نتائج 1 - 20 من 210, وقت الاستعلام: 0.40s تنقيح النتائج
منشور في 1999
al-Azhar al-sharīf : matḥaf lil-funūn al-Islāmīyah min ʻAṣr al-Fāṭimīyīn ilá ʻaṣr Ḥusnī Mubārak : al-tarmīm al-daqīq, 1419 H/1998 M /

: 356 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 354-356). : 977016044x

منشور في 1985
Sojourn with the Grand Sharif of Makkah /

: Translation of: Séjour chez la Grand-Chérif de la Mekke. : x, 157 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. : 0906672112

منشور في 1958
Dīwan al-Sharīf al-Murtaḍá /

: 3 volumes in 1 ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : https://catalog.lib.uchicago.edu/vufind/Record/170914/Details#tabnav

منشور في 1927
Tahdhīb al-asmāʼ wa-al-lughāt /

: "Qūbila ʻalá ghayr nuskhah."
v.1 pt.1-2. v.2 pt.1-2. : 2 volumes ; 26 cm.

منشور في 2000
Beyond the Code : Muslim Family Law and the Shari'a Judiciary in the Palestinian West Bank /

: Legal issues of personal status - including those implicating women's rights - continue to be a focal area of shari'a judicial practice in the Muslim world. Changing ideas of marriage, relations between the spouses, divorce, and the rights of divorcees and widows challenge the courts around the Arab world. In this context, the areas that came under the Palestinian Authority in 1994 command particular attention: the particular political and socio-economic circumstances that surround Palestine's progress toward full statehood have created a remarkable crucible for the synthesis of a new family law in the Arab world. This rigorous study of the interpretation and application of personal status law in the Palestinian West Bank (and to a lesser extent in the Gaza Strip) is the most extensive yet attempted. It presents a systematic analysis of the application of Islamic family law in nearly 10,000 marriage contracts, 1000 deeds of talaq (unilateral divorce) or khul' (divorce with renunciation), and 2000 judicial rulings over a time span that includes Jordanian rule and Israeli military occupation, updating this with material from the beginning of the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority. Taken into account are the sources of law used in the shari'a courts of the West Bank: the successive codes of family law (the Jordanian Law of Personal Status 1976 and its predecessor the Jordanian Law of Family Rights 1951), and traditional Hanafi rules and texts, along with commentaries by prominent contemporary shari'a scholars and Appeal Court decisions - as well as the amendments and modifications being sought by civil society actors (notably women's groups) in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as in Jordan.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004480698

Fīlah arḍ al-salām wa-al-samar wa-al-ibdāʻ /

: 157 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 97723607506

منشور في 2003
Min nawādir makhṭūṭāt maktabat al-Azhar al-Sharīf.

: 68 pages : color illustrations ; 25 x 31 cm.

Bayān lil-nās min al-azhar al-sharif /

: Volumes <1-2> ; 24 cm

منشور في 1987
Kitāb tathqīf al-taʻrīf bi-al-muṣṭalaḥ al-sharīf /

: xxv, 8, 249 pages, [4] pages of plates : facsimiles ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [244]-249) and indexes. : 2724700473

منشور في 1994
al-Siyāsah al-khārijīyah al-Amrīkīyah /

: volume <2> ; 25 cm. : 9770136670

Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim bi-šarḥ al-Nawawī /

: volumes <1-18> ; 24 cm

منشور في 1928
al-Kanz al-maknūn fī al-shiʻr al-malḥūn /

: Arabic poetry.
: 224 pages ; 23 cm.

منشور في 1965
Al-Amthāl fī al-Qurʼān /

: 120 pages : illustrations ; 17 cm. : Bibliography : page 120. : Hadeer

Miniatures persanes, turques et indiennes /

: At head of title : Gaston Wiet. : xiii, 183 pages, 70 pages of plates : illustrations ; 29 cm.

منشور في 1970
Lahajāt al-Yaman qadīman wa-ḥadīthan /

: 98 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

منشور في 2019
Jahān-i dānish /

: Sharaf al-Din Mas'ūdi (6th/12th cent.) was a philosopher, astronomer, mathematician and logician. A native of Marw, he spent a large part of his life in Bukhara and Samarqand, Transoxiana. In Bukhara he had a number of debates with the philosopher and theologian Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī (d. 606/1210), described in the latter's Munāẓarāt jarat fī bilād Mā warāʾ al-nahr . From among his philosophical works, his critical notes to Avicenna's (d. 428/1037) al-Ishārāt wal-tanbīhāt deserve special mention. In the sciences, he wrote a work on astronomy and geography called al-Kifāya fī ʿilm al-hayʾa . In the introduction to this work he explains that he composed it at the request of a friend and that it is based on the works of others, among then Ibn al-Haytham (d. ca. 432/1040-41) and Kushyār b. Labbān (fl. late 4th/10th cent.). Afterwards, he translated it into Persian-this time without mentioning his sources-calling it Jahāni- dānish , published in this volume.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004403383

Culture and the natural environment : ancient and modern Middle Eastern texts /

: v, 123 pages ; 22 cm. : 9774249143

منشور في 1965
al-Dawlah al-Islāmīyah al-ūlá /

: 8, 263, [3] pages : folded map ; 19 cm. : Bibliography : pages 261-[264].

Kitāb al-taʻrīfāt /

: 179, 10, 2 pages ; 21 cm

منشور في 1960
al-Muslimūn al-ʻAlawīyūn : man hum? wa-ayna hum? /

: 255 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 24 cm.