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Where dreams may come : incubation sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman world /
Where Dreams May Come was the winner of the 2018 Charles J . Goodwin Award of Merit, awarded by the Society for Classical Studies. In this book, Gil H. Renberg examines the ancient religious phenomenon of "incubation\', the ritual of sleeping at a divinity's sanctuary in order to obtain a prophetic or therapeutic dream. Most prominently associated with the Panhellenic healing god Asklepios, incubation was also practiced at the cult sites of numerous other divinities throughout the Greek world, but it is first known from ancient Near Eastern sources and was established in Pharaonic Egypt by the time of the Macedonian conquest; later, Christian worship came to include similar practices. Renberg's exhaustive study represents the first attempt to collect and analyze the evidence for incubation from Sumerian to Byzantine and Merovingian times, thus making an important contribution to religious history. This set consists of two books.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004330238 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sensing Salvation in the Gospel of John : The Embodied, Sensory Qualities of Participation in the I Am Sayings /
Recent scholarship focused on the role of embodiment within cognition and communication reminds us that part of how we "know" is through our physical senses. We only know the softness of a kitten by touching its fur, or the tastiness of bread by eating. How might this influence our understanding of biblical texts, such as Jesus's claim, "I am the bread of life," and the invitation to eat? This study explores the I am sayings of John's Gospel, their sensory elements providing an imaginative entry into the narrative and contributing tangible value to the participatory theology of the Fourth Gospel.
1 online resource (230 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Plotinus in dialogue with the Gnostics /
The point of view put forth in the following pages differs greatly from the common perspective according to which the treatises 30 to 33 constitute a single work, a Großschrift , and this single work, Plotinus' essential response to the Gnostics. Our perspective is that of an ongoing discussions with his "Gnostic"-yet Platonizing-friends, which started early in his writings (at least treatise 6), developed into what we could call a Großzyklus (treatises 27 to 39), and went on in later treatises as well (e. g. 47-48, 51). The prospect of an ongoing discussion with the Gnostics bears an additional virtue, that of allowing for a truly dynamic understanding of the Plotinian corpus.
1 online resource (viii, 152 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004216396 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Life after God: An Encounter with Postmodernism /
In this volume, Mark Bevir argues that postfoundationalism is compatible with humanism and historicism. He shows how postmodernists, especially Derrida and Foucault, drew on structuralism and the avant-garde in ways that led them to downplay human agency and historical context. He then explores how we today might recover and rethink humanism and historicism. And, finally, he discusses the critical and ethical practices that such ideas might inspire.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The naos of Amasis : a monument for the reawakening of Osiris /
The naos AM 107 of the Museum of Antiquities of Leiden was built by king Amasis in the VIth century BC, a period that saw an intense production of monolithic shrines. Despite its not impressive dimensions, however, the naos of Leiden stands out for its originality. What is particularly interesting about this monument is that its distinctiveness is strictly connected to the nature of its recipient. Amasis dedicated the naos to Osiris Hemag, one of the most important and enigmatic Osirian forms of the first millennium BC. Osiris Hemag represents Osiris in a crucial moment of his existence, his reawakening. It was precisely this aspect of the god that strongly influenced both the shape and the decoration of the naos, creating a unique effect: indeed, this is the only Egyptian naos showing on his surfaces groups of guardian-deities who had the task to protect the body of Osiris and to assist him in his rebirth and rejuvenation. This naos is not only a shrine housing a statue of Osiris Hemag, but it is also a monument conveying a new definition of the god and ideas concerning his rebirth.
176 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (page 155-169) and indexes. :
Hearing Kyriotic sonship : a cognitive and rhetorical approach to the characterization of Mark's Jesus /
In Hearing Kyriotic Sonship Michael Whitenton explores first-century audience impressions of Mark's Jesus in light of ancient rhetoric and modern cognitive science. Commonly understood as neither divine nor Davidic, Mark's Jesus appears here as the functional equivalent to both Israel's god and her Davidic king. The dynamics of ancient performance and the implicit rhetoric of the narrative combine to subtly alter listeners' perspectives of Jesus. Previous approaches have routinely viewed Mark's Jesus as neither divine nor Davidic largely on the basis of a lack of explicit affirmations. Drawing our attention to the mechanics of inference generation and narrative persuasion, Whitenton shows us that ancient listeners probably inferred much about Mark's Jesus that is not made explicit in the narrative.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004329652 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The trinitarian theology of Hilary of Poitiers /
When Hilary of Poitiers was exiled from his native Poitiers in Gaul to Cappadocia, his entire theological sensibility changed. The Latin bishop, schooled in the tradition of Tertullian and Novatian, became a full-throated participant in the Trinitarian controversies of his time. This book offers a new reading of Hilary's Trinitarian theology that takes into account the historical context of Hilary's thought. It first examines this context and the course of Hilary's engagement with his Homoian opponents. It then turns to the key themes of Hilary's theology as he worked them out in that context. The result is a work that not only helps clarify Hilary's theology, but that offers new insight into the Trinitarian controversies as a whole.
Originally presented as the author's thesis--Marquette University. :
1 online resource (viii, 219 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 203-215) and index. :
9789047431275 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
God's kingdom and God's son : the background in Mark's christology from concepts of kingship in the Psalms /
How is the kingdom of God related to Messianic kingship (or divine sonship)? Starting from what he terms a 'two-tier' kingship in the Psalms, Robert Rowe explores the linkage of these terms in Mark's gospel. The linked concepts - God's kingship and Davidic (Messianic) kingship - are traced from the Psalms and Isaiah 40-66, through the Dead Sea Scrolls and other inter-testamental documents, into Mark's gospel. Mark's characterization of Jesus as Messiah is shown to centre around four royal Psalms (2; 22; 110; 118). Contributing to the continuing study of the Old Testament in the New, Rowe argues that the concepts of God's kingdom and the Messiah are inherently closely related. This has importance both for the study of the historical Jesus, and for Mark's presentation of God and Jesus in his gospel.
1 online resource (xvii, 435 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 315-367) and indexes. :
9789004331136 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Time and International Adjudication : The Temporal Factor in Proceedings before International Courts and Tribunals /
Time and International Adjudication fills a gap in legal literature in the field of international dispute settlement, by providing a wide selection of stimulating contributions by leading international scholars and lawyers, aimed at discussing the role of time in proceedings before international courts and tribunals. The relevance of the temporal factor in international adjudication is assessed by considering each of the different phases of international judicial proceedings. The analysis covers inter-State proceedings before both permanent courts and tribunals (such as the ICJ, ITLOS and the DSB of the WTO) and arbitral tribunals, as well as international proceedings between individuals and States before regional human rights courts and investment tribunals.
1 online resource (702 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Mighty Baal : Essays in Honor of Mark S. Smith /
Mighty Baal: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Smith is the first edited collection devoted to the study of the ancient Near Eastern god Baal. Although the Bible depicts Baal as powerless, the combined archaeological, iconographic, and literary evidence makes it clear that Baal was worshipped throughout the Levant as a god whose powers rivalled any deity. Mighty Baal brings together eleven essays written by scholars working in North America, Europe, and Israel. Essays in part one focus on the main collection of Ugaritic tablets describing Baal's exploits, the Baal Cycle. Essays in part two treat Baal's relationships to other deities. Together, the essays offer a rich portrait of Baal and his cult from a variety of methodological perspectives.
1 online resource. :
Narratives and numbers : empirical studies of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity /
In Narratives and Numbers: Empirical Studies of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity Mark J. Cartledge provides a rich set of essays on key themes in Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity. Using empirical research methods drawn from the social sciences he interrogates his originally gathered data by means of theology and sociology. These studies address such issues as glossolalia, prophecy, spirituality, gender and the family, the doctrine of the Trinity, socialization, altruism and the practice of healing. Collectively they provide original insight into one of the most vibrant forms of Christianity today. Additionally, these studies model how empirical research in religion can be bought into conversation with theological discourse. The findings of this research can be used by scholars and students from different perspectives and disciplinary contexts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004345720 :
1876-2247 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sunken cities : Egypt's lost worlds; the BP exhibition at the BM from 19 May to 27 November 2016 /
: This publication accompanies the BP exhibition Sunken Cities : Egypt's lost worlds at the British Museum from 19May to 27 November 2016. It has been produced with the Hilti Foundation and the Institut Européen d'Archéologie Sous-Marine, in collaboration with the Ministry of Antiquities of the Arab Republic of Egypt. - title page verso. : 272 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9780500051856 (hardcover)