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Published 2012
Der Same Seths : Hans-Martin Schenkes kleine Schriften zu Gnosis, Koptologie und Neuem Testament /

: During a lifetime of scholarship and teaching, Hans-Martin Schenke produced a large number of publications in the fields of New Testament, Gnosticism, and Coptology. This collection of his essays and book reviews bears witness to his love for the linguistic aspects of Coptology and illustrates his wide-ranging interest in the development of early Christianity. His insights and deep understanding of Gnostic beliefs and systems as a background for interpreting the New Testament make his contributions to this discipline very rewarding and indispensable reading. Im Laufe seines langen wissenschaftlichen Lebens hat Hans-Martin Schenke eine Fülle von Veröffentlichungen in den Bereichen Neues Testament, Gnosisforschung und Koptologie hervorgebracht. Die hier vorliegende Sammlung seiner Aufsätze und Rezensionen bekundet den Reichtum seines Schaffens. Sie zeugt von seiner Liebe zur koptischen Linguistik und veranschaulicht die Spannweite seines Interesses an der Entwicklung des frühen Christentums. Seine tiefe Kenntnis gnostischer Vorstellungen und Systeme als Hintergrund für das Verständnis des Neuen Testaments lässt seine Beiträge zu einer unentbehrlichen Fundgrube und seine Einsichten zu einem lohnenden Lesevergnügen werden.
: "Er muss wachsen, ich aber muss abnehmen." Der Konflikt zwischen Jesusjüngern und Täufergemeinde im Spiegel des Johannesevangeliums. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004226241 : 0929-2470 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Puzzling out the past : studies in Northwest Semitic languages and literatures in honor of Bruce Zuckerman /

: Bruce Zuckerman has transformed the way we look at ancient Semitic inscriptions. Through his efforts, the most important inscriptions of biblical times have been reread and the history of the biblical and Second Temple periods reimagined. He has made contributions to the fields of biblical studies and modern Judaism, and, in founding Maarav: A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures , has made the research of many scholars available to the scholarly community. The series of articles included here honor his many contributions through discussions of a wide variety of inscriptional materials, Biblical texts, archaeology, lexicography and teaching methodology. Included in the volume is a republication of his path breaking exhibition catalogue, Puzzling Out the Past .
: 1 online resource (352 pages) : 9789004227163 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
Is theology a science? the nature of the scientific enterprise in the scientific theology of Thomas Forsyth Torrance and the anarchic epistemology of Paul Feyerabend /

: When Barth and Scholz clashed over the scientific status of theology, Barth drew the conclusion that if natural science was to be drawn up in such positivistic terms, theology had much to lose and little to gain by engagement with it. A generation later Barth's translator and pupil Thomas Torrance maintained that science had changed enough to make an engagement more fruitful. In works such as Theological Science , Torrance sketched out the contours of such and engagement. However at the same time the anarchic philosopher of science, Paul Feyerabend, in books such as Against Method , sought to deconstruct any notion of 'science' as ultimately the protection of vested interests. This book analyses whether Torrance's notion of science can withstand this newer post-modern threat.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and (p. [283]-293) and index. : 9789004194601 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2002
The Construction of Knowledge in Islamic Civilization : Qudāma b. Ja'far and his Kitāb al Kharāj wa-sinā'at al-kitāba /

: This study examines the role of the state in the construction of knowledge in Islamic civilization in its early classical period (third/ninth and fourth/tenth centuries). Different voices representing different social groups - savants, littérateurs, religious scholars, state officials - all brought their particular conception of knowledge to bear on the formation of the various branches of knowledge known to Islamic civilization. Reading the works of various branches of knowledge alongside the administrative encyclopedia of Qudāma b. Ja'far (d. 337/948), a state official in the employ of the Abbasid dynasty, has served to highlight the particular point of view of the state in the intellectual and cultural dialogue of the day. At the same time, this approach has shown Islamic civilization to be as much a dialogue of values between the different social groups of the day as a series of events or collection of ideas.
: Revision of thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, 2000. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047401230

Published 2002
Faith and Ethnicity : Volume 2 /

: In writing 'In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek', the apostle Paul touched on a topic that still is hotly debated among Christians today: the relationship between faith and ethnicity. The Reformed Chuches, usually organised along regional or national lines, are no exception and wrestle world-wide with the issue. This volume offers more traditional Western, mostly European perspectives, exploring Western and Eastern European and North American contexts. Hermeneutics, church order and ecumenical aspects complement the theme. This and the previous volume of Studies in Reformed Theology contain contributions to the fourth international conference of the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI), held in Princeton, N.J., U.S.A. (2001), on the theme of Faith and Ethnicity.
: 1 online resource : 9789004389144

Published 2013
Richard Simon critical history of the text of the New Testament : wherein is established the truth of the acts on which the Christian religion is based /

: In Critical History of the Text of the New Testament , 17th century Oratorian Richard Simon (1638-1712), 'father' of modern biblical criticism, surveys the genuineness, accuracy, authority, and reliability of all then known sources of the New Testament. He makes rigorous, objective, and expert use of a staggering quantity of material relating to the text-Greek and Latin manuscripts, early versions, quotations from the Old Testament in the New, from the Church Fathers and other commentators of all periods. Though in his day Simon was contradicted, opposed, persecuted, and silenced, it is precisely because, three centuries ago, he dared to be different, and because of his knowledge and his scrupulously "scientific" approach, that his work deserves to reach a wider audience.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource (xxxvi, 368 pages) : 9789004244214 : 0077-8842 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2021
Nonnus' Paraphrase between Poetry, Rhetoric and Theology : Rewriting the Fourth Gospel in the Fifth Century /

: This book investigates the various paraphrastic techniques employed by Nonnus of Panopolis (5th century CE) for his poetic version of the Gospel of John. The authors look at Nonnus' Paraphrase , the only extant poetic Greek paraphrase of the New Testament, in the light of ancient rhetorical theory while also exploring its multi-faceted relationship with poetic tradition and the theological debates of its era. The study shows how interpretation, cardinal both in ancient literary criticism and in theology, is exploited in a poem that is exegetical both from a philological and a Christian point of view and adheres, at the same time, to the literary principles of Hellenistic times and late antiquity.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004439061