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Pauline Christianity : Luke-Acts and the legacy of Paul /
Pauline Christianity takes a fresh perspective on the composition and reception of Luke-Acts in relation to the category 'Pauline Christianity' as it has been used to describe traditions, communities, and persons connected to Paul. This inquiry is pursued along three lines. (1) The reception of the Acts of the Apostles and the 'Pauline' Luke by Irenaeus is addressed. (2) The compositional intentions of the author of Luke-Acts in constructing 'Pauline' Christianity are analyzed. (3) The literary Paulinism of the author is separated from the Paulinism of his sources. This study contributes to the ongoing discussion of Paul's role in the history of early Christianity by making clear the extent to which the 'Pauline Christianity' of Luke-Acts has its origins in various second-century attempts to reconstruct the Christian origins.
Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, 1997. :
1 online resource (x, 207 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 181-195) and index. :
9789047401377 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Pauline Epistles in Arabic : Manuscripts, Versions, and Transmission /
In this study, Vevian Zaki places the Arabic versions of the Pauline Epistles in their historical context, exploring when, where, and how they were produced, transmitted, understood, and adapted among Eastern Christian communities across the centuries. She also considers the transmission and use of these texts among Muslim polemicists, as well as European missionaries and scholars. Underpinning the study is a close investigation of the manuscripts and a critical examination of their variant readings. The work concludes with a case study: an edition and translation of the Epistle to the Philippians from manuscripts London, BL, Or. 8612 and Vatican, BAV, Ar. 13; a comparison of the translation strategies employed in these two versions; and an investigation of the possible relations between them.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Pauline language and the Pastoral Epistles : a study of linguistic variation in the Corpus Paulinum /
In Pauline Language and the Pastoral Epistles Jermo van Nes questions the common assumption in New Testament scholarship that language variation is necessarily due to author variation. By using the so-called Pastoral Epistles (PE) as a test-case, Van Nes demonstrates by means of statistical linguistics that only one out of five of their major lexical and syntactic peculiarities differs significantly from other Pauline writings. Most of the PE's linguistic peculiarities are shown to differ considerably in the Corpus Paulinum , but modern studies in classics and linguistics suggest that factors other than author variation account equally if not better for this variation. Since all of these explanatory factors are compatible with current authorship hypotheses of the PE, Van Nes suggests to no longer use language as a criterion in debates about their authenticity.
1 online resource (xxii, 532 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004358423 :
1877-7554 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline legacy /
In The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy, Jonathan E. Soyars traces the influence of Pauline literary traditions upon one of the most widely attested and influential apocalyptic texts from early Christianity. Scholarship largely considers Hermas to have known very little about Pauline letters, but by looking beyond verbatim quotations Soyars discovers extensive evidence of his adoption, adaptation, and synthesis of identifiable Pauline material in the Visions, Mandates, and Similitudes sections. Hermas emerges as a Pauline interpreter who creatively engages topics and themes developed within and across the Pauline letters through time. These results reconnect the Shepherd with early Paulinism and extend reconstructions of the sphere of Pauline influence in the second century C.E.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Dead Sea scrolls and Pauline literature /
The relationships between Pauline literature and the Dead Sea scrolls have fascinated specialists ever since the latter were first discovered. Now that all the Qumran scrolls have been published, it is possible to see more clearly the amplitude and impact of this corpus on first century Judaism. This book offers some syntheses of the results obtained in the last decades, and also opens up new perspectives, by highlighting similarities and indicating possible relationships between these various writings within Mediterranean Judaism. In addition, the authors wish to show how certain traditions spread, evolve and are reconfigured in ancient Judaism as they meet new religious, cultural and social challenges.
"The lectures printed in this volume were given during the Second International Symposium on Jewish and Christian Literature from the Hellenistic and Roman Period, held at the University of Lorraine [Metz, France], center of research 'Ecritures' (EA3943), in June 2011"--P. [ix]. :
1 online resource (xvi, 355 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004230071 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
History of the Pauline Corpus in Texts, Transmissions and Trajectories : A Textual Analysis of Manuscripts from the Second to the Fifth Century /
In History of the Pauline Corpus in Texts, Transmissions, and Trajectories , Chris S. Stevens examines the Greek manuscripts of the Pauline texts from P46 to Claromontanus. Previous research is often hindered by the lack of a systematic analysis and an indelicate linguistic methodology. This book offers an entirely new analysis of the early life of the Pauline corpus. Departing from traditional approaches, this text-critical work is the first to use Systemic Functional Linguistics, which enables both the comparison and ranking of textual differences across multiple manuscripts. Furthermore, the analysis is synchronically oriented, so it is non-evaluative. The results indicate a highly uniform textual transmission during the early centuries. The systematic analysis challenges previous research regarding text types, Christological scribal alterations, and textual trajectories.
