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Published 2017
Fabrications of the Greek past : religion, tradition, and modern identities /

: Taking seriously critiques of historiography produced in recent decades, Vaia Touna advocates for an alternative approach to the way the past is studied. From Euripides' tragedy Hippolytus , to the notion of voluntary associations in the Greco-Roman world, to the authenticity of traditional villages in Greece, Fabrications of the Greek Past argues that meanings (and thus identities) do not transcend time and space, and neither do they hide deep in the core of material artifacts, awaiting to be discovered by the careful interpreter. Instead, this book demonstrates that meanings are always relative to their present-day context; they are historical products created by social actors through their ever-contemporary acts of identification. ---- "By disturbing the notion of an easily knowable Greek past, Touna makes an invaluable contribution to critical scholarship regarding ancient cultures and to contemporary theory about ideological uses of history." - Naomi Goldenberg, University of Ottawa "From an insider to Greek tradition, expert in its modern appropriations and translations, Fabrications is an important stimulus to metatheory and self-reflexivity in the study of religion, ancient and contemporary." - Gerhard van den Heever, University of South Africa "Vaia Touna expertly dissects modern discourses on the past, arguing that our contemporary interests don't just color our accounts of the past, they constitute them. A fantastic book." - Brent Nongbri, author of Before Religion: A History of a Modern Concept
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004348615 : 2214-3270 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2004
The statesman in Plutarch's Greek and Roman lives /

: This volume presents the second half of the proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the International Plutarch Society (2002). The selected papers are divided by theme in sections concentrating on statesmen and statesmanship in Plutarch's Greek and Roman Lives . The volume bears witness to the ongoing, wide-ranging interest in Plutarch's biographies.
: 1 online resource (xx, 395 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047405191 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
The Gurob ship-cart model and its Mediterranean context /

: 321 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [285]-[312]) and index. : 9781603444293

Published 1990
A study of Thumos in early Greek epic /

: The language of early Greek epic, exemplified primarily by Homer, contains numerous descriptions of inner states and uses a specific vocabulary to do so. Scholars understand these descriptions in a general way; but the precision of the expressions remains a mystery. In this work, one of the most important of these words, thumos , is examined in each of its contexts. This synchronic formulaic analysis is carried out according to the contexts of thumos : the cognitive/intellectual, the emotional, and the physical. Two additional contexts, deliberation and motivation, are discussed separately. Within the discussion of each context, the functional synonyms of thumos, particulary phren/phrenes , and other frequent associates of thumos , are examined. Thumos has associations with words relating to winds and storms, a fact which helps clarify its significance in all contexts. Because this work is a discussion of thumos in all contexts, and also contains an appendix of the relevant passages, it should be useful to scholars engaged in research on Homeric vocabulary.
: 1 online resource (85 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-80) and index. : 9789004329102 : 0169-8958. Supplementum ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1966
Egypt, United Arab Republic : the country and its people /

: ix, 116 pages : 4 plates, map, tables ; 19 cm.

Published 2011
The historical present in Thucydides semantics and narrative function = Le présent historique chez Thucydide : sémantique et fonction narrative /

: After Etudes sur l'aspect verbal chez Platon (Saint-Etienne, 2000), the international 'Groupe de recherche sur l'aspect verbal en grec' now presents a second volume on verbal aspect in (Ancient) Greek, which is devoted to the function(s) of the Historical Present in Thucydides. In nine chapters the authors approach this subject from a variety of angles, focusing inter alia on the HP of particular verbs and on its use in battle narratives, or investigate Thucydides' use of the HP from a comparative perspective. They share one important assumption, viz. that the primary function of the HP is to mark events that were, according to Thucydides, of decisive importance for the development of the Peloponnesian War. By its rich and detailed analyses the book provides important new insights into Thucydides' narrative technique.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004210011 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Word of God, Art of Man : the Qur'an and its creative expressions : selected proceedings from the International Colloquium, London, 18-21 October 2003 /

: xxi, 330 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 0199238359

Published 1996
Voice into text : orality and literacy in ancient Greece /

: This volume deals with orality and literacy in ancient Greece and what consideration of these areas yields for that society, its literature, traditions and practices. Individual chapters focus on art, comedy, historiography, oratory, religion, rhetoric, philosophy, poetry, tragedy, and on orality in contemporary cultures (Greek and South African), which have a bearing on the ancient world. By considering such factors as oral elements in various genres and practices and how these have shaped the texts we have today, as well as the extent of literacy and the impact of literacy on oral traditions and on singers/writers, the book presents another insight into ancient Greek society and its people.
: 1 online resource (x, 232 pages, [8] pages of plates) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-230) and index. : 9789004329836 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1993
The Sacred Bonds of Commerce : Religion, Economy, and Trade Society at Hellenistic Roman Delos /

: This study analyzes the religious mentality, commercial practices, and social composition of Roman trade society at the celebrated Hellenistic Greek, Roman Republican emporium of Delos, 166-87 B.C. The remains of this site date largely to the late second and early first centuries B.C., when Delos was the nerve center of the trans-Mediterranean luxury and slave trade of Roman Italy. Repeated military assaults be-tween 87 and 69 B.C. de-stroyed the community and its trade importance declined. But as an archaeological site it offers the earliest and most detailed remains of a Roman trade community to survive anywhere in the Mediterranean world, including the city of Rome itself. This study marks the first re-assessment and interpretation of these remains from the vantage point of Roman trade in more than seventy years. Among the subjects discussed are the religious character of the remains of Delian marketplaces and their likely commercial function; the role of oaths and, more particularly, of the gods, Mercury and Hercules, in Roman commerce; the tendency of Roman traders to organize themselves according to religious fraternities and the manner in which this enhanced trade activities such as finance; the social status of these traders in wider Roman society as reflected by their house remains; and, finally the identity of the mysterious Agora of the Italians. See Less
: 1 online resource (392 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004663459

Published 1991
The Divine Verdict, A Study of the Divine Judgement in the Ancient Religions.

: The theme of divine judgement has often been treated, but usually with a concentration on one it its two main aspects: either that which is seen in the present life and in history or that which is believed to occur only after death. This new study seeks to combine the two aspects. It also tries to cover the whole spectrum of the ancient religions. Special attention is given to Israel, Greece, and Egypt. Israel's neighbours are also considered, and there are discussions of Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. In several areas, notably in Egypt and Israel, it is shown that punishment in this life is sometimes presented as a fate that man brings upon himself rather than as one imposed by God, though always against a moral background derived from religion. The origins of judgement after death in the Judaeo-Christian tradition are examined in some detail and elements are traced to Egyptian, Zoroastrian, and Judaic sources.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004378759

Published 2010
Interprétations de Möise : Égypte, Judée, Grèce et Rome /

: The present volume is the result of a team research which gathered biblical scholars, philologists, and historians of religions, on the issue of the multiple \'Interpretations of Moses\' inherited from the ancient mediterranean cultures. The concrete outcome of this comparative inquiry is the common translation and commentary of the fragments from the works of the mysterious Artapanus. The comparative perspective suggested here is not so much methodological, or thematic. It is first of all an invitation to cross disciplinary boundaries and to take account of the contributions of diverse cultures to the formation of a single mythology, in the case, a Moses mythology. With respect to Judea, Greece, Egypt or Rome, and further more an emerging christianity and its \'gnostic\' counterpart, the figure of Moses is at the heart of a cross-cultural dialogue the pieces of which, if they can be seperated for the confort of their specific study, mostly gain by being put together. Ce volume est le fruit d'un travail d'équipe, qui a réuni des biblistes, des philologues, et des historiens des religions autour des multiples « Interprétations de Moïse » que nous ont léguées les cultures de la Méditerranée antique. Le résultat pratique de cette enquête comparatiste culmine dans la traduction et le commentaire à « douze mains » des fragments du mystérieux Artapan, qui ouvrent le volume. Le comparatisme proposé dans le présent volume ne se veut ni méthodologique ni thématique, mais vise d'abord à franchir les frontières disciplinaires, tout en envisageant les apports culturels respectifs contribuant à la formation d'une mythologie, en l'occurrence celle de Moïse. Entre la Judée, l'Egypte, la Grèce, Rome, et bien-sûr le christianisme naissant et l'univers « gnostique » qui l'accompagne, la figure de Moïse est au cœur d'un dialogue, dont les pièces, si elles peuvent être disjointes pour la commodité de l'étude, gagnent surtout à être rapprochées.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [269]-293) and indexes. : 9789047443834 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
The Cave of the Nymphs at Pharsalus : studies on a Thessalian country shrine /

: Cave of the Nymphs at Pharsalus is the first book-length study of one of Greece's most cited nymph sanctuaries. The volume includes a revised catalog, extensive new commentaries on the cave's famous inscriptions, and a first-time investigation of the site's topographical and archaeological layout. Also known as Alogopati or Karapla cave, the Pharsalian shrine holds a special place among ancient nymph caves as the only such site to feature an inscribed poetic chronicle of the shrine's foundation and its founder, the mysterious nymph worshipper Pantalces. Based on years of fieldwork and archival research, Cave of the Nymphs challenges some commonly held views about the origin of this rock-cut 'tale' and offers a fresh perspective for understanding the Pharsalian cave in its proper historical context.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004297623 : 1876-2557 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Our mythical childhood ... : the classics and literature for children and young adults /

: This volume offers a survey of the reception of Classical Antiquity in the literature for youngsters by applying regional perspectives from East-Central and Western Europe, Africa, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, and the United States. The title Our Mythical Childhood hints at the elusive and paradoxical potential of the ancient tradition that is both a fixed base shared by many people worldwide since their early life as well as a body of references constantly being reinterpreted in response to local challenges. The reader is given a deeper insight into the processes shaping children's and young adults' identities and their cultural formation. The volume fills an important gap in the scholarship and contributes to the development of Reception Studies in innovative and attractive directions.
: 1 online resource (xv, 526 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004335370 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Serçe Limanı : an eleventh-century shipwreck /

: volumes <1-2 > : illustrations, maps ; 31 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (volume 1, pages [533]-548) and index. : 9780890969472

Published 2016
Brill's companion to Nonnus of Panopolis /

: The Egyptian Nonnus of Panopolis (5th century AD), author of both the 'pagan' Dionysiaca , the longest known poem from Antiquity (21,286 lines in 48 books, the same number of books as the Iliad and Odyssey combined), and a 'Christian' hexameter Paraphrase of St John's Gospel (3,660 lines in 21 books), is no doubt the most representative poet of Greek Late Antiquity. Brill's Companion to Nonnus of Panopolis provides a collection of 32 essays by a large international group of scholars, experts in the field of archaic, Hellenistic, Imperial, and Christian poetry, as well as scholars of late antique Egypt, Greek mythology and religion, who explore the various aspects of Nonnus' baroque poetry and its historical, religious and cultural background.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004310698 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
Coptic culture and community : daily lives, changing times /

: "This volume brings together leading experts from a range of disciplines to examine aspects of the daily lived experiences of Egypt's Coptic Christian minority from late Antiquity to the present. In doing so, it serves as a supplement and a corrective to institutional or theological narratives, which are generally rooted in studying the wielders of historical power and control. Studies in Coptic Culture and Community reveals the humanity of the Coptic tradition, giving granular depth to how Copts have lived their lives through and because of their faith for two thousand years. The first three sections consider in turn the breadth of the daily life approach, perspectives on poverty and power in a variety of different contexts, and matters of identity and persecution. The final section reflects on the global Coptic diaspora, bringing themes studied for the early Coptic Church into dialog with Coptic experiences today. These broad categories help to link fundamental questions of socio-religious history with unique aspects of Coptic culture and its vibrant communities of individuals."--
: xvii, 328 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781649031822

Published 2021
The Myth of Lycurgus in Aeschylus, Naevius, and beyond /

: Lycurgus, the king of the Thracian tribe of the Edonians, is the hero of the first attested Greek myth about the resistance against the god Dionysus. According to many scholars, Lycurgus was worshipped as a god among the Thracians, Phrygians, and Syrians. His myth might have been used as a hieros logos in the initiations into the 'Bacchic' and 'Orphic' mysteries in Greece and Rome. This book focuses on Aeschylus' tragic tetralogy Lycurgeia and Naevius' tragedy Lycurgus , the two most important texts that shaped the tradition of the Lycurgus myth, and offers a new and, at times, radically different interpretation of these fragmentary plays and related cultural texts.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004463035

Published 2005
Hidden Wisdom, Esoteric Traditions and the Roots of Christian Mysticism. Second, Revised and Enlarged paperback edition.

: This book investigates the problem of esoteric traditions in early Christianity, their origin and their transformation in Patristic hermeneutics, in the West as well as in the East. It argues that these traditions eventually formed the basis of nascent Christian mysticism in Late Antiquity. These esoteric traditions do not reflect the influence of Greek Mystery religions, as has often been claimed, but rather seem to stem from the Jewish background of Christianity. They were adopted by various Gnostic teachings, a fact which helps explaining their eventual disappearance from Patristic literature. The eleven chapters study each a different aspect of the problem, including the questions of Gnostic and Manichaean esotericism. This book will be of interest to all students of religious history in Late Antiquity. Revised and extended paperback edition. Originally published in 1996. Please click here for details.
: 1 online resource. : 9789047404774

Published 2015
The Aristotelian Problemata physica : philosophical and scientific investigations /

: The Problemata physica is the third longest work in the corpus Aristotelicum, but among the least studied. It consists of 38 books, over 900 chapters, covering a vast range of subjects, including medicine and music, sex and salt water, fatigue and fruit, animals and astronomy, moderation and malodorous things, wind and wine, bruises and barley, voice and virtue. Aristotelian Problemata Physica : Philosophical and Scientific Investigations consists of 21 essays by scholars of ancient Greek philosophy and science. These essays shed light on this mysterious work, providing insights into the nature of philosophical and scientific inquiry in the Lyceum during Aristotle's life and especially in the years following his death.
: 1 online resource (xv, 467 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004280878 : 0079-1687 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
The reception of ancient Greece and Rome in children's literature : heroes and eagles /

: Greece and Rome have long featured in books for children and teens, whether through the genres of historical fiction, fantasy, mystery stories or mythological compendiums. These depictions and adaptations of the Ancient World have varied at different times, however, in accordance with changes in societies and cultures. This book investigates the varying receptions and ideological manipulations of the classical world in children's literature. Its subtitle, Heroes and Eagles , reflects the two most common ways in which this reception appears, namely in the forms of the portrayal of the Greek heroic world of classical mythology on the one hand, and of the Roman imperial presence on the other. Both of these are ideologically loaded approaches intended to educate the young reader.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 344 pages) : Includes blbliographical references and index. : 9789004298606 : 2212-9405 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.