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Magical practice in the Latin West : papers from the international conference held at the University of Zaragoza, 30 Sept.-1 Oct. 2005 /
How different was the practice of magic in the Latin West from that of the eastern Mediterranean basin? Was it just derivative from Greek practice, or did it have its own originality? The recent discovery of important new curse-tablets in Mainz and in the Fountain of Anna Perenna at Rome has made the question newly topical. This volume contains the first commented editions in English of most of these new texts as well as major surveys of new prayers for justice. Other sections are devoted to the discourse of magic in the West, to the linguistics and aims of cursing, and to the major field of protective and eudaemonic magic up to and including the Visigothic slates and the Celtic loricae. The essays are by well-known scholars in the field as well as by established and younger Spanish scholars.
1 online resource (xxvi, 676 pages, [28] pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047441397 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Visions, prophecies, and divinations : early modern Messianism and Millenarianism in Iberian America, Spain and Portugal /
Visions, Prophecies and Divinations is an introduction to the vast and complex phenomena of prophecy and vision in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires. This book is dedicated to the study of the millenarian and messianic movements in the early modern Iberian world, and it is one of the first collections of essays on the subject to be published in English. The ten chapters range from the analysis of Mesoamerican and South American indigenous prophetical beliefs to the intellectual history of the Luso-Brazilian Jesuit Antônio Vieira and his project of a Fifth Empire, passing through new approaches to the long-lasting Sebastianist belief and its political implications.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004316454 :
2213-9141 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Poetry in Late Byzantium /
The late Byzantine period (thirteenth to fifteenth centuries) was marked by both cultural fecundity and political fragmentation, resulting in an astonishingly multifaceted literary output. This book addresses the poetry of the empire's final quarter-millennium from a broad perspective, bringing together studies on texts originating in places from Crete to Constantinople and from court to school, treating topics from humanist antiquarianism to pious self-help, and written in styles from the vernacular to Homeric language. It thus offers a reference work to a much-neglected but rich textual material that is as varied as it was potent in the sociocultural contexts of its times. Contributors are Theodora Antonopoulou, Marina Bazzani, Julián Bértola, Martin Hinterberger, Krystina Kubina, Marc D. Lauxtermann, Florin Leonte, Ugo Mondini, Brendan Osswald, Giulia M. Paoletti, Cosimo Paravano, Daniil Pleshak, Alberto Ravani, and Federica Scognamiglio.
1 online resource (480 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Autonomy of the Åland Islands : Constitutional and International Law Challenges /
Published on occasion of the 100 year anniversary of the Åland Islands' autonomy, this book brings up and discusses a number of challenging issues, from constitutional and international law perspectives, concerning both the Åland situation and autonomy in general. Among the questions raised are: Is autonomy part of international law and which international organisations may have jurisdiction? Is autonomy a human right or is it about the prevention of violent conflicts? Does the Åland Autonomy constitute a useful model for other minority groups? Do the Åland Islands stand to benefit from anything in international law, be it substantive or procedural?
1 online resource (330 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Time and International Adjudication : The Temporal Factor in Proceedings before International Courts and Tribunals /
Time and International Adjudication fills a gap in legal literature in the field of international dispute settlement, by providing a wide selection of stimulating contributions by leading international scholars and lawyers, aimed at discussing the role of time in proceedings before international courts and tribunals. The relevance of the temporal factor in international adjudication is assessed by considering each of the different phases of international judicial proceedings. The analysis covers inter-State proceedings before both permanent courts and tribunals (such as the ICJ, ITLOS and the DSB of the WTO) and arbitral tribunals, as well as international proceedings between individuals and States before regional human rights courts and investment tribunals.
1 online resource (702 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Geschichte und Probleme der Religionswissenschaft.
This book contains a collection of 18 articles written by the author in the last 30 years on methodological, terminological and historical problems concerning the field of his discipline at Leipzig University, namely Religious Studies. Some articles are rewritten, others only revised or complemented. Much influenced at this University in considering the field of Religious Studies as an area based primary on history and philology, independent of theology and philosophy, this work focuses a.o. on terms like Myth, Mythology, Demythologizing, and Syncretism; on subjects like Mohammed, the relation between Jews, Christians and Muslims; and on leading figures of the discipline in past and present. An introductory essay provides the autobiographical considerations, necessary for a good understanding of the collection. Das Buch enthält 18 Aufsätze des Autors aus den letzten 30 Jahren, die sich mit wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen, methodologischen und terminologischen Problemen der Religionswissenschaft (Rw) beschäftigen. Mehrere von ihnen sind neubearbeitet, andere wenigstens durchgesehen und ergänzt worden. Da der Verfasser das Fach fast 25 Jahre an der Universität Leipzig (früher DDR) vertreten hat, ehe er nach den USA und dann nach Marburg berufen wurde, waren seine Möglichkeiten begrenzt, sich zu grundlegenden und aktuellen Fragen seiner Disziplin zu äußern, und wenn, dann in Zeitschriften, die nicht so verbreitet sind, daß sie international beachtet werden konnten. Seine Ausbildung in Leipzig mit einer der ältesten Traditionen der deutschen Rw und die damalige Situation bestimmen daher die Mehrzahl seiner Arbeiten in bemerkenswerter Weise, indem sie versuchen der Rw ein eigenständiges Profil zu geben, und zwar auf der Grundlage einer streng historisch-philologischen, nichttheologischen Position, die vor allem auch ihre ideologiekritische Seite mit einschließt. Einige Beiträge widmen sich außerdem terminologischen Themen (Mythos, Entmythologisierung, Synkretismus, Entwicklung, Sekte), andere historischen (Mohammed, Verhältnis von Juden, Christen und Muslimen, Frühes Christentum) und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen (H. Haas, J. Wach, W. Baetke, Eliade, Religionsgeschichtliche Schule). Der einleitende Essay gibt autobiographische Reflexionen wieder, die zum Verständnis der Sammlung nötig sind. Das Buch greift grundlegende Probleme der Rw auf, die bis heute diese Disziplin begleiten, auch wenn verständlicherweise neue Fragestellungen aufgekommen sind, von denen der Verfasser z.B. die der Religion-Umwelt-Beziehung (der älteren Religionsgeographie) aufgreift.
1 online resource. :
Authoritative texts and reception history : aspects and approaches /
Reception history has emerged over the last decades as a rapidly growing domain of research, entertaining a notable methodological diversity. Authoritative Texts and Reception History samples that diversity, offering a collection of essay that discuss various reception-historical issues, from a plurality of perspectives, across several fields: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Pseudepigrapha and the Dead Sea Scrolls, New Testament, early and late-antique Christianity. While furthering specific discussions in their specific fields, the contributions included here-authored by both established and emerging scholars-illustrate just how wide the umbrella of 'reception history' can be, and the varied range of topics, concerns and approaches it can accommodate.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004334960 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Anatomies of the Gospels and beyond : essays in honor of R. Alan Culpepper /
Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond is an edited volume structured around essays that focus on one of the four canonical Gospels (and Acts) and/or theoretical issues involved in literary readings of New Testament narrative. The volume is intended to honor the legacy of R. Alan Culpepper, Emeritus Professor and Former Dean at Mercer University's McAfee School of Theology. The title of the volume (which alludes to the title of Culpepper's ground-breaking monograph, Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel ) and the breadth of the essays are apt reflections of his research interests over his academic career of over forty years. The twenty-five contributors are internationally recognized experts in New Testament studies; thus, the essays represent a snapshot of current research.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004373501 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sources of Slavic Pre-Christian Religion /
In Sources of Slavic Pre-Christian Religion Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa presents the original texts as well as English translations of all known medieval sources that inform us about the religion practiced by the Slavs before their Christianization. Since the Slavs did not have a written culture before their conversion to Christianity, all the texts were authored by people who were involved in this long process or in contact with the Slavs. For this reason, the texts come from a lengthy period from the ninth to the fifteenth century. Since the texts were originally written in seven different ancient languages, the present book is the result of the work of a large team of specialists.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Paulus und Barnabas in der Provinz Galatien : Studien zu Apostelgeschichte 13f. ; 16,6 ; 18,23 und den Adressaten des Galaterbriefes /
This study poses and answers two questions: 1. What is the basis in the tradition for the Acts 13 and 14 narrative about Paul's and Barnabas' mission on Cyprus and in southern Galatia? 2. Who are the addressees of the letter to the Galatians? Using the extant inscriptions and literary sources that relate to the provinces of Cyprus and Galatia in the early Roman Empire, the above questions are addressed to Acts and Galatians, and answered as follows: 1 Acts 13-14 contains so much local colour as to rule out the thesis that the so-called first missionary journey is fictional. 2. Paul's letter to the Galatians is addressed to the churches in southern Galatia - Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe. The hypothesis of a north-Galatian setting is shown to be improbable in the light of the geographical, archaeological and epigraphic evidence.
1 online resource (xvi, 215 pages) : illustrations, maps (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004332485 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Prehistory of northeastern Africa : new ideas and discoveries /
"Proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the Poznań Archaeological Museum and Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences for the International Commission of the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa, Poznań, 2-5 July 2007" --Verso of title-page.
OCLC 854667084 :
495 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical referernces. :
Boats, ships and shipyards : proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Venice 2000 /
"ISBSA 9."
"Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità e del Vicino Oriente." :
xiv, 362 p. : ill. ; 31 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :