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Published 2007
Vocation and social context /

: The category of Beruf has intrigued sociology since Max Weber made it a fundamental element in understanding the relationship between the individual and society. The richness of the concept can be found in the simultaneous polarity and interpenetration between the subject's personal profession and the feeling of a call from God: precisely this ambiguity widens the possibility of applying the concept in understanding the meaning that individuals give to their own professions, activities and, more generally, \'life in the world." Illustrating the different ways in which "vocation-profession" can be interpreted, and how it can be studied from various perspectives and with different scientific sensibilities, this book demonstrates how the concept of Beruf continues to be fertile for contemporary sociology. Contributors: Anthony J. Blasi, Andrew J. Weigert, Franco Garelli, Luigi Berzano, Robert M. Fishman, Keeley S. Jones, Laura M. Leming, Giovanni Dal Piaz, Robert C. Butler
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789047421023 : 1061-5210 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
The mission of development : religion and techno-politics in Asia /

: The Mission of Development interrogates the complex relationships between Christian mission and international development in Asia from the 19th century to the new millennium. Through historically and ethnographically grounded case studies, contributors examine how missionaries have adapted to and shaped the age of development and processes of 'technocratisation', as well as how mission and development have sometimes come to be cast in opposition. The volume takes up an increasingly prominent strand in contemporary research that reverses the prior occlusion of the entanglements between religion and development. It breaks new ground through its analysis of the techno-politics of both development and mission, and by focusing on the importance of engagements and encounters in the field in Asia.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004363106 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2022
Amazighité et contestations au Maroc /

: Résultat d'un long travail de terrain, ce livre analyse les processus d'émergence du mouvement amazigh au Maroc et les dynamiques protestataires qui ont accompagné son évolution, des années 1960 à nos jours. En plaçant au centre de l'étude les transformations du phénomène protestataire au Maroc, il apporte un éclairage à la fois fascinant et inédit sur la question amazighe, ses causes, ses acteurs et ses formes, puis sur les enjeux identitaires portés par le mouvement amazigh dans la redéfinition de l'État-nation au Maroc. This book, which represents the fruit of an extended field research, analyses the birth process of the Amazigh movement in Morocco and explores the dynamics of protests that have accompanied its growth from the 1960's until today. Centred around the transformation of protests over time, this book introduces fresh and fascinating insights into the Amazigh question, its causes, its actors and the various shapes it has taken over the years, and sheds new light on the compelling identity issues that were raised by the Amazigh movement throughout Morocco's redefinition of the Nation-State model.
: Le livre offre un éclairage à la fois fascinant et original du phénomène protestataire amazigh au Maroc en recourant à une multitude d'approches pour en comprendre les causes, les évolutions et les changements politiques qu'il a initiés.This book provides both an unprecedented and original insight into the phenomenon of Amazigh protests in Morocco by utilizing a variety of approaches to better understand its causes, its evolution and the political changes it brought about. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004516649

Published 2005
Study of Religion in Southern Africa, Essays in Honour of G.C. Oosthuizen.

: This collection of essays is brought together in the honour of Gerhardus Cornelis (Pippin) Oosthuizen on his eighty third birthday. Pippin has been one of the most significant religion researchers and prolific Humanities publishers South Africa has ever produced. Among his friends and colleagues are some of the most important scholars of religion in South Africa and elsewhere. With his critical acumen and insightful understanding of the ebb and flow of the South African socio-political landscape of the last fifty-odd years, he has been a distinguished leader in research and has been honoured with Honorary doctorates from South Africa's leading universities. This collection constitutes a small token of appreciation for his more than fifty years in academia and his academic leadership.
: 1 online resource. : 9789047407492

Published 2010
Spirituality in the writings of Etty Hillesum : proceedings of the Etty Hillesum Conference at Ghent University, November 2008 /

: Much of the previous scholarship on Etty Hillesum (1914-1943) was done by individual scholars within the analyses of their fields. After the proceedings of the international Etty Hillesum Congress at Ghent University in November 2008, this Congress volume is the first joined effort by more than twenty Hillesum experts worldwide. It is an absorbing account of international scholarship on the life, works, and vision of the Dutch Jewish writer Etty Hillesum, whose life was shaped by the totalitarian Nazi regime. Hillesum's diaries and letters illustrate her heroic struggle to come to terms with her personal life in the context of World War II. Building on new interest in theology, philosophy, and psychology, this book revives Hillesum research with a comprehensive rereading of both her published works and lesser-known secondary discourses on her life. The result is fascinating. With the current explosion of interest in inter-religious dialogue, peace studies, Judaism, the holocaust, gender studies, and mysticism, it is clear that this Congress volume will be invaluable to students and scholars in various disciplines.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004188594 : 1873-9008 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Institutions of education, then and today : the legacy of German idealism /

: The theme of "Institutions of Education: then and today" not only corresponds with the basic questions raised in German Idealism, but is also central to the question of whether it is legitimate to study German Idealism in our era. Elaborating on this project immediately raises the problem of institutional differentiation, which characterizes multicultural society. Does the variety of educational institutions not, by definition, exclude the shared conception and realization of adulthood that is presupposed by German Idealism? This book shows that German Idealism can still participate in the contemporary debate on education: it is not only helpful in raising relevant questions, but can also be transformed into positions which can deal with the pluriformity that characterizes contemporary society.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004184152 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
Interpreting welfare and relief in the Middle East /

: Based on different problematic and methodological perspectives and new sources, this book's contributions lie in the close study of welfare beyond the religious divides, codifications and indoctrinations. The time span - from 1850 to the present day - represents moments of colonisations, occupations, wars and conflicts which resulted in un-met needs and broken down institutions. What are the stories behind health care, schools, orphanages and vocational schools, maternity homes and hostels? The collection of chapters examine different involvements in welfare activities not only as contextualised in stable communities and nations, but also as they emerge in vulnerable states and disintegrating societies. Furthermore, this volume brings forth the historical and contemporary voices of those who provide relief and the beneficiaries of such efforts. At the core of this book are themes concerned with humanitarianism in relation to people's unique experiences, state and non-governmental organisations, gender and modernity.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047423737 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
German Moravian missionaries in the British colony of Victoria, Australia, 1848-1908 : influential strangers /

: Focusing on the six decades that German Moravian missionaries worked in the British colony of Victoria, Australia, this book enriches understanding of colonial politics and the role of the non-British other in manipulating practice and policy in foreign realms. Central to the transnational nature of the book are questions of identity and of how individuals, and the organisations they worked for, can be seen as both colluders and opposers within nation-state borders and politics. It analyses the ways in which the Moravian missionaries navigated competing agendas within the colonial setting, especially those that impacted on their sense of personal vocation, their practices of conversion, and their understandings of the indigenous non-Christian peoples in the settler society of Victoria.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [247]-261) and index. : 9789004181533 : 0924-9389 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
Māhtāb-i Shām-i Sharq : Guzāra wa guzīna-yi andisha shinasī-yi Iqbāl /

: A lawyer by profession and an Urdu and Persian poet by vocation, Muḥammad Iqbāl (1877-1938) is the spiritual father of Pakistan. Born in Sialkot, he received his pre-college education in his hometown, after which he went to study in Lahore. In 1905, after several years of teaching (Arabic, English and philosophy) in Lahore, he travelled to Cambridge to study philosophy and law. Two years later, he went to Heidelberg, where he received his PhD in 1907 with a thesis entitled The Development of Metaphysics in Persia . He then returned to Lahore, working as a lawyer for most of his life. From around 1910 onwards, Iqbāl's poetry and prose works show an increased commitment to the cause of Islam and its political and societal ramifications, culminating in his idea of an Islamic state in northern India, the future Pakistan. The articles published in this volume all highlight different aspects of Iqbāl's life, work, and thought.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004404755