Estudios sobre el África romana : culturas e imaginarios en transformación /
These collected papers are for those who have their gaze fixed on the fascinating mosaic of cultures that was the North-African world from the moment Rome appeared in the region. Most articles are dedicated to the world of images, but other subjects include Historiography, Archaeology of Architecture, and Libyan-Berber ethnicities.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (xvi, 352 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781784919085 (ebook) :
Estudios sobre el África romana : culturas e imaginarios en transformación /
These collected papers are for those who have their gaze fixed on the fascinating mosaic of cultures that was the North-African world from the moment Rome appeared in the region. Most articles are dedicated to the world of images, but other subjects include Historiography, Archaeology of Architecture, and Libyan-Berber ethnicities.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (xvi, 352 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781784919085 (ebook) :
Faith in African lived Christianity : bridging anthropological and theological perspectives /
Faith in African Lived Christianity - Bridging Anthropological and Theological Perspectives offers a comprehensive, empirically rich and interdisciplinary approach to the study of faith in African Christianity. The book brings together anthropology and theology in the study of how faith and religious experiences shape the understanding of social life in Africa. The volume is a collection of chapters by prominent Africanist theologians, anthropologists and social scientists, who take people's faith as their starting point and analyze it in a contextually sensitive way. It covers discussions of positionality in the study of African Christianity, interdisciplinary methods and approaches and a number of case studies on political, social and ecological aspects of African Christian spirituality.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ethnography from the mission field : the Hoffmann Collection of Cultural Knowledge /
In Ethnography from the Mission Field: The Hoffmann Collection of Cultural Knowledge Joubert and others offer a translated and annotated edition of the 24 ethnographic articles by missionary Carl Hoffmann and his local interlocutors published between the years 1913 and 1958. The edition is introduced by a historic contextualisation using a cultural historical approach to analyse the contexts in which Hoffmann's ethnographic texts were produced. Making use of historical material and Hoffmann's own words from personal diaries and letters, the authors convincingly draw the attention to the discursive context in which the texts annotated in this book had been compiled. In a concluding chapter the book traces the captivating developments of the orthography of Northern Sotho through Hoffmann's texts over almost half a century. Brill has made the documentary film "A Journey into the Life of a Mission-Ethnographer" which is interlinked with this book available online via its online channels. To access it please click here . The digital database of the "Hoffmann Collection of Cultural Knowledge" (HC-CK) can be accessed by clicking here . It is an amalgamation of digital scans, images and video footage relating to missionary Carl Hoffmann's work and life on various mission stations, made available by the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Translation from German to English by Klaudia Ringelmann.
"The texts that were documented by Hoffmann and which are the focus of our research in this publication, were written in the Semamabolo (Mamabolo) dialect, which is close to the standardised form [of Northern Sotho]. To make these texts more accessible they have been rendered in the current official orthography in accordance with the Northern Sotho Terminology and Orthography rules No. 4 (Department of Education and Training 1988)."--Chapter 29. :
1 online resource (xxi, 1145 pages) : illustrations (some color), maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 1121-1127) and indexes. :
9789004297722 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
South Asians in the Diaspora, Histories and Religious Traditions.
This volume deals with a phenomenon of increasing global significance, the South Asian diaspora. In particular it deals with the role of religion. The diversity of religious life in South Asia is remarkable and much of this diversity is replicated in the diaspora communities around the world. The case studies in this book explore and analyse the social, religious and cultural reality of people in the diaspora belonging to Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism and originating from four of the South Asian nation states (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). The book highlights the religious diversity that exists in the diaspora communities both across the traditions and within the particular religions.
1 online resource. :
Constructing History, Culture and Inequality : The Betsileo in the Extreme Southern Highlands of Madagascar /
During the early 20th century, a group of ex-slaves established a frontier society in the no-man's-land of the extreme Southern Highlands of Madagascar. First settlers skilfully deployed a fluid set of Malagasy customs to implant a myth of themselves as tompon-tany or "masters of the land". Eventually, they created a land monopoly to reinforce their legitimacy and to exclude later migrants. Some of them were labelled andevo ("slave" or "slave descent"). The tompon-tany prohibited the andevo from owning land, and thereby from having tombs. This book focuses on the plight of the tombless andevo, and how their ascribed impurity and association with infertility, illness, death and misfortune made them an essential part of the tompon-tany world-view.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Roman rule and civic life : local and regional perspectives /
Contents: I. INSTRUMENTS OF IMPERIAL RULE. ECK, W.: Lateinisch, Griechisch, Germanisch ...? Wie sprach Rom met seinen Untertanen? TALBERT, R.: Rome's provinces as framework for world-view. KOKKINIA, C.: Ruling, inducing, arguing: how to govern (and survive) a Greek province. SLOOTJES, D.: The governor as benefactor in Late Antiquity. LIGT, L. DE: Direct taxation in western Asia Minor under the early Empire. II. CONQUEST AND ITS EFFECTS BIRLEY, A.: Britain 71-105: advance and retrenchment. ROSSUM, J.A.. VAN: The end of the Batavian auxiliaries as 'national' units. COULSTON, J.C.N.: Military identity and personal self-identity in the Roman army. BRUUN, C.: The legend of Decebalus. III. ROMANIZATION AND ITS LIMITS LOMAS, K.: Funerary epigraphy and the impact of Rome in Italy. BINTLIFF, J.L.: Town and chôra of Thespiae in the imperial age. ELTON, H.: Romanization and some Cilician cults. HESBERG, H. VON: Grabmonumente als Zeichen des sozialen Aufstiegs der neuen Eliten in den germanischen Provinzen. HAAN, N. DE: Living like the Romans? Some remarks on domestic architecture in North Africa and Britain. IV. URBAN ELITES AND CIVIC LIFE VRIES, T. DE & W.J. ZWALVE: Roman actuarial science and Ulpian's life expectancy table. KRIECKHAUS, A.: Duae Patriae? C. Plinius Caecilius Secundus zwischen germana patria und urbs. STRUBBE, J.H.M.: Cultic honours for benefactors in Asia Minor. HORSTER, M.: Substitutes for emperors and members of the imperial families as local magistrates. DONDIN-PAYRE, M.: Notables et élites dans les Trois Gaules. BRANCO, M. DI: Entre Amphion et Achille: réalité et mythologie de la défense d'Athènes du IIIe au IVe siècle. NAVARRO CABALLERO, M.: L'élite, les femmes et l'argent dans les provinces hispaniques. HIRSCHMANN, V.: Methodische Überlegungen zu Frauen in antiken Vereinen. HEMELRIJK, E.: Patronage of cities: the role of women.
"Proceedings of the fourth workshop of the international network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C. - A.D. 476), Leiden, June 25-28, 2003." :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
The city in the Islamic world /
The purpose of this book, is to draw attention to the sites of life, politics and culture where current and past generations of the Islamic world have made their mark. Unlike many previous volumes dealing with the city in the Islamic world, this one has been specially expanded not only to include snapshots of historical fabric but also to deal with the transformation of this fabric into modern and contemporary urban entities.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047442653 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.