Showing 1 - 20 results of 26 for search '((syria historiography) OR (nubia historiography)).', query time: 0.19s Refine Results
An introduction to Mamlūk historiography : an analysis of Arabic annalistic and biographical...

: 154 pages ; 31 cm. : Bibliography : pages [143]-147. : 0773500723

Published 2021
New Readings in Arabic Historiography from Late Medieval Egypt and Syria : Proceedings...

: New Readings in Arabic Historiography contributes to research on Arabic texts of history from late medieval Egypt and Syria. Departing from dominant understandings of these texts through the prisms of authenticity and "literarization," it engages with questions of textual constructedness and authorial agency. This edited volume consists of 13 contributions by a new generation of scholars. Each of the volume's three parts represents a different aspect of their new readings of particular texts. Part one looks at concrete instances of textual interdependencies, part two at the creativity of authorial agencies, and part three at the relationship between texts and social practice. New Readings thus participates in the revaluation of late medieval Arabic historiography as a critical field of inquiry.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004458901

Published 1994
graeco-africana : studies in the history of greek relations with egypt and nubia /

: includes biBLiographical references and index. : p. : ; cm. : 892415207

Published 2012
Medieval Nubia : a social and economic history /

: 295 pages : illustrations, map ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 271-287) and index. : 9780199891634

Published 2011
Entre mémoire et pouvoir l'espace syrien sous les derniers Omeyyades et les premiers Abbassides (v. 72-193/692-809) /

: Cet ouvrage entend démontrer qu'une solide culture de l'écriture de l'histoire existait dans la Syrie du 2e/8e siècle, et propose de nouvelles approches méthodologiques afin d'offrir un accès vers cette historiographie perdue, tiraillée entre mémoire et oubli. En étudiant la fabrique des héros omeyyades ou des mythes d'origines abbassides, cette étude s'efforce de mettre au jour les significations successives données à l'histoire syrienne, et d'identifier les différentes strates d'écritures et de réécritures de l'histoire au cours des premiers siècles de l'islam. L'ensemble de ces éléments conduit à proposer une histoire du sens de l'espace syrien, articulée autour de la thématique du pouvoir, qui donne une profonde cohérence à la période, par-delà la césure dynastique de 132/750. This book intends to demonstrate that a robust culture of historical writing existed in 2nd/8th century Syria, and to offer new methodological approaches to access this now lost history, torn between memory and oblivion. By studying the making of Umayyad heroes or Abbasid origins-myths, this study aims to reveal the successive meanings granted to Syrian history, and to identify the various layers of historical writing and rewriting during the first centuries of Islam. Taken together, these elements make possible a history of the meaning of the very space of Syria, articulated around power and its expression, which grants a clear coherence to the period, extending well beyond the dynastic caesura of 132/750.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [475]-526) and index. : 9789004190979 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Damas et la Syrie sous la domination fatimide : 359-468/969-1076 : essai d'interpretation de chroniques arabes medievales /

: Originally presented as the author's thesis, Université de Paris I : Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1984. : 2 volumes (xxii, 804 pages) : maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index.

Published 2023
Between Memory and Power : The Syrian space under the late Umayyads and early Abbasids (c. 72-193/692-809) /

: Between Memory and Power intends to demonstrate that a robust culture of historical writing existed in 2nd/8th century Syria, and to offer new methodological approaches to access this now lost history, torn between memory and oblivion. By studying the making of Umayyad heroes or Abbasid origins-myths, this book aims to reveal the successive meanings granted to Syrian history, and to identify the various layers of historical writing and rewriting during the first centuries of Islam. Taken together, these elements make possible a history of meanings of the very space of Syria, articulated around power and its expression, which grants a clear coherence to the period, extending well beyond the dynastic caesura of 132/750.
: 1 online resource (450 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004466326

Published 2004
Myth and politics in ancient Near Eastern historiography /

: xi, 214 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [193]-208) and index. : 1904768040

Published 2008
Armées et combats en Syrie de 491/ 1098 à 569/ 1174 : analyse comparée des chroniques médiévales latines et arabes /

: Revised version of the author's doctoral dissertation submitted to Université Lumière Lyon 2 in 2005. : 1000 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9782351590256 : shimaa

Published 2019
Notes on the Sanctuary of St. Symeon Stylites at Qalʻat Simʻān

: This book is the first full-length work concerning the restoration and excavations carried out at Qal'at Sem'an in Syria in the twentieth century. It was written by the notable architect and archaeologist Georges Tchalenko based on his notes, plans, photographs and sketches as he undertook the work in the years before and during the Second World War. Left unpublished at the time of his death during the Lebanese Civil War, it is published here for the first time in the original French with an English translation. The text is richly illustrated throughout and accompanied by a biographical essay by John Tchalenko and an introduction to the historiography of Qal'at Sem'an and Symeon Stylites by Emma Loosley Leeming.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004388451 : 2213-0039 ;

Published 2010
The books of Kings : sources, composition, historiography and reception /

: This collaborative commentary on, or dictionary of, Kings, explores cross-cutting aspects of Kings ranging from the analysis of its composition, historically regarded, to its transmission and reception. Ample attention is accorded sources, figures and peoples who play a part in the book. The commentary deals with Kings' treatment in translation and role in later ancient literature. While our comments do not proceed verse by verse, the volume furnishes guidance, from contributors highly qualified to advance contemporary discussion, on the book's historical background, its literary intentions and characteristics, and on themes and motifs central to its understanding, both of itself and of the world from which it arose. This volume functions as a meta-commentary, offering windows into the secondary literature, but assembling data more fully than is the case in individual commentaries.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [607]-666) and indexes. : 9789047430735 : 0083-5889 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Die Eroberung von Damaskus : Quellenkritische Untersuchung zur Historiographie in klassisch-islamischer Zeit /

: The conquest of Damascus is one of the main events of the Islamic conquests in bilād al-Shām. Consequently, it appears with approximately 1000 narratives in the Islamic literature. This book shows the dependencies of these narratives. It therefore exemplifies the historiography from 700-1300 CE using one single event. Using the method of isnād-cum-matn-analysis the oldest forms of Islamic historiography are reconstructed. Among them are not only the version by Ibn Ishāq, but also the narratives in the futūh-work ascribed to al-Waqidī and in al-Azdī's Futūh al-Sham. Finally, the course of the events is described on the basis of the oldest reconstructed versions. Die Eroberung von Damaskus gehört zu den bedeutendsten Ereignissen der futūh im historischen Syrien. Folglich ist sie mit circa 1000 Einzelüberlieferungen ein häufig vorkommendes Element in der islamischen Literatur. Die Zusammenhänge und Abhängigkeiten der Überlieferungen zu analysieren, ist das Hauptanliegen dieser Studie. So können Aussagen über die Historiography von 700-1300 n. Chr. an Hand eines historischen Beispiels getroffen werden. Mit Hilfe der isnād-cum-matn-Analyse gelingt es zudem die frühesten Formen muslimischer Geschichtsschreibung zu rekonstruieren. Zu diesen gehören neben der Version Ibn Ishāqs auch die Erzählungen, die sich in dem Futūḥ-Werk, das al-Waqidī zugeschrieben wird, und dem Futūḥ al-Šhām al-Azdīs finden. Auf Grundlage dieser ältesten rekonstruierten Fassungen zeichnet diese Untersuchung abschließend die Eroberung von Damaskus nach.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047430285 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Umayyad legacies : medieval memories from Syria to Spain /

: The Umayyads, the first dynasty of Islam, ruled over a vast empire from their central province of Syria, providing a line of caliphs from 661 to 750. Another branch later ruled in al-Andalus - Islamic Spain - from 756 to 1031, ruling first as emirs and then as caliphs themselves. This book is the first to bring together studies of this far-flung family and treat it not as two unrelated caliphates but as a single enterprise. Yet for all that historians have made note of Umayyad accomplishments in the Near East and al-Andalus, Umayyad legacies - what later generations made of these caliphs and their achievements - are poorly understood. Building on new interest in the study of memory and Islamic historiography and including interdisciplinary perspectives from Arabic literature, art, and archaeology, this book highlights Umayyad achievements and the shaping of our knowledge of the Umayyad past.
: Includes selected papers from a conference organized by the Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO) and the University of Notre Dame's Medieval Institute held in Damascus, Syria, June 29-July 2, 2006. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004190986 : 0929-2403 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010

: Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World is sponsored by the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The articles in Muqarnas 27 address topics such as spolia in medieval Islamic architecture, Islamic coinage in the seventh century, the architecture of the Alhambra from an environmental perspective, and Ottoman-Mamluk gift exchange in the fifteenth century. The volume also features a new section, entitled "Notes and Sources", with pieces highlighting primary sources such as Akbar's Kathāsaritsāgara . Contributors include Ebba Koch, Elizabeth Lambourn, Elias Muhanna, Rina Avner, Kathryn Moore, Alicia Walker, Todd Willmert, Julia Gonnella, Zeynep Ertuğ, Jere Bacharach, Persis Berlekamp, Heike Franke, Vincenza Garofalo, and Fabrizio Agnello.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004191105 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
The chronicles and annalistic sources of the early Mamluk Circassian period /

: The historiography of the Early Mamluk Circassian period is prolific but has not yet received proper scholarly attention. For the first time, this study examines in a comprehensive manner the key sources for the reign of al-Zāhir Barqūq (784-91, 792-801/1382-9, 1390-9) in terms of their originality and importance. By means of a systematic analysis of the annals of three different years, it provides a critical evaluation of published and manuscript primary sources, identifies the nature of the interdependence amongst authors, and sheds new light on the craft of historical writing. This book fills a critical gap in the scholarship on Mamluk historiography. The author not only assesses the production of well-known historians (Ibn Khaldūn, Ibn al-Furāt, al-Maqrīzī, Ibn Taghrībirdī, et cetera), but also studies pivotal authors (Ibn Duqmâq, Ibn Hijjī, et cetera) whose works has been up until now either ignored or unknown.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [437]-445) and indexes. : 9789047419792 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
Saladin /

: xvii, 660 p., [16] p. of plates : col. ill., maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9780674055599 (alk. paper)
0674055594 (alk. paper)

Published 2015
Lire et écrire l'histoire ottomane /

: 226 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782351597132

Published 2008
Liberal thought in the Eastern Mediterranean : late 19th century until the 1960s /

: This volume analyzes liberal thought in the Eastern Mediterranean since the late nineteenth century, highlighting its long-term and ongoing influence, and challenging the conventional wisdom that liberalism has no legitimate place in the region's intellectual discourse. By investigating the activities of diverse institutions, media, and personalities, the authors in this volume examine the liberal ideas and values that emerged during eras of both peace and political turmoil, while recognizing the factors contributing to their decline. Seen from these many perspectives, liberal thought developed not merely from "Westernization," but from the interaction between indigenous intellectual critique and political ideology, political experiences and literary imagination, and a mixture of admiration for and resistance to European ideas and political domination.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047442240 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Kurdish Studies Archive : Vol. 6 No. 2 2018 /

: Kurdish Studies Archive publishes the content of volumes 1 to 10 of Kurdish Studies . This interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal was dedicated to publishing high-quality research and scholarship. Since 2023 the journal has been continued as the new Kurdish Studies Journal , published by Brill, and focuses on research, scholarship, and debates in the field of Kurdish studies in a multidisciplinary fashion covering a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, economics, history, society, gender, minorities, politics, health, law, environment, language, media, culture, arts, and education.
: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004708464

Published 2016
Audias fabulas veteres : Anatolian studies in honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová /

: The publication Audias fabulas veteres. Anatolian Studies in Honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová contains 31 contributions on current research topics in the fields of Ancient Anatolian and Near Eastern Languages, History, Religion, and Literature. The topics cover not only the main languages of this geographical area, such as Hittite, Luwian, Hattian, Hurrian, Akkadian, and Sumerian but also comparative linguistics and the latest methods of digitalising cuneiform texts, as well as religion, mythology and divinities, rituals, proverbs and analysis of geographical and historical documentation. Finally, it offers new analyses of some of the most remarkable texts and text passages of the ancient Anatolian literary tradition.
: 1 online resource (xl, 518 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004312616 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.