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Sterbehilfe als Liebestod : Existenzielles Leiden in Literatur und Film der Gegenwart /
Wie soll mit dem Sterbewunsch betagter Paare umgegangen werden, die einander nicht überleben wollen - gerade wenn nur eine*r der beiden schwer erkrankt ist? Und soll der*die Hinterbliebene, der*die den Verlust des geliebten Menschen nicht erträgt, ihm durch Sterbehilfe in den Tod folgen dürfen? Diese aktuellen gesellschaftspolitischen Fragen werden wiederholt auch von Literatur und Film aufgegriffen. Mehr noch: Sie lassen sich ohne literarischen Bezugshorizont nicht denken. Mit dem Liebestod haben unzählige Geschichten seit der Antike die affektiv meist positiv besetzte Vorstellung davon geschaffen, wie Liebende den Tod einem Leben ohne den*die andere*n vorziehen. Die Studie untersucht dreizehn literarische und filmische Werke der Gegenwart, die das Motiv im Kontext der Sterbehilfe aktualisieren. Sie fragt danach, in welcher Weise es erzählerisch fruchtbar gemacht wird. Wie wird der Verlust des*der Geliebten als Sterbemotiv greifbar? Wie wird dieses reflektiert, kommentiert, kritisiert oder affirmiert? Welche ethischen Perspektiven eröffnet das traditions- und facettenreiche Motiv im Sterbehilfediskurs des 21. Jahrhunderts?
1 online resource (440 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Fichte und seine Zeit : Kontext, Konfrontationen, Rezeptionen /
Mit dem Ausdruck "Fichte und seine Zeit" können die letzten Jahre des 18. und das erste Jahrzehnt des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Völkerschlacht von 1813 überschrieben werden: die ertragreichsten Jahre im Schaffen und Wirken Fichtes. Fichte erarbeitete das System der Wissenschaftslehre keineswegs in Selbstisolierung und ohne Rücksicht auf die spekulativen Anregungen, die er von dem ihn prägenden geistigen und kulturellen Milieu erhielt. Die Jahre des Übergangs vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert sind auch diejenigen, in welche man die Geburt der ,romantischen Bewegung' ansetzt, deren Vaterschaft man wohl Fichte zusprechen muss, obzwar er bald von vielen seiner Schülern verleugnet wurde. Diese Jahre machen zugleich einen entscheidenden Zeitabschnitt in der deutschen Geschichte aus, welcher große Veränderungen - sowohl in staatlich-institutioneller als auch in gesellschaftlicher Hinsicht - mit sich gebracht hat und der mit den Eroberungskriegen Napoleons zu Ende geht, welche eine Zäsur in der deutschen Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts bewirkt haben. Die Absicht vorliegenden Buches ist es, das Geflecht der unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen, die mit dem Stichwort "Fichte und seine Zeit" verbunden sind, in Betracht zu nehmen und ihre internen Zusammenhänge und ihre Geschlossenheit deutlich zu machen. Das Ziel ist daher, nicht nur die einzelnen Themen in ihrem Entstehen, Aufblühen, Sich-Entfalten zu verfolgen, sondern näher zu verstehen, wie Fichtes Gedanke gerade dank dem intellektuellen und wissenschaftlichen Austausch und der Auseinandersetzung mit ,seiner Zeit' bzw. seinen Zeitgenossen gereift und selbstbewusst geworden ist. Die Beiträge stammen von Elena Alessiato (Greifswald/Turin), Marco Bazzan (Toulouse), Carla De Pascale (Bologna), , Faustino Fabbianelli (Parma), Luca Fonnesu (Pavia), Erich Fuchs (Eichenau/München), Jonas Gralle (Freiburg), Laurent Guyot (Toulouse), Tamás Hankovszky (Budapest), Silvan Imhof (Bern), Marco Ivaldo (Neapel), Jindřich Karàsek (Prag), Hans Georg von Manz (München), Monica Marchetto (Palermo), Hitoshi Minobe (Tokyo), Alessandro Novembre (Lecce), Ernst-Otto Onnasch (Utrecht), Francisco Prata Gaspar (São Paulo/München), Manuel Roy (Montréal), Irene Sacchi (Berlin), Stefan Schick (Pentling/Regensburg), Jürgen Stahl (Leipzig), Nobukuni Suzuki (Tokyo), Hartmut Traub (Mühlheim/Ruhr), Martin Vrabec (Hradec Kralove)
1 online resource (i, 412 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004319820 :
0925-0166 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Justification by faith : the origin and development of a central Pauline theme /
This study offers a fresh analysis of the place which "justification by faith" held in Paul's life and thought. In distinction from past attempts to define "justification" in relation to a logical "center", the investigation proceeds by assessing the relationship between this theme and two significant points in Paul's career: his conversion and his letter to Rome. The first chapter surveys a number of interpreters of Paul from William Wrede through E.P. Sanders. In an attempt to overcome the deficiencies of earlier proposals, the work then explores the soteriology of two early Jewish writings proximate to Paul, 1QS and Pss. Sol. Paul's references to his preconversion life reveal a connection between these forms of Judaism and that which Paul knew, making it likely that within a short time after his conversion Paul's soteriology underwent a radical change involving his adoption of ideas inherent to his later arguments on "justification by faith". Paul's aim in writing to Rome discloses that he came to regard "justification" as indispensable to his Gospel and relevant to issues beyond Jew-Gentile relations. This research challenges the "new perspective on Paul" (Dunn) while providing a historical and theological description of Paul's understanding of "justification by faith."
1 online resource (xiv, 310 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 271-286) and indexes. :
9789004267015 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studies in the textual criticism of the New Testament /
For the first time in one volume this book presents contributions to the textual criticism of the New Testament made over the past twenty years by Bart Ehrman, one of the premier textual scholars in North America. The collection includes fifteen previously published articles and six lectures (delivered at Duke University and Yale University) on a range of topics of central importance to the field. Following a general essay that gives an introduction to the field for beginners are several essays dealing with text-critical method, especially pertaining to the classification of the Greek manuscript witnesses. There then follow two articles on the history of the text, several articles on important specific textual problems, and three articles on the importance and use of patristic evidence for establishing the text and writing the history of its transmission. The volume concludes with six lectures designed to show the importance not only of reconstructing an allegedly "original" text but also of recognizing how that text was changed by scribes of the early Christian centuries. This book will be of vital interest to any scholar or advanced student of the New Testament and early Christianity. It will make an ideal companion volume for Bart Ehrman's ground-breaking study, The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture: The Effects of Early Christological Controversies on the Text of the New Testament (Oxford, 1993) and the volume he co-edited with Michael Holmes, The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the Status Quaestionis (Eerdmans, 1995).
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047409175 :
Brill's companion to Apollonius Rhodius /
This volume on Apollonius of Rhodes, whose Argonautica is the sole full-length epic to survive from the Hellenistic period, comprises articles by eighteen leading scholars from Europe and America. Their contributions cover a wide range of issues from the history of the text and the problems of the poet's biography through questions of style, literary technique and intertextual relations to the epic's literary and cultural reception. The aim of this 2nd edition is to give an up-to-date outline of the scholarly discussion in these areas and to provide a survey of recent and current trends in Apollonian studies which will be useful also to students of Hellenistic poetry in general.
Revised edition of: A companion to Apollonius Rhodius. :
1 online resource (xiii, 479 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 445-475) and index. :
9789004217140 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A companion to Apollonius Rhodius /
This volume on Apollonius of Rhodes, whose Argonautica is the sole full-length epic to survive from the Hellenistic period, comprises articles by fourteen leading scholars from Europe and America. Their contributions cover a wide range of issues from the history of the text and the problems of the poet's biography through questions of style, literary technique and intertextual relations to the epic's literary and cultural reception. The aim is to give an up-to-date outline of the scholarly discussion in these areas and to provide a survey of recent and current trends in Apollonian studies which will be useful to students of Hellenistic poetry in general as well as to scholars with a specialised interest in Apollonius.
1 online resource (xiii, 362 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 341-360) and index. :
9789047400462 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Cultures in contact : from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the second millennium B.C. /
"Most of the essays published in this volume were presented at "The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Symposium: Beyond Babylon: art, trade and diplomacy in the second millennium B.C." held on December 18 and 19, 2008 and "The Friends of Inanna scholars' day workshop" held on February 4, 2009 ... held at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York"-- Title page verso.
"The Metropolitan Museum of Art Symposia". :
xvii, 354 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 26 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 320-352). :
The Red Monastery Church : Beauty and asceticism in Upper Egypt /
"The Red Monastery church is the most important extant early Christian monument in Egypt's Nile Valley, and one of the most significant of its period in the Mediterranean region. A decade-long conservation project has revealed some of the best surviving and most remarkable early Byzantine paintings known to date. The church was painted four times during the 5th and 6th centuries, and significant portions of each iconographic program are preserved. Extensive painted ornament also covers the church's elaborate architectural sculpture, echoing the aesthetics found at San Vitale in Ravenna and the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Distinguished contributors from a wide range of disciplines, including art and architectural history, ancient religion, history, and conservation, discuss the church's importance. Topics include late antique aesthetics, early monastic concepts of beauty and ascetic identity, and connections between the center and the periphery in the early Byzantine world. Beautifully illustrated with more than 300 images, this landmark publication introduces the remarkable history and magnificence of the church and its art to the public for the first time"--Publisher's website.
xxxix, 390 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (some color), plans ; 32 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 350-376) and index. :
Opening the tablet box : Near Eastern studies in honor of Benjamin R. Foster /
This volume is a scholarly tribute to Benjamin R. Foster, Laffan Professor of Assyriology and Babylonian Literature and Curator of the Babylonian Collection at Yale University, from some of his students, colleagues, and companions, in appreciation of his outstanding achievements and in thanks for his friendship. Reflecting on the remarkable breadth of the honoree's research interests, the twenty-six original papers in this Festschrift cover a wide range of topics in ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian literature, economic and social history, as well as art and archaeology.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004186569 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.