The curse of the mummy : and other mysteries of ancient Egypt /
xviii, 211 pages : illustration, maps ; 20 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [202]-208) and index. :
1851686061 :
Objects of the past in the past : investigating the significance of earlier artefacts in later contexts /
How did past communities view, understand and communicate their pasts? And how can we, as archaeologists, understand this? In recent years these questions have been approached through studies of the extended occupation and use of landscapes, monuments and artefacts to explore concepts of time and memory. But what of objects that were already old in the past? Interpretations for these items have ranged from the discard of scrap to objects of veneration. Evidence from a range of periods would suggest objects of the past were an important part of many later societies that encountered them, either as heirlooms with remembered histories or rediscovered curiosities from a more distant past. This volume brings together a range of case studies in which objects of the past were encountered and reappropriated.
1 online resource (x, 180 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789692495 (PDF ebook) :
Objects of the past in the past : investigating the significance of earlier artefacts in later contexts /
How did past communities view, understand and communicate their pasts? And how can we, as archaeologists, understand this? In recent years these questions have been approached through studies of the extended occupation and use of landscapes, monuments and artefacts to explore concepts of time and memory. But what of objects that were already old in the past? Interpretations for these items have ranged from the discard of scrap to objects of veneration. Evidence from a range of periods would suggest objects of the past were an important part of many later societies that encountered them, either as heirlooms with remembered histories or rediscovered curiosities from a more distant past. This volume brings together a range of case studies in which objects of the past were encountered and reappropriated.
1 online resource (x, 180 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789692495 (PDF ebook) :
Aspects of ancient Egyptian curses and blessings : conceptual background and transmission /
Includes abstract.
Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Uppsala universitet, 1996. :
xi, 231 pages ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 217-225) and index. :
9155438113 :
0346-6442 ;
Rites aux portes /
: Papers from a conference held at the Universite de Geneve, May 2-3, 2014. "Ce deux journees avaient pour but de donner une vue d'ensemble de nos connaissances sur les rites lies aux portes dans l'Antiquite, plus precisement en Egypte, en Mesopotamie, en Anatolie, en Grece at dans le monde biblique."--Avant-propos. : 132 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographcial references. : 9783034330442
Post-Soeharto Indonesia : Renewal or Chaos? /
Indonesia's economy has been ravaged by the Asian economic crisis. Its leader for 32 years, President Soeharto, was forced from office in May 1998 amidst rioting and student demonstrations. This book examines the political and economic trends which are shaping Indonesia's future. The contributors are leading politicians, business people, academics and international journalists with an intimate knowledge of Indonesia. Co-published with ISEAS.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Post-Aufklärungs-Gesellschaft : Was wir verlieren und was uns bevorsteht /
Aufklärung ist das Beste, was die Menschheit je hervorgebracht hat. Ihre Essenz besteht in dem Streben nach Objektivität und intersubjektiver Rechtfertigung. Ein elitäres Minderheitenprojekt, dem große Teile der Menschheit enorme Errungenschaften zu verdanken haben. Dennoch ist derzeit das Ende der zweiten Aufklärungsepoche zu beobachten. Ursächlich sind die immensen Belastungen einer emanzipierten Lebensform ebenso wie aktuelle politische und soziologische Stressfaktoren. Zu diesen gehören ein kapitalistisch verkürztes Freiheitsverständnis ebenso wie Migrationsbewegungen, eine mangelnde Verteidigung des ethischen Universalismus oder ein Antirassismus ohne Bewusstsein für negative Dialektik. Die Erosion bewirkt eine Rückkehr zu den autoritären Standardmodellen der Menschheit gepaart mit den technischen und medialen Potentialen der Moderne. Zeit für einen Blick zurück in Dankbarkeit und eine kritische Betrachtung dessen, was uns erwartet.
1 online resource (228 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Working with the past : towards an archaeology of recycling /
Recycling is a basic anthropological process of humankind. The reutilization of materials or of ideas from the past is a process determined by various natural or cultural causes. Recycling can be motivated by a crisis or by a complex symbolic cause like the incorporation of the past into the present. What archaeology has not insisted upon is the dimensional scale of the process, which operates from the micro-scale of the recycling of the ancestors' material, up to the macro-scale of the landscape. It is well known that there are direct relations between artefacts and landscapes in what concerns the materiality and mobility of objects. An additional relation between artefact and landscape may be the process of recycling. In many ways artefact and landscape can be considered as one aspect of material culture, perceived at a different scale, since both have the same materiality and suffer the same process of reutilisation.
Previously issued in print: 2017. :
1 online resource : illustrations (colour). :
Specialized. :
9781784916305 (ebook) :