Canonization and Decanonization : Papers presented to the International Conference of the Leiden...
This volume contains the papers read at the Leiden Conference on Canonization and Decanonization of 9-10 January 1997. The emphasis in this rich and wide-ranging contribution to the subject is on the processes of canonization and decanonization in several religions and on the phenomenon of religious canons as well. It has two sections: (De)canonization and the History of Religions, and (De)canonization and Modern Society. In the first section processes out of which canons eventually emerge are highlighted in contributions devoted to particular religions, viz. African religions, Judaism and Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism. The articles of the second section are of particular relevance to the contemporary situation in the western world, dealing with aspects such as forms of the survival of a canon in processes of modernization, canonization and the challenge of plurality, and canonization and hermeneutics. The reader may benefit even more from this volume as it contains also An Annotated Bibliography on the subject.
"Papers presented to the International Conference of the Leiden Institute for the Study of Religions (LISOR), held at Leiden 9-10 January 1997." :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 435-506) and indexes. :
9789004379060 :
0169-8834 ;
Cantos and strophes in biblical Hebrew poetry II : Psalms 42-89 /
This volume deals with the poetic framework and material content of the Second and Third Books of the Psalter (Psalms 42-72 and 73-89). It is a continuation of the Psalms Project started in OTS 53 (2006). Formal and thematic devices demonstrate that the psalms are composed of a consistent pattern of cantos (stanzas) and strophes. The formal devices include quantitative balance on the level of cantos in terms of the number of verselines, verbal repetitions and transition markers. A quantitative structural approach also helps to identify the focal message of the poems. Introductions to the design of biblical poetry and the rhetorical centre of the psalms conclude this massive study. The third volume, dealing with the Fourth and Fifth Books of the Psalter (Psalms 90-106 and 107-151), is in preparation.
Sequel to: Cantos and strophes in biblical Hebrew poetry, with special reference to the first book of the Psalter (Oudtestamentische studiën ; d. 53). :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [561]-566) and index. :
9789004182332 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The canonical Hebrew Bible : a theology of the Old Testament /
Founded on a lifetime's research and creative thought, this is the crowning work of an internationally celebrated Hebrew Bible/Old Testament scholar. Part I provides an engaging running commentary on the text from a final-form, canonical perspective, and Part II deals with a range of thematic issues, including: creation, covenant and election, the patriarchs, the promised land, torah, cult, Moses, David, Zion, language about God, prophecy, wisdom, Israel's historical consciousness, hermeneutics, Jewish and Christian theology of the Hebrew Bible. It is both an invaluable tool for students and a significant work demanding the attention of professionals.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [757]-781) and indexes. :
9789004397415 :
1566-2101 ;
Encyclopedia of canonical ḥadīth /
This encyclopedic work on Islam comprises English translations of all canonical ḥadīths, complete with their respective chains of transmission (isnāds). By conflating the variant versions of the same ḥadīth, the repetitiveness of its literature has been kept wherever possible to a minimum. The latest methods of isnād analysis, described in the general introduction, have been employed in an attempt to identify the person(s) responsible for each ḥadīth. The book is organized in the alphabetical order of those persons. These are the so-called 'common links'. Each of them is listed with the tradition(s) for the wording of which he can be held accountable, or with which he can at least be associated. Within each article, the traditions are referred to in bold figures in the numerical order as they were distilled from the more than 19,000 isnāds listed in Tuḥfat al-ashrāf bi ma'rifat al-aṭrāf by the Syrian ḥadīth scholar Yusuf born 'Abd ar-Raḥmān al-Mizzī (d. 742/1341). Medieval commentaries as well as assorted biographical lexicons were drawn upon to illustrate the text of each tradition in all theological, social, legal and other noteworthy aspects discernible in it. Thus no details of eschatology, superstitions, miraculous phenomena, Jahili practices et cetera were left without the clarifying comments of contemporary and later theologians, historians and ḥadīth experts culled from such works as the Fatḥ al-bārī, a major commentary of Bukhārī's Ṣaḥīḥ by Ibn Ḥajar al-'Asqalānī (d. 852/1448) or the commentary by Yaḥya born Sharaf an-Nawawī (d. 676/1277) of the Ṣaḥīḥ of Muslim born al-Ḥajjāj. The encyclopedia concludes with an exhaustive index and glossary of names and concepts, which functions at the same time as a concordance. In short, this work presents an indispensable sourcebook of the development of Islam in all its facets during the first three centuries since its foundation as reflected in canonical ḥadīth.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [xiii]-xv) and index. :
9789047422723 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim : the formation and function of the Sunnī ḥadīth canon /
The two 'Authentic' ḥadīth collections of al-Bukhārī and Muslim are the most famous books in Islam after the Qur'ān - a reality left unstudied until now. This book charts the origins, development and functions of these two texts through the lens of canonicity. It examines how the books went from controversial to indispensable as they became the common language for discussing the Prophet's legacy among the various Sunni schools of law. The book also studies the role of the ḥadīth canon in ritual and narrative. Finally, it investigates the canonical culture built around the texts as well as the trend in Sunni scholarship that rejected it, exploring this tension in contemporary debates between Salafī movements and the traditional schools of law.
Revision of thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Chicago, 2006. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [387]-409) and index. :
9789047420347 :
0929-2403 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Revelation, truth, canon, and interpretation : studies in Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho /
This volume treats the concepts of revelation, truth, canon, and interpretation as four pillars of early Christian theology. Using Justin Martyr as a case-study, his \'Dialogue with Trypho\' is examined with a view toward discerning how a second century Christian father understands and develops these concepts. Justin's intellectual background is discussed within the nuanced context of Middle Platonism. Particular attention is paid to his use of biblical sources which is grounded in the foundational chapter on revelation in Justin. Justin is placed within the wider context of theological developments in pre-Nicene Christianity, and includes a warning against judging Justin by anachronistic post-Nicene developments.
1 online resource (xv, 311 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004313293 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
From canonical criticism to ecumenical exegesis? : a study in biblical hermeneutics /
This study explores and compares the role of the canon in the work of Brevard S. Childs, James A. Sanders, Peter Stuhlmacher, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, and the Amsterdam School of exegesis, thus offering a broad overview of approaches and perspectives within the spectrum covered by canonical criticism. In doing so, both the theory of canonical criticism offered by each of the five is analysed and a sample of an actual exegesis is discussed. Observing that the interplay between text, reader, and community of interpretation is key to all of these approaches, the study proceeds to create a dialogue between canonical criticism and ecumenical hermeneutics, which leads to a proposal for an approach to exegesis that integrates elements of canonical hermeneutics, ecumenical hermeneutics, and intercultural perspectives.
1 online resource (vi, 210 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-203) and index. :
9789004301016 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Gospel "according to Homer and Virgil " cento and canon /
In the fourth century C.E. some Christians paraphrased the stories about Jesus' life in the style of classical epics. Imitating the genre of centos, they stitched together lines taken either from Homer (Greek) or Virgil (Latin). They thus created new texts out of the classical epics, while they still remained fully within the confines of their style and vocabulary. It is the aim of this study to put these attempts into a historical and rhetorical context. Why did some Christians rewrite the Gospel stories in this way, and what came out of this? On the basis of these Christian centos, it is natural to address the view held by some scholars, namely that New Testaments narratives are imitations of the epics.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [245]-259) and indexes. :
9789004194427 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Scribal practice, text and canon in the Dead Sea scrolls : essays in memory of Peter W. Flint /
This volume contains 17 essays on the subjects of text, canon, and scribal practice. The volume is introduced by an overview of the Qumran evidence for text and canon of the Bible. Most of the text critical studies deal with texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls, including sectarian as well as canonical texts. Two essays shed light on the formation of authoritative literature. Scribal practice is illustrated in various ways, again mostly from the Dead Sea Scrolls. One essay deals with diachronic change in Qumran Hebrew. Rounding out the volume are two thematic studies, a wide-ranging study of the "ambiguous oracle" of Josephus, which he identifies as Balaam's oracle, and a review of the use of female metaphors for Wisdom.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :