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Published 2024
Mark and Paul : Comparing the oldest extant literary works and theological ideas of early Christianity /

: What is the relationship between the earliest Gospel-Mark-and the first congregational letters of the apostle Paul? Heidrun E. Mader provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between the Pauline epistles and the Gospel of Mark. She addresses several themes that Paul and Mark treat in similar ways and integrates them into a consistent overall picture. The following themes are addressed: the universalistic concept of the gospel; the integration of gentiles in Christ; the place of the Torah in early Christian community life; the central role of the cross. Mader shows that there are specific and exclusive similarities between Paul and Mark that go beyond commonalities with other ancient writings. However, the results do not necessarily suggest direct literary dependence. Pauline theology could also have been transmitted orally, especially if we accept the hypothesis that Mark lived in Rome, where he could have encountered Paul himself in the early 60s.
: 1 online resource (380 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783657793907

Published 1968
Literatur /

: 1 online resource (203 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004304994 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Les ors de Mari /

: Cet ouvrage étudie la totalité des objets d'or, découverts sur le site de Mari de 1933 à 2006. La ville de Mari, fondée au début du IIIe millénaire (Ville I) a connu une grande activité artisanale et l'orfèvrerie s'illustre par des découvertes techniques d'avenir. Après 2500, les souverains de la Ville II favorisent une production de pièces de grande qualité. La Ville III prend fin avec la dynastie amorrite, dont les archives étudiées ici rendent compte de la multiplicité des ateliers. Les cimetières médio-assyriens installés sur le site ont livré ensuite de très nombreux objets, peut-être fabriqués sur place. Sur le Moyen Euphrate, Mari apparaît donc comme une des capitales du travail de l'or faisant pendant à Sumer sans en dépendre, comme on l'avait prétendu. Son orfèvrerie nous éclaire aussi sur la société, la religion et les pratiques funéraires.
: "Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes (DGCID) et du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (UMIFRE 6, USR 3135) et avec le soutien de la société Total E & P Syrie et de la mission archéologique française de Tell Hariri/Mari." : 478 pages : ill., chart (1 fold.) ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9782351591710

Published 1989
Mari and the early Israelite experience /

: xiii, 161 pages, 8 pages of plates : illustrations ; 26 cm. : Bibliography : pages 125-144. : 0197260721

Published 2021
Newsletter,5 march 1954

: FROM THE DIRECTOR’S REPORT FOR DECEMBER "It scarcely seems possible that one half of our period in Cairo has gone by and that ere long we shall have to -be pay-ing visits to the shipping companies to enquire about sailings for home. That is a reminder that tomorrow we had better begin our rounds of leaving cards at Embassies and Institutions for the New Year. To you at home it seems a silly custom, but out here there Is still much of the □European tradition, and It makes for good relations if we observe such customs. December, like November, has been a month of phenomenal weather. Never do we remember a December of so many dull days or so many days of rain, not heavy rain but Just miserable drizzle, quite unlike Egypt we knew of old. January has begun better. It is cold but bright and cheerful and invigorating.

Published 1969
The Bible in the Works of Thomas More : Part I: The Old Testament /

: A full list of Biblical quotes in More, with context and occasional comments on sources, parallels, etc. I. Old Testament II. The Four Gospels III. Acts, Epistles, Apocalypse IV. Elements of Synthesis V. Indexes, Supplements, Concordances The print edition is available as a set of five volumes (9789060041079).
: 1 online resource (1098 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004535510

Published 1994
Apollonius' Argonautica : a Callimachean epic /

: The Argonautica was said to have been the source of a quarrel between Apollonius, who wrote what looks like an epic poem, and Callimachus, who denounced the writing of epic poetry. Although the quarrel did not take place in the real world, its issue controls the poem. The heroes are determined to take part in a Homeric epic, which the Callimachean narrator refuses to write. Drawing on the methods of modern literary theorists but eschewing the jargon, DeForest shows how Apollonius uses the literary dispute in Alexandria to give a three-dimensional quality to his poem. The amusing conflict between heroes and narrator turns serious when the levels of narrative split apart and Medea steps into the gap as a free-standing figure, the forerunner of powerful women in fiction.
: 1 online resource (160 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-157) and index. : 9789004329478 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
The Apostles' Creed : Born of the Virgin Mary /

: What does it mean when Christians confess that Jesus was 'born of the Virgin Mary'? This volume of essays, written by an international group of scholars, approaches this question from various perspectives. From examining the Old Testament backgr
: 1 online resource (337 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004703438

Published 1992
Speaking of speaking : marking direct discourse in the Hebrew Bible /

: Direct speech appears on nearly every page of the Hebrew Bible, and the large number of publications on direct discourse in the Bible highlights the importance of the subject for biblical studies. However, thus far only isolated aspects of the various problems that direct discourse presents have received attention. Studies of individual verbs introducing direct discourse, such as \'answer\', \'speak\', \'say\', and others are necessarily atomistic, even though appropriate in their own right. Other markers of direct discourse, such as \'Thus said Yahweh\', or \'oracle of Yahweh\', tend to be treated as theological constructs isolated from the larger issues of direct discourse marking in general. Speaking of Speaking aims to enrich the reading of the biblical text by offering a coordinated analysis of all such markers, not only in order to consolidate a considerable body of work that is often overlooked by scholars, but also to move further toward a synthesis that can permit informed generalizations not possible at the present time. The comprehensive index facilitates the use of this book as a valuable reference tool. The exegetical, literary, and theological findings of this book will be of great significance for all levels of research in biblical studies.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [343]-358) and index. : 9789004275706 : 0083-5889 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2003
Haggai and Zechariah Research : A Bibliographic Survey /

: A review of the past century of research on the biblical books of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, with detailed analysis of the past two decades of key scholarly research and a classified bibliography of over 1200 studies. The bibliography is helpfully arranged according to topic, under more than 100 rubrics. There is a full listing of available resources for study. Altogether an extremely useful tool for all students and scholars of the Old Testament.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004397439

Where Doves Lie: The Significance of Eight Turtle Doves Buried in the Dendara Necropolis /

: During recent excavations in the Dendara necropolis, skeletal evidence for at least eight complete turtle doves (Columbidae) was discovered in the burial chamber of a Dynasty 4 tomb. A large number of disarticulated tiny bird bones was found scattered beneath and around a broken Meydum-bowl, buried deep within piles of rubble. Zooarchaeological analysis indicated that at least eight birds had originally been buried. The fact that they were complete and found in a burial chamber in association with a Meydum-bowl suggested they were part of a funerary offering. The depiction of multiple bird species used as funerary offerings in the Old Kingdom tombs at Saqqara and Giza is well documented, indicating that birds were a significant element of the list of funerary offerings. Often the different species of birds were named in the tomb scenes, and frequently pigeons and doves were included. However, very little skeletal evidence exists in the archaeological record to support the theory that pigeons and doves were regularly used as funerary offerings. Therefore, the skeletal remains of eight complete turtle doves in conjunction with a Meydum-bowl found deep within a burial chamber of a provincial tomb adds impetus to the argument that not only they were a very desired component of Old Kingdom funerary offerings in the tombs of the important Saqqara and Giza necropolises, but also in the tombs of provincial officials.

Published 2019
Leviticus : a commentary on Leueitikon in Codex Vaticanus /

: In Leviticus Awabdy offers the first commentary on the Greek version of Leviticus according to Codex Vaticanus (4th century CE), which binds the Old and New Testaments into a single volume as Christian scripture. Distinct from other LXX Leviticus commentaries that employ a critical edition and focus on translation technique, Greco-Roman context and reception, this study interprets a single Greek manuscript on its own terms in solidarity with its early Byzantine users unversed in Hebrew. With a formal-equivalence English translation of a new, uncorrected edition, Awabdy illuminates Leueitikon in B as an aesthetic composition that not only exhibits inherited Hebraic syntax and Koine lexical forms, but its own structure and theology, paragraph (outdented) divisions, syntax and pragmatics, intertextuality, solecisms and textual variants.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004409835

Tree-rings, kings, and Old World archaeology and environment : papers presented in honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm /

: xxi, 332 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 29 cm : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781842173862 : Sara.lib

Published 2009
Like Joseph in beauty : Yemeni vernacular poetry and Arab-Jewish symbiosis /

: Like Joseph in Beauty traces the evolution of an Arabic poetic form called 'Humayni poetry'. From Muslim mystical circles, the courts of aristocrats in Highland Yemen, and kabbalist circles of Yemenite Jews, Humayni poetry distinguishes itself with lyricism, musicality, and eroticism. It also plays a variety of code-switching linguistic games. The book addresses the connections between the Humayni poetry of Yemen and the sacred poetry of Jews from Yemen, a hitherto-neglected chapter in the history of Arabic and Jewish literatures. The book culminates with a discussion of ways in which poets and critics in modern-day Yemen and in Israel transformed this poetry.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [327]-339) and index. : 9789047442196 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
Prophet, Intermediary, King : The Dynamics of Mediation in the Biblical World and Old Babylonian Mari /

: In Prophet, Intermediary, King: The Dynamics of Mediation in the Biblical World and Old Babylonian Mari , Julie B. Deluty investigates the mediation of prophecy for kings in biblical narratives and the Old Babylonian corpus from Mari. In many cases, the prophet's message is delivered through a third party-sometimes a royal official or family member-who may exercise a degree of autonomy in the transmission of the words. Drawing on social network theory, the book highlights the importance of third-party intermediaries in the process of communication that lies at the core of biblical and ancient Near Eastern prophecy. Recognition of the place of non-prophetic intermediaries in a monarchic system offers a new dimension to the study of prophecy in antiquity.
: 1 online resource (290 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004690776

Published 2014
Identifiers and identification methods in the ancient world /

: International conference proceedings, Leuven and Brussels, 2010. : vi, 286 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789042929838 : 0777-978x ;

Published 2006
The ancient Near East : historical sources in translation /

: xx, 445 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 0631235817 (pbk)

Published 2002
God's kingdom and God's son : the background in Mark's christology from concepts of kingship in the Psalms /

: How is the kingdom of God related to Messianic kingship (or divine sonship)? Starting from what he terms a 'two-tier' kingship in the Psalms, Robert Rowe explores the linkage of these terms in Mark's gospel. The linked concepts - God's kingship and Davidic (Messianic) kingship - are traced from the Psalms and Isaiah 40-66, through the Dead Sea Scrolls and other inter-testamental documents, into Mark's gospel. Mark's characterization of Jesus as Messiah is shown to centre around four royal Psalms (2; 22; 110; 118). Contributing to the continuing study of the Old Testament in the New, Rowe argues that the concepts of God's kingdom and the Messiah are inherently closely related. This has importance both for the study of the historical Jesus, and for Mark's presentation of God and Jesus in his gospel.
: 1 online resource (xvii, 435 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 315-367) and indexes. : 9789004331136 : 0169-734X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

The golden treatise of Hermes Trismegistus : concerning the physical secret of the philosopher's stone /

: 49 pages ; 22 cm. : 9781558183582

Catalogue of the Coptic and Christian Arabic mss.preserved in the Library of the Church of the All-Holy Virgin Mary Known as Qasrîat ar-Rihân at Old Cairo /

: Added title pages and text in Arabic. : xv, 68, 16 pages : 23 plates ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.