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The Necessity of Christ's Satisfaction : A Study of the Reformed Scholastic Theologians William Twisse (1578-1646) and John Owen (1616-1683) /
Could God have saved fallen humanity in some other way than by Christ's satisfaction? This study explores this hotly contested question among the seventeenth-century Reformed orthodox discussions by an analysis of the representative Reformed theologians, William Twisse and John Owen.
The seventeenth century Reformed Orthodox discussions of the work of Christ and its various doctrinal constitutive elements were rich and multifaceted, ranging across biblical and exegetical, historical, philosophical, and theological fields of inquiry. Among the most contested questions in these discussions was the question of the necessity of Christ's satisfaction. This study sets that "great controverted point," as Richard Baxter called it, in its historical and traditionary contexts and provides a philosophical and theological analysis of the arguments offered by two representative Reformed scholastic theologians, William Twisse and John Owen.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Racial integration in the church of apartheid
In Racial Integration in the Church of Apartheid Marthe Hesselmans uncovers the post-apartheid transformation of South Africa's Dutch Reformed Church. This church once constituted the religious pillar of the Afrikaner apartheid regime (1948-1994). Today, it seeks to unite the communities it long segregated into one multiracial institution. Few believe this will succeed. A close look inside congregations reveals unexpected stories of reconciliation though. Where South Africans realize they need each other to survive, faith offers common ground - albeit a feeble one. They show the potential, but also the limits of faith communities untangling entrenched national and racial affiliations. Linking South Africa's post-apartheid transition to religious-nationalist movements worldwide, Hesselmans offers a unique perspective on religion as source of division and healing.
1 online resource. :
Christian identity /
In this age of globalization, a need for a communicative explanation of personal and group positions also motivates Christians to describe more precisely their identity in relation to other actors in society. What makes a Christian a Christian? What is specifically Christian in social acions or political calling? Is there a difference between Christian justice and justice in general - and the way Christians deal with justice? What is our calling as Christians? The contributions in this volume are the result of the 6th biannual IRTI conference in Seoul 2005 on this theme.
"... the result of the 6th biannual IRTI conference in Seoul 2005"--P. [4] of cover. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047442547 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Crosscurrents in indigenous spirituality : interface of Maya, Catholic, and Protestant worldviews /
The resurgence of indigenous cultures and the reappearance of their ancient spiritualities, during the 1990s, is of great interest to social scientists. Several such cultures are featured in this book. The indigenous populations of struggling multi-ethnic \'democracies\' in Latin America are demanding to be integrated into the national mainstream, together with their holistic values of family, economics and ecology. Institutional Christianity is being challenged by indigenous theologies that are critical of both traditional Christianity and liberation theology. While some see here a danger of syncretism, these developments can be experienced as a breath of fresh air. \'Much has been said about the Mayas, but they have not been allowed to speak for themselves\' (anthropologist Rafael Girardi, 1962). This book is an attempt to allow religious spokespersons from a very ancient and creative civilization to share their faith, which has remained hidden for five centuries.
1 online resource (xvi, 329 pages) : illustrations, map. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 327-329) and index. :
9789004319981 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Affirming and living with differences /
The multi-cultural society is under enormous pressure. Paradoxically, the globalization plans of modernity have resulted in a more fragmented world and ensuing violence. Instead of becoming uniform, individual character and differences have become more strongly emphasized. How can people live together and at the same time preserve their differences? How can variety be valued in a theological manner? These questions form the theme of this collection that consists of three sections. The South African reflections (Simon, Louw and Koopman) that consider living in the variety of a rainbow nation are followed by European experiences of Moluccan Christians in the Netherlands (Pattikayhatu), Western Muslims (van Bommel) and the Belgian modus vivendi (Van der Borght). The collection is completed by the theological reflections about the concept communio sanctorum (Le Bruyns), the Enlightenment's ideal of equality (van de Beek) and the unity of the church (Theron)..
Conference proceedings. :
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Crossroad discourses between Christianity and culture /
Christianity exists in relation to and interacts with its cultural environment in a number of ways. In this volume authors from a wide variety of backgrounds explore various facets of the relationship and interaction of Christianity with its cultural environment: politics, society, esthetics, religion and spirituality, and with itself. Divided into three main sections, Crossroad Discourses between Christianity and Culture looks at the interaction of Christianity with culture in the first section, with other religions and spiritualities in the second, and finally with itself in the third. The contributions engage in a critical examination of not only the culture in which Christianity finds itself but also in a critical examination of Christianity itself and its interaction with that culture. The editors hope that teachers, students, and readers in general will profit greatly from the critical articles contained in this book.
1 online resource (641 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789042028647 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jews and Christians in Denmark : from the Middle Ages to recent times circa 1100-1948 /
In Jews and Christians in Denmark: From the Middle Ages to Recent Times, circa 1100-1948 , Martin Schwarz Lausten investigates how the Church and society followed the European antijudaistic tradition using insults, adversities and attempted conversions during Catholic times from around 1100 and Protestant times starting around 1536. In spite of the tolerant policies of integration initiated by the government beginning in the 1800's, anti-Semitic movements arose among priests, professors and local authorities. However, during the German occupation (1940-1945) priests and many others assisted the 7,000 Danish Jews in their escape to Sweden. Based on Jewish and Christian sources, Jewish reactions to life in Denmark are also examined.
Based on research previously published in the author's Kirke og synagoge (1992), De fromme og jøderne (2000), Oplysning i kirke og synagoge (2002), Frie jøder? (2005), Folkekirken og jøderne (2007), and Jødesympati og jødehad i folkekirken (2007), supplemented with references to newer literature at various points. :
1 online resource (xii, 296 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-286) and index. :
9789004304376 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religious dynamics under the impact of imperialism and colonialism : a sourcebook /
This sourcebook offers rare insights into a formative period in the modern history of religions. Throughout the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, when commercial, political and cultural contacts intensified worldwide, politics and religions became ever more entangled. This volume offers a wide range of translated source texts from all over Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, thereby diminishing the difficulty of having to handle the plurality of involved languages and backgrounds. The ways in which the original authors, some prominent and others little known, thought about their own religion, its place in the world and its relation to other religions, allows for much needed insight into the shared and analogous challenges of an age dominated by imperialism and colonialism.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004329003 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.