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Decayed gods : origin and development of Georges Dumézil's "idéologie tripartie" /
In 1930 Dumézil wrote an article in which he defended the Indo-European character of the Indian varnas . In 1986 he was completing his final 25 Esquisses , research proposals the aim of which was to allow his model of the 'idéologie tripartie' of Indo-European traditions to be applied to his 'disciples'. According to this model Indo-European traditions were typified by a threefold division into functions of society, the world of the gods, and the heroic traditions. These were the functions of sovereignty, power and 'fertility'. This theoretical model was elaborated by Dumézil in a large number of books and articles. Between 1930 and 1986 he broadened enormously the amount of data on which his model was based. To do so he had regularly to adapt and reformulate his model. This was not without consequences for the material which he had interpreted earlier on. In this study a detailed description is given of this process of reformulation and reinterpretation and the conclusion is that the totality of the various models does not, despite its aesthetic attraction, satisfy the criteria which should be set for scientific models.
Translation of: Feiten, fouten en fabels, Originally presented as the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Leiden. :
1 online resource (xv, 254 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-245) and index. :
9789004301511 :
0169-9512 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Feats of the Knowers of God : (Manāqeb al-'ārefīn) /
This is a 14th-century biography of the famous Persian mystic poet and 'Knower of God', Jalāl al-Dīn-e Rūmī, in the form of a large compendium of Sufi-style teaching stories. It was commissioned by a grandson about fifty years after Rūmī's death. The author-compiler, Aflākī, includes chapters on Bahā'-e Valad (Rūmī's father), Shams al-Dīn-e Tabrīzī (Rūmī's great love), Solṭān Valad and Amīr 'Āref (Rūmī's son and grandson), and other transmitters of the spiritual Heritage of the Mowlavī dervish order. The protagonists are portrayed as performing miracles and confronting critics and rivals. Circumstantial detail abounds, thus providing one of our few windows onto social and political life during the Saljūq and Mongol period in Asia Minor. The translation has an extensive index of persons and concepts to assist readers and students.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
God, beyond me : from the I's absolute ground in Hölderlin and Schelling to a contemporary model of a personal God /
German idealism has attempted to think an absolute ground to self-conscious I-hood. As a result it has been theologically disqualified as pantheistic or even atheistic since many maintain that such a ground cannot be reconciled with a personal God. In the early writings of Friedrich Schelling (1775-1854), it is clear that he and his contemporaries were aware of this difficulty. His Tübinger fellow student, Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843), was convinced of the ultimate inadequacy of any philosophical system to grasp the unitary ground of all that is and turned to poetry. The metaphysical insights expressed in his poetry have been largely neglected in both philosophical and theological scholarship. Drawing on the 20th century metaphysics of Dieter Henrich and Karl Rahner, this book elaborates on Hölderlin's poetry. This results in a novel concept of God as both unitary and personal ground of I-hood.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004182172 :
1878-9986 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The supreme gods of the Bosporan Kingdom : Celestial Aphrodite and the Most High God /
This is the first systematic study of the cults of the Bosporan Kingdom, which existed in South Russia in the first centuries AD. The research is based on a variety of sources: archaeological evidence and inscriptions, largely unknown to the non-Russian readers, as well as historical and literary texts. The religion of the Bosporus is viewed in this monograph as a blend of Greek and indigenous Iranian traditions. Its first part is dedicated to the cult of Celestial Aphrodite. The second part examines the controversial cult of the Most High God and its alledged Jewish affinities. The book, illustrated with thirty figures, is an important contribution to the understanding of the religious life in Greek colonies, and the history of Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity.
1 online resource (x, 371 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 293-321) and index. :
9789004295902 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Faces of God:Images of Devotion in Indo-Muslim Painting, 1500-1800 /
Assumptions concerning iconophobia in Islam has meant that scholarship has largely failed to situate figural artworks made for South Asia's Muslim audiences within Islamic intellectual and religious histories. Artworks explored in this book were made for people shaped by Muslim devotion and ritual. Central to this story are the royal Mughal siblings, Jahanara Begum and Dara Shikoh, and their spiritual guide Mulla Shah. Among other themes, the book contextualizes artworks made for the imperial siblings by placing them next to their writings, most of which an English reading audience will encounter for the first time.
1 online resource (330 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Egyptian myths : a guide to the ancient gods and legends /
"This handy guide to Egyptian mythology explores how the ancient Nile-dwellers explained the world around them. It delves into the creation and evolution of the world and the reigns of the gods on earth, before introducing us to the manifestations of Egypt's deities in the natural environment; the inventive ways in which the Egyptians dealt with the invisible forces all around them; and their beliefs about life after death."-- Dust jacket.
OCLC 858843162 :
224 pages : color illustrations ; 21 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 213-217) and index. :
0500251983 :
Sites and politics of religious diversity in Southern Europe : the best of all gods /
In recent years, the Southern borders of Europe have become landmarks for the mediatic and academic verve regarding the migration and diasporas towards and beyond 'Schengen Europe'. In these debates, religion is acknowledged as playing a central role in the recognition of major societal changes in the continent, being object of political concern and attention: from the recognition of plural forms of Christianity to the debates on a 'European Islam'. Yet, in this respect, what goes on around the borders of Portugal, Spain, Italy or Greece is still largely uncharted and un-debated. With the contribution of renowned anthropologists, sociologists and religious studies scholars, this book critically presents and discusses case studies on the sites and politics of religious diversity in Southern Europe, including the impact of migrant religiosity in national and EU politics.
1 online resource (413 pages) :
9789004255241 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Isis on the Nile : Egyptian gods in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt : proceedings of the IVth...
The diffusion of the cults of Isis is recently again intensively studied. Research on this fascinating phenomenon has traditionally been characterised by its focus on L'Égypte hors d'Égypte, while developments in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt itself were often seen as belonging to a different domain. This volume tries to overcome that unhealthy dichotomy by studying the cults of Isis in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt itself in relation to developments in the Mediterranean at large. The book not only presents an overview of the most important deities, often based on new or unpublished material, but also pays ample attention to the cultural processes behind Isis on Nile, like relations between style and identity, religious choice, social- and cultural memory and Egypt's view of its own past.
1 online resource (xxviii, 293 pages, [68] pages of plates) : illustrations (1 color) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. xi-xiv) and index. :
9789004210868 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Genesis, Isaiah, and Psalms : a festschrift to honour Professor John Emerton for his eightieth birthday /
Genesis, Isaiah and Psalms are three key texts in the Hebrew Bible and represent the lifelong interests of Professor John Emerton, Emeritus Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge, for whom this volume is written on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. The contributors have all enjoyed academic relationships with John over the years and represent a truly international group. The contributions include comparison of biblical texts with ancient Near Eastern counterparts and evaluation of them in the light of archaeology. They include intertextual work on a literary level, and traditional literary-historical approaches to texts. Many move beyond the Hebrew Bible itself to consider other texts and versions or to draw out interpretations of texts by scholars ancient and modern - and even by novelists. The result is a refreshing group of articles that indicate the broad range of approaches that characterize the discipline of Old Testament study in the present day.
1 online resource. :
"Bibliography of the works of John Adney Emerton, 1996-2008": pages [xi]-xiv.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004182349 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Individuals and materials in the Greco-Roman cults of Isis : agents, images, and practices /
In Individuals and Materials in the Greco-Roman Cults of Isis Valentino Gasparini and Richard Veymiers present a collection of reflections on the individuals and groups which animated one of Antiquity's most dynamic, significant and popular religious phenomena: the reception of the cults of Isis and other Egyptian gods throughout the Hellenistic and Roman worlds. These communities, whose members seem to share the same religious identity, for a long time have been studied in a monolithic way through the prism of the Cumontian category of the "Oriental religions". The 26 contributions of this book, divided into three sections devoted to the "agents", their "images" and their "practices", shed new light on this religious movement that appears much more heterogeneous and colorful than previously recognized.
Proceedings of the VIth International Conference of Isis Studies (Erfurt, May 6-8, 2013 - Liege, September 23-24, 2013). :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004381346 :
0927-7633 ;
Conversations and controversies in the scientific study of religion : collaborative and co-authored essays /
Luther H. Martin and Donald Wiebe together have spent the better part of a century exploring possibilities for a scientific study of religion. The following essays are a record of their conversations together and of their conversations and controversies with a number of leading scholars in religious studies that address that possibility. As with any scientific endeavor, knowledge advances when research assumptions and experimental designs are collegially discussed and critically assessed. It is hoped that these essays might provide the occasion for scholars in the field to discuss the theoretical and methodological issues they have raised, to debate and expand upon them, or, in the spirit of forthright scientific inquiry, to refute the arguments they have made.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004310452 :
2214-3270 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Inculturation as dialogue : Igbo culture and the message of Christ /
Although Africa is today often seen, because of its large number of Christians, as the future hope of the Church, a closer examination of African Christianity, however, shows that the Christian faith has not taken deep root in Africa. Many Africans today declare themselves to be Christians but still remain followers of their traditional African religions, especially in matters concerning the inner dimensions of their lives. It is evident that, in strictly personal matters relating to such issues as passage rites and crises, most Africans turn to their African traditional religions. As an incarnational faith, part of the history of Christianity has been its encounter with other cultures and its becoming deeply rooted in some of these cultures. The central question remains: Why has the Christian faith not taken deep root in Africa? This volume is concerned with answering this question.
1 online resource (xvi, 227 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-227). :
9789401204606 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Blood and iron : stories and storytelling in Homer's Odyssey /
Blood and Iron is an exploration of the role of gossip, rumor and storytelling in the society depicted in the Odyssey and in the real world in which the poem was performed. It includes extensive analysis of Homeric narrative technique, with particular attention to the way the singer creates tension in a largely traditional tale. Individual chapters treat discrete, generally very traditional literary and historical problems, including the significance of the term kleos , the presentation of Telemachos, the internal chronology of the poem, the nature of Homeric kingship, and the role of violence in the ancient Greek family. The book will be of importance for anyone interested in the literary content or storytelling technique of Homeric epic, as well for historians of the late Dark Ages.
1 online resource (x, 260 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-252) and index. :
9789004329539 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Abraham, the nations, and the Hagarite s Jewish, Christian, and Islamic perspectives on kinship with Abraham /
Jews, Christians and Muslims describe their origins with close reference to the narrative of Abraham, including the complex story of Abraham's relation to Hagar. This volume sketches the history of interpretation of some of the key passages in this narrative, not least the verses which state that in Abraham all the nations of the earth will be blessed. This passage, which features prominently in Christian historiography, is largely disregarded in ancient Judaism, prompting the question how the relation between Abraham and the nations was perceived in Jewish sources. This focus is supplemented with the question how Islamic historiography relates to the Abraham narrative, and in particular to the descent of the Arabs from Abraham through Ishmael and Hagar. In studying the traditional readings of these narratives, the volume offers a detailed yet wide-ranging analysis of important aspects of the accounts of their origins which emerged within the three Abrahamic religions.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004216495 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Early Ibadī theology : six kalam texts /
Early Ibāḍī Theology presents the critical edition of six Arabic theological texts recently discovered in two manuscripts in Mzāb in Algeria dating from the middle of the 8th century. The texts were sent by their author, the prominent Kūfan Ibāḍī kalām theologian 'Abd Allāh born Yazīd al-Fazārī to North Africa where he had a large following in the Ibāḍī community later known as the Nukkār. They constitute the earliest extant body of Muslim kalām theology and are vital for the study of the initial development of rational theology in Islam. The sophisticated treatment of the divine attributes in these texts indicates that this subject developed considerably earlier in Islamic theology than previously accepted in modern scholarship.
1 online resource (pages) :
9789004274594 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Common words in Muslim-Christian dialogue : a study of texts from the common word dialogue process /
In Common Words in Muslim-Christian Dialogue Vebjørn L. Horsfjord offers an analysis of texts from an international dialogue process between Christian and Muslim leaders. Through detailed engagement with the Muslim dialogue letter A Common Word between Us and You (2007) and a large number of Christian responses to it, the study analyses the dialogue process in the wake of the Muslim initiative and shows how the various texts gain meaning through their interaction. The author uses tools from critical discourse analysis and speech act analysis and claims that the Islamic dialogue initiative became more important as an invitation to Muslim-Christian dialogue than as theological reflection. He shows how Christian leaders systematically chose to steer the dialogue process towards practical questions about peaceful coexistence and away from theological issues.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004358232 :
0923-6201 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.