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The use of anonymous characters in Greek tragedy : the shaping of heroes /
Anonymous characters appear in almost every extant Greek Tragedy, yet they have long been overlooked in critical scholarship. This book argues that the creation and use of anonymous figures is an important tool in the transformation of traditional mythological heroes into unique dramatic characters. Through close reading of the passages in which nameless characters appear, this study demonstrates the significant impact of their speech, actions, and identity on the characterization of the particular named heroes to whom they are attached. Exploring the boundaries between anonymity and naming in mythico-historical drama, the book draws attention to an important but neglected aspect of the genre, suggesting a new perspective from which to read, perform, and appreciate Greek Tragedy.
1 online resource (xii, 178 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004233430 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Pseudo-Zeno : anonymous philosophical treatise /
The Anonymous Philosophical Treatise is here presented to the western world for the first time. It is a philosophical treatise of the Late Antique period, written in about the sixth century C.E. The author was a Christian, but he utilized pagan philosophical sources. Thus this is one of the latest writings of ancient philosophy, and as such is of very considerable interest and importance. The Anonymous Philosophical Treatise was preserved only in Armenian. It was published first half-a-century ago in Armenian and in Russian translation, but is barely known to western scholarship. Here a new edition is presented, prepared on computer, together with critical apparatuses, translation and commentary. A variety of tools for the study of the text are included: a concordance, a word list of the English translation, triliteral tables of Armenian - Greek - English technical terminology and more.
1 online resource (xiv, 254 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004321083 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Warrior women : the anonymous Tractatus de mulieribus /
This study analyzes the anonymous Tractatus de Mulieribus , a brief, virtually unknown Greek work, telling of fourteen outstanding women, Greek and barbarian, notable for their intelligence, initiative and courage. The first part of the book is a comprehensive introduction to the treatise and includes - in addition to the original text and an English translation - an examination of both the content and form of De Mulieribus , particularly as a catalogue of women. The times, methods, and purposes of the anonymous author are also investigated. Commentary-essays on the individual women then follow. A wide variety of sources are utilized in order to sketch the fullest possible portrait of each of these lively women. This book, the very first study of De Mulieribus , is a useful introduction to a remarkable treatise.
1 online resource (252 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 225-236) and indexes. :
9789004329881 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Rāhnamā-yi taṣḥīḥ-i mutūn /
To know a culture, is to know its written tradition. Before the coming of the printing press, books were transmitted in manuscript form. When texts started to get printed rather than copied, earlier works that until then had only existed in manuscript, came to be printed too. Until the early nineteenth century, a fair copy of a handwritten text would be all that was needed to turn an older work into a printed book. Today, all this has changed and most ancient texts are now published on the basis of a commonly accepted methodology. In the Islamic world, where we have thousands of works in manuscript that still await a proper edition, these modern methods are not always accessible to local scholars and uncritical editions still abound. This Persian guide to the publication of manuscripts is meant to change that situation. As such, it is an important statement on the advances in scholarship in Iran.
1 online resource. :
Tuḥfat al-mulūk /
In the Persianate world, wisdom literature has a long history, dating back to pre-Islamic times. After the advent of Islam, this type of literature, often enriched with Islamic, Greek, or Indian elements, was continued in various forms, be it in poetry, prose, or in a mixture of both. Some of these works would address themselves to a wider urban audience while others were primarily directed at kings and their immediate political entourage. Saʿdī's (d.691/1291-92) Rose Garden ( Gulistān ) is an example of the former, Niẓām al-Mulk's (d. 485/1092) Epistle on Rulership ( Siyāsat-nāma ) of the latter. A hybrid form is constituted by Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī's (d. 672/1274) highly influential Nasirean Ethics ( Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī ). Judging by its title, the work published here in a new edition would seem to be for kings only. But, compiled in the 6th/12th century, it is actually an account of the wisdom of kings that, written for a general audience.
1 online resource. :
Iskandar-nāma, bakhsh-i Khatā /
The Persian Iskandar-nāma or Alexander romance is a collection of mostly legendary stories about Alexander the Great, whose core narrative goes back to a Greek account of his life and accomplishments, written between the third century BCE and the first century CE. In the Persian tradition, the work distinguishes itself from its Greek model in that Alexander is described as half-Persian and half-Greek, and also in that he is often identified with the prophet Dhu ʼl-Qarnayn mentioned in the Qurʾān, besides the introduction of all manner of local motifs and elements. There exist various versions of this romance in Persian, both in poetry and in prose, the oldest ones dating from the 4th/11th (Firdawsī, Shāh-nāma ) and 6th/12th (Ṭarsūsī, Dārāb-nāma ) centuries, respectively. The present work is one of seven chapters of a popular prose version in story-teller fashion dating from the Safavid era in which earlier, traditional themes are often overshadowed by elements introduced for entertainment.
1 online resource. :
Tārīkh-i Āl-i Saljūq dar Ānāṭūlī /
The Saljuqs were a Turco-Muslim dynasty which ruled over Persia and parts of Central Asia and the Middle East from the 11th through the 13th century. After the death of Malikshāh I in 485/1092, the Great Saljuq empire was dissolved among his quarreling descendants, leading to the emergence of a whole series of smaller Saljuq states in Central Asia, Persia, Asia Minor, Syria, and Iraq. In Asia Minor, the Saljuqs of Rūm established themselves definitely with the coming to power of Qilič Arslan I in Konya in 485/1092. The Rūm Saljuqs continued their reign with different degrees of success, unison, and independence from other powers until the beginning of the 14th century. The present present work, a Persian history of the Saljuqs with an emphasis on the Saljuqs of Rūm, was written in Konya, around 756/1355. Rich in information, it is only second to the Mukhtaṣar of Ibn Bībī's (d. after 1285) Saljūq-nāma.
1 online resource. :
Majlis dar qiṣṣa-yi rasūl (ṣalawāt Allāh ʿalayhi) /
In Persian literature, so-called ' majālis ' works typically evoke the atmosphere of a religious gathering. In such a gathering, a chronicler relates parts of the history of Islam and the lives and times of its prominent representatives, often referring to trustworthy sources. Besides, questions may be asked, while teachings or sermons may also be given. Examples are Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī's (d. 672/1273) Majālis-i sabʿa and Saʿdī's (d. 691/1292) Majālis-i panj-gānah . Judging by its title, the present work by an unknown author from the 5th/12th century-it is not known if it was originally written in Persian or translated from Arabic-would seem to belong to this same type of writings. Only, on closer inspection this is not the case. Being mostly inspired by Ibn Isḥāq's (d. 150/767) al-Sīra al-nabawiyya and Abū Ḥātim al-Rāzī's (d. 322/933-4) Aʿlām al-nubuwwa , only its last five chapters are called majlis , but then lack the characteristics of a typical majālis work.
1 online resource. :
Tārīkh-i Harāt /
This is a facsimile edition of a unique copy of an historical text in Persian, found in some antique shop in Yazd, Iran, several decades ago. The text is incomplete, but must have consisted of at least six chapters ( bāb ). What remains are the last part of chapter four, chapter five, and the first part of chapter six. Chapter four treats of the rulers of Khurāsān until the reign of Muʿizz al-Dīn Aḥmad Sanjar (d. 552/1157-8). Chapter five is about memorable events in Herat, while the remaining part of chapter six c0ntains a listing of the qualities of Herat and Khurāsān. The manuscript bears no title and no author is mentioned. The editors derive title and author from a reference in Muʿīn al-Dīn Isfizārī's (8th/14th cent.) Rawḍāt al-jannāt fī awṣāf madīnat Harāt . The text itself dates from the early 5th/11th, the manuscript from the 8th/14th century. Valuable as an early Persian text on Herat and Khurāsān.
1 online resource. :