Knowing the Mind : The Key to Promoting Well-being in Education /
This book is about Yau Yan Wong's experiences as a teacher-researcher in practicing, teaching, and researching mindfulness practice in Thailand over the past 13 years. After learning from several Buddhist masters from different wisdom traditions, she introduced mindfulness practice to the students and teachers in an international school to nurture a healthier and more compassionate culture within the community. This book includes Wong's years of research findings on the benefits of mindfulness on child development, such as better focus, higher emotional intelligence, psychological resilience, and more. It also includes many short mindfulness practices and heuristics for teachers and parents to promote their emotional well-being and that of others in their daily lives.
1 online resource (287 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Bodies of knowledge in ancient Mesopotamia : the diviners of late Bronze Age Emar and their table collection /
In Bodies of Knowledge in Ancient Mesopotamia Matthew Rutz explores the relationship between ancient collections of texts, commonly deemed libraries and archives, and the modern interpretation of titles like 'diviner'. By looking at cuneiform tablets as artifacts with archaeological contexts, this work probes the modern analytical categories used to study ancient diviners and investigates the transmission of Babylonian/Assyrian scholarship in Syria. During the Late Bronze Age diviners acted as high-ranking scribes and cultic functionaries in Emar, a town on the Syrian Euphrates (ca. 1375-1175 BCE). This book's centerpiece is an extensive analytical catalogue of the excavated tablet collection of one family of diviners. Over seventy-five fragments are identified for the first time, along with many proposed joins between fragments.
1 online resource (xxi, 682 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004245686 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Beyond conceptual dualism : ontology of consciousness, mental causation and holism in John R. Searle's Philosophy of mind /
This book is a systematic analysis of John R. Searle's philosophy of mind. Searle's view of mind, as a set of subjective and biologically embodied processes, can account for our being part of nature qua mindful beings. This model finds support in neuroscience and offers reliable solutions to the problems of consciousness, mental causation, and the self.
1 online resource (xx, 192 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-174) and index. :
9789401206334 :
0929-8436 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Testing pluralism : globalizing belief, localizing gods /
This volume of the Religion and the Social Order series examines the phenomenon of the globalization of religions that has particularly characterized the last fifty years. Historically, religions were relatively tightly connected with territoriality. The advent of relatively inexpensive and relatively accessible air transport has made it possible for groups of significant size to move from their original homelands and resettle in new sites. In contrast to predictions associated with secularization theories that dominated the middle of the twentieth century, today we find that the world's religions continue to provide meaning and value in the lives of their adherents. This volume examines at a global level a variety of such groups and their adjustments.
1 online resource (244 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004254756 :
1061-5210 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Arab Christians and the Qurʼan from the origins of Islam to the medieval period /
Arab Christians and the Qurʾan from the Origins of Islam to the Medieval Period is a collection of essays on the use and interpretation of the Qur'an by Christians writing in Arabic in the period of Islamic rule in the Middle East up to the end of the thirteenth century. These essays originated in the seventh Woodbrooke-Mingana Symposium on Arab Christianity held in Birmingham, UK, in 2013, and are edited by Mark Beaumont. Contributors are: David Bertaina, Sidney Griffith, Sandra Keating, Michael Kuhn, Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, Gordon Nickel, Emilio Platti and David Thomas
"These essays originated in the seventh Woodbrooke-Mingana Symposium on Arab Christianity held in Birmingham, UK, in 2013"--ECIP data view. :
1 online resource (xiv, 216 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004360747 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Eastspirit : transnational spirituality and religious circulation in east and west /
Mindfulness, yoga, Tantra, Zen, martial arts, karma, feng shui , Ayurveda. Eastern ideas and practices associated with Asian religions and spirituality have been accommodated to a global setting as both a spiritual/religious and a broader cultural phenomenon. 'Eastern spirituality' is present in organized religions, the spiritual New Age market, arts, literature, media, therapy, and health care but also in public institutions such as schools and prisons. Eastspirit: Transnational Spirituality and Religious Circulation in East and West describes and analyses such concepts, practices and traditions in their new 'Western' and global contexts as well as in their transformed expressions and reappropriations in religious traditions and individualized spiritualities 'back in the East' within the framework of mutual interaction and circulation, regionally and globally.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004350717 :
1573-4293 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Islamic law in theory : studies on jurisprudence in honor of Bernard Weiss /
The contributions of Bernard Weiss to the study of the principles of jurisprudence (uṣūl al-fiqh) are recognized in a series of contributions on Islamic legal theory. These thirteen chapters study a range of Islamic texts and employ contemporary legal, religious, and hermeneutical theory to study the methodology of Islamic law. Contributors include: Peter Sluglett, Ahmed El Shamsy, Éric Chaumont, A. Kevin Reinhart, Mohammad Fadel, Jonathan Brockopp, Christian Lange, Raquel M. Ukeles, Paul Powers, Robert Gleave, Wolfhart Heinrichs, Joseph Lowry, Rudolph Peters, Frank E. Vogel
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Evolution, cognition, and the history of religion : a new synthesis : festschrift in honour of Armin W. Geertz /
Evolution, Cognition, and the History of Religion: A New Synthesis comprises 41 chapters that push for a new way of conducting the study of religion, thereby, transforming the discipline into a genuine science of religion. The recent resurgence of evolutionary approaches on culture and the increasing acknowledgement in the natural and social sciences of culture's and religion's evolutionary importance calls for a novel epistemological and theoretical framework for studying these two areas. The chapters explore how a new scholarly synthesis, founded on the triadic space constituted by evolution, cognition, cultural and ecological environment, may develop. Different perspectives and themes relating to this overarching topic are taken up with a main focus on either evolution, cognition, and/or the history of religion.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004385375 :
2214-3270 ;
Contested issues in Christian origins and the New Testament : collected essays /
In a collection of essays spanning some 35 years, Luke Timothy Johnson takes on some of the most contested issues in the study of Christian Origins and the New Testament --- from the historical Jesus and the Jesus of the Gospels, through exegetical studies of Luke-Acts and Paul, to questions pertaining to the development of early Christian history, relations with Judaism, the uses of polemic, sexuality, and law. Johnson's work is characterized by close attention to texts and a concern for methodological rigor. Far from representing scholarly consensus, these essays consistently display independence of judgment, whether concerning the authorship of Paul's disputed letters, the legitimacy of the quest for the historical Jesus, or the toxic character of some early Christian texts.
