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Published 1979
Mythos, Wissenschaft, Ideologie : Ein Problemaufriß /

: Text of a lecture presented at the Universität Wien, 1975/76. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004455184

Mensch, Heros, Gott : Weltentwürfe und Lebensmodelle im Mythos der Vormoderne /

: Papers presented at a symposium held in November 2006 at Centrum für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mittelmeerraums (GKM) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. : 183 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783515092944 : wafaa.lib

Published 1965
Dionysus, myth and cult /

: Translation of : Dionysos, Mythos und Kultus. : xxi, 243 pages : illustrstions ; 22 cm. : Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 211-236)

Published 2011
Moses und der Mytho s die Auseinandersetzung mit der griechischen Mythologie bei jüdisch-hellenistischen Autoren /

: In the Hellenistic period Jews regularly encountered Greek mythology in one form or another: in literature, in art, or through language. This book is the first comprehensive study of the different strategies pursued by Jewish-Hellenistic authors as they engaged with Greek myth. The principal focus of this study is on the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, but a large range of other authors from the Third century BCE to the 1st century CE are also discussed. Far from limiting themselves to outright rejection, these authors often show a striking familiarity with Greek myth, which they sometimes even incorporated into Jewish myth. Ancient Jewish discourse on Greek myth was not primarily driven by apologetics, but constituted an important aspect of Jewish Hellenism. Juden trafen in der hellenistischen Zeit regelmässig auf griechische Mythen: in der Literatur, in der Kunst oder im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch. Dieses Buch ist die erste weitgespannte Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen Strategien, die jüdisch-hellenistische Autoren in ihrem Umgang mit griechischen Mythen anwandten. Das Hauptgewicht der Untersuchung liegt auf dem jüdischen Historiker Flavius Josephus, aber eine grosse Zahl weiterer Autoren vom 3. Jh. volumeChr. bis zum 1. Jh. n.Chr. wird auch einbezogen. Diese Autoren haben griechische Mythen nicht einfach nur verworfen. Häufig zeigen sie eine bemerkenswerte Vertrautheit mit ihnen und gelegentlich gar die Bereitschaft, sie mit jüdischen Mythen zu verbinden. Der antike jüdische Diskurs über die griechischen Mythen war nicht in erster Linie von Apologetik bestimmt, sondern bildete einen wichtigen Aspekt des jüdischen Hellenismus.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004191136 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Der Mythos der religiösen Neutralität : Eine Studie zum verborgenen Einfluss des religiösen Glaubens auf Theorien /

: Geschrieben für Bachelor-Studenten, für gebildete Laien und für Wissenschaftler in anderen Feldern als der Philosophie - Der Mythos der religiösen Neutralität bietet eine radikale Neuinterpretation der allgemeinen Beziehungen zwischen Religion, Wissenschaft und Philosophie. Übersetzung von: Clouser, Roy A., The Myth of Religious Neutrality. An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories. Notre Dame, London: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005 (1991) erw. u. verb. Neuausgabe.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004300965

Published 1993
The myth of Egypt and its hieroglyphs in European tradition /

: Originally published : Copenhagen : Gad, 1961. : 177 pages, 24 pages of plates : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 0691021244

Published 2010
Constructing tradition means and myths of transmission in Western esotericism /

: The question of constructing tradition, concepts of origin, and memory as well as techniques and practices of knowledge transmission, are central for cultures in general. In esotericism, however, such questions and techniques play an outstanding role and are widely reflected upon, in its literature. Esoteric paradigms not only understand themselves in elaborated mytho-poetical narratives as bearers of "older", "hidden", "higher" knowledge. They also claim their knowledge to be of a particular origin. And they claim this knowledge has been transmitted by particular (esoteric) means, media and groups. Consequently, esotericism not only involves the construction of its own tradition; it can even be understood as a specific form of tradition and transmission. The various studies of the present voume, which contains the papers of a conference held in Tübingen in July 2007, provide an overview of the most important concepts and ways of constructing tradition in esotericism.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004216372 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
Plato and the moving image /

: This book shows how and why debates in the philosophy of film can be advanced through the study of the role of images in Plato's dialogues, and, conversely, why Plato studies stands to benefit from a consideration of recent debates in the philosophy of film. Contributions range from a reading of Phaedo as a ghost story to thinking about climate change documentaries through Plato's account of pleonexia . They suggest how philosophical aesthetics can be reoriented by attending anew to Plato's deployment of images, particularly images that move. They also show how Plato's deployment of images is integral to his practice as a literary artist. Contributors are Shai Biderman, David Calhoun, Michael Forest, Jorge Tomas Garcia, Abraham Jacob Greenstine, Paul A. Kottman, Danielle A. Layne, David McNeill, Erik W. Schmidt, Timothy Secret, Adrian Switzer, and Michael Weinman.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004398290

Published 2002
Kykeon : studies in honour of H.S. Versnel /

: A collection of papers with new insights on ancient religion, read at a colloquium in honour of Professor H.S. Versnel (\'Inconsistencies in Greek and Roman Religion\'). The contributions, presented by nine leading scholars in the field, cover many areas of the religious experience of the Greeks and Romans: myth and ritual (W. Burkert), the gods (F. Zeitlin), cult, festivals, sacrifice. Several papers consider methodological problems and the progress of scholarship; they highlight the contribution of H.S. Versnel to the field. The papers are based on a wide range of sources: pagan and Christian, literary and epigraphical and iconographical. The collection will fascinate all scholars interested in ancient religion, whether they study malign magic, the Imperial cult or general theory.
: 1 online resource (viii, 228 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004295940 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Audias fabulas veteres : Anatolian studies in honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová /

: The publication Audias fabulas veteres. Anatolian Studies in Honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová contains 31 contributions on current research topics in the fields of Ancient Anatolian and Near Eastern Languages, History, Religion, and Literature. The topics cover not only the main languages of this geographical area, such as Hittite, Luwian, Hattian, Hurrian, Akkadian, and Sumerian but also comparative linguistics and the latest methods of digitalising cuneiform texts, as well as religion, mythology and divinities, rituals, proverbs and analysis of geographical and historical documentation. Finally, it offers new analyses of some of the most remarkable texts and text passages of the ancient Anatolian literary tradition.
: 1 online resource (xl, 518 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004312616 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
Ignatius adversus Valentinianos? : chronologische und theologiegeschichtliche Studien zu den Briefen des Ignatius von Antiochien /

: This volume discusses the authenticity of the seven letters, handed down under the name of Ignatius of Antioch, and explores the wider theological context at the time of their composition. The author first examines the chronological foundations of current scholarly consensus, which on the whole favours an early second-century date for the composition of these letters, during the reign of the emperor Trajan (98-117). On the basis of his findings the author next addresses the question raised by the title of the volume: do some of the polemic passages in these letters specifically attack Valentinian gnosis? After a detailed discussion of chapters 16-20 of the Letter to the Ephesians it is shown that the Ignatian Star Hymn (Eph. 19) should be seen as a parody of Valentinian myth. The volume concludes with a study of the Regula fidei (Eph. 18,2).
: Revision of the author's thesis--Munich, 1998. : 1 online resource (xxvi, 370 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004313132 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Pindars sechste olympische Siegesode : Text, Einleitung und Kommentar /

: Pindar's Sixth Olympian Ode is considered one of the poet's most brilliant victory odes. This is the first full-scale commentary on it. Adorjáni presents Greek text with critical apparatus, translation and metrical analysis. Three introductory chapters treat matters of history (background, date, performance) and literary criticism. Then follows a verse-by-verse commentary rooted in the tradition of philological exegesis, concentrating on grammatical, stylistic and interpretive features. Until now the Sixth Olympian has been praised chiefly for its magnificent and lucid presentation of the myth of Iamos, a seer of Arcadian origin and ancestor of the prophetic clan of the Iamidae. This commentary illuminates both the overwhelming depth of thought and the cunningly wrought structure of this masterpiece, contributing to a better understanding of Pindar's verbal artistry. Pindars sechste olympische Ode ist einer der glänzendsten Siegesgesänge des Dichters. Hier wird der erste umfassende philologische Kommentar zum Gedicht vorgelegt. Adorjáni bietet einen griechischen Text mit kritischem Apparat, Übersetzung, metrischer Analyse und drei Einleitungskapiteln, die in die Probleme der Geschichtlichkeit (Hintergrund, Entstehungszeit, Aufführung) und der literarischen Interpretation hineinführen. Auf diesen Teil folgt ein von Vers zu Vers fortschreitender Kommentar, der gemäß den alten Traditionen der Texterklärung auf grammatische, stilistische und interpretatorische Fragen eingeht. Bisher wurde Olympie 6 zumeist als großartige und suggestive Erzählung des Mythos des Sehers Iamos, des Vorfahren der olympischen Iamiden, gewürdigt. Diesem Kommentar ist daran gelegen, die intrikate Gedankentiefe und vollkommenste Formkunst dieses Meisterwerks vor Augen zu führen.
: 1 online resource (pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004277397 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2020
Valentinianism : new studies /

: "Since Antiquity, the movement associated with Valentinus has been regarded as the most typical and the most representative exponent of "Gnosticism." Recent research has led to a new appraisal of Valentinianism as a distinct form of early Christianity that deserves to be understood in its own right. Valentinianism served as a catalyst for the development of mainstream Christian doctrine, exegesis and ritual. Its connections to contemporary forms of Platonism are being progressively uncovered. The present volume, edited by Christoph Markschies and Einar Thomassen, shows the current state of research on Valentinianism, offering contributions by leading experts about the history of the movement, contested aspects of Valentinian doctrine, and the use and interpretation of the New Testament by the Valentinians"--
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004414815

Published 1992
Geschichte und Probleme der Religionswissenschaft.

: This book contains a collection of 18 articles written by the author in the last 30 years on methodological, terminological and historical problems concerning the field of his discipline at Leipzig University, namely Religious Studies. Some articles are rewritten, others only revised or complemented. Much influenced at this University in considering the field of Religious Studies as an area based primary on history and philology, independent of theology and philosophy, this work focuses a.o. on terms like Myth, Mythology, Demythologizing, and Syncretism; on subjects like Mohammed, the relation between Jews, Christians and Muslims; and on leading figures of the discipline in past and present. An introductory essay provides the autobiographical considerations, necessary for a good understanding of the collection. Das Buch enthält 18 Aufsätze des Autors aus den letzten 30 Jahren, die sich mit wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen, methodologischen und terminologischen Problemen der Religionswissenschaft (Rw) beschäftigen. Mehrere von ihnen sind neubearbeitet, andere wenigstens durchgesehen und ergänzt worden. Da der Verfasser das Fach fast 25 Jahre an der Universität Leipzig (früher DDR) vertreten hat, ehe er nach den USA und dann nach Marburg berufen wurde, waren seine Möglichkeiten begrenzt, sich zu grundlegenden und aktuellen Fragen seiner Disziplin zu äußern, und wenn, dann in Zeitschriften, die nicht so verbreitet sind, daß sie international beachtet werden konnten. Seine Ausbildung in Leipzig mit einer der ältesten Traditionen der deutschen Rw und die damalige Situation bestimmen daher die Mehrzahl seiner Arbeiten in bemerkenswerter Weise, indem sie versuchen der Rw ein eigenständiges Profil zu geben, und zwar auf der Grundlage einer streng historisch-philologischen, nichttheologischen Position, die vor allem auch ihre ideologiekritische Seite mit einschließt. Einige Beiträge widmen sich außerdem terminologischen Themen (Mythos, Entmythologisierung, Synkretismus, Entwicklung, Sekte), andere historischen (Mohammed, Verhältnis von Juden, Christen und Muslimen, Frühes Christentum) und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen (H. Haas, J. Wach, W. Baetke, Eliade, Religionsgeschichtliche Schule). Der einleitende Essay gibt autobiographische Reflexionen wieder, die zum Verständnis der Sammlung nötig sind. Das Buch greift grundlegende Probleme der Rw auf, die bis heute diese Disziplin begleiten, auch wenn verständlicherweise neue Fragestellungen aufgekommen sind, von denen der Verfasser z.B. die der Religion-Umwelt-Beziehung (der älteren Religionsgeographie) aufgreift.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004378766