Toponymy on the periphery : placenames of the Eastern Desert, Red Sea, and south Sinai in Egyptian...
"In Toponymy on the Periphery, Julien Charles Cooper conducts a study of the rich geographies preserved in Egyptian texts relating to the desert regions east of Egypt. These regions, filled with mines, quarries, nomadic camps, and harbours are often considered as an unimportant hinterland of the Egyptian state, but this work reveals the wide explorations and awareness Egyptians had of the Red Sea and its adjacent deserts, from the Sinai in the north to Punt in the south. The book attempts to locate many of the placenames present in Egyptian texts and analyse their etymology in light of Egyptian linguistics and the various foreign languages spoken in the adjacent deserts and distant shores of the Red Sea"--
xvii, 718 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 618-685) and indexes. :
9789004361690 :
0169-9601 ;
Toponymy on the periphery : placenames of the Eastern Desert, Red Sea, and south Sinai in Egyptian...
"In Toponymy on the Periphery, Julien Charles Cooper conducts a study of the rich geographies preserved in Egyptian texts relating to the desert regions east of Egypt. These regions, filled with mines, quarries, nomadic camps, and harbours are often considered as an unimportant hinterland of the Egyptian state, but this work reveals the wide explorations and awareness Egyptians had of the Red Sea and its adjacent deserts, from the Sinai in the north to Punt in the south. The book attempts to locate many of the placenames present in Egyptian texts and analyse their etymology in light of Egyptian linguistics and the various foreign languages spoken in the adjacent deserts and distant shores of the Red Sea".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Altägyptische Weltsichten : Akten des Symposiums zur historischen Topographie und Toponymie Altägyptens vom 12.-14. Mai 2006 in München /
International conference proceedings.
Copyright by Manfred Görg, München. :
196 pages : illustrations, maps ; 31 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9783447058605 (alk. paper)
Ancient place-names in the governorate of Kafr el-Sheikh /
This book is a diachronically oriented toponomastic study of a single northern Egyptian governorate. At its core it is a gazetteer of ancient place names that are likely to have, or have been claimed to have, origins either in ancient Egyptian, Coptic, or Greek. It provides an extensive list of attestations, collected from diverse sources that range from Predynastic hieroglyphic labels to modern town signs. Despite the focus on ancient toponyms, its point of departure is current non-Arabic place-names in modern Egypt because so much documentation from antiquity is lacking. The book also includes results from onomastic fieldwork that was conducted in the area with the aim of ascertaining local pronunciations and folk etymologies. It highlights the high density of ancient names still present in a region that is under-represented in ancient texts, and thus offers a new perspective on the development of the northern fringes of the Delta. The study should be of interest to Egyptologists, Arabists, and anyone concerned with the origins and development of place names.0.
xvii, 469 pages ; 26 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Archaeology by the Fourth Nile Cataract : survey and excavations on the left bank of the river and on the islands between Amri and Kirbekan.
This volume is the first of several devoted to publishing the results of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society's surveys and excavations in the region of the Fourth Cataract. This, a component of the Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project, was conducted along a 40km stretch of the river on the left bank and on the islands. Following an introduction to the project, chapters focus on the palaeoenvironment in the concession area between Amri and Kirbekan, on the flora and toponyms, and on the folklore, agricultural practices, architecture and the life styles of the Manasir and Shaqiya inhabitants immediately before the inundation of the region by the Merowe Dam.
Also issued in print: 2023. :
1 online resource (280 pages) : illustrations (colour), maps (colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781803274966 (PDF ebook) :
Décrire, nommer ou rêver les lieux en Orient : géographie et toponymie entre réalité et fiction : Jean-Marie Kruchten in memoriam /
: Papers from the 48th "Journées des orientalistes belges/Journées Armand Abel-Aristide Théodoridès", held 19-20 Mar. 2010 in Ath, Belgium. : xxxii, 200 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782960101218
Les stèles de l'an 3 d'Aspelta /
"A new stele dated Year III of Aspelta was discovered one fragment after another between 1999 and 2007 on the site of Dukki Gel (Pnubs), one kilometre north of Kerma. What started as archaeological research turned into a police investigation when the largest fragment was confiscated from a Sudanese man who had sent a copy of the text to the Museum of Khartoum to enquire about the potential commercial value of the object in his possession. Five fragments constituting the main part of the upper and median sections of the stele could thus be reassembled, along with two fragments of the lower rim. The scarce number of Napatean inscribed monuments known to us makes every new discover likely to shed entirely new light on this very specific period when the Kushite kings ceased to rule over Egypt but kept close cultural relationships with it beyond the now interrupted political links. The date of the stele - Year III, 1st month of Winter, the 12th - places it twenty days after the stele from Sanam, downstream of the 4th cataract, now in the Louvre Museum (C 250 = E 6209) which is dated Year III, 3rd month of the akhet season, the 22nd day. The latter commemorated the visit to the temple of Amun-Ra Bull of Nubia by a delegation sent by the king to replace the sistrum player of the temple. Reading the inscription of stele from Dukki Gel shows that most members of the delegation of the Sanam stele are still mentioned here, although important redactional discrepancies are to found between the two texts. A comparison of the two inscriptions lets us establish certain orthographic rules followed by the scribe of each stele, one with an Egyptian training while the other one seems to have been influenced by a specific local culture, which the Dukki Gel stele contributes to reveal." -- Page 4 of cover.
vi, 117 pages : color illustrations, color map ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 93-97) and indexes. :
9782724706185 :
0259-3823 ;