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Judaism in the Roman world : collected essays /
Judaism in the Roman World deals with the religious lives of Jews in the Roman world from late Second Temple times to the Later Roman Empire. *** The studies collected here analyse a series of issues important in the development of Judaism in this period: the role of the Temple and pilgrimage in the first century CE; the attitude of Jews to the physical texts of the Torah and to the scribes who produced them; the extent of variety and change within Judaism before and after 70 CE and the nature of the evidence for particular types of Judaism; the role of synagogues and images in Jewish worship; and relations between Jews and Christians in the early centuries. *** This book should be particularly useful to students of ancient Judaism and those interested in Christian origins.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047410614 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Abraham, the nations, and the Hagarite s Jewish, Christian, and Islamic perspectives on kinship with Abraham /
Jews, Christians and Muslims describe their origins with close reference to the narrative of Abraham, including the complex story of Abraham's relation to Hagar. This volume sketches the history of interpretation of some of the key passages in this narrative, not least the verses which state that in Abraham all the nations of the earth will be blessed. This passage, which features prominently in Christian historiography, is largely disregarded in ancient Judaism, prompting the question how the relation between Abraham and the nations was perceived in Jewish sources. This focus is supplemented with the question how Islamic historiography relates to the Abraham narrative, and in particular to the descent of the Arabs from Abraham through Ishmael and Hagar. In studying the traditional readings of these narratives, the volume offers a detailed yet wide-ranging analysis of important aspects of the accounts of their origins which emerged within the three Abrahamic religions.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004216495 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Latin historiography and poetry in the early empire : generic interactions /
This book, a sequel to Clio and the Poets (Brill 2002), takes as its point of departure Quintilian's statement that 'historiography is very close to the poets': it examines not only how verse interfaces with historical texts but also how first-century AD Roman historians engage with issues and patterns of thought central to contemporary poetry and with specific poetic texts. Included are substantive discussions of a wide range of authors, notably Lucan, Seneca, Statius, Pliny, Juvenal, Silius Italicus, and Tacitus.
Papers presented at the "Proxima poetis: Latin historiography and poetry in the early empire" conference, held at the University of Virginia on April 11-12, 2008.
Sequel to: Clio and the poets (Brill, 2002). :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [223]-239) and index. :
9789047430995 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Oikistes : studies in constitutions, colonies, and military power in the ancient world, offered in honor of A.J. Graham /
This Festschrift includes a range of essays, mirroring the diverse abilities of the honoree, A. J. Graham, in ancient Greek and Roman constitutional history, military history, and colonization. The articles feature discussions of individual problems in politics, epigraphy, historiography, numismatics, and archaeology, including topics such as the Battle of Actium, the Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus, the Spartan constitution, democracy in Camarina, Persian coinage, mercenary soldiers, the origins of both Greek and Roman historical writing, cult practice at Berezan, the Athenian Long Walls, the Peloponnesian War, and various aspects of Greek colonization and Roman provincial policy.
1 online resource (xvii, 396 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004350908 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Roman Army Papers /
The forty-four papers, with addenda and indices, written between 1940 and 1985 embody a lifetime's work by this eminent Princeton scholar, noted for his deft handling of the inscriptions and papyri on which our knowledge of the Roman army rests.
1 online resource (481 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Looking In, Looking Out: Jews and Non-Jews in Mutual Contemplation : Essays for Martin Goodman on His 70th Birthday /
Martin Goodman's forty years of scholarship in Roman history and ancient Judaism demonstrates how each discipline illuminates the other: Jewish history makes best sense in a broader Greco-Roman context; Roman history has much to learn from Jewish sources and evidence. In this volume, Martin's colleagues and students follow his example by examining Jews and non-Jews in mutual contemplation. Part 1 explores Jews' views of inter-communal stasis, the causes of the Bar Kochba revolt, tales of Herodian intrigue, and the meaning of "Israel." Part 2 investigates Jews depiction of outsiders: Moabites, Greeks, Arabs, and Roman authorities. Part 3 explores early Christians' (Luke, Jerome, Rufinus, Syriac poetry, Pionius, ordinary individuals) views of Jews and use of Jewish sources, and Josephus's relevance for girls in 19th century Britain.
1 online resource (468 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Viva Vox Iuris Romani : Essays in Honour of Johannes Emil Spruit /
With contributions by J.A. Ankum, O. Behrends, G.C.J.J. v.d. Bergh, A.M.J.A Berkvens, Th.E. v. Bochove, F.J. Bruinsma, R. Feenstra, R. Forrez A.Fl. Gehlen, F.W. Grosheide, J. Hellebeek, M.L. Hewett, J.B.M. van Hoek, A.M. Hol, E. Hondius, C.J.H. Jansen, R. Knütel, C. de Koninck, C. Krampe, B. Kupisch, L. de Ligt, J.H.A. Lokin, J. Menner, O. Moorman van Kappen, P.L. Nève, C.H. van Rhee, E.J.H. Schrage, A.J.B. Sirks, E. Slob, B.H. Stolte, R. Verstegen, M. v.d. Vrugt, A. Wacke, L. Waelkens, T. Wallinga, A. Watson, L.C. Winkel, F.B.J. Wubbe, W.J. Zwalve.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Wealthy or not in a time of turmoil? : the Roman Imperial hoard from Gruia in Roman Dacia (Romania) /
The Roman imperial hoard from Gruia, Romania (in the former Roman province of Dacia) is among the largest ever discovered in that part of the Roman Empire. 1,509 silver coins ranking from Vespasian to Gordian III were accidentally discovered whilst digging in a private garden. This book presents a fully described catalogue of each of these coins, photographs included. A comparative analysis with other similar hoards throughout the Roman Empire reveals both general and specific hoarding patterns during the period. The authors attempt to discover whether such an amount of silver coins could represent the wealth of an individual by looking at prices and salaries around the time the hoard was buried.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (iv, 182 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781784918484 (ebook) :
Wealthy or not in a time of turmoil? : the Roman Imperial hoard from Gruia in Roman Dacia (Romania) /
The Roman imperial hoard from Gruia, Romania (in the former Roman province of Dacia) is among the largest ever discovered in that part of the Roman Empire. 1,509 silver coins ranking from Vespasian to Gordian III were accidentally discovered whilst digging in a private garden. This book presents a fully described catalogue of each of these coins, photographs included. A comparative analysis with other similar hoards throughout the Roman Empire reveals both general and specific hoarding patterns during the period. The authors attempt to discover whether such an amount of silver coins could represent the wealth of an individual by looking at prices and salaries around the time the hoard was buried.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (iv, 182 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781784918484 (ebook) :
Jewish and Christian communal identities in the Roman world /
Jews and Christians under the Roman Empire shared a unique sense of community. Set apart from their civic and cultic surroundings, both groups resisted complete assimilation into the dominant political and social structures. However, Jewish communities differed from their Christian counterparts in their overall patterns of response to the surrounding challenges. They exhibit diverse levels of integration into the civic fabric of the cities of the Empire and display contrary attitudes towards the creation of trans-local communal networks. The variety of local case studies examined in this volume offers an integrated image of the multiple factors, both internal and external, which determined the role of communal identity in creating a sense of belonging among Jews and Christians under Imperial constraints.
"This volume presents revised versions of lectures given in October 2013 at a Jerusalem symposium on Jewish and Christian Communal Identities in Antiquity. The Hebrew University's Scholion Center for Interdisciplinary Research in the Humanities and Jewish Studies together with the editorial board of Brill's Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity series kindly co-sponsored the symposium in memory of our colleague Friedrich Avemarie."--Preface. :
1 online resource (xi, 286 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004321694 :
1871-6636 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La légende d'Alexandre le Grand dans la littérature française du 12e siècle : Une réécriture permanente /
L'aventure extraordinaire d'Alexandre a fait de lui un héros hors du commun dont les échos ont rencontré des interprétations bienveillantes et enthousiastes aussi bien que des commentaires franchement négatifs. Pour les uns Alexandre était le roi modèle que les princes de ce monde feraient bien d'imiter: tout succès serait alors garanti. Pour les autres le comportement du jeune roi constituait un anti-exemple: son arrogance, son hybris étaient inacceptables, voire pernicieux. Chaque société réceptrice a ainsi récrit l'aventure dans la perspective qu'elle a jugée fonctionnelle. Le travail que voici présente pour la première fois l'évolution des réécritures consacrées à Alexandre le Grand dans la littérature française du 12e siècle depuis le texte d'Albéric (début du siècle) jusqu'au Vengement Alixandre de Gui de Cambrai (vers 1191). Entre ces deux textes-là on trouve l' Alexandre décasyllabique , le Fuerre de Gadres mis sur le compte d'un certain Eustache, l' Alexandre en Orient de Lambert le Tort, la Mort Alixandre , les versions conservées par les manuscrits Arsenal et Venise, le Roman de toute Chevalerie attribué à Thomas de Kent, la Venjance Alixandre de Jehan le Nevelon ainsi que le grand Roman d'Alexandre , terminé vers 1184/5, par Alexandre de Bernai dit de Paris, où Alexandre est vraiment le roi modèle. Ce dernier texte se distingue d'ailleurs non seulement des autres réécritures en territoire français de par sa solide charpente organisatrice (son compilateur l'a voulu example fonctionnel), mais aussi de par le fait qu'il est le seul à avoir occasionné de nombreuses suites et interpolations,- parmi lesquelles, entre autres, les fameux Vœux du Paon de Jacques de Longuy-on (1313/4). La compilation d'Alexandre de Bernai dit de Paris est devenue, et ce à juste titre, la vulgate de la tradition française. A travers les analyses des différentes réécritures françaises de la vie du grand Macédonien que nous a léguées le 12e siècle se profile le statut unique du grand roman antique qu'est le Roman d'Alexandre . See Less
1 online resource (396 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Where dreams may come : incubation sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman world /
Where Dreams May Come was the winner of the 2018 Charles J . Goodwin Award of Merit, awarded by the Society for Classical Studies. In this book, Gil H. Renberg examines the ancient religious phenomenon of "incubation\', the ritual of sleeping at a divinity's sanctuary in order to obtain a prophetic or therapeutic dream. Most prominently associated with the Panhellenic healing god Asklepios, incubation was also practiced at the cult sites of numerous other divinities throughout the Greek world, but it is first known from ancient Near Eastern sources and was established in Pharaonic Egypt by the time of the Macedonian conquest; later, Christian worship came to include similar practices. Renberg's exhaustive study represents the first attempt to collect and analyze the evidence for incubation from Sumerian to Byzantine and Merovingian times, thus making an important contribution to religious history. This set consists of two books.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004330238 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The spirit is moving : new pathways in pneumatology : studies presented to Professor Cornelis van der Kooi on the occasion of his retirement /
The work of the Spirit of God is a vibrant and much discussed topic in many contemporary Christian communities worldwide. Apparently, the Spirit is moving. Theological reflection on this phenomenon has even given rise to what is often called a 'pneumatological renaissance'. This volume not only takes stock of these remarkable developments, but also probes some of their hidden aspects and highlights avenues for future exploration. It contains a wide-ranging but coherent assortment of essays, covering the five relations of the Holy Ghost distinguished already in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed: how does the Spirit of God relate to the Bible, to the Christ, to the human person, to the church and to the world? These essays are written as a tribute to the many inspiring theological contributions of prof. Cornelis van der Kooi on the occasion of his retirement as Professor of Systematic Theology at the Faculty of Religion and Theology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where he taught from 1992 until 2018. Contributors are: Henk A. Bakker, Abraham van de Beek, Erik A. de Boer, Carl J. Bosma, Gijsbert van den Brink, Martien E. Brinkman, Gerard C. den Hertog, Arnold Huijgen, Gerrit C. van de Kamp, Miranda Klaver, Akke van der Kooi, Margriet van der Kooi-Dijkstra, Bruce L. McCormack, Richard J. Mouw, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman, Eep Talstra, Benno van den Toren, Jan Veenhof, Willem van Vlastuin, Pieter Vos, Michael Welker, Cory Willson, Maarten Wisse.
1 online resource. :
9789004391741 :
1571-4799 ;
Restoration through redemption : John Calvin revisited /
Restoration through Redemption offers examples of three ways in which John Calvin's theology can be revisited: by analysis, assessment, and reception. This volume contains analyses of Calvin's position on the trinity and on politics, as well as assessments of his theology for evolutionary biology and comparative ecclesiology. It also discusses the reception of his heritage, for instance, in North America and South Africa. The central theme in this volume is Calvin's approach to the renewal of creation that hinges on Christ the Redeemer. One of the golden threads is Calvin's emphasis upon the meditatio on the future life, the turning of the believer towards the eschatological perspective. Contributors include: J. Todd Billings, Johan Buitendag, Jaeseung Cha, Ernst M. Conradie, Roger Haight, I. John Hesselink, Rinse Reeling Brouwer, Philippe Theron, Henk van den Belt, Gijsbert van den Brink, Cornelis van der Kooi, J.H. (Amie) van Wyk, J.M. (Koos) Vorster, Nico Vorster, Robert Vosloo, and Paul Wells.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (ix, 288 pages) :
9789004244672 :
1571-4799 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Strangers and pilgrims on earth : essays in honour of Abraham van de Beek /
The title Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth (Hebrews 11:13) captures well the eschatological nature of the christology which has become so central in the theological enterprise of Prof. dr. Abraham van de Beek. At the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday in October 2011, many of his former colleagues and students honour him in this Festschrift with a contribution to one of the themes that have been central to his theology: christology, theology of Israel, eschatology, theology of the church, creation theology, and freedom of religion. The volume opens with an article providing an overview of his theological development, one probing his deepest theological intentions, and with an up to date bibliography. Contributors include: Martien Brinkman, Johan Buitendag, Jaesung Cha, Pieter Coertzen, Ernst Conradie, Gerrit de Kruijf, Bert de Leede, Adelbert Denaux, Gerard den Hertog, Rene de Reuver, Henk de Roest, Andre Drost, Szilveszter Füsti-Molnár, Harm Goris, Botond Gudor, John Hesselink, Jan Hoek, Gerrit Immink, Allan Janssen, Tamás Juhász, Nico Koopman, Daniel Migliore, ChristIan Mostert, István Pásztori-Kupán, Christoff Pauw, Arjan Plaisier, Ad Prosman, Bernhard Reitsma, Riemer Roukema, Frank Sawyer, Alan Sell, Matthias Smalbrugge, Gerrit Singgih, Dirkie Smit, Adrianus Cardinal Simonis, Ferenc Szűcs, Eep Talstra, Wessel ten Boom, Johann Theron, Jacob van Beelen, Henk van den Belt, Gijsbert van den Brink, Leon van den Broeke, Eduardus Van der Borght, Kees van der Kooi, Paul van Geest, Sjaak van 't Kruis, Willem van Vlastuin, Amie van Wyk, Danie Veldsman, Rian Venter, Wim Verboom, Koos Vorster, Nico Vorster, Robert Vosloo, Henk Vroom, Paul Wells.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (xxii, 911 pages) :
9789004224421 :
1571-4799 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to military defeat in ancient Mediterranean society /
In Brill's Companion to Military Defeat in Ancient Mediterranean Society , Jessica H. Clark and Brian Turner lead a re-examination of how Near Eastern, Greek, and Roman societies addressed - or failed to address - their military defeats and casualties of war. Original case studies illuminate not only how political and military leaders managed the political and strategic consequences of military defeats, but also the challenges facing defeated soldiers, citizens, and other classes, who were left to negotiate the meaning of defeat for themselves and their societies. By focusing on the connections between war and society, history and memory, the chapters collected in this volume contribute to our understanding of the ubiquity and significance of war losses in the ancient world.
1 online resource (xviii, 382 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004355774 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Wissen, Freiheit, Geschichte. die Philosophie Fichtes im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert : Beiträge des sechsten internationalen Kongresses der Johann-Gottlieb-Fichte-Gesellschaft in Halle...
: 1 online resource (x, 524 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789042027596 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.