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Published 2010
Umayyad legacies : medieval memories from Syria to Spain /

: The Umayyads, the first dynasty of Islam, ruled over a vast empire from their central province of Syria, providing a line of caliphs from 661 to 750. Another branch later ruled in al-Andalus - Islamic Spain - from 756 to 1031, ruling first as emirs and then as caliphs themselves. This book is the first to bring together studies of this far-flung family and treat it not as two unrelated caliphates but as a single enterprise. Yet for all that historians have made note of Umayyad accomplishments in the Near East and al-Andalus, Umayyad legacies - what later generations made of these caliphs and their achievements - are poorly understood. Building on new interest in the study of memory and Islamic historiography and including interdisciplinary perspectives from Arabic literature, art, and archaeology, this book highlights Umayyad achievements and the shaping of our knowledge of the Umayyad past.
: Includes selected papers from a conference organized by the Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO) and the University of Notre Dame's Medieval Institute held in Damascus, Syria, June 29-July 2, 2006. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004190986 : 0929-2403 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Early Sunni historiography : a study of the Tarikh of Khalifa born Khayyat /

: In Early Sunnī Historiography , Tobias Andersson presents the first full-length study of the earliest Islamic chronological history extant: the Tārīkh ( Chronicle ) of the Basran ḥadīth scholar and historian Khalīfa born Khayyāṭ al-ʿUṣfurī (d. 240/854). The book examines how Khalīfa worked as a historian in terms of his social and intellectual context, selection of sources, methods of compilation, arrangement of material and narration of key themes in comparison to the wider historiographical tradition. It shows how Khalīfa's affiliation with the early Sunnī ḥadīth scholars of Basra is reflected in his methods and concerns throughout the Tārīkh , while also highlighting similarities to other histories compiled by ḥadīth scholars of the third/ninth century.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004383173

Published 2011
Entre mémoire et pouvoir l'espace syrien sous les derniers Omeyyades et les premiers Abbassides (v. 72-193/692-809) /

: Cet ouvrage entend démontrer qu'une solide culture de l'écriture de l'histoire existait dans la Syrie du 2e/8e siècle, et propose de nouvelles approches méthodologiques afin d'offrir un accès vers cette historiographie perdue, tiraillée entre mémoire et oubli. En étudiant la fabrique des héros omeyyades ou des mythes d'origines abbassides, cette étude s'efforce de mettre au jour les significations successives données à l'histoire syrienne, et d'identifier les différentes strates d'écritures et de réécritures de l'histoire au cours des premiers siècles de l'islam. L'ensemble de ces éléments conduit à proposer une histoire du sens de l'espace syrien, articulée autour de la thématique du pouvoir, qui donne une profonde cohérence à la période, par-delà la césure dynastique de 132/750. This book intends to demonstrate that a robust culture of historical writing existed in 2nd/8th century Syria, and to offer new methodological approaches to access this now lost history, torn between memory and oblivion. By studying the making of Umayyad heroes or Abbasid origins-myths, this study aims to reveal the successive meanings granted to Syrian history, and to identify the various layers of historical writing and rewriting during the first centuries of Islam. Taken together, these elements make possible a history of the meaning of the very space of Syria, articulated around power and its expression, which grants a clear coherence to the period, extending well beyond the dynastic caesura of 132/750.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [475]-526) and index. : 9789004190979 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2021
A Handbook of Modern Arabic Historical Scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Periods /

: A Handbook of Modern Arabic Historical Scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Periods presents 16 studies about modern Arab academic scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Worlds covering disciplines as diverse as Assyriology and Mamluk studies as well as historiographical schools in the Arab World. This unique work is the first of its kind in any language. It is an important resource for scholars and students of the Ancient Near East and North Africa, Classical and Byzantine studies, and medieval Islamic history who would like to learn more about the work done by their colleagues in the Arab World in these fields over the last 7 decades and to benefit from Arabic secondary sources in their research. دليل الدراسات العربية الحديثة حول العصور القديمة والوسيطة يحتوي هذا الكتاب على 61 بحثا حول الدراسات الأكاديمية المتعلّقة بتاريخ العصور القديمة والوسيطة في العالم العربي، وتغطي هذه الأبحاث تخصصات علمية متنوعة منها الدراسات المسمارية والدراسات المملوكية، إضافةً إلى بعض المدارس التاريخية العربية المعاصرة. الكتاب فريد من نوعه والأول في كافة اللغات، ويُشكّل مصدرا هاما للباحثين والطلبة في دراسات الشرق الأدنى القديم وشمال إفريقيا في العصور القديمة والدراسات الكلاسيكية والبيزنطية والتاريخ الإسلامي الوسيط، وكذلك للمهتمين بعلمي التاريخ والآثار في الدول العربية.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004460089

Published 2012
The lineaments of Islam : studies in honor of Fred McGraw Donner /

: In honor of Fred M. Donner's long and distinguished career as one of the foremost interpreters of early Islam, this volume collects more than a dozen original studies by his students. They range over a wide array of sub-fields in Islamic history and Islamic studies, including early history, historiography, Islamic law, religious studies, Qur'anic studies and Islamic archaeology. The book also includes a bibliography of Donner's works and a biographical sketch of sorts. Taken together, these essays are a clear testament to Donner's wide-ranging and continuing impact on the field. Contributors include: Sean W. Anthony, Jonathan A. C. Brown, David Cook, Vaness De Gifis, Asa Eger, Tracy Hoffman, Marion H. Katz, Kathryn M. Kueny, Shari Lowin, Jens Scheiner, Robert Schick, Stuart Sears, Elizabeth Urban, Tasha Vorderstrasse, Brannon Wheeler, and Hayrettin Yücesoy.
: Description based upon print version of record. : 1 online resource (506 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004231948 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.