1 online resource. :
Political religion, everyday religion : sociological trends /
As the title suggests, Political Religion, Everyday Religion: Sociological Trends reflects upon two important trends that have recently emerged in the sociology of religion. Firstly, there is an increasing interest in the interplay between religion and politics. Religion has moved from being almost ignored by sociologists to being acknowledged - some would even say overrated - as an important political factor. Secondly, ordinary people's everyday religion has likewise become an important topic for many researchers. In this book, James Beckford, Inger Furseth and other prominent scholars present critical discussions and empirical studies of both political and everyday religion, and the editor, Pål Repstad, shows how these two trends should enter into a closer dialogue. The book is essential for both students and experienced researchers in the sociology of religion.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004397965 :
1573-4293 ;
The Principal Pauline Epistles: A Collation of Old Latin Witnesses
The earliest Latin versions of the writings of the New Testament offer important insights into the oldest forms of the biblical text, the use of language in the ancient Church and the foundations from which Christian theology developed in the West. This volume presents a collation of Old Latin evidence for the four principal Pauline Epistles (Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians and Galatians). The sources comprise twenty-six Vetus Latina manuscripts, ten commentaries written between the fourth and sixth centuries and four early testimonia collections. Their text differs in many ways from the standard Vulgate version. Created using innovative digital editing tools, this collation makes this valuable data available for the first time and is complemented by full electronic transcriptions online.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004390492 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The battle for central europe : the siege of szigetvar and the death of suleyman the magnificent and nicholas zrinyi (1566) /
In The Battle for Central Europe specialists in sixteenth-century Ottoman, Habsburg and Hungarian history provide the most comprehensive picture possible of a battle that determined the fate of Central Europe for centuries. Not only the siege and the death of its main protagonists are discussed, but also the wider context of the imperial rivalry and the empire buildings of the competing great powers of that age. Contributors include Gábor Ágoston, János B. Szabó, Zsuzsa Barbarics-Hermanik, Günhan Börekçi, Feridun M. Emecen, Alfredo Alvar Ezquerra, István Fazekas, Pál Fodor, Klára Hegyi, Colin Imber, Damir Karbić, József Kelenik, Zoltán Korpás, Tijana Krstić, Nenad Moačanin, Gülru Neci̇poğlu, Erol Özvar, Géza Pálffy, Norbert Pap, Peter Rauscher, Claudia Römer, Arno Strohmeyer, Zeynep Tarım, James D. Tracy, Gábor Tüskés, Szabolcs Varga, Nicolas Vatin.
1 online resource. :
Ottomans, Hungarians, and Habsburgs in Central Europe : The Military Confines in the Era of Ottoman Conquest /
The Central European military frontier in the fifteenth-seventeenth centuries hides a treasure of military history information. This collective volume provides a fascinating overview to scholars and students interested in the paradigms of the history of frontiers, of imperial structures, and of early modern state finances. The first part of the book examines the birth and development of the Hungarian and Habsburg defence systems from their origins until their dissolution in the early eighteenth century. The second part focuses on the Ottoman military establishment in Hungary. Special emphasis has been put throughout on administration, finance, manpower problems, and aspects of the military revolution in the marches. The book is unique in its complex and comparative approach; no similar effort has yet been made concerning other areas of the Ottoman Empire.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ransom slavery along the Ottoman borders : early fifteenth-early eighteenth centuries /
Notwithstanding the spectacular upswing in the research, there are areas of Ottoman slavery that have still not received the attention they deserve. This volume intends to take a step towards bridging this gap. The twelve studies it contains are organised around connected themes: the hunt for, the trade in and the treatment of captives in the Balkans and in Central Europe. The area under scrutiny is focussed on Hungary, and some other border regions extending from the Crimea to Malta. It offers both an analytic and synthetic approach based on a great deal of so far unpublished Ottoman and European archival material. It not only examines Christian slavery in the Ottoman Empire, but also provides greater insight into the tribulations of Ottoman slaves in the Christian world and sheds light on the devastating effect of captive-related transactions on trade and sometimes on the financial position of whole communities.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047421610 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Urgency and Severity: Pauline Rationale for Expulsion in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 /
When Paul heard that a Christ-follower in Corinth was in an incestuous relationship with his stepmother, the apostle insisted the man be removed immediately from the congregation. This dramatic response is surprising, as Paul responds to other serious situations with much less vehemence. Why did Paul react to the immoral man with such urgency and severity? Using socio-cultural tools, this study explains the importance of group identity and witness for Paul's ecclesiology. The argument lays a foundation for contemporary readers to appraise contexts where an expulsive response to sin might be appropriate.
1 online resource (350 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Descriptions monumentales et discours sur l'édification chez Paulin de Nole : le regard et la lumiè̀re (epist. 32 et carm. 27 et 28) /
Pontius Meropius Paulinus (ca 353-431), one of the greatest poets of Late Latin Poetry and author of an important correspondence, was born in a wealthy family of the Gallo-Roman aristocracy in Bordeaux. After his spectacular conversion to asceticism and his sacerdotal ordination, he set up definitively as a monk in Italy, in Campanian Nola besides the tomb of St. Felix. There, Paulinus devoted his considerable fortune to the restructuring of the monumental complex which has appeared around this holy place, since the early years of the fourth century and mainly a church. This book is a literary and spiritual study of the description of this complex (carm. 27 and 28 and epist. 32), an other way of edification (the edification of the soul in temple for her creator.) A careful comparison with archaeological testimonies must help estimate the status of Paulinus'monumental descriptions. *** Pontius Meropius Paulinus (vers 353-431), un des plus grands poètes de l'Antiquité tardive, auteur d'une importante correspondance, est issu d'une riche famille de l'aristocratie bordelaise. Après sa conversion spectaculaire à l'ascétisme et son ordination sacerdotale, il vint s'installer définitivement en tant que moine à Nole en Campanie auprès de la tombe de saint Félix. Là Paulin consacra sa fortune considérable à la restructuration du complexe monumental apparu autour de ce saint lieu, depuis les premières années du quatrième siècle, principalement une église. Ce livre est une étude littéraire et spirituelle de la description de ce complexe (carm. 27 et 28; epist. 32), une autre sorte d'édification (celle de l'âme en temple pour son créateur). Une comparaison prudente avec les témoignages archéologiques permettra d'évaluer le statut des descriptions monumentales de Paulin.
1 online resource (xii, 552 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 491-514) and indexes. :
9789047409519 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mt. Sinai Arabic Codex 151.I : Pauline Epistles /
: Originally presented as the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Utah, 1969, under title: Codex Sinai Arabic 151, Pauline Epistles (Rom., I & II Cor., Phil. Vol. 1 contains Arabic text; v. 2 the English translation. : 2 volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index.