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Judiciary and Arbitration in Bahrain : A Historical and Analytical Study /
Although Bahrain has had an established system of law courts since 1771, it was only in the course of the twentieth century that it gradually developed a fully-fledged legal system compatible with international norms. Today, like the other Gulf states, its sophisticated judiciary represents a blend of Islamic Shari'a, British common law, and modern reforms drawn principally from Egypt's civil law-influenced trdition. In recent decades, arbitration has also taken its place as an important adjunct to the judiciary.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Fichtes Bildtheorie im Kontext, Teil II : Besondere systematische Funktionen des Bildbegriffs /
This volume examines Fichte's notion of the image in the systematic domains of ethics, philosophy of history, political philosophy, philosophy of language, aesthetics, and the philosophy of religion. Several contributions investigate from various viewpoints the central feature of Fichte's late philosophy that, in terms of image theory, human freedom is understood as the ability to understand oneself as the image of an absolute that transcends all appearances. These investigations reveal that Fichte's image theory underlies his late ethics, state theory, and educational conception and thus characterizes the peculiar meaning in which Fichte's late philosophy is still to be understood as an expression of an Enlightenment project that goes beyond mere theory. This volume also contains the three papers awarded with the "Fichte Prize for Young Researchers" in 2018. Der vorliegende Band untersucht Fichtes bildtheoretisches Denken von der Theorie der Einbildungskraft bis in die systematischen Bereiche der Ethik, der Geschichtsphilosophie, der politischen Philosophie, der Sprachphilosophie, der Kunsttheorie und der Religionsphilosophie. Dass die Freiheit des Menschen bildtheoretisch aus der in seinem Selbstbewusstsein angelegten Fähigkeit zu verstehen ist, sich als Bild eines alle Erscheinungen transzendierenden Absoluten zu verstehen, ist ein zentraler Gedanke der Spätphilosophie Fichtes, der in mehreren Beiträgen unter verschiedenen Fragestellungen in den Blick genommen und diskutiert wird. Dabei zeigt sich, dass diese These Fichtes seiner späten Ethik, Staatstheorie und Erziehungskonzeption zugrunde liegt und damit den eigentümlichen Sinn prägt, in dem auch Fichtes Spätphilosophie noch als Ausdruck eines über die bloße Theorie hinauszielenden Aufklärungsprojekts zu verstehen ist. Der Band wird von drei Beiträgen beschlossen, die 2018 mit dem "Fichte-Preis für junge Forscher" ausgezeichnet wurden.
1 online resource. :
Sovereign Wealth Funds and State Immunity /
How does the hybrid nature of SWFs affect the application of state immunity to these funds? May an SWF be sued in foreign courts for wrongful acts committed in the course of its investment activities? Can SWF investments be attached by a private creditor seeking to enforce an investment arbitration award against the fund's state of nationality? This monograph addresses these questions from the perspective of the 2004 New York Convention and six selected jurisdictions (US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, China), with the broader aim of highlighting potential new standards for implementation of the state immunity rule to SWFs.
1 online resource (175 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Christianity in Latin America /
Winner of the 2013 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Christianity in Latin America provides a complete overview of more than 500 years of the history of Christianity in the 'New World'. This book specifically focuses on conquest, exploitation of slave- and forced labor, mission, the formation of the Catholic Church after the council of Trent, Inquisition, popular religiosity, and postcolonial state formation. Attention is also given to the emergence of Protestant immigrant and mission churches, modern forms of exploitation of indigenous and Afro-American workers, Catholic-Protestant antagonisms from the beginning of ecumenism, liberation theology, the proliferation of Pentecostal churches, and the military dictatorships in the second half of the 20th Century. The inclusion of German research in this book is an important asset to the Anglo-American research area, in which information is disclosed that was previously unavailable in English. This book will present the reader with required handbook material on the history of Christianity on the South American continent, based on a tremendous breadth of literature. During his years as Technical Director in Central America, the author studied Mesoamerican Indian Cultures as well as the social conditions of the impoverished sectors of the population. This book is a compilation of the author's extensive research while a lecturer of church history at the Theological Faculty of São Leopoldo (Brazil), as well as during visits to nearly all countries of Latin America, and as a visiting professor in Portugal, Brazil, Nicaragua, Cuba, Argentine and Peru. Thorough research was also completed while lecturing at the University of Cologne (Germany) on Iberian and Latin American History, as well as during his term as professorial chair of Richard Konetzke and Günter Kahle. This publication is an amalgamation of the knowledge and expertise the author gained during research from his entire career.
Translated from German by Stephen Buckwalter.
Translation of: Das Christentum in Lateinamerika. Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2007. :
1 online resource (xxxii, 670 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004242074 :
1542-1279 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Civic patronage in the Roman Empire /
The Roman Empire may be properly described as a consortium of cities (and not as set of proto national states). From the late Republic and into the Principate, the Roman elite managed the empire through insititutional and personal ties to the communities of the Empire. Especially in the Latin West the emperors encouraged the adoption of the Latin language and urban amenities, and were generous in the award of citizenship. This process, and 'Romanization' is a reasonable label, was facilitated by civic patronage. The literary evidence provides a basis for understanding this transformation from subject to citizen and for constructing a higher allegiance to the idea of Rome. We gain a more complete understanding of the process by considering the legal and monumental/epigraphical evidence that guided and encouraged such benefaction and exchange. This book uses all three forms of evidence to provide a deeper understanding of how patrocinium publicum served as a formal vehicle for securing the goodwill of the citizens and subjects of Rome.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004261716 :
0169-8958 ;
Judge Manfred Lachs and Judicial Law-Making : Opinions on the International Court of Justice, 1967-1993 /
This volume, the second in the series The Judges , which collects and synthesizes the opinions of leading international contemporary judges who have contributed significantly to the progressive development of international law, is devoted to the work of Judge Manfred Lachs, who was elected to the International Court of Justice in 1967. In his Foreword to the study, UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali says of Lachs that ` His contribution to jurisprudence is especially noteworthy. He initiated a significant part of the jurisprudence of the Court in the area of human rights. He contributed to the formulation of the right to self-determination, helped to develop the law of the sea, and participated in the work of the Court in many other areas. But, above all, he was at the forefront of the most progressive battles of the Court, demonstrating great personal courage and great analytical rigour. As President of the Court, he showed a constant interest in improving its procedures and developing relations between the judicial organ and other organs of the United Nations. ' Edward McWhinney's masterly essay, which precedes extracts from Manfred Lachs' Opinions and from some Judgements in which he played a crucial role, is essential reading for all those interested in the World Court, as well for Manfred Lachs' countless admirers, students and colleagues. See Less
1 online resource (424 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Approaches to teaching the works of Naguib Mahfouz /
Naguib Mahfouz is the Arab world's best-known writer and the single most important chronicler and analyst of twentieth-century Egypt. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1988, and since then his work has been increasingly studied in North American university classrooms. This first volume in the MLA series Approaches to Teaching World Literature to focus on an Arab author or Arabic literature provides an introduction to Mahfouz. In part 1, "Materials," the editors discuss Mahfouz's background, influence, and critical reception. In part 2, "Approaches," the volume's contributors offer information, resources, and insights for teaching his work. Topics covered include the Arabian Nights tradition in Mahfouz's work, the challenge of teaching Mahfouz in English translation, the Nasserite intellectual in The Beggar, the image of Alexandria in Miramar, the bitterness of British occupation in Midaq Alley, and the quest of Sufism in "Zaabalawi."
vii, 226 pages ; 23 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :