Rites aux portes /
: Papers from a conference held at the Universite de Geneve, May 2-3, 2014. "Ce deux journees avaient pour but de donner une vue d'ensemble de nos connaissances sur les rites lies aux portes dans l'Antiquite, plus precisement en Egypte, en Mesopotamie, en Anatolie, en Grece at dans le monde biblique."--Avant-propos. : 132 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographcial references. : 9783034330442
Post-Soeharto Indonesia : Renewal or Chaos? /
Indonesia's economy has been ravaged by the Asian economic crisis. Its leader for 32 years, President Soeharto, was forced from office in May 1998 amidst rioting and student demonstrations. This book examines the political and economic trends which are shaping Indonesia's future. The contributors are leading politicians, business people, academics and international journalists with an intimate knowledge of Indonesia. Co-published with ISEAS.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :