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Shajarat al-ḥaḍārah : qiṣṣat al-insān mundhu fajr mā qabl al-tārīkh ḥattá bidāyat al-ʻaṣr al-ḥadīth /

: Translation of : his The tree of culture. : volume <2> : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Published 1961
Shajarat al-ḥaḍārah : qiṣṣat al-insān mundhu fajr mā qabl al-tārīkh ḥattá bidāyat al-ʻaṣr al-ḥadīth /

: Translation of : The tree of culture. : volume <2-3> : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Published 1980
Shajarat al-ḥukm /

: 143 pages ; 20 cm.

Published 2019
Shajarat al-mulūk : Tārīkh-i manẓūm-i Sīstān az kuhantarīn rūzgārān tā farmānrawāyi-yi Malik Bahrām...

: Sistan is a region straddling the eastern border between Iran and Afghanistan and on the Iranian side part of the province of Sistan-Baluchistan. Irrigated by numerous rivers coming from the mountains of central Afghanistan, the fields of Sistan produce mostly barley and wheat. Located on the trade routes between north and south and east and west, Sistan's strategic importance has always been recognized. The last conflict involving control over Sistan dates back to the nineteenth century when Persia and Afghanistan disputed the region, the border finally being fixed by the second Sistan Border Commission in 1903-05. There are not many local histories on Sistan, until recently only the anonymous Taʾrīk̲h̲-i Sīstān (5th-7th/11-13th cent.) and Malik Shāh Ḥusayn's Iḥyāʾ al-mulūk (11th/17th century). The history of Sistan published here is especially interesting because it runs until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Until now, we possessed little information beyond the early eighteenth century. Mathnawī, imitating the Shāh-nāma.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004404908

Sharḥ al-Burdah lil-Imām al-Būṣīrī wa-tashṭīruhā /

: 41 pages ; 25 cm

Published 1974
al-Rasūl ... wa-sunnatuhu al-sharīfah /

: 360 pages ; 20 cm. : Bibliography : pages 358.

Published 1993
al-Sīrah al-sharīfah al-Manṣūrīyah : sīrat al-Imām ʻAbd Allāh ibn Ḥamzah, 593-614 H. /

: 2 v. (1038 P.) : ill. ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 987-999) and indexes.

Published 2004
Il était une fois une sultane, Chagarat al-Durr /

: 176 pages : map ; 21 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-176). : 270681859X

Published 1962
Kānat malikah ʻalá Miṣr : Ḥatshibsūt, Nafartītī, Kalyūbātirā, Shajarat al-Durr

: Translation of: She was queen of Egypt : Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Shagaret el dor / Winifred Holmes : 218 color illustrations ; 25 cm.

Sharḥ al-mufaṣṣal /

: 10 volumes in 3 ; 28 cm.

Published 1934
Sharḥ dīwān Jarīr /

: Includes indexes. : 16, 607 pages ; 25 cm.

Published 2019
Sharḥ al-arbaʿīn /

: In the history of Islamic literature, the 'Forty Traditions' genre goes back as far as the 3th/9th century at least and exists in all of Islam's major and minor languages. It finds its origin in the tradition saying that whoever commits forty traditions to memory will be reckoned among the jurists on Resurrection Day. Collections vary, from a simple listing of the basic teachings of Islam to more dedicated works around some specific theme, in either case with or without a commentary. Qāḍī Saʿīd Qumī (d. after 1107/1696) is a Shīʿite philosopher, jurist, physician and mystic of the Safavid period. Having been trained by some of the foremost scholars of his time, he spent most of his active life in Qum, where he divided his time between his judgeship and teaching. The literary, mystical and philosophical explanations in the present, unfinished collection are all written from the viewpoint of the author's own, 'transcendent' metaphysics.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004402157

Published 2018
Sharḥ al-Qabasāt /

: The Sharḥ al-Qabasāt is a commentary on Mīr Dāmād's (d. 1040/1630-31) last and famous philosophical work al-Qabasāt , short for Qabasāt ḥaqq al-yaqīn fī ḥudūth al-ʿālam . Founder of the so-called Ḥikmat-i Yamānī approach in philosophy, Mīr Dāmād is one of the prominent representatives of a group of thinkers that is usually referred to as the 'School of Isfahan'. The author of the commentary, Sayyid Aḥmad ʿAlawī al-ʿĀmilī (d. 1054-60/1644-1650), was a son-in-law and former student of Mīr Dāmād, as well as of Shaykh Bahāʾ al-Dīn ʿĀmilī (d. 1030/1621). With around fifty titles to his name in various disciplines, rational and traditional sciences alike, Sayyid Aḥmad wrote the commentary at the request of Mīr Dāmād himself, but only completed it when the latter had passed away. A collection of glosses rather than a running commentary, this Arabic work bears testimony to the commentator's extensive knowledge of the entire Islamic philosophical tradition.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004395411

Published 1979
al-Tuḥfah al-laṭīfah fī tārīkh al-Madīnah al-sharīfah /

: volumes <1-3 > : facsimiles ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index.

Published 1970
Sharḥ Maqāmāt al-Ḥarīrī /

: 4 volumes ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 1927
Sharḥ qaṣīdat Bānat Suʻād /

: 88 pages ; 24 cm.

Published 1959
Sharḥ Nahj al-balāghah /

: volumes <1-18> ; 25 cm.

Published 1936
Sharḥ dīwān al-Farazdaq /

: 2 volumes ; 23 cm.

Published 1904
Sharḥ shawāhid al-Mughnī /

: 330, 2 pages ; 28 cm.

Published 1938
Sharḥ Dīwān al-Mutanabbī /

: 4 volumes ; 25 cm.