array of approaches (African, Indigenous, Indian, Stoic, and Sufic perspectives, as well as Western analytic and continental views) offer fresh insights, many articulated by emerging voices. Contributors are Mariapaola Bergomi, Moses Biney, Christopher Braddock, Drew Chastain, Kerem Eksen, Nikolay Milkov, Roderick Nicholls, Jerry Piven, Heather Salazar, Eric Steinhart, Richard White, Mark Wynn and Eric Yang.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004376311 :
0929-8436 ;
Hesiod and the Beginnings of Greek Philosophy /
What is the role of Hesiod's poetry in the beginnings of Greek philosophy? This book explores the question by going beyond the traditional responses that stress either continuities or discontinuities between myth and philosophy. Instead, this volume attempts a reflexive or response-oriented approach, that highlights the active re-appropriation and renewal of Hesiodic thought by the Presocratic philosophers. Its fifteen contributions offer large scale comparisons, historiographical considerations, thematic and generic approaches, and detailed case studies.
This fascinating volume rethinks the relationship between early Greek philosophers and the epic poet Hesiod, by presenting fifteen studies that offer different perspectives on matters of style, genre, intertextuality and the history of ideas. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Arabic humanities, Islamic thought : essays in honor of Everett K. Rowson /
This volume brings together studies that explore the richness of the Arabic literary tradition and of Islamic intellectual life, from the beginnings of Islam to the present. The contributors cover an unusually wide range of subjects, including such topics as guile in the Quran, marriage in Islamic law, early esoterica, commentaries on al-Ḥarīrī's Maqamāt , Hellenistic philosophy in Arabic, medieval music and song, scurrilous poetry, Arabic rhetoric, cursing, the modern social and legal history of the Middle East, al-Kharrat's modernist project, and contemporary Islamic thought and responses to it. The volume's range reflects the enormous breadth of Everett Rowson's scholarship and his impact over a lifetime of publishing, editing, teaching, and mentoring in the many fields that constitute the Arabic humanities and Islamic thought. Contributors: Ali Humayun Akhtar, Thomas Bauer, Hans Hinrich Biesterfeldt, Kevin van Bladel, Marilyn Booth, Michael Cooperson, Kenneth M. Cuno, Geert Jan van Gelder, Hala Halim, Lara Harb, David Hollenberg, Matthew L. Keegan, David Larsen, Joseph E. Lowry, Zainab Mahmood, Jon McGinnis, Jeannie Miller, John Nawas, Bilal Orfali, Alex Popovkin, Dwight F. Reynolds, Susan A. Spectorsky, Tara Stephan, Adam Talib, Sarra Tlili, Shawkat M. Toorawa, James Toth, Mark S. Wagner.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004343290 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.