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Alienation. Recuperating the Classical Discussion of Marx et al. /
Nowadays alienation is naturally discussed as an existential condition of human beings, but in the 20th century, a strong Marxist current claimed alienation to be implied by capitalism, in particular by private property and the social division of labor. Alienation should therefore be criticized as part of the critique of capitalism and political economy, and might therefore also possibly be overcome. Today, under the hegemony of neo-liberal capitalism, the basic logic of Marx's idea of alienation is more relevant than ever, having, as is argued in this book, critical social as well as constructive pedagogical and political potential.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Le pouvoir de guérir : mythe, mystique et politique au Maroc /
Au Maroc, les mythes fondateurs des cultes et rituels de guérison illustrent de manière probante les processus d'élaboration des significations et des dynamiques du pouvoir dans le passé proche et leurs articulations actuelles. Des dynamiques qui se déploient en termes généalogiques, initiatiques et en des capacités socialement reconnues de susciter une communication avec le monde surnaturel. L'analyse centrée sur la confrontation entre saints et rois permet, par ailleurs, d'élargir à la dimension nationale, et au-delà, le rapport, hiérarchique, de conflit et d'articulation entre charisme personnel et charisme sharifien. Le mythe et ses expressions rituelles ouvrent, ainsi, les possibilités du renouvellement sociopolitique par les marges, voire même, dans l'actualité, sous couleur d'une révolution à l'horizon d'un millénarisme du califat. In Morocco, the founding myths of healing cults and rituals illustrate conclusively the elaboration of the symbolism and dynamics of power, both in local and national contexts. These dynamics unfold specifically in terms of genealogical representations and mystical initiations, as well as in socially-recognized capacities to communicate with the supernatural. The analysis centered on the confrontation of saints and kings permits the expansion, to the national level and beyond, of the hierarchical tensions between personal charisma and sharifian charisma. Thus, the myth and its ritual expressions open up possibilities for socio-political renewal by the margins, or even more a renewal, taking place presently, in the form of a revolutionary millenarianism.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
L'Intrigue dénouée. Mythe, littérature et communauté dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy /
Cet ouvrage est la première étude systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe. Traversant l'œuvre de Nancy dans son intégralité, elle démontre de façon incomparable comment s'articulent les questions centrales de la communauté et de la littérature. De plus, en faisant ce lien en termes de « mythe », ce livre situe l'œuvre de Nancy dans une tradition plus large, allant du romantisme allemand aux théories contemporaines de la pertinence sociale de la littérature. This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. It develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. Traversing the entirety of Nancy's vast oeuvre, the author offers an incomparable account of the ways in which Nancy's central questions of community and literature are linked together. Moreover, by putting this linkage in terms of 'myth', this book situates Nancy's work within a larger tradition, leading from German Romanticism to contemporary theories of the social relevance of literature.
Cet ouvrage est le premier à proposer une recherche systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe.This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. The author develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
L'Intrigue dénouée. Mythe, littérature et communauté dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy /
Cet ouvrage est la première étude systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe. Traversant l'œuvre de Nancy dans son intégralité, elle démontre de façon incomparable comment s'articulent les questions centrales de la communauté et de la littérature. De plus, en faisant ce lien en termes de « mythe », ce livre situe l'œuvre de Nancy dans une tradition plus large, allant du romantisme allemand aux théories contemporaines de la pertinence sociale de la littérature. This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. It develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. Traversing the entirety of Nancy's vast oeuvre, the author offers an incomparable account of the ways in which Nancy's central questions of community and literature are linked together. Moreover, by putting this linkage in terms of 'myth', this book situates Nancy's work within a larger tradition, leading from German Romanticism to contemporary theories of the social relevance of literature.
Cet ouvrage est le premier à proposer une recherche systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe.This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. The author develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Frontiers of the Ottoman imagination : studies in honour of Rhoads Murphey /
Frontiers of the Ottoman Imagination is a compilation of articles celebrating the work of Rhoads Murphey , the eminent scholar of Ottoman studies who has worked at the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Birmingham for more than two decades. This volume offers two things: the versatility and influence of Rhoads Murphey is seen here through the work of his colleagues, friends and students, in a collection of high quality and cutting edge scholarship. Secondly, it is a testament of the legacy of Rhoads and the CBOMGS in the world of Ottoman Studies. The collection includes articles covering topics as diverse as cartography, urban studies and material culture, spanning the Ottoman centuries from the late Byzantine/early Ottoman to the twentieth century. Contributors include: Ourania Bessi, Hasan Çolak, Marios Hadjianastasis, Sophia Laiou, Heath W. Lowry, Konstantinos Moustakas, Claire Norton, Amanda Phillips, Katerina Stathi, Johann Strauss, Michael Ursinus, Naci Yorulmaz.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004283510 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Flavian Rome : culture, image, text /
The politics, literature and culture of ancient Rome during the Flavian principate (69-96 ce) have recently been the subject of intense investigation. In this volume of new, specially commissioned studies, twenty-five scholars from five countries have combined to produce a critical survey of the period, which underscores and re-evaluates its foundational importance. Most of the authors are established international figures, but a feature of the volume is the presence of young, emerging scholars at the cutting edge of the discipline. The studies attend to a diversity of topics, including: the new political settlement, the role of the army, change and continuity in Rome's social structures, cultural festivals, architecture, sculpture, religion, coinage, imperial discourse, epistemology and political control, rhetoric, philosophy, Greek intellectual life, drama, poetry, patronage, Flavian historians, amphitheatrical Rome. All Greek and Latin text is translated.
