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Discussing modernity : a dialogue with Martin Jay /
Martin Jay is one of America's leading intellectual historians. His work spans almost all important questions concerning the subject of modernity. Outstanding Polish scholars engage in a dialogue with Jay's work, discussing significant problems of modernity and postmodernity. The book offers a broad panorama of contemporary thought approached from various angles. It is also a unique exercise of intercultural intellectual dialogue covering many areas from literature to politics. The book also includes an essay on photography by Martin Jay and his detailed response to the other contributors, which has the character of an extended conversation with them. The book can serve as an assessment of the uptake of Jay's ideas, and equally well as a general introduction to the genealogy of modernity and postmodernity.
1 online resource (153 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401209304 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Bridging the analytical continental divide : a companion to contemporary western philosophy /
This volume, edited by Tiziana Andina, tackles some of the most compelling questions addressed in contemporary philosophy. Covering areas so diverse as metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, political philosophy, philosophy of art, epistemology and philosophy of mind, this book maps the past fifty years of philosophical reflection, Bridging the Analytical Continental Divide . Not only will the reader get to know philosophy's most interesting and promising developments, but she will also be immersed in human thought in a broader sense, as the book explores both our ability to explore the world and ask questions and our capability to organize societies, create art and give humankind an ethical and a political dimension. Contributors include: Tiziana Andina, Annalisa Amoretti, Luca Angelone, Alessandro Arbo, Carola Barbero, Andrea Borghini, Francesco Berto, Chiara Cappelletto, Stefano Caputo, Elena Casetta, Annalisa Coliva, Francesca De Vecchi, Maurizio Ferraris, Valeria Ottonelli, Andrea Pedeferri, Daniela Tagliafico, Italo Testa, Giuliano Torrengo, Vera Tripodi.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great.
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great offers a considerable range of topics, of interest to students and academics alike, in the long tradition of this subject's significant impact, across a sometimes surprising and comprehensive variety of areas. Arguably no other historical figure has cast such a long shadow for so long a time. Every civilisation touched by the Macedonian Conqueror, along with many more that he never imagined, has scrambled to "own" some part of his legacy. This volume canvasses a comprehensive array of these receptions, beginning from Alexander's own era and journeying up to the present, in order to come to grips with the impact left by this influential but elusive figure.
1 online resource. :
Indigeneity on the Oceanic Stage : Intimations of the Local in a Globalised World /
This volume examines how Indigenous theatre and performance from Oceania has responded to the intensification of globalisation from the turn of the 20th to the 21st centuries. It foregrounds a relational approach to the study of Indigenous texts, thus echoing what scholars such as Tui Nicola Clery have described as the stance of a "Multi-Perspective Culturally Sensitive Researcher." To this end, it proposes a fluid vision of Oceania characterized by heterogeneity and cultural diversity calling to mind Epeli Hau'ofa's notion of "a sea of islands." Taking its cue from the theories of Deleuze and Guattari, the volume offers a rhizomatic, non-hierarchical approach to the study of the various shapes of Indigeneity in Oceania. It covers Indigenous performance from Aotearoa/New Zealand, Hawai'i, Samoa, Rapa Nui/Easter Island, Australia and the Torres Strait Islands. Each chapter uses vivid case histories to explore a myriad of innovative strategies responding to the interplay between the local and the global in contemporary Indigenous performance. As it places different Indigenous cultures from Oceania in conversation, this critical anthology gestures towards an "imparative" model of comparative poetics, favouring negotiation of cultural difference and urging scholars to engage dialogically with non-European artistic forms of expression.
1 online resource (339 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The gospel behind the Gospels : current studies on Q /
The Gospel Behind the Gospels portrays all the major areas of current discussion and debate regarding the early source of Jesus' sayings known as Q. Sixteen gospel scholars have advanced the debate about this source's nature, history and significance. Contributors discuss Q's existence, its relationship to Mark's gospel and to the Gospel of Thomas, its genre, its redactional history with special reference to the Son of Man and to wisdom and prophetic traditions, its social history with respect to family structures and the Cynics, a feminist analysis of Q, its significance for the historical Jesus and for Jesus' parables. The volume sheds important light on Jesus and Christian origins as well as upon Q itself, and it is significant for the diversity of major North American, European and Japanese scholarship which is represented.
1 online resource (x, 411 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004267091 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studies in Hellenistic Judaism /
This volume consists of 23 essays that have appeared in 19 different journals and other publications during a period of over 40 years, together with an introduction. The essays deal primarily with the relations between Jews and non-Jews during the period from Alexander the Great to the end of the Roman Empire, in five areas: Josephus; Judaism and Christianity; Latin literature and the Jews; the Romans in Rabbinic literature; and other studies in Hellenistic Judaism. The topics include a programmatic essay comparing Hebraism and Hellenism, pro-Jewish intimations in Apion and in Tacitus, the influence of Josephus on Cotton Mather, Philo's view on music, the relationship between pagan and Christian anti-Semitism, observations on rabbinic reaction to Roman rule, and new light from inscriptions and papyri on Diaspora synagogues.
1 online resource (x, 677 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 603-605) and indexes. :
9789004332836 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
We Have Always Been Transcultural: The Arts as an Example /
Wolfgang Welsch demonstrates for the first time that transculturality - the mixed constitution of cultures - is by no means only a characteristic of the present, but has de facto determined the composition of cultures since time immemorial. The historical transculturality is demonstrated using examples from the arts. While transculturality was often viewed with reservation where political, social, or psychological levels were at stake, it was rather welcomed and appreciated in the field of art. The book therefore demonstrates the historical prevalence of transculturality via all areas of art and does so with respect to all cultures and continents of our world.
1 online resource (238 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Early Christianity and classical culture : comparative studies in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe /
This volume contains 28 essays in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe, whose work has been especially influential in exploring modes of cultural interaction between early Jews and Christians and their Graeco-Roman neighbours. Following an introductory essay on the problems inherent to such comparative studies in the history of New Testament scholarship, the essays are grouped into five topic areas: Graphos - semantics and writing, Ethos - ethics and moral characterization, Logos - rhetoric and literary expression, Ethnos - self-definition and acculturation, and Nomos - law and normative values. Some key examples are studies dealing with The Greek Idea of "Divine Nature" and its relation to the "Divine Man" tradition; Compilation of Letters in Cicero's collection; Radical Altruism in Paul; Greek Ideas of Concord and Cosmic Harmony in 1 Clement; The Rhetorical Use of Friendship Motifs in Galatians in comparison with Second Sophistic Orators; Wills and Testaments in Graeco-Roman perspective.
1 online resource (xx, 740 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047402190 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studies in Honour of Clifford Edmund Bosworth, Volume I : Hunter of the East: Arabic and Semitic Studies /
Professor C.E. Bosworth FBA is a Middle East historian of world stature. In this volume his friends and colleagues come together to honour his 70th birthday. The diversity of these essays reflects the diversity and depth of Professor Bosworth's own interests. Ranging through the five areas of Literature, Language, History, Law, and Art and Epigraphy, this volume embraces the ancient, the medieval and the modern, covering topics as diverse as the Maqāma genre, the significance of wooden weapons in al-Mukhtār's revolt and nineteenth century exchanges in Himyaritic inscriptions. The volume illustrates the vibrancy and dynamism of modern scholarship in the field of Arabic and Semitic Studies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Looking beyond? : shifting views of transcendence in philosophy, theology, art, and politics /
Religion is undergoing a transformation in current Western society. In addition to organized religions, there is a notable movement towards spirituality that is not associated with any institutions but in which experiences and notions of transcendence are still important. Transcendence can be described as God, the absolute, Mystery, the Other, the other as alterity, depending on one's worldview. In this book, these shifts in the views of transcendence in various areas of culture such as philosophy, theology, art, and politics are explored on the basis of a fourfold heuristic model (proposed by Wessel Stoker). In conversation with this model, various authors, established scholars in their fields, explain the meaning and role, or the critique, of transcendence in the thought of contemporary thinkers, fields of discourse, or cultural domains. Looking Beyond? will stimulate further research on the theme of transcendence in contemporary culture, but can also serve as a textbook for courses in various disciplines, ranging from philosophy to theology, cultural studies, literature, art, and politics.
1 online resource (527 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789401207522 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance /
A wide range of specialists provide a comprehensive overview of the reception of Pythagorean ideas in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, shedding new light especially on the understudied 'Medieval Pythagoras' of the Latin West. They also explore the survival of Pythagoreanism in the Arabic, Jewish, and Persian cultures, thus adopting a multicultural perspective. Their common concern is to detect the sources of this reception, and to follow their circulation in diverse linguistic areas. The reader can thus have a panoramic view of the major themes belonging to the Pythagorean heritage - number philosophy and the sciences of the quadrivium; ethics and way of life; theology, metaphysics and the soul - until the Early Modern times.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant : Essays in Honour of Alastair Hamilton /
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant is a collection of essays in honour of Professor Alastair Hamilton. His pioneering research into the history of European Oriental studies has deeply enhanced our understanding of the dynamics and processes of cultural and religious exchange between Christian Europe and the Islamic world. Written by students, friends and colleagues, the contributions in this volume pay tribute to Alastair Hamilton's work and legacy. They discuss and celebrate intellectual, artistic and religious encounters between Europe and the cultural area stretching from Northern Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, and spanning the period from the sixteenth to the late nineteenth century. Contributors: Asaph Ben-Tov, Alexander Bevilacqua, Maurits H. van den Boogert, Charles Burnett, Ziad Elmarsafy, Mordechai Feingold, Aurélien Girard, Bernard Heyberger, Robert Irwin, Tarif Khalidi, J.M.I. Klaver, Noel Malcolm, Martin Mulsow, Francis Richard, G. J. Toomer, Arnoud Vrolijk, Nicholas Warner, Joanna Weinberg, and Jan Just Witkam.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Brill's companion to Sophocles /
Brill's Companion to Sophocles offers 32 specially commissioned essays from leading international scholars which give critical examinations of the progress and direction of numerous wide-ranging debates about various aspects of Sophoclean drama. Each chapter offers an authoritative and state-of-the-art survey of current thinking and research in a particular subject area, as well as covering a wide variety of thematic angles. Recent advances in scholarship have raised new questions about Sophocles and Greek tragedy, and have overturned some long-standing assumptions. Besides presenting a comprehensive and authoritative guide to understanding Sophocles, this companion provides scholars and students with compelling fresh perspectives upon a broad range of issues in the field of Sophoclean studies.
Errata slip included. :
1 online resource (xxii, 737 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 661-714) and indexes. :
9789004217621 :
1872-3357 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The anti-landscape /
There have always been some uninhabitable places, but in the last century human beings have produced many more of them. These anti-landscapes have proliferated to include the sandy wastes of what was once the Aral Sea, severely polluted irrigated lands, open pit mines, blighted nuclear zones, coastal areas inundated by rising seas, and many others. The Anti-Landscape examines the emergence of such sites, how they have been understood, and how some of them have been recovered for habitation. The anti-landscape refers both to artistic and literary representations and to specific places that no longer sustain life. This history includes T. S. Eliot's Wasteland and Cormac McCarthy's The Road as well as air pollution, recycled railway lines, photography and landfills. It links theories of aesthetics, politics, tourism, history, geography, and literature into the new synthesis of the environmental humanities. The Anti-Landscape provides an interdisciplinary approach that moves beyond the false duality of nature vs. culture, and beyond diagnosis and complaint to the recuperation of damaged sites into our complex heritage. This is the first volume in the new series Studies in Environmental Humanities .
1 online resource (217 pages) : illustrations (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401211697 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The furniture of the world : essays in ontology and metaphysics /
Seventeen essays make up the body of this anthology. Most of the authors are Latin Americans (although some of them work in other regions), and thus we might say that this volume is, in a very approximate sense, a showcase of recent Latin-American ontology and metaphysics. The remaining authors-Pierre Aubenque, Barry Smith, Lorenzo Peña and James Hamilton-are distinguished teachers who have had important contacts with the Latin-American philosophical community. The articles in this anthology address some of the central questions in ontology and metaphysics: the possibility of a science of being (Aubenque), the different possible approaches to ontology (Hurtado), the recent application of ontology to informatics (Smith), guise theory and its Leibnizian antecedents (Herrera), the reduction of space and time to phenomenological properties (Rodríguez Larreta), the Newtonian ontology of space and time (Benítez and Robles), the relation between truth and the so-called "truth-makers" (Rodríguez Pereyra), the ontological position of the Pyrrhonic skeptic (Junqueira Smith), the limits and difficulties of metaphysical realism (Cabanchik, Pereda), the defense of physicalist or emergentist positions regarding the mental (Pérez), the metaphysical nature of persons (Naishtat), the ontology of cultural entities (Peña), political ontology (Nudler), the relation between ontology and literature (Hamilton), the ontology of art (Tomasini). Some of the works (e.g., those Aubenque and Robles) approach the question from a historical perspective: others examine the most recent philosophical literature on the problems focalized (e.g., those by Pérez and Rodríguez Pereyra), and others offer new approaches (e.g., those of Rodríguez Larreta, Peña or Nudler) to a specific problematic area.
International conference proceedings. :
1 online resource (335 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789401207799 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New chapters in the history of rhetoric /
This volume gathers over forty papers by leading scholars in the field of the history of rhetoric. It illustrates the current trends in this new area of research and offers a great richness of insights. The contributors are from fourteen different countries in Europe, America and Asia ; the majority of the papers are in English and French, some others in German, Italian, and Spanish. The texts and subjects covered include the Bible, Classical Antiquity, Medieval and Modern Europe, Chinese and Korean civilization, and the contemporary world. Word, speech, language and institutions are addressed from several points of view. One major topic, among many others, is Rhetoric and Religion.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047428473 :
1875-1148 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A social history of late Ottoman women : new perspectives /
In A Social History of the Late Ottoman Women: New Perspectives , Duygu Köksal and Anastasia Falierou bring together new research on women of different geographies and communities of the late Ottoman Empire. Making use of archives, literary works, diaries, newspapers, almanacs, art works or cartoons, the contributors focus particularly on the ways in which women gained power and exercised agency in late Ottoman Empire and early Republican Turkey. The articles convincingly show that women's agency cannot be unearthed without narrating how women were involved in shaping their own and others' lives even in the most unexpected areas of their existence. The women's activities described here do not simply reflect modernizing trends or westernizing attitudes-or their defensive denial. They provide an array of local responses where 'the local' can never be found (and should never be conceptualized) in its initial, unchanged, or authentic state.
1 online resource (xiv, 348 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004255258 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mediating museums : exhibiting material culture in Tunisia (1881-2016) /
This book documents and interprets the trajectory of ethnographic museums in Tunisia from the colonial to the post-revolutionary period, demonstrating changes and continuities in role, setting and architecture across shifting ideological landscapes. The display of everyday culture in museums is generally looked down upon as being kitsch and old-fashioned. This research shows that, in Tunisia, ethnographic museums have been highly significant sites in the definition of social identities. They have worked as sites that diffuse social, economic and political tensions through a vast array of means, such as the exhibition itself, architecture, activities, tourism, and consumerism. The book excavates the evolution of paradigms in which Tunisian popular identity has been expressed through the ethnographic museum, from the modernist notion of 'indigenous authenticity' under colonial time, to efforts at developing a Tunisian ethnography after Independence, and more recent conceptions of cultural diversity since the revolution. Based on a combination of archival research in Tunisia and in France, participant observation and interviews with past and present protagonists in the Tunisian museum field, this research brings to light new material on an understudied area.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Oxford handbook of Ancient Nubia /
"The cultures of Nubia built the earliest cities, states, and empires of inner Africa, but they remain relatively poorly known outside their modern descendants and the community of archaeologists, historians, and art historians researching them. The earliest archaeological work in Nubia was motivated by its role as neighbor, trade partner, and enemy of ancient Egypt. Increasingly, however, ancient Nile-based Nubian cultures are recognized in their own right as the earliest complex societies in inner Africa. As agro-pastoral cultures, Nubian settlement, economy, political organization, and religious ideologies were often organized differently from those of the urban, bureaucratic, and overwhelmingly agricultural states of Egypt and the ancient Middle East. Nubian societies are thus of great interest in comparative study, and are also recognized for their broader impact on histories of the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, as well as of neighboring areas"--
xiii, 1201 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :