Islamic studies today : essays in honor of Andrew Rippin /
Islamic Studies Today: Essays in Honor of Andrew Rippin , is a collection of essays on the Qur'ān, qur'anic exegesis, the early history of Islam, the relationship of the qur'anic text to writings from other religious traditions, and the use of the Qur'ān in modern discussions and debates. Its scope is medieval and modern contexts and it covers regions right across the Muslim world. The essays are based on and reflect Rippin's broad interests and methodological innovations; his studies of text transmissions, hermeneutical studies of the Qur'ān; careful unpacking of the complex relations between qur'anic exegesis and historical contexts; and exploring potential new methodologies for future research. With contributions by: Herbert Berg, Stefano Bigliardi, Majid Daneshgar, Bruce Fudge, Claude Gilliot, Andreas Görke Feras Hamza, Gerald Hawting, Aaron W. Hughes, Tariq Jaffer, Marianna Klar, Jane McAuliffe, Arnold Yasin Mol, Angelika Neuwirth, Gordon Nickel, Johanna Pink, Michael E. Pregill, Gabriel S. Reynolds, Peter G. Riddell, Walid A. Saleh, Nicolai Sinai, Roberto Tottoli
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004337121 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Theory and Method in the Study of Religion : Twenty Five Years On.
Theory and Method are two words that cause considerable consternation in the academic study of religion. Although everyone claims to be aware of and to engage them, the fact of the matter is that they remain poorly understood. Some see the terms as irritants that get in the way of data interpretation and translation. Others may invoke them sporadically to appear in vogue but then return quickly and myopically to their material and with little concern for the larger issues that such terms raise. To contribute to these debates, the present volume reproduces select articles from Method and Theory in the Study of Religion (MTSR) from the first 25 volumes of the journal, and allows a group of younger scholars to introduce and review them, asking if the issues raised are still relevant to the field. Read the Inaugural Editorial now, please click here .
List of ContributorsIndex. :
1 online resource (314 pages) :
9789004257573 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
First-Century Christians in Twenty-First Century Africa : Between Law and Grace in Gabon and Madagascar /
Millions of African Christians who consider themselves genealogical descendants of one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel-in other words, Jewish by ethnicity, but Christian in terms of faith-are increasingly choosing a religious affiliation that honors both of these identities. Their choice: Messianic Judaism. Messianic adherents emulate the Christians of the first century, observing the Jewish commandments while also affirming the salvational grace of Yeshua (Jesus). As the first comparative ethnography of such "fulfilled Jews" on the African continent, this book presents case studies that will enrich our understanding of one of global Christianity's most overlooked iterations.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Brill's companion to Thucydides /
This volume on Thucydides, the most important historian of the ancient world, comprises articles by thirty leading international scholars. The contributions cover a wide range of issues, including Thucydides' life, intellectual milieu and predecessors, Thucydides and the act of writing, his rhetoric, historical method and narrative techniques, narrative unity in the History, the speeches, Thucydides' reliability as a historian, and his legacy through the centuries. Other topics dealt with include warfare, religion, individuals, democracy and oligarchy, the invention of political science, Thucydides and Athens, Sparta, Macedonia/Thrace, Sicily/South Italy, Persia, and the Argives. The volume aims to provide a survey of current trends in Thucydidean studies which will be of interest to all students of ancient history. Brill's Companion to Thucydides was awarded Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2007 .
1 online resource (xix, 947 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 839-882) and indexes. :
9789047404842 :
1872-3357 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Yearbook of Chinese theology 2016 /
The Yearbook of Chinese Theology is an international, ecumenical and fully peer-reviewed annual that covers Chinese Christianity in the areas of Biblical Studies, Church History, Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, and Comparative Religions. It offers genuine Chinese theological research previously unavailable in English, by top scholars in the study of Christianity in China. The 2016 volume highlights the five sub-disciplines of theology. Wang Wei-fan's evangelical theology and Christian ecumenism and its internal contradiction is studied from a systematic theological viewpoint. Additionally, a theology of soul and body is proposed as an approach of sinicization of Christianity. Civil Christian and political identity are also studied in the relation to the sinicization of Christianity in China. The belief logic and social actions of the "Kingdom-Got sect" and the origin of "A New Treatise on Aids to Administration" have been explored from the historical perspective. The meditations of the Three-Self Church by K. H. Ting from a socio-religious perspective, and the missionaries' resolution of the term question in The Chinese Recorder have been studied in their relations to the Bible. There are comparative studies on the unreconciled religious diversity in the dialogue of civilizations and the different views about truth in Christianity and Confucianism. The academic report analyzes the eventful year of 2010 in the Catholic Church in China. This volume offers genuine Chinese theological research, which was previously unavailable in English, by top scholars in the study of Christianity in China. Contributors include: Juhong Ai, Jianming Chen and Tao Xiao, Xiaojuan Cheng, Xiangping Li, Gong Liang, Jianbo Huang, Paulos Huang, Meixiu Wang, Philip L. Wickeri, Kevin Xiyi Yao, Jie Zhao, Weichi Zhou.
1 online resource (xxii, 212 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004322127 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A Functional Approach to the Legal Review of Autonomous Weapon Systems /
Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) are no longer limited to science fiction. Conflicts in the Ukraine and Gaza demonstrate an increased trend toward the use of autonomy in the use of force in armed conflict. This book analyses the art 36 legal review obligation and assesses how states can determine the legality of AWS. It proposes a new 'functional' approach to legal review that considers both weapons law and targeting rules engaged by the autonomous functionality.
1 online resource (255 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Book of Clear Arabic Expression regarding the Arab Tribes of Egypt : An edition, translation and study of al-Maqrīzī's al-Bayān wa'l-iʿrāb ʿammā bi-arḍ Miṣr min al-aʿrāb /...
Al-BayÄn wa'l-iÊ¿rÄb Ê¿ammÄ fÄ« arḠMiá¹£r min al-aÊ¿rÄb is an influential treatise on the Arab and Berber groups that inhabited the Egyptian countryside in the late medieval period. The work brings together al-MaqrÄ«zÄ«'s life-long preoccupation with the history of Egypt and his parallel interest in the history of the Arabs, pitting the lineage-based ideology of Arab rebels against the Mamluk elite of manumitted slaves. Over the past century, the BayÄn has been repeatedly deployed in public debates about the Arab identity of Egypt. This book offers a critical study of the treatise in its fifteenth century context, an academic edition, and a first translation into English.
1 online resource (270 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
In the shadow of Bezalel : Aramaic, biblical, and ancient Near Eastern studies in honor of Bezalel Porten /
Twenty nine scholars from Israel, Europe and the Americas came together to honor and celebrate Prof. Bezalel Porten's (Emeritus, Dept. of History of the Jewish People, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) academic career. Covering a wide variety of topics within Aramaic, Biblical, and ancient Near Eastern Studies, In the Shadow of Bezalel offers new insights and proposals in the areas of Aramaic language, paleography, onomastica and lexicography; ancient Near Eastern legal traditions, Hebrew Bible, and social history of the Persian period.
1 online resource (l, 429 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004240841 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studying Christianity in China : constructions of an emerging discourse /
Studying Christianity in China introduces an emerging academic trend in contemporary Chinese scholarship. Through qualitative interviews with leading experts in Chinese Christian studies, Naomi Thurston has investigated the ongoing conversation between China and Christianity. Since the 1980s, this conversation has given rise to an interdisciplinary academic field that is quickly gaining traction as a cutting-edge, cross-cultural discourse. The Chinese intellectuals driving this field are encountered as unique transmitters of cultural knowledge: they are cultural mediators working in a range of humanities and social science disciplines who are not only re-interpreting Western theology, but are also lending a new voice to Chinese expressions of the Christian faith. As such, they are at the forefront of a novel force in World Christianity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004363076 :
2452-2953 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Proclus of Constantinople and the Cult of the Virgin in Late Antiquity : Homilies 15, Texts and Translations.
Proclus of Constantinople was an outstanding pulpit orator who established the rhetoric and rationale for the Byzantine devotion to the Mother of God. In this book, the critical editions of Proclus' most celebrated Marian sermons (Homilies 1-5) provide the point of departure for a far-reaching study of the rise of the Virgin's cult in Late Antiquity. The homilies are supported by a historical introduction to the life and work of Proclus, situating him within the larger religious culture of fifth-century Constantinople. Richly documented chapters explore the symbolism of the incarnation and virgin birth, including the notion of virginal \'conception through hearing,\' and the image of Mary's womb as a textile loom wich weaves a veil of flesh the bodiless divinity.
Description based upon print version of record. :
1 online resource (465 pages) :
9789047404309 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Postcolonial biblical interpretation : reframing Paul /
In Postcolonial biblical interpretation Jeremy Punt reflects on the nature and value of the postcolonial hermeneutical approach, as it relates to the interpretation of biblical and in particular, Pauline texts. Showing when a socio-politically engaged reading becomes postcolonial, but also what in the term postcolonial both attracts and also creates distance, exegesis from a postcolonial perspective is profiled. The book indicates possible avenues in how postcolonial work can be helpful theoretically to the guild of biblical scholars and to show also how it can be practiced in exegetical work done on biblical texts.
1 online resource (ix, 265 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 231-256) and index. :
9789004288461 :
1566-208X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Exalted Spirits: The Veneration of the Dead in Egypt through the Ages
The exhibition was opened on the 9th of November, 2021 at The Egyptian Museum in Cairo and was followed by a three-day conference from the 10th to the 12th of November, 2021. This three-day conference, in partnership with The American University in Cairo (AUC) and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (MoTA), covered the veneration of deceased figures in Egypt from the Pharaonic period up to current times, using the diverse evidence available in terms of texts, images, and lived traditions. The conference featured academic papers as well as panel discussions focusing on current practises related to the veneration of the dead and their origins, which may be traced back to ancient Egypt, and was aimed at both academic and non-academic participants. The former presented academic papers, while the latter (which included creatives from different fields) participated in panel discussions. Academic papers published in a peer-reviewed journal
Guide to the study of ancient magic /
In the midst of academic debates about the utility of the term "magic" and the cultural meaning of ancient words like mageia or khesheph , this Guide to the Study of Ancient Magic seeks to advance the discussion by separating out three topics essential to the very idea of magic. The three major sections of this volume address (1) indigenous terminologies for ambiguous or illicit ritual in antiquity; (2) the ancient texts, manuals, and artifacts commonly designated "magical" or used to represent ancient magic; and (3) a series of contexts, from the written word to materiality itself, to which the term "magic" might usefully pertain. The individual essays in this volume cover most of Mediterranean and Near Eastern antiquity, with essays by both established and emergent scholars of ancient religions. In a burgeoning field of "magic studies" trying both to preserve and to justify critically the category itself, this volume brings new clarity and provocative insights. This will be an indispensable resource to all interested in magic in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, ancient Greece and Rome, Early Christianity and Judaism, Egypt through the Christian period, and also comparative and critical theory.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004390751 :
0927-7633 ;
The codification of Islamic criminal law in the Sudan. Penal codes and Supreme Court case law under Numayri and al-Bashir /
In The Codification of Islamic Criminal Law in the Sudan , Olaf Köndgen offers an in-depth analysis of the Sudan's Islamized penal codes of 1983 and 1991, their historical, political, and juridical context, their interpretation in the case law of the Supreme Court, and their practical application. He examines issues that arise in sharīʿa criminal law, including homicide, bodily harm, unlawful sexual intercourse ( zinā , liwāṭ ), rape, unfounded accusation of unlawful sexual intercourse ( qadhf ), highway robbery ( ḥirāba ), apostasy ( ridda ), and alcohol consumption. Drawing on a wide range of primary and secondary sources, a large number of previously untapped Supreme Court cases, and interviews with judges and politicians, Köndgen convincingly explains the multiple contradictions and often surprising aspects of one of the Arab world's longest lasting applications of codified sharīʿa criminal law. Olaf Köndgen won the DAVO Dissertation Prize 2014 for his Ph.D. thesis. \'This extremely well-documented study represents a milestone for the discussion of Islamic criminal law in the Muslim world as a whole and in the Sudan especially. Olaf Köndgen fills an academic void; his work deserves the greatest recognition, for its extraordinary quality, its thoroughness and systematic approach.\' Prof. Günter Meyer, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
1 online resource (450 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004357082 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Philo Index : A Complete Greek Word Index to the Writings of Philo of Alexandria /
This new reference work is the first and only available word index to all the Greek words in the writings of Philo of Alexandria, main fragments included. Designed specifically to aid with research on Philo, this lemmatized and computer-generated concordance lists each Greek word alphabetically, followed by an exhaustive listing of every occurrence of the term within Philo's extensive corpus of extant writings. Based on the four major translations of Philo's writings (Cohn-Wendland, Colson, Petit, and Paramelle) this index eases word study by including contracted words and words with variant spellings into a single listing. It also notes supplementary lemmas and other grammatical variations in brackets after the primary term. The product of the Norwegian Philo Concordance Project begun in the late 1960s by Peder Borgen (University of Trondheim), with development assistance from Kåre Fuglseth (University of Trondheim) and Roald Skarsten (University of Bergen), The Philo Index is a must for research and academic libraries and will be indispensable for scholars and students of Philo. A Brill-Eerdmans co-publication
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
World Christianity : Methodological Considerations /
"World Christianity publications proliferate but the issue of methodology has received little attention. World Christianity: Methodological Considerations addresses this lacuna and explores the methodological ramifications of the World Christianity turn. In twelve chapters scholars from various academic backgrounds (anthropology, religious studies, history, missiology, intercultural studies, theology, and patristics) as well as of multiple cultural and national belongings investigate methodological issues (e.g. methods, use of sources, choosing a unit of analysis, terminology, conceptual categories,) relevant to World Christianity debates. In a closing chapter the editors Frederiks and Nagy converge the findings and sketch the outlines of what they coin as a 'World Christianity approach', a multidisciplinary and multiple perspective approach to study Christianity/ies' plurality and diversity in past and present"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Towards a new history for the Egyptian Old Kingdom : perspectives on the pyramid age /
The Pyramid Age represents the first of several highpoints in ancient Egypt's long history. But critical questions remain about the period, its social structure and economic organization, and the long-term implications of its artistic achievements. On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Journal of Egyptian History , The University of British Columbia, Harvard University, and Brill Academic Publishers, Boston, held a conference at Harvard University on April 26, 2012. A distinguished group of Egyptological scholars from around the world gathered to consider new perspectives on the Pyramid Age; the results are presented here.
"In this first volume of the Harvard Egyptological Studies we publish the proceedings of an International Symposium held at Harvard University on April 26th, 2012"--Preface. :
1 online resource (vi, 529 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004301894 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.