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The rhetoric of gender terms : 'man', 'woman', and the portrayal of character in Latin prose /
The aim of this work is to recover classical Roman assumptions about women on the basis of the surviving linguistic data. The author provides a control to her study of the connotations of the major Latin words for women in the form of a corresponding examination of how Roman authors use the various words for men. The resulting analysis throws light not only on Roman gender vocabulary but also on Roman cultural perceptions of class, moral worth and nationality. Furthermore, the author's detailed discussions of strictly linguistic evidence enable her to offer several original and persuasive insights about the traditional Latin literary representation of women. Understanding the connotative range of gender terms such as homo , vir , femina , mulier also reveals the value judgments made by ancient authors on male and female behaviour and can even be applied as a tool of historical analysis.
1 online resource (x, 216 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-208) and index. :
9789004329164 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A future without borders? : theories and practices of cosmopolitan peacebuilding /
A Future without Borders (FWB) offers an explanation of why the recent, but by now distant, movements of the "Occupy Wall Street" activists have repeated themselves across the globe. The book demonstrates some of the processes inherent to an adapting cosmopolitanism (a call for civility, a call for Justice, a call for a collective responsibility or accountability) that is not individualistic in nature. Until recently, the statal/national problems understood as politico-economic failures were conceived as isolated problems, failures of statal institutions that are particular to certain countries. FWB contests the Westphalian logic that explains these circumstances, as national failures and argues instead that the conditions be assessed as extensions of the global economic and ideological failures that they surely are. Contributors are: Anton Allahar, Arnold Farr, Andrew Fiala, Pierre-André Gagnon, Bill Gay, Kurtis Hagen, Linden F. Lewis, Tracey Nicholls, Richard T. Peterson, Jorge Rodriguez, Eddy M. Souffrant, and Hilbourne A. Watson.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004325388 :
0929-8436 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The classical commentary : histories, practices, theory /
This collection explores the issues raised by the writing and reading of commentaries on classical Greek and Latin texts. Written primarily by practising commentators, the papers examine philosophical, narratological, and historiographical commentaries; ancient, Byzantine, and Renaissance commentary practice and theory, with special emphasis on Galen, Tzetzes, and La Cerda; the relationship between the author of the primary text, the commentary writer, and the reader; special problems posed by fragmentary and spurious texts; the role and scope of citation, selectivity, lemmatization, and revision; the practical future of commentary-writing and publication; and the way computers are changing the shape of the classical commentary. With a genesis in discussion panels mounted in the UK in 1996 and the US in 1997, the volume continues recent international dialogue on the genre and future of commentaries.
1 online resource (xxi, 427 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047400943 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Women and Latin in the Early Modern Period /
The first early modern women Latinists lived in mid-fourteenth century Italy, and were educated as diplomats. By the fifteenth century, other upper-class women were educated in order to perform as prodigies on behalf of their city. Both strands of education for women spread to other European countries in the course of the sixteenth century: the principal women humanists were either princesses or courtiers. In the seventeenth century Latin lost its importance as a language of diplomacy and was no longer needed at court, but there was still a place for the 'woman prodigy', and a variety of women performed in this way. However, the productions of seventeenth and eighteenth-century women Latinists are more extensive and more varied than those of their predecessors, and include scientific writing and ambitious translations. By the mid-nineteenth century the integration of studious women into the wider academy was well under way.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ideas on language in early Latin Christianity from Tertullian to Isidore of Seville /
In Ideas on Language in Early Latin Christianity , Tim Denecker investigates, in a comprehensive and systematic way, the views held on the history, diversity and properties of language(s) by Christian Latin authors from Tertullian (b. c.160) to Isidore of Seville (d. 636). This historical period witnessed various sociocultural changes, affecting linguistic situations and the ways in which these were perceived. Christian intellectuals were confronted with languages other than Latin in the context of the propagation of faith, and in reflecting on language were bound to comply with the relevant biblical accounts. Whereas previous research has mostly focused on the (indeed vital) contribution of Augustine, the present study reveals the diversified and dynamic nature of linguistic reflection in early Latin Christianity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004276659 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Women and the Roman city in the Latin West /
Roman Cities, as conventionally studied, seem to be dominated by men. Yet as the contributions to this volume-which deals with the Roman cities of Italy and the western provinces in the late Republic and early Empire-show, women occupied a wide range of civic roles. Women had key roles to play in urban economies, and a few were prominent public figures, celebrated for their generosity and for their priestly eminence, and commemorated with public statues and grand inscriptions. Drawing on archaeology and epigraphy, on law and art as well as on ancient texts, this multidisciplinary study offers a new and more nuanced view of the gendering of civic life. It asks how far the experience of women of the smaller Italian and provincial cities resembled that of women in the capital, how women were represented in sculptural art as well as in inscriptions, and what kinds of power or influence they exercised in the societies of the Latin West.
1 online resource (430 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004255951 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to Greek and Latin epyllion and its reception /
In classical scholarship of the past two centuries, the term "epyllion" was used to label short hexametric texts mainly ascribable to the Hellenistic period (Greek) or the Neoterics (Latin). Apart from their brevity, characteristics such as a predilection for episodic narration or female characters were regarded as typically "epyllic" features. However, in Antiquity itself, the texts we call "epyllia" were not considered a coherent genre, which seems to be an innovation of the late 18th century. The contributions in this book not only re-examine some important (and some lesser known) Greek and Latin primary texts, but also critically reconsider the theoretical discourses attached to it, and also sketch their literary and scholarly reception in the Byzantine and Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Modern Age.
1 online resource (xxvi, 640 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 563-596) and indexes. :
9789004233058 :
1872-3357 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The imperial cult in the Latin West : studies in the ruler cult of the western provinces...
This volume concludes the series with an apparatus. The list of Abbreviated Titles comprises all Abbreviations used throughout the four Parts while the Bibliography consolidates the books and articles cited in the four sets of References. The intention of the various Indices is to let the reader find his way about the text in one way or another whereas the main focus of the Addenda is on publications that were either earlier missed or, as in most cases, appeared too late to be included at the appropriate stage of the text. Lastly, the list of errata in the Corrigenda consists mostly of typographical errors that escaped notice in the original manuscript.
1 online resource (i-vii, 256 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047416111 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jesus in the Latin Talmud : Judaism and Christianity during the Disputation of Paris in 1240 and Other Transcultural Issues /
Between 1238 and 1239, the notorious Jewish convert Nicholas Donin persuaded Pope Gregory IX to condemn the Talmud, prompting European kings to intervene. Only King Louis IX of France agreed to a public disputation in 1240, subjecting the Talmud to scrutiny. Prominent Jewish and Christian figures debated Jesus in the Talmud. The Talmud was condemned between 1241 and 1242, but the Church of Paris, responding to Jewish pleas, allowed an appeal. Scholars were commissioned to translate portions of the Talmud, resulting in two anthologies titled Extractiones de Talmud-the first translation of this work. Still, this did not save the Talmud from burning.
1 online resource (340 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Evolution of Direct Discourse Marking from Classical to Late Latin /
Changes in the marking of direct discourse show us the vitality of Latin and the creativity of Late Latin authors, who were able to integrate two potentially conflicting traditions - "classical" and "biblical".
If you read a work by Cicero or Seneca and then open The Pilgrimage of Egeria , Augustine, or Gregory of Tours, you will soon notice that Late Latin authors quote authorities differently. They provide a perfect example of synthesising two potentially conflicting traditions - "classical" and "biblical". This book examines how the system of direct discourse marking developed over the centuries. It focuses on selecting marking means, presents the dynamics of change and suggests factors that might have been at play. The author guides the reader on the path that goes from the Classical prevalence of inquit to the Late innovative mix of marking words including the very classical inquit , an increased use of dico , the newly recruited ait , and dicens , influenced by biblical translations. The book suggests that Late authors tried to make reading and understanding easier by putting quotative words before quotations and increasing the use of redundant combinations (e.g. "he answered saying").
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
National and Transnational Paths of Latin American Jews : Modernity, Community, Society, and the State /
The book studies Jewish life in Latin America through a dynamic past-present timeline. It combines the national, regional, and transnational dimensions by analyzing central crossing axes: the national within the diasporic, the transnational dialectically traversing both, and the national and regional dimensions developing in a global and interconnected Jewish world. Delving into the dilemmas and challenges that Modernity posed to Jews, this book emphasizes the practical and ideational responses it evoked. For Latin American Jews, this has involved moving from historical territories to new geographies, bringing with them the transmigration of worldviews and ideologies that were later re-signified.. The roots, displacements, embeddedness, and relocation of Jewish life are explored, shedding light on the richness and dilemmas of Jewish Modernity and Multiple Modernities. Thus, it critically analyzes membership criteria, social practices, and political participation, underscoring how visibility and agency in the public sphere were defined in different periods and contexts through the dyad belonging and Otherness. Its focus on Zionism and Mexico as a case study contributes to the field with original, in-depth research. With Diaspora, globalization, and transnationalism as an analytical framework, the book offers a unique and compelling insight into social and communal change and the multiple interactions of the contemporary Jewish world, sparking the curiosity and engagement of the academic audience and interested public.
1 online resource (728 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Imperatives and Other Directive Expressions in Latin : A Study in the Pragmatics of a Dead Language /
As the recent hausse in pragmatic studies shows, linguistic attention is increasingly focussing on aspects of language use. Making use of recent insights developed within speech act theory, discourse analysis, and sociolinguistics, this book deals with the various expressions that were used in Latin to per-form so-called directive speech acts, i.e. orders, requests, advice, proposals, sug-gestions, etc. On the basis of a large corpus of comedy, correspondence, and instruction texts the expressions concerned (imperatives, subjunctives, future indicatives, as well as modal expressions and vari-ous other lexical expressions of directivity) are investigated against the background of the verbal interactions in which they typically occur. As regards its contribution to Latin linguistics, the present study adds a number of re-finements to our knowledge of this well-documented lan-guage, for instance with respect to the reference of the subjects of the so-called impera-tive II ending in -to, the conventionalized speech act functions of interrogative quid and quin directives, and the diachronic process of conventionalization of velim requests.
1 online resource. :
Aristotle's Meteorology in the Arabico-Latin Tradition : A Critical Edition of the Texts, with Introduction and Indexes /
Aristotle's Meteorology : a twin set in Mediaeval Text Tradition. The Greek text of Aristotle's Meteorology is in places highly problematic. Its edition by Fobes (1922), however, is a highlight in editorial technique. The Arabic version (c.800) is of quite different form and content. The two editions by Badawi (1961) and Petraitis (1967) were subject to considerable improvement. The present edition was done on the basis of the two extant Arabic manuscripts. The edition of the Latin translation (12th c.) from the Arabic has been constituted on the basis of 5 manuscript sources, out of 110 copies. The status of both the Arabic and the Latin texts was bad, but not hopeless: as the Latin version stands near to its Arabic predecessor, the text of the latter gives support to the editing of the text, as well as for the understanding of the contents. And this procedure works vice versa. The present edition of the texts has been completed with an Index of technical terms in Arabic, Greek and Latin and Registers on the Greek and Latin. Further a Bibliography and List of Latin manuscripts are presented.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Parabiblica Latina : Studien zu den griechisch-lateinischen Ubersetzungen parabiblischer Literatur unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der apostolischen Vater /
The author presents a comprehensive historical examination of the early Christian graeco-latin translations of the biblical 'apocrypha' and 'pseudepigrapha'. The analysis of the translation techniques employed yields a distinction between 'literal' and 'adaptive' translations on the hand and translations associated with the textual tradition of the bible and those not associated with it. Whereas the former can be distinguished by the respective handling of textual macrostructures, the latter 'biblical' translations were subject to constant revision according to their original and thus always display a number of different versions. Als erster Schritt hin zu einer Geschichte der christlichen Übersetzungsliteratur werden hier die lateinischen Übersetzungen griechisch erhaltener "Apokryphen" und "Pseudepigraphen" erstmals umfassend historisch einzuordnen versucht und einer übersetzungstechnischen Analyse unterzogen. Obwohl keine dieser Übersetzungen wirklich sklavisch wörtlich vorgeht, ergibt sich dabei doch ein relativ deutlicher Unterschied zwischen ,wörtlichen' und ,literarischen' Übersetzungen einerseits und mit der biblischen Überlieferung assoziierten und nicht damit assoziierten andererseits: Lassen sich die ersteren beiden primär anhand ihres Umgangs mit textlichen Makrostrukturen auseinanderhalten, zeichnet sich die biblische Überlieferung durch ständig neue Rückbindung einer Übersetzung an ihr Original in Form unterschiedlicher Revisionen aus.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004315976 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Aristotle De animalibus. Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin translation, volume 1a: Books I-III: History...
"Aristotle's De Animalibus was an important source of zoological knowledge for the ancient Greeks and for medieval Arabs and Europeans. In the thirteenth century, the work was twice translated into Latin. One translation was produced directly from the Greek by William of Moerbeke. An earlier translation, made available as a critical edition in the present volume for the first time, was produced through an intermediary Arabic translation (Kitāb al-Ḥayawān) by Michael Scot (1175--c. 1232). Scot's translation was one of the main sources of knowledge on animals in Europe and widely used until well into the fifteenth century. As a faithful translation of a translation produced by a Syriac-speaking Christian, the text contributes to our knowledge of Middle Arabic. The De Animalibus is composed of three sections: History of Animals (ten books), Parts of Animals (four books) and Generation of Animals (five books). Parts of Animals and Generation of Animals were published by Brill as Volumes 5.2 and 5.3 of the book series ASL in 1998 (ASL 5.2) and 1992 (ASL 5.3). The present Volume 5.1.a contains the first section of Scot's translation of History of Animals: the general introduction and books 1--3, with Notes. Editions of the two concluding parts of History of Animals, ASL 5.1.b, books 4--6 and ASL 5.1.c, books 7--10, are in preparation. Complete Latin-Arabic and Arabic-Latin indices of History of Animals will be published in due course".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Pelagonius and Latin veterinary terminology in the Roman Empire /
The language of Latin veterinary medicine has never been systematically studied. This book seeks to elucidate the pathological and anatomical terminology of Latin veterinary treatises, and the general linguistic features of Pelagonius as a technical writer. Veterinary practice in antiquity cannot be related directly to that of the modern world. In antiquity a man could claim expertise in horse medicine without ever passing an examination. Owners often treated their own animals. The distinction between 'professional' and layman was thus blurred, and equally the distinction between 'scientific' terminology and laymen's terminology was not as clear-cut as it is today. The first part of the book is devoted to some of the non-linguistic factors which influenced the terminology in which horse diseases and their treatment were described.
1 online resource (viii, 695 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 672-684) and indexes. :
9789004377363 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Poetry and exegesis in premodern Latin Christianity : the encounter between classical and Christian strategies of interpretation /
This volume investigates various exegetical possibilities in Christian Latin poetry during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. In the Latin West poetry was mainly associated with the powerful pagan tradition of writers like Vergil and Ovid, and by many poetry was considered to tell lies and provide mere entertainment potentially corrupting the soul. Therefore, Christians initially had reservations about this genre and believed it to be incompatible with Christian worship, literacy and intellectual activity. In practice, however, forms of specifically Christian poetry developed from the end of the third century onwards; theoretical reconciliations were developed around 400 A.D. This collection examines specimens of Christian poetry from Juvencus (the first biblical epicist shortly after 300) up to the thirteenth century. Its particular usefulness lies in the combination of literary theory and hermeneutics, close readings of the texts and new readings on a sound philological basis.
1 online resource (xi, 360 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047421320 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis : Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Leuven 2022) /
Every third year, the members of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS) assemble for a week-long conference. Over the years, this event has evolved into the largest single conference in the field of Neo-Latin studies. The papers presented at these conferences offer, then, a general overview of the current status of Neo-Latin research; its current trends, popular topics, and methodologies. In 2022, the members of IANLS gathered for a conference in Leuven where 50 years ago the first of these congresses took place.This volume presents the conference's papers which were submitted after the event and which have undergone a peer-review process. The papers deal with a broad range of fields, including literature, history, philology, and religious studies.
1 online resource (752 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :