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Mark and Paul : Comparing the oldest extant literary works and theological ideas of early Christianity /
What is the relationship between the earliest Gospel-Mark-and the first congregational letters of the apostle Paul? Heidrun E. Mader provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between the Pauline epistles and the Gospel of Mark. She addresses several themes that Paul and Mark treat in similar ways and integrates them into a consistent overall picture. The following themes are addressed: the universalistic concept of the gospel; the integration of gentiles in Christ; the place of the Torah in early Christian community life; the central role of the cross. Mader shows that there are specific and exclusive similarities between Paul and Mark that go beyond commonalities with other ancient writings. However, the results do not necessarily suggest direct literary dependence. Pauline theology could also have been transmitted orally, especially if we accept the hypothesis that Mark lived in Rome, where he could have encountered Paul himself in the early 60s.
1 online resource (380 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Newsletter,15 may 1951
Since you received my last letter, the American Research Center has become an actuality in Cairo. And you will be pleased to have news of certain important developments on this side.
At the Annual Meeting held on November 21, ل0ك9ا at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, seventy-seven members were present or represented by proxy. Certain amendments to the By-laws in accord with the sense of proposals submitted to you in the notice of the meeting were voted by repealing the old By-laws and inserting in place of them a Code embodying these changes. If you wish, a copy of the amended By-laws will be sent you.
Where dreams may come : incubation sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman world /
Where Dreams May Come was the winner of the 2018 Charles J . Goodwin Award of Merit, awarded by the Society for Classical Studies. In this book, Gil H. Renberg examines the ancient religious phenomenon of "incubation\', the ritual of sleeping at a divinity's sanctuary in order to obtain a prophetic or therapeutic dream. Most prominently associated with the Panhellenic healing god Asklepios, incubation was also practiced at the cult sites of numerous other divinities throughout the Greek world, but it is first known from ancient Near Eastern sources and was established in Pharaonic Egypt by the time of the Macedonian conquest; later, Christian worship came to include similar practices. Renberg's exhaustive study represents the first attempt to collect and analyze the evidence for incubation from Sumerian to Byzantine and Merovingian times, thus making an important contribution to religious history. This set consists of two books.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004330238 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sensing Salvation in the Gospel of John : The Embodied, Sensory Qualities of Participation in the I Am Sayings /
Recent scholarship focused on the role of embodiment within cognition and communication reminds us that part of how we "know" is through our physical senses. We only know the softness of a kitten by touching its fur, or the tastiness of bread by eating. How might this influence our understanding of biblical texts, such as Jesus's claim, "I am the bread of life," and the invitation to eat? This study explores the I am sayings of John's Gospel, their sensory elements providing an imaginative entry into the narrative and contributing tangible value to the participatory theology of the Fourth Gospel.
1 online resource (230 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Bible in the Works of Thomas More : Part I: The Old Testament /
A full list of Biblical quotes in More, with context and occasional comments on sources, parallels, etc. I. Old Testament II. The Four Gospels III. Acts, Epistles, Apocalypse IV. Elements of Synthesis V. Indexes, Supplements, Concordances The print edition is available as a set of five volumes (9789060041079).
1 online resource (1098 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Speaking of speaking : marking direct discourse in the Hebrew Bible /
Direct speech appears on nearly every page of the Hebrew Bible, and the large number of publications on direct discourse in the Bible highlights the importance of the subject for biblical studies. However, thus far only isolated aspects of the various problems that direct discourse presents have received attention. Studies of individual verbs introducing direct discourse, such as \'answer\', \'speak\', \'say\', and others are necessarily atomistic, even though appropriate in their own right. Other markers of direct discourse, such as \'Thus said Yahweh\', or \'oracle of Yahweh\', tend to be treated as theological constructs isolated from the larger issues of direct discourse marking in general. Speaking of Speaking aims to enrich the reading of the biblical text by offering a coordinated analysis of all such markers, not only in order to consolidate a considerable body of work that is often overlooked by scholars, but also to move further toward a synthesis that can permit informed generalizations not possible at the present time. The comprehensive index facilitates the use of this book as a valuable reference tool. The exegetical, literary, and theological findings of this book will be of great significance for all levels of research in biblical studies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [343]-358) and index. :
9789004275706 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Haggai and Zechariah Research : A Bibliographic Survey /
A review of the past century of research on the biblical books of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, with detailed analysis of the past two decades of key scholarly research and a classified bibliography of over 1200 studies. The bibliography is helpfully arranged according to topic, under more than 100 rubrics. There is a full listing of available resources for study. Altogether an extremely useful tool for all students and scholars of the Old Testament.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Leviticus : a commentary on Leueitikon in Codex Vaticanus /
In Leviticus Awabdy offers the first commentary on the Greek version of Leviticus according to Codex Vaticanus (4th century CE), which binds the Old and New Testaments into a single volume as Christian scripture. Distinct from other LXX Leviticus commentaries that employ a critical edition and focus on translation technique, Greco-Roman context and reception, this study interprets a single Greek manuscript on its own terms in solidarity with its early Byzantine users unversed in Hebrew. With a formal-equivalence English translation of a new, uncorrected edition, Awabdy illuminates Leueitikon in B as an aesthetic composition that not only exhibits inherited Hebraic syntax and Koine lexical forms, but its own structure and theology, paragraph (outdented) divisions, syntax and pragmatics, intertextuality, solecisms and textual variants.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
History and traditions of early Israel : studies presented to Eduard Nielsen, May 8th 1993 /
This book is published as a Festschrift on the occasion of the 70th birthday of professor Eduard Nielsen (Copenhagen). In accordance with the main themes of Eduard Nielsen's scholarly works the articles concentrate on the history of early Israel, id est Israel before the classical prophets in the 8th century B.C., and on literary traditions referring to this phase of Israelite history. The articles are concerned with topics in the Books of the Pentateuch, with the epoch of King David, as well as with archaeology, Canaanite traditions et cetera Eduard Nielsen's bibliography is included at the end of the book.
1 online resource. :
"Eduard Nielsen-biblioography": pages [161]-165. :
9789004275744 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
God's kingdom and God's son : the background in Mark's christology from concepts of kingship in the Psalms /
How is the kingdom of God related to Messianic kingship (or divine sonship)? Starting from what he terms a 'two-tier' kingship in the Psalms, Robert Rowe explores the linkage of these terms in Mark's gospel. The linked concepts - God's kingship and Davidic (Messianic) kingship - are traced from the Psalms and Isaiah 40-66, through the Dead Sea Scrolls and other inter-testamental documents, into Mark's gospel. Mark's characterization of Jesus as Messiah is shown to centre around four royal Psalms (2; 22; 110; 118). Contributing to the continuing study of the Old Testament in the New, Rowe argues that the concepts of God's kingdom and the Messiah are inherently closely related. This has importance both for the study of the historical Jesus, and for Mark's presentation of God and Jesus in his gospel.
1 online resource (xvii, 435 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 315-367) and indexes. :
9789004331136 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
L'artisanat de l'os à l'époque Gallo-Romaine : de l'ostéologie à l'archéologie expérimentale /
The transfer, in 1981, of the town museum collections in Sens (Yonne) to the old Archbishop's palace required great discretion and an underground passage was planned between the two buildings. Preventive archaeological excavations unearthed 22 Gallo-Roman bone combs, as well as a further 17 pieces when the excavation area was expanded. This exceptional concentration of bone artefacts incited the author to start on an experimental search at a time when bone artefacts were not finding much interest among specialists. However, it was extremely adventurous to piece together a bone-worker production line and create a never before archaeologically discovered appliance used in Roman times. Obviously, the first reproductions have been directed towards combs. This title presents an analysis of the 22 Gallo-Roman bone combs.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource : illustrations (colour). :
Specialized. :
9781784914226 (ebook) :
L'artisanat de l'os à l'époque Gallo-Romaine : de l'ostéologie à l'archéologie expérimentale /
The transfer, in 1981, of the town museum collections in Sens (Yonne) to the old Archbishop's palace required great discretion and an underground passage was planned between the two buildings. Preventive archaeological excavations unearthed 22 Gallo-Roman bone combs, as well as a further 17 pieces when the excavation area was expanded. This exceptional concentration of bone artefacts incited the author to start on an experimental search at a time when bone artefacts were not finding much interest among specialists. However, it was extremely adventurous to piece together a bone-worker production line and create a never before archaeologically discovered appliance used in Roman times. Obviously, the first reproductions have been directed towards combs. This title presents an analysis of the 22 Gallo-Roman bone combs.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource : illustrations (colour). :
Specialized. :
9781784914226 (ebook) :
Dieting for an emperor : a translation of books 1 and 4 of Oribasius' Medical compilations with an introduction and commentary /
The commentary indicates Oribasius' source for each quotation or paraphrase, assesses the accuracy and comprehensibility of the contents, and suggests the reasons behind the recommendations and rejections of certain cakes, breads, fruits and vegetables. To aid further research in the field of ancient dietetics, a detailed word index is appended. The introduction summarises the more important points about the medical theories behind the humours and qualities, and how regulating the intake of foods could assist in the maintenance of good health.
Text in Classical Greek with English translation and commentary. :
1 online resource (xii, 388 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 331-341) and indexes. :
9789004377424 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded /
This volume is a scholarly tribute to Bustenay Oded's distinguished career from some of the many contemporaries, colleagues, and former students who not only admire, and keep being inspired by his achievements, but who also count him as a friend. The title points to the remarkable span of Bustenay Oded 's research and research interests. Accordingly, the Festschrift's thirty original contributions deal with a wide range of topics, focusing on the Assyrian Empire, as well as on the Hebrew Bible and other cultural contents.
1 online resource. :
"Works by Professor Bustenay Oded": pages [xi]-xvi.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047441243 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.