L'autorite religieuse et ses limites en terres d'islam : approches historiques et anthropologiques /
Reprenant à nouveaux frais la question de l'autorité religieuse, ce livre présente différents cas d'étude en Asie centrale, à travers l'Empire ottoman, dans les Balkans et en Turquie. Sont examinés les rapports complexes qu'entretiennent, avec le pouvoir politique, cheikhs soufis, oulémas, sheikh ul-islâm , hégoumènes, ou encore clergé latin à l'époque prémoderne. Les XXe et XXIe siècles sont analysés du point de vue des transformations de l'autorité religieuse, certes fragmentée mais vigoureuse, en particulier chez les réformistes musulmans bosniaques et les Bektashis albanais, également parmi les Alévis d'Anatolie ou bien dans le soufisme féminin à Istanbul. Il apparaît que l'autorité religieuse dépasse le seul cadre des autorités traditionnelles et se heurte sans cesse à des limites théologiques, politiques, sociales ou institutionnelles. Ont contribué/contributors include: Elisabetta Borromeo, Xavier Bougarel, Rachida Chih, Nathalie Clayer, Jérôme Cler, Benoît Fliche, Anna Neubauer, Alexandre Papas, Nicolas Vatin, Gilles Veinstein. Reconsidering the question of religious authority, L'autorité religieuse et ses limites en terres d'islam offers various case studies located in Central Asia, throughout the Ottoman Empire, in the Balkans and in Turkey. The present volume discusses the complex relationships between political power and religious authorities, such as Sufi shaykhs, ulamas, sheikh ul-islâm , hegumens, and the latin clergy in the premodern period. The 20th and 21th centuries are analysed from the perspective of the transformation of religious authority - certainly fragmented but vigorous - among the Bosnian Muslim Reformists, the Albanian Bektashis, the Alevis of Anatolia, and in female Sufism in Istanbul. It appears that religious authority is not limited to traditional authorities and is continuously confronted with limits, whether theological, political, social or institutional.
1 online resource (ix, 277 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004244566 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Les associations religieuses en Egypte d'apres les documents demotiques /
: Includes romanized transcription, French translation and philological commentary of the texts of regulations of religious associations contained in papyri Lille 29, Cairo 30605-30606, 30619, 31178-31179, Berlin 3115, and romanized transcription with French translation of the papyri Prague and Hambur 1. The atlas contains facsims. of the papyri. : vii, 270 pages : illustrations, atlas (17 folded facsims) 28 cm. : Bibliography : pages [263]
Panthée : religious transformations in the Graeco-Roman Empire /
Panthée presents a collective reflection relating to the changes that affected the Graeco-Roman Empire and over the long term altered its religious landscapes. Fifty years after the foundation of the series EPRO, the volume aims to avoid the division between the supposedly \'Roman\' or \'Graeco-Roman\' and the \'Oriental\' by linking the available information relating the different major areas, such as the relation between local and global, the place of emotions in relation to soteriological and initiatory aspects, strategies of integration and negotiation of identities. For the first time the leading specialists in every field bring their approaches into contact with one another, and jointly construct a picture of practices and conceptual frames, which, in their diversity and inter-action, model a religious universe whose complexity will help to understand our modern globalising world. Panthée propose une réflexion collective sur les mutations qui ont affecté l'Empire gréco-romain et ont progressivement remodelé ses paysages religieux. Cinquante ans après la création de la collection des EPRO, ce livre ambitionne de dépasser le clivage entre ce qui serait \'romain\', ou \'gréco-romain\', et ce qui serait \'oriental\' en articulant les données disponibles autour de quelques thèmes majeurs, comme les jeux d'échelle entre local et universel, la place du registre des émotions en relation avec les dimensions sotériologiques et mystériques, les stratégies d'intégration et de négociation des identités. Pour la première fois, les meilleurs spécialistes venus de tous les horizons croisent leurs approches et construisent ensemble un tableau des pratiques et des cadres de pensée qui, dans leur diversité et dans leur interaction, dessinent les contours d'un univers religieux dont la complexité aide à penser le monde moderne de la globalisation.
1 online resource (x, 385 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004256903 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religion and society : an agenda for the 21st century /
Religion is set to be a major force in the twenty-first century. Here is a book that tells us what the world's leading scholars have to say about this. Issues of conflict and peace, ethical questions concerning the use of advanced technology, explanations of the global religious revival, and the role of women in religious leadership, as well as questions about how to study religion, are all discussed. It is a volume that ranges exceptionally widely, in terms of the themes discussed, the variety of disciplines, and the participation of international scholars debating with each other. One section of the book is devoted to Japanese scholarship concerning the world's major religions. Contributors include: Talal Asad, Chin Hong Chung, Armin Geertz, Gerrie ter Haar, Rosalind Hackett, Eiko Hanaoka, Shōtō Hase, Mark Juergensmeyer, Noriko Kawahashi, Kiyotaka Kimura, Ursula King, Pratap Kumar, William Lafleur, Sylvia Marcos, Tomoko Masuzawa, Ebrahim Moosa, Kōjirō Nakamura, Vasudha Narayanan, Haruko Okano, Suwanna Satha-Anand, Susumu Shimazono, Noriyoshi Tamaru, Masakazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Tsuchiya, Yoshio Tsuruoka, Manabu Watanabe, Pablo Wright.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [283]-297) and index. :
9789047422464 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Théologie et culte au temple de Soknopaios : études sur la religion d'un village égyptien pendant l'époque romaine : quatre séminaires à l'École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences religieuses...
: 221 pages : illustration ,Facsmis, plans ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9782915840377
Art and architecture of the synagogue in late antique Palestine : in the shadow of the church /
This study examines the material evidence for synagogues and churches in the Holy Land from the age of Constantine in the fourth century CE to the Arab conquest of the eastern provinces in the seventh century CE. Whereas scholars once viewed the growth of the Byzantine empire as time of persecution, a re-evaluation of the archaeological evidence indicates that Jews prospered along with their Christian neighbours. What influence did Christian art and architecture have on ancient synagogues? In the sixth century, one-third of all known synagogues in Palestine bear features similar to early Byzantine churches: basilical layouts, mosaic floors, apses, and chancel screens. Focusing on these features sheds light on how Jewish communities met the challenges posed by the Church's development into a major religious and political power. This book provides a critical analysis of the archaeological evidence as a basis for our better understanding of Jewish identity and community in late Antique Palestine.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [273]-297) and index. :
9789047418719 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The impact of imperial Rome on religions, ritual, and religious life in the Roman Empire...
This volume presents the proceedings of the fifth workshop of the international thematic network ,Impact of Empire', which concentrates on the history of the Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C. - A.D. 476, and, under the chairmanship of Lukas de Blois and Olivier Hekster (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands), brings together ancient historians, archaeologists, classicists and specialists on Roman law from some 28 European and North American universities. The fifth volume focuses on the impact of imperial Rome on religions, ritual and religious life in the Roman Empire. The following topics are treated: connections between Roman expansion and religion, the imperial impact on local cults, cultic personnel (priests, priestesses and bishops), and the divinity of Roman Emperors.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Le pouvoir du roi d'Égypte d'après la spiritualité pharaonique : 2778-1085 av. J.-C. /
L'histoire sociopolitique et religieuse de l'Egypte pharaonique mentionne l'existence de trois clergés : celui du dieu Ptah, celui du dieu Rê et celui du dieu Amon. Ces clergés étant directement rattachés au palais royal en Egypte ancienne, l'analyse des signes constitutifs des noms des dieux permet de comprendre, sous un autre angle, le règne de Pharaon. Pour véritablement régner, Pharaon doit s'approprier les qualités des dieux qu'il représente sur le trône d'Egypte.
100 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. :
Nomes et toparchies en Égypte gréco-romaine : Realités administratives et géographie religieuse d'Éléphantine à Memphis /
Regional and administrative units, nomes and toparchies divided Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt into a multitude of regions and districts, allowing the total control of the state over the land. Used since at least the Old Kingdom, this system has undergone important changes throughout the history of the country. However, the pace and nature of the remodelling seem to intensify during the Greco-Roman period. This book analyses the territorial division of Egypt, between Elephantine and Memphis, and its fluctuations from the third century BC to the end of the third century AD, when the reforms of Diocletian changed the system again. In parallel to the study of the country's administrative division, the religious geography outlined in the nomes lists and processions of this late period is investigated in detail in order to highlight the reciprocal influences between these two modes of perception of the Egyptian landscape. The interactions observed in this study, even minimal ones, make it possible to nuance the fossilisation of priestly geography and thus to reconsider the traditional Egyptological cliché which claims that a strong distinction is to be made between these two geographies, especially during the Ptolemaic and Roman eras. :
xv, 544 pages : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 484-509) and indexes. :
2724708458 :
Typologie spatio-temporelle de l'ecclesia byzantine : la Mystagogie de Maxime le Confesseur dans la culture philosophique de l'antiquité tardive /
This study addresses the philosophical context of the Mystagogy of Maximus the Confessor. It examines how the Byzantine monk integrates Neoplatonist topics when exposing one of the most important feature of his religious conception of the physical world or cosmology. The volume contains three chapters. The first one compares the purpose of the Mystagogy and the program of the philosophical training in late Antiquity. The second consists of two parts : (1) study of the use of the Aristotelian categories of 'when' and 'where' in the 'Ambiguum 10' of Maximus in order to analyse the status of ecclesiastical architecture and the nature of the liturgical 'synaxis' of the church (chapter 3); (2) study of the development of the categories of space and time in the works of the Neoplatonist Greek commentators of Plato and Aristotle such as Jamblichus, Proclus, Simplicius and Damascius. The third chapter offers the first extended examination of the metaphysical status of the 'ecclesia' and its dynamic activity compared to the metaphysical status of space and time required for the explanation of the Neoplatonist physical world system. Henceforth, the 'ecclesia' of the Mystagogy can be considered as the type of the providential action of God. This book provides many important new perspectives for reading the works of Maximus the Confessor, especially the Mystagogy, not only for theologians, but also for scholars interested in late Antique and Byzantine philosophy. Cette étude, consacrée au contexte philosophique de la Mystagogie de Maxime le Confesseur, examine comment le moine byzantin intègre certains concepts tirés du Néoplatonisme quand il expose les plus importantes lignes de sa conception religieuse du monde physique. Ce volume contient trois chapitres. Le premier compare l'objectif de la Mystagogie et le programme philosophique des écoles de l'Antiquité tardive. Le second comporte deux parties : (1) une étude de l'emploi des catégories 'quand' et 'où' dans l' Ambiguum 10 ' de Maxime avec pour objectif l'analyse du statut de l'architecture ecclésiale et l'analyse de la nature de la synaxe liturgique (chapitre 3); (2) une étude du développement des catégories de lieu et de temps dans les Oeuvres des Commentateurs néoplatoniciens de Platon et d'Aristote, tels Jamblique, Proclus, Simplicius et Damascius. Le troisième chapitre offre la première étude approfondie du statut métaphysique et dynamique de l' ecclesia compare au statut métaphysique du lieu et du temps requis par l'explication néoplatonicienne du monde physique. L' ecclesia de la Mystagogie sera ainsi considerée comme le type de l'action providentielle de Dieu dans le monde créé. Ce livre fournit une nouvelle perspective de lecture des Oeuvres de Maxime le Confesseur et devrait intéresser tant les théologiens que les scientifiques consacrant leurs travaux à l'Antiquité tardive et à la philosophie byzantine.
1 online resource (ix, 215 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-211) and indexes. :
9789047406853 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New chapters in the history of rhetoric /
This volume gathers over forty papers by leading scholars in the field of the history of rhetoric. It illustrates the current trends in this new area of research and offers a great richness of insights. The contributors are from fourteen different countries in Europe, America and Asia ; the majority of the papers are in English and French, some others in German, Italian, and Spanish. The texts and subjects covered include the Bible, Classical Antiquity, Medieval and Modern Europe, Chinese and Korean civilization, and the contemporary world. Word, speech, language and institutions are addressed from several points of view. One major topic, among many others, is Rhetoric and Religion.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047428473 :
1875-1148 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Eglises et santé dans le Tiers Monde :hier et aujourd'hui = Churches and health care in the Third World : past and present /
The fifteen papers presented here examine three centuries of close, if sometimes ambiguous, links between Christian mission and medicine. The authors, who include theologians, historians, sociologists, physicians and representatives of major international health-care organisations, address themselves to such questions as: How is one to assess the results of past missionary health-care effort? How are modern-day Christian organisations to cope with the burden of institutions set up in the past? What links should the Churches maintain with official medical organisations? What position should the Churches take on the 'faith volume healing' debate begun by certain religious groups? And how is one to lay the groundwork of a theology of health and healing? The complexity of the issues outlined here can - alas - provide no easy answers. Quinze auteurs, compris théologiens, historiens, sociologues, médecins et responsables d'organisations sanitaires, ont centré leurs réflections sur le rôle des Églises chrétiennes dans le domaine de la santé, hier dans les pays de mission, aujourd'hui dans ces mêmes régions où se mûrit une véritable inculturation du christianisme. Dans cet ouvrage ils abordent plusieurs questions fondamentales: comment évaluer les résultats et lacunes de l'action sanitaire des missions dans le passé? Les communautées chrétiennes actuelles doivent-elles porter le poids d'institutions mises en place hier? Quels rapports les Églises doivent-elles entretenir avec les organisations médicales officielles? Comment les Églises se situent-elles dans la dialectique 'foi-guérison' développée par certains groupes religieux? Plus profondément, comment poser les jalons d'une théologie de la santé et de la guérison? Trouver les reponses sur ces questions complexes c'est une tache très délicate.
French and English. :
1 online resource (xxi, 176 pages, [4] pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004319868 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Individuals and materials in the Greco-Roman cults of Isis : agents, images, and practices /
In Individuals and Materials in the Greco-Roman Cults of Isis Valentino Gasparini and Richard Veymiers present a collection of reflections on the individuals and groups which animated one of Antiquity's most dynamic, significant and popular religious phenomena: the reception of the cults of Isis and other Egyptian gods throughout the Hellenistic and Roman worlds. These communities, whose members seem to share the same religious identity, for a long time have been studied in a monolithic way through the prism of the Cumontian category of the "Oriental religions". The 26 contributions of this book, divided into three sections devoted to the "agents", their "images" and their "practices", shed new light on this religious movement that appears much more heterogeneous and colorful than previously recognized.
Proceedings of the VIth International Conference of Isis Studies (Erfurt, May 6-8, 2013 - Liege, September 23-24, 2013). :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004381346 :
0927-7633 ;
Modern Societies and the Science of Religions: : Studies in Honour of Lammert Leertouwer /
This book brings together studies by seventeen specialists in the science of religions in which they relate the changes in their discipline to the changes which have occurred in a select number of modern(ising) societies worldwide. It attempts to study these developments in their relation to and as conditioned and constrained by cultural change, changes in educational systems, technology, population (for example migration), economic patterns, politics, and, last but not least, religious systems. The essays focus on resp. France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the USA, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Indonesia, Japan, and China. Written in honour of Dr. Lammert Leertouwer, professor of History of Religions and the Comparative Study of Religions at Leiden University from 1979 until his retirement in 1997, the book is particularly important for all those who are interested in the religious, social and political contexts of the academic Study of Religions in general and in the various countries dealt with in particular.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004379183 :
0169-8834 ;
Le pouvoir impérial dans les provinces syrienne s représentations et célébrations d'Auguste à Constantin (31 av. J.-C.-337 ap. J.-C.) /
This book focuses on the role of the emperor and the image of the Roman Empire as a whole during the time period from Augustus to Constantine. It analyses this image by taking into account the epigraphic, literary, numismatic and archaeological sources from Phoenicia to Osrhoene and from Commagene to Arabia. While discussing Graeco-Roman cities and rural settlements among desert areas, it addresses celebrations as well as the organization and promotion of the imperial cult in the Near East. This includes the imperial cult's forms of expression of symbolic, political, and various other social or religious functions. This approach, therefore, explores the real and imaginary relationships that existed between the Roman Empire and the populations of the Syrian provinces.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [325]-250) and indexes. :
9789004203624 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.