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Religion and Coping in Mental Health Care /
Joseph Pieper and Marinus van Uden have proposed a book consisting of previously published papers on the topics of religion, coping, and mental health care. It covers quite a bit of territory: the complex relationships between religion and mental health, surveys that present the views of therapists and patients about the interface between religion and mental health, a case study of a religious patient struggling with psychological problems, empirical studies of religious coping among various groups, and a method for teaching the clinical psychology of religion. Although the papers are diverse, they are unified by several themes. First, the papers convey a balanced approach to religion and psychology. They speak to the potentially positive and negative contributions religion can make to health and well-being. Second, several of the papers focus on the role of religious coping among patients in the Netherlands. This focus is noteworthy since the large majority of this theory and research has been limited to the USA. Third, they underscore the value of a cross-cultural approach to the field. Their surveys point to the importance of religious/worldview perspectives to many patients (and therapists) in the Netherlands, even though the culture is more secularised than the USA. However, their papers also suggest that the manifestation of these religious/worldview perspectives may take different shape in the Netherlands. Fourth, the papers have clinical relevance. The case history of the obsessive-compulsive patient by Van Uden (ch. 4) contains an excellent example of the way in which religious resources can be accessed to counter dysfunctional behaviours. This volume shows initial effort in a newly emerging area of study. It is encouraging to see a significant body of research and practice on the psychology of religion and coping coming out of the Netherlands. It could stimulate further advances in a more cross-culturally sensitive, clinical psychology of religion. - Kenneth Pargament, Professor of Psychology, Bowling Green State University in Ohio, USA.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Excavations at Serra East : parts 1-5, A-Group, C-Group, Pan Grave, New Kingdom, and X-Group remains from cemeteries A-G and rock shelters /
"Campagne internationale pour la sauvegarde des monuments de la Nubie."
"George R. Hughes and James W. Knudstad, directors." :
xxxii, 236 p., 43 p. of plates : ill. ; 31 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. xxiii-xxvi). :
0918986923 (alk. paper)
Noubadian X-Group remains from royal complexes in cemeteries Q and 219 and from private cemeteries Q, R, V, W, B, J, and M at Qustul and Ballana /
At head of title: Campagne internationale pour la sauvegarde des monuments de la Nubie.
"Keith C. Seele, director." :
xxxix, 409 pages, 83 pages of plates : illustrations, maps ; 31 cm :
Includes bibliographical references. :
al-Yāqūt wa-al-murjān fī sharḥ lughāt al-Qur'ān /
16, 326, [26] pages ; 25 cm. :
"Al-Yanābīʻ al-ṣāfīyah fī ḥukm al-Masā'il al-thamānīyah, lil-Shaykh ... Ḥamad Allāh ibn Maḥmūd al-Hālījawī al-Sindī": pages 1-16 (4th group).
"Manzūmat asmā' Allāh taʻālá al-Ḥusná, li-Sayyidinā al-Shaykh al-Ṡayyid ʻAbd al-Qadir al-Jīlānī": pages 1-10 (3d group).
The Book of Clear Arabic Expression regarding the Arab Tribes of Egypt : An edition, translation and study of al-Maqrīzī's al-Bayān wa'l-iʿrāb ʿammā bi-arḍ Miṣr min al-aʿrāb /
Al-BayÄn wa'l-iÊ¿rÄb Ê¿ammÄ fÄ« arḠMiá¹£r min al-aÊ¿rÄb is an influential treatise on the Arab and Berber groups that inhabited the Egyptian countryside in the late medieval period. The work brings together al-MaqrÄ«zÄ«'s life-long preoccupation with the history of Egypt and his parallel interest in the history of the Arabs, pitting the lineage-based ideology of Arab rebels against the Mamluk elite of manumitted slaves. Over the past century, the BayÄn has been repeatedly deployed in public debates about the Arab identity of Egypt. This book offers a critical study of the treatise in its fifteenth century context, an academic edition, and a first translation into English.
1 online resource (270 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Dirāsat naqd wa-muqāranah li-baʻḍ al-maʻālim al-atharīyah fī Taymāʼ bi-shamāl gharb al-Jazīrah al-ʻArabīyah min khilāl natāʼij al-istikshāfāt al-atharīyah : muqaddimah ʻan āthār Taymāʼ /
: Title on added t.p. : A critical and compatrative discussion of certain ancient monuments, (part of the city wall, Qasr ar-Radm and Qasr al Hamrāʼ), in the north Arabian city of Taymāʼ in the light of evidence furnished by excavations. : [4], 175, 103, xii pages : illustrations, map ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 98-103, second group). : wafaa.lib.
David Jones : a Christian modernist? : new approaches to his art, poetry and cultural theory /
David Jones: A Christian Modernist? is a major reassessment of the work of the poet, artist and essayist David Jones (1895-1974) in light of the complex, ambiguous idea of a 'Christian modernism'. His richly experimental and palimpsestic poetry, art and thought drew extensively on Christian tradition and symbolism as a key to the future: rejecting a technocratic and utilitarian modernity in favour of a revitalised culture of sign and sacrament. This volume examines historical influences on Jones's development, his impassioned engagement with the idea of modernity and with modernist literature and art, the theological sources and resonances of his work, and contemporary or late-modern perspectives on his achievement.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004356993 :
1877-3192 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Prophet, Intermediary, King : The Dynamics of Mediation in the Biblical World and Old Babylonian Mari /
In Prophet, Intermediary, King: The Dynamics of Mediation in the Biblical World and Old Babylonian Mari , Julie B. Deluty investigates the mediation of prophecy for kings in biblical narratives and the Old Babylonian corpus from Mari. In many cases, the prophet's message is delivered through a third party-sometimes a royal official or family member-who may exercise a degree of autonomy in the transmission of the words. Drawing on social network theory, the book highlights the importance of third-party intermediaries in the process of communication that lies at the core of biblical and ancient Near Eastern prophecy. Recognition of the place of non-prophetic intermediaries in a monarchic system offers a new dimension to the study of prophecy in antiquity.
1 online resource (290 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Italian Witchcraft and Shamanism : The Tradition of Segnature, Indigenous and Trans-cultural Shamanic Traditions in Italy /
Shamanism is thriving as an exotic import and a hidden native tradition in Italy today. This ethnographical work uncovers two faces of Italian shamanism. The first is trans-cultural shamans who creatively adapt rituals and beliefs from indigenous cultures worldwide. Second, extensive fieldwork shows how regional folk magic practices of segnatori and segnatrici constitute a little-known but enduring form of native Italian shamanism. By documenting these parallel worlds, contemporary magic workers appear to be the heirs of ancient local healing traditions. Offering rare insights into vernacular religion, this book vividly portrays shamans' past and present on the Italian peninsula.
1 online resource (220 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Myths, martyrs, and modernity : studies in the history of religions in honour of Jan N. Bremmer /
This volume in honour of Jan N. Bremmer contains the contributions of numerous students, colleagues, and friends offered to him on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Throughout his career, Bremmer has distinguished himself as an internationally renowned scholar of religion both past and present, including first and foremost Greek and Roman religion, but also early Christianity and post-classical developments in religion and spirituality. In line with these three main areas of Bremmer's research, the volume is divided into three parts, bringing together contributions from distinguished scholars in many fields. The result is a diverse book which provides a broad spectrum of original ideas and innovative approaches in the history of religions, thus reflecting the nature of the scholarship of Bremmer himself.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004193659 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New faith in ancient lands : Western missions in the Middle East in the nineteenth and early twentienth [i.e. twentieth] centuries /
Over the centuries, the Middle East has held an important place in the religious consciousness of many Christians in West and East. In the nineteenth century, these interests culminated in extensive missionary work of Protestant and Roman Catholic organisations, among Eastern Christians, Muslims and Jews. The present volume, in articles written by an international group of scholars, discusses themes like the historical background of Christian geopiety among Roman Catholics and Protestants, and the internal tensions and conflicting aims of missions and missionaries, such as between nationalist and internationalist interests, between various rival organisations and between conversionalist and civilizational aims of missions in the Ottoman Empire. In a synthetic overview and a comprehensive bibliography an up-to-date introduction into this field is provided.
Proceedings of a symposium held in Jan. 2005 at the Universiteit Leiden. :
1 online resource (xi, 339 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 309-328) and index. :
9789047411406 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Voicing Vulnerable Bodies Living on the Edges : The Autoethnography of a Transnational Mariposa /
Panama has been considered one of the most developed countries in Latin America. With high skylines and a modern metro system, this Central American country hides a true reality when we explore it in a deeper level. Like many other marginalized groups, LGBT communities in Panama have been invisible and ignored by the State. Incidents related to homophobia, transphobia, and hate crime have been taken for granted for many years. Instead, LGBT individuals have been blamed for behaving against social and sometimes religious norms. This book answers the researcher's questions: (1) How can I use my transnational mariposa consciousness to document my lived experiences as a maricón in Panama? (2) What does it mean to be a gay man in Panama nowadays? (3) How do trans women's experiences with a hostile society shape their everyday existence?
1 online resource (153 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Prophetic vocation in the New Testament and today /
"Produced within the framework of a consultation ... at the Ecumenical Institute, Bossey, Switzerland from 12-17 September 1975."
English, French, or German. :
1 online resource (viii, 248 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004266568 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Cutting through the surface : philosophical approaches to bioethics /
This book examines the role of philosophy and philosophers in bioethics. Academics often see bioethical studies as too practical while decision makers tend to see them as too theoretical. The purpose of this collection of new essays by an international group of distinguished scholars is to explore the troubled relationship between theory and practice in the ethical assessment of medicine, health care, and new medical and genetic technologies. The book is divided into six parts. In the first part, philosophers consider the definition of bioethics, the nature of applied ethics more generally, and the possibility of combining utilitarian and liberal strands of thinking in moral and political studies. In the second part, authors discuss the place and justification of principles in bioethics and the significance of medical and nursing experience in moral decision making. The third part addresses the complementary (or contradictory, as the case may be) principles of dignity, autonomy, precaution, and solidarity, and their use in theoretical and practical settings. In the fourth part, public health measures and experimental research are defended against traditional moral concerns. Part five scrutinizes parental responsibilities in bearing and rearing children, especially the reasons for and against human reproduction in individual cases. In part six, enhancements to human nature by various means are analyzed. Following in the footsteps of four previous collections in the Values in Bioethics special series by the same editorial team- Scratching the Surface of Bioethics , Bioethics and Social Reality , Ethics in Biomedical Research , and Arguments and Analysis in Bioethics -this book, compiled in honor of Professor Matti Häyry's 50th birthday, drills into the core of the discipline to show the philosophical depths that lie under the polished surface of policy-driven everyday bioethics.
1 online resource (xii, 258 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789042027404 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.