1 online resource (xxii, 745 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004242982 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Annual review of the sociology of religion /
This volume points to methodological innovations in social research and their potential for social scientific studies of religion. Computerization has opened for both quantitative and qualitative systematic analyses of complex materials, and the epistemological discourse after Positivism has opened for reconsidering the foundation of empirical social research. Furthermore religion is changing, and sociology of religion therefore widens its scope by including non-institutional forms of religion. This refocusing calls for new methodological considerations. As the range of available methods expands, it becomes more pressing to consider whether and how methods can be combined, such as quantitative and qualitative methods. Studying religion as a complex social phenomenon calls for a variety of methods, but an integration of the empirical findings points back to the epistemological issue.
1 online resource. :
9789047429470 :
1877-5233 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Learned Ignorance in the Medicine Bow Mountains : a Reflection on Intellectual Prejudice.
This book is an apologia for the rooted intellectual against the disdainful condescension of the cosmopolitan intellectual-an apology in the Socratic sense of the word. It reflects the author's Texas rootedness unapologetically and offers a polemical but thoughtful indictment of the intellectual prejudice against rootedness; but it is ultimately about the universal human struggle with origins.
1 online resource (211 pages) :
9789401206594 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Chán Buddhism in Dūnhuáng and Beyond : A Study of Manuscripts, Texts, and Contexts in Memory of John R. McRae /
Chán Buddhism in Dūnhuáng and Beyond: A Study of Manuscripts, Texts, and Contexts in Memory of John R. McRae is dedicated to the memory of the eminent Chán scholar John McRae and investigates the spread of early Chán in a historical, multi-lingual, and interreligious context. Combining the expertise of scholars of Chinese, Tibetan, Uighur, and Tangut Buddhism, the edited volume is based on a thorough study of manuscripts from Dūnhuáng, Turfan, and Karakhoto, tracing the particular features of Chán in the Northwestern and Northern regions of late medieval China.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Islands of the Moral and Emotional Imagination : A Journey to Your True Self /
Islands of the Moral and Emotional Imagination: A Journey to Your True Self is for all those who are on a search for inspiration in their life. If one is dwelling in fear, they may choose not to take this new path. When confronted with the unknown, fear can discourage a chance to seek and find courage, truth, and faith, hidden within. Let us take you on a journey to the islands. Step into our currach weaving through the waves. You will find comfort when one of the islands becomes visible through the mist. You will be introduced to our friends as we step off on the islands to explore a wonder of mystery awaiting our curious hearts and minds. We will be delighted with new aesthetic experiences, growing closer in wisdom of the divine imagination. Let us weave the threads from life's memories into a tapestry of ideas and possibilities. Breath in and out each memory that surfaces from the deep shadowed regions of your mind, heart, and soul. Feel the toss of your life's waves, as unexplained storms are remembered, always knowing that an island of hope will appear on your soul's horizon.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Muslim Subjectivities in Global Modernity : Islamic Traditions and the Construction of Modern Muslim Identities /
With critical reference to Eisenstadt's theory of "multiple modernities," Muslim Subjectivities in Global Modernity discusses the role of religion in the modern world. The case studies all provide examples illustrating the ambition to understand how Islamic traditions have contributed to the construction of practices and expressions of modern Muslim selfhoods. In doing so, they underpin Eisenstadt's argument that religious traditions can play a pivotal role in the construction of historically different interpretations of modernity. At the same time, however, they point to a void in Eisenstadt's approach that does not problematize the multiplicity of forms in which this role of religious traditions plays out historically. Consequently, the authors of the present volume focus on the multiple modernities within Islam, which Eisenstadt's theory hardly takes into account.
1 online resource. :
Learning Arabic in Renaissance Europe (1505-1624) /
"From the first Arabic grammar printed at Granada in 1505 to the Arabic editions of the Dutch scholar Thomas Erpenius (d.1624), some audacious scholars - supported by powerful patrons and inspired by several of the greatest minds of the Renaissance - introduced, for the first time, the study of Arabic language and letters to centres of learning across Europe. These pioneers formed collections of Arabic manuscripts, met Arabic-speaking visitors, studied and adapted the Islamic grammatical tradition, and printed editions of Arabic texts - most strikingly in the magnificent books published by the Medici Oriental Press at Rome in the 1590s. Robert Jones' findings in the libraries of Florence, Leiden, Paris and Vienna, and his contribution to the history of grammar, are of enduring importance".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A history of Ottoman political thought up to the early nineteenth century
In A History of Ottoman Political Thought up to the Early Nineteenth Century , Marinos Sariyannis offers a survey of Ottoman political texts, examined in a book-length study for the first time. From the last glimpses of gazi ideology and the first instances of Persian political philosophy in the fifteenth century until the apologists of Western-style military reform in the early nineteenth century, the author studies a multitude of theories and views, focusing on an identification of ideological trends rather than a simple enumeration of texts and authors. At the same time, the book offers analytical summaries of texts otherwise difficult to find in English.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004385245 :
0169-9423 ;
Shakespeare and religio mentis: A Study of Christian Hermetism in Four Plays /
Have you ever wondered why Cordelia has to die? Or how Alonso talks and walks about the isle while his body lies 'full fathom five' on the sea floor? Ever wondered why the monument to Shakespeare in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stratford-upon-Avon names three pagans: Nestor, Socrates, and Virgil - king, philosopher, and poet? Or why Shakespeare is on Olympus, home of the Greek gods? This interdisciplinary study, the first to interpret the plays of Shakespeare in the light of the esoteric religious doctrines of the Corpus Hermeticum, holds answers to these and other puzzling questions.
This landmark interdisciplinary study shines the light of religious Hermetism on Love's Labour's Lost, King Lear, Othello and The Tempest and reveals the 'religion of the mind' found in the Corpus Hermeticum to be a source of Shakespeare's understanding of human psychology. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Shakespeare and religio mentis: A Study of Christian Hermetism in Four Plays /
Have you ever wondered why Cordelia has to die? Or how Alonso talks and walks about the isle while his body lies 'full fathom five' on the sea floor? Ever wondered why the monument to Shakespeare in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stratford-upon-Avon names three pagans: Nestor, Socrates, and Virgil - king, philosopher, and poet? Or why Shakespeare is on Olympus, home of the Greek gods? This interdisciplinary study, the first to interpret the plays of Shakespeare in the light of the esoteric religious doctrines of the Corpus Hermeticum, holds answers to these and other puzzling questions.
This landmark interdisciplinary study shines the light of religious Hermetism on Love's Labour's Lost, King Lear, Othello and The Tempest and reveals the 'religion of the mind' found in the Corpus Hermeticum to be a source of Shakespeare's understanding of human psychology. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Newsletter, Number 55 (SEPTEMBER, 1965)
It is the sad duty of the American Research Center to record the loss by death of one of its Founders. In June 1965, Mrs. Joseph Lindon Smith, '’Aunt Corinna” to a host of her younger friends, died in her 90th year at her home in Dublin, New Hampshire.
She had, together with her late husband, spent much time in Egypt ever since the early years of this century, had been a keen observer, on the spot, of many of the exciting finds of the period by archaeologists, and had developed a deep interest in ancient and present-day Egypt. The writer first knew her during the Smith's frequent sojourns at the camps of the Harvard-Boston Expedition, where they were the guests of its Director, George Reisner, while "Uncle Joe” was engaged in his outstanding work as a painter of archaeological subjects. Corinna Smith, being endowed with a brilliant and wide-ranging mind, boundless energy, and great enthusiasm, took a deep interest in the archaeological work in which her husband was so intimately involved. Her interest, however, was all-inclusive; she studied Arabic, the Koran, and the Mohamedan religion, and occupied herself with contemporary Egypt and its many problems. It is fair to say that during these years in Egypt there were few figures of importance, especially in the archaeological world, whom she did not know, whether they were Egyptian, European or American.
Pragmatic Approaches to Drama : Studies in Communication on the Ancient Stage /
This volume collects papers on pragmatic perspectives on ancient theatre. Scholars working on literature, linguistics, theatre will find interesting insights on verbal and non-verbal uses of language in ancient Greek and Roman Drama. Comedies and Tragedies spanning from 5th B.C.E. to 1st C.E. are investigated in terms of im/politeness, theory of mind, interpersonal pragmatics, body language, to name some of the approaches which afford new interpretations of difficult textual passages or shed new light into nuances of characterisation, or possibilities of performance. Words, silence, gestures, do things, all the more so in dramatic dialogues on stage.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :