Abraham unser Vater : Juden und Christen im Gespräch über die Bibel : Festschrift für Otto Michel zum 60. Geburtstag /
1 online resource (vi, 503 pages) : illustrations, portrait. :
"Bibliographie der Schriften Otto Michels / zusammengestellt von Peter Schmidt"-Pages 484-497.
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004332560 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Von Elephantine bis zu den Küsten des Meeres : Die Kulttopographie Ägyptens nach den Gauprozessionen der Spätzeit und der frühptolemäischen Epoche /
Von Elephantine bis zu den Küsten des Meeres' vereint drei Studien zu kulttopographischen Inschriften aus der Spätzeit und dem Beginn der ptolemäischen Epoche. Zahlreiche Quellen waren hier bislang nicht oder nur teilweise publiziert. 0St. Blaschta bearbeitet die kürzlich in Heliopolis/Matariya aufgefundenen Basaltblöcke einer ?Gauprozession? aus der Zeit Nektanebos? I. Die dort eingemeißelten Inschriften scheinen einem Textkorpus entnommen, das seit der Spätzeit bis zum Ende der Ptolemäerzeit an vielen Standorten nachzuweisen ist. Fr. Ghiringhelli untersucht alle Vertreter dieses ?Standardtextes? und zeichnet dessen Entwicklung nach, die anhand einer Synopse nachvollziehbar wird. Spätestens zu Beginn der Ptolemäerzeit wurden Texte verwendet, die sich vom Formular sowie Aussagegehalt stark von den früheren Inschriften unterscheiden. Diese sind erstmals in den Blöcken des Amun-Tempels von Naukratis greifbar, der unter Ptolemaios? I dekoriert wurde. D. von Recklinghausen bietet eine vollständige Textedition und beschäftigt sich u.a. mit Fragen der Texttradierung und der Verwendung von Musterbüchern, da die Texte in Naukratis auch gut zweihundert Jahre später in den Tempeln Oberägyptens zur Dekoration verwendet wurden. Der Band wird durch umfangreiche Indizes erschlossen.
x, 392 pages : illustrations, one folded plates ; 30 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Art, intellect and politics : a diachronic perspective /
The volume explores the relationship of artists and intellectuals from ancient Greece to modern times. Special attention is paid to Plato, Augustan poets (including the reception), Soviet art (Mayakowsky) and Jewish intellectuals. Non European contexts (China, Turkey) are treated as well.
1 online resource (xv, 634 pages) :
9789004242203 :
1877-0029 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Congress volume : Oslo 1998 /
This Congress Volume comprises not only the main lectures of the XVIth I.O.S.O.T. Congress, held in Oslo 1998, but also the interventions at the two panels on \'Intertextuality and the Pluralism of Methods\' and on \'The Hebrew Bible and History\'. Both the main lectures and the panelists' interventions focus on current methodological problems and study central questions in the present study of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament in its environment.
Papers read at the 16th Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, held in Oslo from 2 to 7 Aug. 1998. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004276055 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The development of royal funerary cult at Abydos : two funerary enclosures from the reign of Aha /
"Originally presented as the author's Ph.D dissertation at New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, 2007". :
xiii, 116 pages, 95 pages of plates : illustrations (some color), maps ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [113]-116). :
9783447058384 :
Congress volume : Paris, 1992 /
The twenty articles collected in this volume cover a wide range of subjects concerned with the Old Testament: religion (the divine name Shaddai; dominant religious ideas between 1500 and 600 B.C.; exclusiveness; the kingship of God), The Pentateuch (Genesis xviiii-xix; Og's iron bed; laws in Deuteronomy and Middle Assyrian laws; the Pentateuch, The Deuteronomist and Spinoza), the historical books, history and archaeology (Ugarit and Israelite origins; Arameans; the system of the twelve tribes of Israel; the text of the historical books; 1 Kings xiii; places for women in Israelite cities), the prophetical books (Amos and Hosea; Isaiah), The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha (Women in Ecclesiasticus and Judith; the origin of evil in apocalyptic and the Dead Sea Scrolls), and literary conventions (the explicit and the implicit; proleptic summaries). The articles (in English, French or German) were written by scholars with varying religious backgrounds from various countries, and were originally read at a Congress in Paris of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament in 1992.
Papers read at the Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, held July 19-24, 1992 in Paris. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004275850 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
ABSTRACTS : 1979 ANNUAL MEETING April 27, 28, and 29 : The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania
The University of Toronto/American Schools of Oriental Research "Wadi Tumi lat Project” Excavations at Tell al-Maskhuta, 1978 / .John S. Holladay, Jr -- Egyptian Art in Connecticut Collections / Jean I.. Keith -- Dakhleh Oasis Project 1978 Field Season / A.J. Mills -- Some Sherds from Abydos Connected with the Osiris Festival / Alan Morrow -- Two Fragments in Brooklyn Relating to the l.ate Prcdynastic Commemorative Palettes / Winifred Needier -- The University Museum Excavation at Malknta / David O'Connor -- The Palermo Stone: A New Resolution / Patrick F. O'Mara -- Background for Assessing the Impact of Medical Practices Described in the Edwin Smith Papyrus: An Anthropological Perspective / Diana Craig Patch -- The Egyptianizing Origin of the Greek Gorgoneion / David A. Pendlebury -- ARCE Project: Tutankhamun-Ay Shrine at Karnak / Otto J. Schaden -- The N'rn at Kadesh Once Again / Alan R. Schulman -- An Archaic Parallel for a New Kingdom Religious Inscription / David P. Silverman -- Considerations on the Hittite-Egyptian Treaty / Anthony J. Spa linger -- Excavations at Mendes in the Nile Delta 1976-1979 / Karen l. Wilson -- The Continuity of Wooden Statuary / Wendy WoodMerchants and Marginality: Women of a Popular Quarter in Cairo / Evelyn Aleene Early -- Workshop: Continuity and Change in Egyptian Arts: Lyrics, Music and Dance / Salwa El-Shawan -- Variation In the Frequency of Literary Oenonstratives in the Egyptian Oral Media
/ Carolyn G. Killean -- Petty Commodity Production in Egypt / Kristin Koptiuch -- U.S. Wheat to Egypt Under Public Law 480: Humanitarian Gesture or Political Instrumentality? / John G. Merriam -- Perspectives on U.S. Aid to Egypt / Kathleen Howard Merriam -- Workshop: Continuity and Change in Egyptian Arts: Lyrics, Music and Dance / Mona Mikhail -- Demographic Observations on the Motivation and Patterns of Syrian Migration to and within Egypt / Thomas Philipp -- Deciphering Egypt’s Mulids: A Critique of Turner’s Theory of Pilgrimage / Bd Reeves -- Industrialization in Egypt: An Analysis of Current Managerial and Structural Problems / Delwin A. Roy -- Male/Female Speech Patterns in ECA: Situational Influences on Degree of Pharyngealization / Anne Royal -- AdIb Ishaq: A Syrian Intellectual in Egypt / David B. Ruedig -- Workshop: Continuity and Change in Egyptian Arts: Lyrics, Music and Dance / Magda Salih -- Peasant Women in Early 19th Century Egypt: The Family Economy in Perspective / Judith E. Tucker -- A Sociolinguistic Investigation of a Secondary Emphatic in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic / Any A, Van Voorhis -- 'Abd Allah Kahhal and Northeast African Trade, 1890-1920 / Terence Waltz.