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A Companion to Josephus in the Medieval West /
The works of Titus Flavius Josephus ben Matthias on biblical history and the Jewish war were read and studied throughout the Latin west during the Middle Ages. Each generation of Christian scholars had to contend with the Jewish writer's text, reputation, and content. This volume demonstrates the complex relationship between Josephus' legacy and his readers who sought to make use of that legacy across the period of 500 to 1300. Contributors include: Carson Bay, Susan Edgington, Anthony Ellis, Paul C. Hilliard, Karen M. Kletter, Justin Lake, Richard M. Pollard, Graeme Ward, and Julian Yolles.
1 online resource (328 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Looking Within: Finding an Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship Lens /
Can we adopt human rights concepts, long used to frame problems of social justice, to define environmental justice? Can existing social institutions provide models and tools for achieving environmental justice? This volume views old models of agency through new lenses and examines how several social institutions, such as law, education and health care, address specific environmental problems. The volume presents arguments for human obligations towards the environment and future generations. Scholars assess the limitations of existing models and others point to recent failures in protecting the interests of indigenous groups or species. And on a hopeful note, examples are given of institutions that promise some success in effecting environmental goals. As this discussion of citizenship suggests, much like environmental justice, a global context both in definition and application is required.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A Companion to Saxo Grammaticus /
Ever since the publication of Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum at the beginning of the thirteenth century, scholars and laymen have grappled with the complex and marvellous chronicle. As much specialized scholarship has been published in Danish, this companion breaks new ground by giving a comprehensive and up-to-date tour of the work for a global audience. Attention is given to the unity of Saxo's massive chronicle, whether he is dealing with a legendary pagan past or events from his own time. Saxo's world and views are explored in ways that shed new light on all of northern Europe. Contributors are Bjørn Bandlien, Karsten Friis-Jensen, Michael H. Gelting, Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm, Lars Hermanson, Lars Kjær, Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen, Annette Lassen, Anders Leegaard Knudsen, Lars Boje Mortensen, Mia Münster-Swendsen, Erik Niblaeus, Roland Scheel, Karen Skovgaard-Petersen, Kurt Villads Jensen, and Helle Vogt.
1 online resource (752 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Inscriptions in the private sphere in the Greco-Roman world /
When one thinks of inscriptions produced under the Roman Empire, public inscribed monuments are likely to come to mind. Hundreds of thousands of such inscriptions are known from across the breadth of the Roman Empire, preserved because they were created of durable material or were reused in subsequent building. This volume looks at another aspect of epigraphic creation - from handwritten messages scratched on wall-plaster to domestic sculptures labeled with texts to displays of official patronage posted in homes: a range of inscriptions appear within the private sphere in the Greco-Roman world. Rarely scrutinized as a discrete epigraphic phenomenon, the incised texts studied in this volume reveal that writing in private spaces was very much a part of the epigraphic culture of the Roman Empire.
The majority of the papers in this work were presented at the XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae, held in Berlin, 27-31 August 2012. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004307124 :
1876-2557 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Autonomy of the Åland Islands : Constitutional and International Law Challenges /
Published on occasion of the 100 year anniversary of the Åland Islands' autonomy, this book brings up and discusses a number of challenging issues, from constitutional and international law perspectives, concerning both the Åland situation and autonomy in general. Among the questions raised are: Is autonomy part of international law and which international organisations may have jurisdiction? Is autonomy a human right or is it about the prevention of violent conflicts? Does the Åland Autonomy constitute a useful model for other minority groups? Do the Åland Islands stand to benefit from anything in international law, be it substantive or procedural?
1 online resource (330 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Time and International Adjudication : The Temporal Factor in Proceedings before International Courts and Tribunals /
Time and International Adjudication fills a gap in legal literature in the field of international dispute settlement, by providing a wide selection of stimulating contributions by leading international scholars and lawyers, aimed at discussing the role of time in proceedings before international courts and tribunals. The relevance of the temporal factor in international adjudication is assessed by considering each of the different phases of international judicial proceedings. The analysis covers inter-State proceedings before both permanent courts and tribunals (such as the ICJ, ITLOS and the DSB of the WTO) and arbitral tribunals, as well as international proceedings between individuals and States before regional human rights courts and investment tribunals.
1 online resource (702 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Geschichte und Probleme der Religionswissenschaft.
This book contains a collection of 18 articles written by the author in the last 30 years on methodological, terminological and historical problems concerning the field of his discipline at Leipzig University, namely Religious Studies. Some articles are rewritten, others only revised or complemented. Much influenced at this University in considering the field of Religious Studies as an area based primary on history and philology, independent of theology and philosophy, this work focuses a.o. on terms like Myth, Mythology, Demythologizing, and Syncretism; on subjects like Mohammed, the relation between Jews, Christians and Muslims; and on leading figures of the discipline in past and present. An introductory essay provides the autobiographical considerations, necessary for a good understanding of the collection. Das Buch enthält 18 Aufsätze des Autors aus den letzten 30 Jahren, die sich mit wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen, methodologischen und terminologischen Problemen der Religionswissenschaft (Rw) beschäftigen. Mehrere von ihnen sind neubearbeitet, andere wenigstens durchgesehen und ergänzt worden. Da der Verfasser das Fach fast 25 Jahre an der Universität Leipzig (früher DDR) vertreten hat, ehe er nach den USA und dann nach Marburg berufen wurde, waren seine Möglichkeiten begrenzt, sich zu grundlegenden und aktuellen Fragen seiner Disziplin zu äußern, und wenn, dann in Zeitschriften, die nicht so verbreitet sind, daß sie international beachtet werden konnten. Seine Ausbildung in Leipzig mit einer der ältesten Traditionen der deutschen Rw und die damalige Situation bestimmen daher die Mehrzahl seiner Arbeiten in bemerkenswerter Weise, indem sie versuchen der Rw ein eigenständiges Profil zu geben, und zwar auf der Grundlage einer streng historisch-philologischen, nichttheologischen Position, die vor allem auch ihre ideologiekritische Seite mit einschließt. Einige Beiträge widmen sich außerdem terminologischen Themen (Mythos, Entmythologisierung, Synkretismus, Entwicklung, Sekte), andere historischen (Mohammed, Verhältnis von Juden, Christen und Muslimen, Frühes Christentum) und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen (H. Haas, J. Wach, W. Baetke, Eliade, Religionsgeschichtliche Schule). Der einleitende Essay gibt autobiographische Reflexionen wieder, die zum Verständnis der Sammlung nötig sind. Das Buch greift grundlegende Probleme der Rw auf, die bis heute diese Disziplin begleiten, auch wenn verständlicherweise neue Fragestellungen aufgekommen sind, von denen der Verfasser z.B. die der Religion-Umwelt-Beziehung (der älteren Religionsgeographie) aufgreift.
1 online resource. :
Authoritative texts and reception history : aspects and approaches /
Reception history has emerged over the last decades as a rapidly growing domain of research, entertaining a notable methodological diversity. Authoritative Texts and Reception History samples that diversity, offering a collection of essay that discuss various reception-historical issues, from a plurality of perspectives, across several fields: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Pseudepigrapha and the Dead Sea Scrolls, New Testament, early and late-antique Christianity. While furthering specific discussions in their specific fields, the contributions included here-authored by both established and emerging scholars-illustrate just how wide the umbrella of 'reception history' can be, and the varied range of topics, concerns and approaches it can accommodate.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004334960 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Les études philoniennes : Regards sur cinquante ans de recherche (1967-2017) /
This volume gathers the proceedings of the Paris conference in Philonic studies (2017), consisting of 23 papers by contributors from 8 countries. Fifty years after the Lyon conference, it aimed at taking a retrospective look at the intellectual contexts and the academic fields in which Philonic studies have penetrated, as well as the ways in which they evolved. The work of the Alexandrian became of major importance in the history of philosophy. It has been studied as a source of cultured Christianity, in connection with Second Temple Judaism and the Alexandrian Jewish community, but also in the context of research on rabbinic Judaism, New Testament and philosophy of the imperial era. Ce volume rassemble les actes du colloque de Paris (2017), qui réunit 23 intervenants de 8 nationalités. Cinquante ans après le colloque de Lyon, il s'agissait de réfléchir aux milieux intellectuels et aux disciplines universitaires dans lesquels les études philoniennes avaient pénétré le monde de la recherche, les bases sur lesquelles elles avaient évolué. L'œuvre de l'Alexandrin a pris une importance majeure dans l'histoire de la philosophie ; elle a été explorée comme source du christianisme lettré, en lien avec le judaïsme de l'Époque du Second Temple et la communauté juive d'Alexandrie, mais aussi dans le cadre des études sur le judaïsme rabbinique, dans le développement des études sur le Nouveau Testament et sur la philosophie de l'époque impériale.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Fakes and Forgers of Classical Literature : Ergo decipiatur! /
Right from the beginning, classical literature has been embroiled with questions of authenticity, fakes, frauds, and, of course, scandal. Issues of dubious authorship, and contested authority confront philologists, critics and publishers today as surely as they did in the classical era itself. The new era of postmodernism, however, encourages us to look at the work of the forger with fresh eyes, and recent scholarship reflects this in an interdisciplinary approach which goes well beyond the conventional academic endeavor to separate the authentic from the fake. Fakes and Forgers of Classical Literature comprises essays from an international cast of scholars who, in their diverse and creative approaches to questions of authenticity both old and new, radically revise the position of the forged text in the literary tradition and, in light of modern approaches of philology and literary criticism, offer exciting new strategies for understanding forgery and the play with authenticity within ancient literature itself.
1 online resource. :
Anatomies of the Gospels and beyond : essays in honor of R. Alan Culpepper /
Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond is an edited volume structured around essays that focus on one of the four canonical Gospels (and Acts) and/or theoretical issues involved in literary readings of New Testament narrative. The volume is intended to honor the legacy of R. Alan Culpepper, Emeritus Professor and Former Dean at Mercer University's McAfee School of Theology. The title of the volume (which alludes to the title of Culpepper's ground-breaking monograph, Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel ) and the breadth of the essays are apt reflections of his research interests over his academic career of over forty years. The twenty-five contributors are internationally recognized experts in New Testament studies; thus, the essays represent a snapshot of current research.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004373501 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Handbook of Conspiracy Theory and Contemporary Religion.
Conspiracy theories are a ubiquitous feature of our times. The Handbook of Conspiracy Theories and Contemporary Religion is the first reference work to offer a comprehensive, transnational overview of this phenomenon along with in-depth discussions of how conspiracy theories relate to religion(s). Bringing together experts from a wide range of disciplines, from psychology and philosophy to political science and the history of religions, the book sets the standard for the interdisciplinary study of religion and conspiracy theories.
1 online resource. :
Valuing the past in the Greco-Roman world : proceedings from the Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values VII /
The 'classical tradition' is no invention of modernity. Already in ancient Greece and Rome, the privileging of the ancient played a role in social and cultural discourses of every period. A collaboration between scholars in diverse areas of classical studies, this volume addresses literary and material evidence for ancient notions of valuing (or disvaluing) the deep past from approximately the fifth century BCE until the second century CE. It examines how specific communities used notions of antiquity to define themselves or others, which models from the past proved most desirable, what literary or exegetic modes they employed, and how temporal systems for ascribing value intersected with the organization of space, the production of narrative, or the application of aesthetic criteria.
Papers presented at the Penn Leiden Colloquium on Ancient Values VII, entitled "Valuing Antiquity in Antiquity," Leiden University, June, 15-16, 2012. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004274952 :
0169-8958; ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Imperium der Götter : Isis, Mithras, Christus : Kulte und Religionen im Römischen Reich /
OCLC 863951591
Catalog of an exhibition in the Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, 16 November 2013 through 18 May 2014. :
480 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 28 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 461-475) :
9783806228717 :
Paulus und Barnabas in der Provinz Galatien : Studien zu Apostelgeschichte 13f. ; 16,6 ; 18,23 und den Adressaten des Galaterbriefes /
This study poses and answers two questions: 1. What is the basis in the tradition for the Acts 13 and 14 narrative about Paul's and Barnabas' mission on Cyprus and in southern Galatia? 2. Who are the addressees of the letter to the Galatians? Using the extant inscriptions and literary sources that relate to the provinces of Cyprus and Galatia in the early Roman Empire, the above questions are addressed to Acts and Galatians, and answered as follows: 1 Acts 13-14 contains so much local colour as to rule out the thesis that the so-called first missionary journey is fictional. 2. Paul's letter to the Galatians is addressed to the churches in southern Galatia - Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe. The hypothesis of a north-Galatian setting is shown to be improbable in the light of the geographical, archaeological and epigraphic evidence.
1 online resource (xvi, 215 pages) : illustrations, maps (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004332485 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 32 : Lesser Heard Voices in Studies of Religion /
The present volume brings together scholars from all over the world in an open section and three special sections that explore how lesser-heard and unheard voices may be studied. Special section 1, Religion in Higher Education interrogates lived experiences of religion in higher education contexts and how certain voices are marginalised and minoritised. Special section 2, Cultural Blindness in Psychology, explores how culture as a lived experience, especially in its religious dimension, is rendered invisible in psychological science. Finally, special section 3 entitled Religious Authority in Practice in Contemporary Evangelical, Charismatic, and Pentecostal Christianity outlines "evangelicalism" and introduces "authority" as a sociological concept from various theoretical perspectives.
The present volume explores lesser-heard and unheard issues in the study of religion. Among other things, lived experiences of religion in higher education are interrogated; culture is studied as lived experience; and "evangelicalism" is outlined as an emic and etic concept. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :