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Published 2004
Swedish archaeologists on ethics /

: 391 pages : illustrations, maps ; 21 cm. : 9197371378

Published 2023
The Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) in Sahidic Coptic : Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary /

: The apocryphal Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) plunges us right into the heart of early-Christian conceptions of heaven and hell. Its vivid eyewitness account of otherworldly punishment and reward was translated into many different languages and inspired numerous later authors, among whom Dante. This book offers a re-edition and English translation of the ancient Coptic version. An exhaustive commentary makes the text accessible and situates it in the time and place where it was written, fourth-century Egypt. As this new study shows, the Coptic version is by far the best available witness of the original Apocalypse of Paul .
: 1 online resource : 9789004526464

Published 2023
The Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) in Sahidic Coptic : Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary /

: The apocryphal Apocalypse of Paul (Visio Pauli) plunges us right into the heart of early-Christian conceptions of heaven and hell. Its vivid eyewitness account of otherworldly punishment and reward was translated into many different languages and inspired numerous later authors, among whom Dante. This book offers a re-edition and English translation of the ancient Coptic version. An exhaustive commentary makes the text accessible and situates it in the time and place where it was written, fourth-century Egypt. As this new study shows, the Coptic version is by far the best available witness of the original Apocalypse of Paul .
: 1 online resource : 9789004526464

Aegyptiaca /

: viii, 296 pages ; 24 cm.

Published 1925
Psalterii versio memphitica e recognitione Pauli de Lagarde /

: 1 p. ., ix, iv, 180 p. ; 27 cm. :

L'esclavage dans l'Inde ancienne d'après les textes palis et sanskrits /

: 144 pages ; 25 cm.

Published 2006
Descriptions monumentales et discours sur l'édification chez Paulin de Nole : le regard et la lumiè̀re (epist. 32 et carm. 27 et 28) /

: Pontius Meropius Paulinus (ca 353-431), one of the greatest poets of Late Latin Poetry and author of an important correspondence, was born in a wealthy family of the Gallo-Roman aristocracy in Bordeaux. After his spectacular conversion to asceticism and his sacerdotal ordination, he set up definitively as a monk in Italy, in Campanian Nola besides the tomb of St. Felix. There, Paulinus devoted his considerable fortune to the restructuring of the monumental complex which has appeared around this holy place, since the early years of the fourth century and mainly a church. This book is a literary and spiritual study of the description of this complex (carm. 27 and 28 and epist. 32), an other way of edification (the edification of the soul in temple for her creator.) A careful comparison with archaeological testimonies must help estimate the status of Paulinus'monumental descriptions. *** Pontius Meropius Paulinus (vers 353-431), un des plus grands poètes de l'Antiquité tardive, auteur d'une importante correspondance, est issu d'une riche famille de l'aristocratie bordelaise. Après sa conversion spectaculaire à l'ascétisme et son ordination sacerdotale, il vint s'installer définitivement en tant que moine à Nole en Campanie auprès de la tombe de saint Félix. Là Paulin consacra sa fortune considérable à la restructuration du complexe monumental apparu autour de ce saint lieu, depuis les premières années du quatrième siècle, principalement une église. Ce livre est une étude littéraire et spirituelle de la description de ce complexe (carm. 27 et 28; epist. 32), une autre sorte d'édification (celle de l'âme en temple pour son créateur). Une comparaison prudente avec les témoignages archéologiques permettra d'évaluer le statut des descriptions monumentales de Paulin.
: 1 online resource (xii, 552 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 491-514) and indexes. : 9789047409519 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1971
Novum Testamentum in linguam belgicam meridionalem versum/De Zuidnederlandse vertaling van het Nieuwe Testament : 2. Epistulae Pauli, Epistulae canonicae, Actus Apostolorum, Apocalypsis Johannis...

: 1 online resource (214 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004625518

Published 1992
Religion and Time.

: The essays in this volume, all freshly written for this purpose, focus on the concept of time in the major religious traditions. Two essays prepare the methodological grounds - by elaborating the phenomenological and existential conceptions of time and their religious significance. The theme of time, so central to the religious point of view, offers a focal point for fruitful interreligious dialogue. The essays also demonstrate that the complexities of the understanding of time in any religious tradition no longer permit the use of familiar but outdated clichés.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004378773

Published 2018
Sacred thresholds : the door to the sanctuary in late antiquity /

: Sacred Thresholds. The Door to the Sanctuary in Late Antiquity offers a far-reaching account of boundaries within pagan and Christian sanctuaries: gateways in a precinct, outer doors of a temple or church, inner doors of a cella . The study of these liminal spaces within Late Antiquity - itself a key period of transition during the spread of Christianity, when cultural paradigms were redefined - demands an approach that is both interdisciplinary and diachronic. Emilie van Opstall brings together both upcoming and noted scholars of Greek and Latin literature and epigraphy, archaeology, art history, philosophy, and religion to discuss the experience of those who crossed from the worldly to the divine, both physically and symbolically. What did this passage from the profane to the sacred mean to them, on a sensory, emotive and intellectual level? Who was excluded, and who was admitted? The articles each offer a unique perspective on pagan and Christian sanctuary doors in the Late Antique Mediterranean.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004369009 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2005
The Saint's saints : hagiography and geography in Jerome /

: The Saint's Saints presents Jerome's world picture as seen through his saints' Lives . It analyses both his rhetoric and his descriptions of realia , and the way he combines classical, Christian and Jewish sources to re-write the biblical Holy Land as a new and Christian world for his readers. Susan Weingarten looks at how Jerome dovetails his literary sources with his experience of the material world of the fourth century to write the Lives of the saints Paul, Hilarion, Malchus and Paula, effectively using them to write the Life of Saint Jerome. This is the first full-length study of Jerome's saints' Lives . It widens the on-going debate about mutual influences in Jewish and Christian literature in the fourth century, and revises our picture of the historical geography of Palestine.
: 1 online resource (xv, 317 pages) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-298) and index. : 9789047407508 : 0169-734X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2013
Pottery, pavements, and paradise : iconographic and textual studies on late antiquity /

: These essays on late antiquity traverse a territory in which Christian and pagan imagery and practices compete, coexist, and intermingle. The iconography of the most significant late antique ceramic, African Red Slip Ware, is an important and relatively unexploited vehicle for documenting the diversity and interpenetration of late antique cultures. Literary texts and art in other media, particularly mosaics, provide imagery that complement and enhance the messages of the ceramics. Popular entertainments, pagan cults, mythic heroes, beasts, monsters, and biblical visions are themes dealt with on the patrician and popular levels. With interpretive supplements from these diverse realms, it is possible to achieve greater insight into the life, attitudes, and thought of Late Antiquity.
: 1 online resource (xxii, 582 pages) : illustrations (some color) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 435-459) and index. : 9789004256934 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
In the second degree : paratextual literature in ancient Near Eastern and ancient Mediterranean culture and its reflections in medieval literature /

: To better understand the phenomenon of Literature in the Second Degree - in Jewish and Biblical studies often characterized as parabiblical or Rewritten Bible - the current volume applies the theories of Gerard Genette to ancient and medieval literature from various cultures. Literature in the Second Degree realigns earlier (authoritative) texts to the dynamics of developing cultures and their changing cultural memories. In the case of authoritative base texts, Literature in the Second Degree reaffirms their authority by way of interpretative actualization. In the case of non-authoritative base texts it replaces them to effect cultural forgetting. Far from being just literary forgery (pseudepigraphy), Literature in the Second Degree has an important function in the development of the ancient and medieval cultures.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004194199 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
The impact of scripture in early Christianity /

: One of the most conspicuous innovations of early Christianity within Greco-Roman culture is its reliance upon a collection of authoritative texts. The ultimate author of Scripture was thought to be God Himself, whose will could and should be sought and found in these holy writings. For this reason it is not surprising that very soon these texts not only became the object of careful attention and scholarly study, but also put their stamp on the various forms and manifestations of early Christian life, such as martyrdom, asceticism, liturgy, art, and literature. This multifarious influence of Scripture is the subject of The Impact of Scripture in Early Christianity . It contains fourteen contributions, predominantly in English, by Belgian and Dutch scholars which have been gathered in a thematically ordered collection.
: 1 online resource (xiii, 278 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004313118 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Brill's companion to Seneca, philosopher and dramatist /

: This new and important introduction to Seneca provides a systematic and concise presentation of this author's philosophical works and his tragedies. It provides handbook style surveys of each genuine or attributed work, giving dates and brief descriptions, and taking into account the most important philosophical and philological issues. In addition, they provide accounts of the major steps in the history of their later influence. The cultural background of the texts and the most important problem areas within the philosophic and tragic corpus of Seneca are dealt with in separate essays.
: 1 online resource (xii, 883 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 771-860) and index. : 9789004217089 : 1872-3357 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica : collected essays of Gilles Quispel /

: This volume brings together a rich and varied collection of essays by Gilles Quispel (1916-2006), Professor of the History of the Early Church at Utrecht University from 1951 until his retirement in 1983. During his illustrious career, Professor Quispel was also visiting Professor at Harvard University in 1964/65, and visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Leuven from 1969 until 1974. The fifty essays collected in this volume testify to most of the prominent themes from Professor Quispel's scholarly career: the writings of the Nag Hammadi library in general and the Gospel of Thomas in particular; Tatian's Diatessaron and its influences; the Hermetica ; Mani and Manichaeism; the Jewish origins of Gnosticism; and Gnosis and the future of Christianity. This volume also makes a number of his less known earlier publications (mainly presented under the heading 'Catholica') available to the international community. Until shortly before he died, Professor Quispel remained active in his study of the Gospel of Thomas . He had been one of the first to acquire the Coptic text of the Gospel of Thomas , of which he published the first translation in 1959 and his final translation in 2005. He was also active in researching the Diatessaron , and Valentinus 'the Gnostic'. One of his most recent essays - published for the first time in this volume - is on 'the Muslim Jesus.'
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047441823 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1994
The Literary Coptic manuscripts in the A.S. Pushkin State Fine Arts Museum in Moscow /

: This volume contains the first complete publication of the collection of Coptic literary manuscripts now in the A.S. Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, Moscow. The collection formed in 1870-1908 by Vladimir Golenischev is of great value since it covers almost the entire field of early Christian literature in Egypt and substantially aids to fill up serious lacunae in many well-known literary works, to say nothing of the texts hitherto unknown. Important is also the fact that Coptica Golenischeviana largely derives from the library of St. Shenoute's monastery at Sohag, this virtual National Library of Christian Egypt, the source of the riches of the museums and libraries of Paris, Vienna, Berlin et cetera.
: Includes facsimiles of original manuscripts, translations, and commentary. : 1 online resource (vii, 527 pages, 192 pages of plates) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004312845 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
Theological and philosophical responses to syncretism : beyond the mirage of pure religion /

: Theological and Philosophical Responses to Syncretism: Beyond the Mirage of Pure Religion by Patrik Fridlund and Mika Vähäkangas (editions.) starts from the observation that there is a substantial gap between religions' self-understanding and the empirical results of religious studies concerning religious blending. Even in theology of religion, one often portrays religions as if they were entities fundamentally separate from each other. The aims of this book are to elaborate theologically the consequences of syncretism to Christian faith and of syncretism to philosophy. By creating a critical interchange between theological, philosophical and empirical approaches to religion, this book challenges the conventional views of purity of religions prevailing in theology and philosophy as well as proposes theological and philosophical ways forward. Contributors are: Jonas Adelin, Stephen Bevans, Gavin d'Costa, Patrik Fridlund, Lotta Gammelin, Elizabeth Harris, Jerker Karlsson, Paul Linjamaa, Kang-San Tan, Mika Vähäkangas.
: 1 online resource (vii, 230 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004336599 : 2210-481X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1967
The Province of York /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004623002

Published 2016
Caring for joy : narrative, theology, and practice /

: In Caring for Joy: Narrative, Theology, and Practice Mary Clark Moschella offers a new account of the value of joy in caregiving vocations, demonstrating how the work of caring for persons, communities, and the world need not be a dreary endeavor overwhelmed by crises or undermined by despair. Moschella presents glimpses of joy-in-action in the narratives of five notable figures: Heidi Neumark, Henri Nouwen, Gregory Boyle, Pauli Murray, and Paul Farmer, gleaning their wisdom for the construction of a theology of joy that embodies compassion, connection, justice, and freedom. Care must be deep enough to hold human suffering and spacious enough to take in the divine goodness, beauty, and love. This book expands the pastoral theological imagination and narrates joy-full approaches to transformational care. "This work is a scholarly, engaging and compassionate call to reconsider the significance of joyful living and joyful lives in radical pastoral theology." - Heather Walton, University of Glasgow , President of the International Academy of Practical Theology, July 2016. "Based on biographies, interviews, and life stories, Mary Clark Moschella presents joy as a counter-cultural emotion, as a spiritual path, and as a fruit of the Spirit. In her research, joy and reason are not ultimately opposed." - Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner, Professor of Pastoral Care, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University , July 2016. "This highly readable and compelling theology of joy will inspire you to explore how joy might energize your vocation, especially caregiving vocations that use narrative approaches to spiritual care and pastoral counseling. I plan on using this book as a textbook in my theodicy, grief, death and dying, and vocational courses." - Carrie Doehring, Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Iliff School of Theology, Denver , August 2016 "Mary Moschella has given us a rare text, one that is theologically rich, intellectually sophisticated, drenched in pastoral wisdom, and beautifully written. She gives us a pastoral theology attuned to the realities of diversity and sensitive to the complex challenges facing those who lives constantly interface with suffering. There is simply nothing else like this book in pastoral care." - Willie James Jennings, Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies, Yale University , August 2016
: 1 online resource (xvi, 303 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004325005 : 2352-9288 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.