1 online resource (xvii, 754 pages) : illustrations, plans. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 685-717) and indexes. :
9789004217157 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Grund- und Methodenfragen in Fichtes Spätwerk.
Beiträge zum Fünften Internationalen Fichte-Kongreß "Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Das Spätwerk (1810-1814) und das Lebenswerk" in München vom 14. bis 21. Oktober 2003. Teil IV.
1 online resource (297 pages) :
9789401205085 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La splendeur des dieux: Quatre études iconographiques sur l'hellénisme égyptien (2 vols) /
"Why are the rays of the Greek god Helios on the forehead of a crocodile-headed Egyptian deity? Navigating the maze of Greek and Egyptian communities and creeds, Gaëlle Tallet investigates the plasticity of material culture in the polytheistic context of Graeco-Roman Egypt. Using the Ariadne's thread of the manufacturing of new images, suitable to new needs and new understandings of the divine, La Splendeur des dieux opens the doors of the workshops where these images were designed, ordered and crafted. Tallet offers a full re-appraisal of the cultural balance of powers in Graeco-Roman Egypt, depicting the indigenous clergies and artists as integratedactors of an Egyptian Hellenicity that helped promote and preserve their millenaries-old traditions. Que viennent faire les rayons solaires du dieu grec Hélios sur le front d'un dieu crocodile égyptien ? Cette question est au point de départ d'une enquête au cœur de la plasticité du système polythéiste de l'Égypte gréco-romaine. Parcourant le labyrinthe des diverses communautés et croyances grecques et égyptiennes, Gaëlle Tallet utilise le fil d'Ariane de la production des images religieuses, réponses à de nouveaux besoins et de nouvelles perceptions du divin, et ouvre les portes des ateliers où elles ont été conçues, commandées et façonnées. La Splendeur des dieux propose une réévaluation du rôle des clergés et des artistes indigènes dans l'élaboration d'un hellénisme proprement égyptien, qui leur a permis de promouvoir et préserver des traditions millénaires"--
Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Université de Strasbourg, 2006, under the title: Les dieux à couronne radiée dans l'iconographie de l'Egypte gréco-romaine. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Mediating museums : exhibiting material culture in Tunisia (1881-2016) /
This book documents and interprets the trajectory of ethnographic museums in Tunisia from the colonial to the post-revolutionary period, demonstrating changes and continuities in role, setting and architecture across shifting ideological landscapes. The display of everyday culture in museums is generally looked down upon as being kitsch and old-fashioned. This research shows that, in Tunisia, ethnographic museums have been highly significant sites in the definition of social identities. They have worked as sites that diffuse social, economic and political tensions through a vast array of means, such as the exhibition itself, architecture, activities, tourism, and consumerism. The book excavates the evolution of paradigms in which Tunisian popular identity has been expressed through the ethnographic museum, from the modernist notion of 'indigenous authenticity' under colonial time, to efforts at developing a Tunisian ethnography after Independence, and more recent conceptions of cultural diversity since the revolution. Based on a combination of archival research in Tunisia and in France, participant observation and interviews with past and present protagonists in the Tunisian museum field, this research brings to light new material on an understudied area.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ways of Knowing Muslim Cultures and Societies : Studies in Honour of Gudrun Krämer /
This volume showcases a variety of innovative approaches to the study of Muslim societies and cultures, inspired by and honouring Gudrun Krämer and her role in transforming the landscape of Islamic Studies. With contributions from scholars from around the world, the articles cover an extraordinarily wide geographical scope across a broad timeline, with transdisciplinary perspectives and a historically informed focus on contemporary phenomena. The wide-ranging subjects covered include among others a "men in headscarves" campaign in Iran, an Islamic call-in radio programme in Mombassa, a refugee-related court case in Germany, the Arab revolutions and aftermath from various theoretical perspectives, Ottoman family photos, Qurʾān translation in South Asia, and words that can't be read.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004386891 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.