Showing 1 - 20 results of 65 for search 'Mass rape~', query time: 7.78s Refine Results
Published 1977
An Assessment of Mass Meetings as a Method of Evangelism : Case Study of Eurofest '75 and the Billy Graham Crusade in Brussels /

: 1 online resource (296 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004652200

Published 1995
Leaders and masses in the Roman world : studies in honor of Zvi Yavetz /

: It is largely thanks to Zvi Yavetz that the Roman plebs has become "Salonfähig". In numerous important studies Yavetz has focused his - and our - attention on the problem of the relationship between the ruler and the masses of the ruled. Thus, it seemed natural to choose various aspects of this relationship as the topic of a volume in his honour. The articles here contributed by thirteen eminent friends and colleagues deal with historical and theoretical questions of the relationship between "the one" and "the many", covering a period from the second century B.C., through the times of the Late Republic and the Principate, to Late Antiquity and, finally, to an intriguing view at modern totalitarianism as perceived from an Enlightenment perspective.
: English, French, German, and Italian. : 1 online resource (xvii, 243 pages) : "Zvi Yavetz: bibliography" (p. [xiv]-xvii).
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004329447 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

The role of mass communications in inter : the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973 /

: Added t.p. in Arabis : Dawr al-i'lam fi al-sira al-duwali : dirasah fi harb uktubar 1973
Sammary in Arabic
Based on the author's thesis (M.A.), American University in Cairo, 1975. : vii, 87, 4 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. : bibliography : pages 82-87.

Published 1970
Islamische Masse und Gewichte : umgerechnet ins metrische System /

: 68 pages ; 25 cm.

Published 2022
Das Maß des Menschen : Platons Antwort an Protagoras im 'Theaitetos' und im 'Protagoras' /

: Protagoras beansprucht, die Jugend erziehen zu können. Warum nicht? Wenn «Mensch Maß aller Dinge» ist, kann jeder jeden 'besser' machen... Für Plato geht das nicht auf. Insofern Pädagogik Menschen dazu bringen will, 'bessere' Wesen zu werden, verlangt sie nach Plato ein gesundes Verständnis von 'Sein' überhaupt. Diese Studie untersucht die ontologischen Implikationen des Homo mensura -Satzes, Protagoras' Prämisse, im 'Theaitetos' - einem Dialog, der selten ontologisch gelesen wird. Wenn der protagoräische Prämisse den pädagogischen Anspruch nicht trägt, dürfte der 'Protagoras' gar nicht eigentlich von den erzieherischen Fragen handeln, die diskutiert werden. Es könnte sich herausstellen, dass er einen 'verborgenen' Diskurs enthält... Protagoras claims to be able to educate the young. If «Man is Measure of Everything», anybody can make everybody 'better'... To Plato, this doesn't add up. Insofar as pedagogy aims at making humans become better beings, to Plato it supposes a sound conception of 'being' per se. This study explores the ontological implications of homo mensura , Protagoras' premiss, in the 'Theaetetus' - a dialogue which is rarely read ontologically. If the Protagorean premiss doesn't support the pedagogical claim, the 'Protagoras' might not even be about the educational questions under discussion, but turn out to contain a 'hidden' discourse....
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004471092

Published 2022
The IOS Annual Volume 21. "Carrying a Torch to Distant Mountains" /

: The IOS Annual Volume 21: "Carrying a Torch to Distant Mountains" , brings forth cutting-edge studies devoted to a wide array of fields and disciplines of the Middle East. The three sections-the Ancient Near East, Semitic Languages and Linguistics, and Arabic Language and Literature-include sixteen articles. In the Ancient Near East section are studies devoted to Babylonian literature (Gabbay and Wasserman; Ayali-Darshan), history (Cohen and Torrecilla), and language (Zadok). The Semitic Languages and Linguistics section contains discussions about comparative Semitics-Egyptian and Modern South Arabic (Borg; Cerqueglini), Aramaic dialects (Khan; Stadel), Palestinian Arabic (Arnold; Procházka), and Tigre and Ethiosemitic languages (Voigt). The final section of Arabic Language and Literature is devoted to ʿArabiyya and its grammarians (Dror, Versteegh, Sheyhatovitch, Kasher, and Sadan)
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004499140

Published 1982
Terrorism, the Media and the Law /

: Published under the Transnational Publishers imprint.
: 1 online resource (232 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004640603

Published 2008
Islam and Muslims in Germany /

: In the European discourse of post 9/11 reality, concepts such as "Multiculturalism", "Integration" and "European Islam" are becoming more and more topical. The empirically- based contributions in this volume aim to reflect the variety of current Muslim social practices and life-worlds in Germany. The volume goes beyond the fragmented methods of minority case studies and the monolithic view of Muslims as portrayed by mass media to present fresh theoretical approaches and in-depth analyses of a rich mosaic of communities, cultures and social practices. Issues of politics, religion, society, economics, media, art, literature, law and gender are addressed. The result is a vibrant state-of-the-art publication of studies of real-life communities and individuals. Contributors are Kilian Bälz, Kea Eilers, Friedmann Eissler, Konrad Hirschler, Jeanette S. Jouili, Melanie Kamp, Matthias Kulinna, Judith Pies, Claudia Preckel, Robert Pütz, Mathias Rohe, Sabine Schiffer, Verena Schreiber, Christoph Schumann†, Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, Clara Seitz, Faruk Şen, Viola Shafik, Yafa Shanneik, Martin Sökefeld, Margrete Søvik, Levent Tezcan, Jörn Thielmann, Nikola Tietze and Maria Wurm. This book is also available in paperback .
: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 1 online resource. : 9789047430001 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
Current approaches to collective burials in the late European prehistory : proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1-7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain).

: The articles in this volume provide examples of different approaches currently being developed on Prehistoric collective burials of southern Europe, mostly focusing on case studies, but also including contributions of a more methodological scope.
: Previously issued in print: 2017.
Conference proceedings. : 1 online resource (xii, 128 pages) : illustrations (black and white) : Specialized. : 9781784917227 (ebook) :

Published 2017
Current approaches to collective burials in the late European prehistory : proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1-7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain).

: The articles in this volume provide examples of different approaches currently being developed on Prehistoric collective burials of southern Europe, mostly focusing on case studies, but also including contributions of a more methodological scope.
: Previously issued in print: 2017.
Conference proceedings. : 1 online resource (xii, 128 pages) : illustrations (black and white) : Specialized. : 9781784917227 (ebook) :

Published 1978
The care and feeding of dirt archeologists : a manual of sanitation, hygiene, and medicine for archeological field expeditions in the Near East /

: x, 76 pages ; 21 cm. : Bibliography : pages 75-76.

Published 2009
Sustain me with raisin-cakes : Pesikta deRav Kahana and the popularization of rabbinic Judaism /

: History and literature come together in a new way in this study of the midrashic collection Pesikta deRav Kahana. The book combines the findings of rabbinic historians and early Christianity scholars with a close reading of this midrashic text on its own and in relation to the tannaitic midrashim which preceded it. The rich picture that emerges suggests that PRK, in its new homiletical and aggadic stance, develops a religious language more appealing and accessible to the masses, an outreach language meant to win rabbinic popularity. Exploring issues of power and rhetoric, the book also places PRK's outreach language into the cultural context of the imperialism of Roman Christian homily.
: Revision of author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 2004 under title: Rabbinic preachers and their audiences in the Amoraic midrashim Pesikta derav Kahana and Leviticus rabbah. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [209]-214) and indexes. : 9789047442288 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1998
The two faces of Graeco-Roman Egypt /

: On May 1st, 1998 Professor P.W.Pestman retired from academic teaching. His contributions to the field of papyrology are well known: he has continually stressed the importance of Egyptian sources for the study of Greek and Roman Egypt, and the importance of studying the Greek and Egyptian documentation together, in context. Indeed, he has been among the first to link the formerly separate Greek and Egyptian documentation, establishing modern papyrological practice. He has thus given an Egyptian face to Graeco-Roman society, to complement the Greek face that had previously dominated papyrology. The present volume contains twelve contributions by members and alumni of the Papyrologisch Instituut that illustrate the two faces of Graeco-Roman Egypt and show how they may be tied together.
: Includes and index. : 1 online resource : 9789004427846

