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Dalmatia and the Mediterranean : portable archeology and the poetics of influence /
Using the Braudelian concept of the Mediterranean this volume focuses on the condition of "coastal exchanges" involving the Dalmatian littoral and its Adriatic and more distant maritime network. Spalato and Ragusa intersect with Constantinople, Cairo and Spanish Naples just as Sinan, Palladio and Robert Adam cross paths in this liquid expanse. Concentrating on materiality and on the arts, architecture in particular, the authors identify portability and hybridity as characteristic of these exchanges, and tease out expected and unexpected serendipitous moments when they occurred. Focusing on translation and its instruments these essays expand the traditional concept of influence by thrusting mobility and the \'hardware\' of cultural transmission, its mechanisms, rather than its effects, into the foreground. Contributors include: Doris Behrens-Abouseif , SOAS, University of London ; Joško Belamarić , Institute of Art History , Split; Marzia Faietti , Uffizi , Florence; Jasenka Gudelj , University of Zagreb ; Cemal Kafadar , Harvard University ; Ioli Kalavrezou , Harvard University ; Suzanne Marchand , State University of Louisiana ; Erika Naginski , Harvard University ; Gülru Necipoğlu , Harvard University ; Goran Nikšić , City of Split , Split; Alina Payne , Harvard University ; Avinoam Shalem , Columbia University and David Young Kim , University of Pennsylvania
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004263918 :
2213-3399 ;
Das katholische '68 : Die Auswirkungen der »Pillenenzyklika« Humanae vitae auf das Katholischsein in der Bundesrepublik /
Emotionen, Sexualität und Macht. Durch die "Pillenenzyklika" Humanae vitae , mit der Papst Paul VI. Katholik:innen im Sommer 1968 den Gebrauch künstlicher Empfängnisverhütungsmittel verbot, geriet im bundesrepublikanischen Katholizismus einiges in Bewegung. Das Katholischsein in einer sich verändernden Gesellschaft wurde neu verhandelt. Die Autorin wertet erstmals in großem Umfang Protestbriefe aus, die Katholik:innen an ihre Bischöfe schrieben, und zeigt auf, wie das Sprechen über Emotionen und Sexualität nachhaltige Verschiebungen alter Machtverhältnisse sichtbar machte. Dabei analysiert sie die Selbstermächtigungsprozesse des "katholischen '68" vor dem Hintergrund der westdeutschen Gesellschaftsgeschichte. Zum Schluss der Studie kommen Zeitzeug:innen zu Wort, die sehr persönliche Einblicke in lebenslange Auseinandersetzungen mit der "Pillenenzyklika" geben und dabei auch den Bogen zur aktuellen Kirchenkrise schlagen.
1 online resource (280 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The heritage of Arabo-Islamic learning : studies presented to Wadad Kadi /
The Arabo-Islamic heritage of the Islam is among the richest, most diverse, and longest-lasting literary traditions in the world. Born from a culture and religion that valued teaching, Arabo-Islamic learning spread from the seventh century and has had a lasting impact until the present.In The Heritage of Arabo-Islamic Learning leading scholars around the world present twenty-five studies explore diverse areas of Arabo-Islamic heritage in honor of a renowned scholar and teacher, Dr. Wadad A. Kadi (Prof. Emerita, University of Chicago). The volume includes contributions in three main areas: History, Institutions, and the Use of Documentary Sources; Religion, Law, and Islamic Thought; Language, Literature, and Heritage which reflect Prof. Kadi's contributions to the field. Contributors:Sean W. Anthony; Ramzi Baalbaki; Jonathan A.C. Brown; Fred M. Donner; Mohammad Fadel; Kenneth Garden; Sebastian Günther; Li Guo; Heinz Halm; Paul L. Heck; Nadia Jami; Jeremy Johns; Maher Jarrar; Marion Holmes Katz; Scott C. Lucas; Angelika Neuwirth; Bilal Orfali; Wen-chin Ouyang; Judith Pfeiffer; Maurice A. Pomerantz; Riḍwān al-Sayyid ; Aram A. Shahin; Jens Scheiner; John O. Voll; Stefan Wild.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004307469 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Dendara le temple d'Isis
: VOL.1 TEXTE VOL.2 PLANCHES : 2 vol. (XXVIII-369 p., 286 p. de pl.) ill. en noir et en coul., plans, couv. ill. 34cm : Table des matières. Documents en caractères hiéroglyphiques. Introduction en français. Le CD-ROM contient les 286 planches au format PDF, en 10 fichiers distincts, ainsi qu'un lien vers le site internet d'Adobe, permettant de télécharger le logiciel Acrobat Reader. : 9782724704617
Architecture for the dead : Cairo's medieval necropolis /
"In Architecture for the Dead, architect Galila El Kadi and photographer Alain Bonnamy have produced a comprehensive and visually stunning survey of all areas of the necropolis. Through detailed and painstaking research and remarkable photography, in text, maps, plans, and pictures, they describe and illustrate the astonishing variety of architectural styles in the necropolis: from Mamluk to neo-Mamluk via baroque and neo-pharaonic, from the grandest stone buildings with their decorative domes and minarets to the humblest - but elaborately decorated - wooden structures. The book also documents the modern settlement of the necropolis by families creating a space for the living in and among the tombs and architecture for the dead."--BOOK JACKET.
Translation of : Cité des morts
"An Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Edition."
"First published in French in 2001 under the title Le Cité des Morts" -- Title page verso. :
302 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color), plans ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 293-294) and indexes. :