Published 2000
The Sea of Galilee boat : a 2000 year old discovery from the sea of legends /

: "Originally published : New York : Plenum Press, c1995. : xviii, 424 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 389-396) and index. : 0738203297
9780738203294 : aya

Published 1978
Passing through the netherworld : the meaning and play of senet, an ancient Egyptian funerary game /

: Cover title. : 67 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. + 1 game (board, 14 playing pieces, 4 dice sticks ; in box, 27 x 22 x 4 cm.) : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 1917
Varia africana /

: 1 (1917)-
Ceased with 5 (1932) : Editor varies.
Imprint varies. : 3 volumes : illustrations, maps, plates ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographies.

Published 2017
The politics of religion and the rise of social Catholicism in Peru (1884-1935) /

: In The Politics of Religion and the Rise of Social Catholicism in Peru (1884-1935) Ricardo Cubas Ramacciotti provides a lucid synthesis of the Catholic Church's responses to the secularisation of the State and society whilst offering a fresh appraisal of the emergence of Social Catholicism and its contribution to social thought and development of civil society in post-independence Peru. Making use of diverse historical sources, Cubas provides a comprehensive view of a reformist yet anti-revolutionary trend within the Peruvian Church that, decades before the emergence of Liberation Theology and under divergent intellectual paradigms, developed an active agenda that addressed the new social problems of the country, including those of urban workers, and of indigenous populations.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004355699 : 1542-1279 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Holistic Qumran : trans-disciplinary research of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls /

: Much of the previous sixty years (1949-2009) have been devoted to the cleaning of the Dead Sea scrolls, their piecing together and their translation. The present volume is a scientific study of the various archaeological relics that have been found in the three units at Qumran: The settlement, the caves with the scrolls and the cemetery. With the aid of neutron activation of Qumran's pottery we established its human relations with neighboring sites, by radio carbon dating we placed the relics in their time frame, by DNA we study the provenance of the animal hides that served the scribes as parchment. The ink is studied for examining the degradation processes that started when the scrolls were written, 2000-2300 years ago.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004190757 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Wrestling with God and with evil : philosophical reflections /

: The fact of evil continues to raises questions - questions about the relationship between God and evil but also questions about human involvement in it. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is now time to see the existence of evil not just as a problem for belief in God; it is a problem for belief in humanity itself as well. For human involvement in evil is not simply a matter of coping with evil but also concerns the fact that humans themselves often seem to do wrong and evil inevitably. Human finitude, ignorance and the unforeseeable consequences of good intentions as well as of neglect can often lead to tragedy. This volume contains contributions from an equal number of male and female scholars in Western Europe and America. It contains discussions of thinkers like Kant, Kierkegaard, Barth, Weil, Levinas, Naber, Caputo and Johnson. It deals with issues like tragedy, finitude, critiques of Western culture, violence and God, and the question of whether theodicies are needed or are even honest. This volume offers an interesting survey of 'wrestling with God and evil' from a variety of perspectives in the philosophy of religion on both sides of the Atlantic.
: International conference proceedings.
This volume is part of the project on The problem of evil in religious traditions: origins, forms and coping, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Vrije Universiteit and the exhibition "Religion & Evil" in the Tropenmuseum. : 1 online resource (240 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789401204019 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2013
Testing pluralism : globalizing belief, localizing gods /

: This volume of the Religion and the Social Order series examines the phenomenon of the globalization of religions that has particularly characterized the last fifty years. Historically, religions were relatively tightly connected with territoriality. The advent of relatively inexpensive and relatively accessible air transport has made it possible for groups of significant size to move from their original homelands and resettle in new sites. In contrast to predictions associated with secularization theories that dominated the middle of the twentieth century, today we find that the world's religions continue to provide meaning and value in the lives of their adherents. This volume examines at a global level a variety of such groups and their adjustments.
: 1 online resource (244 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004254756 : 1061-5210 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.