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Published 2019
The impact of justice on the Roman Empire : proceedings of the thirteenth workshop...

: The Impact of Justice on the Roman Empire discusses ways in which notions, practice and the ideology of justice impacted on the functioning of the Roman Empire. The papers assembled in this volume follow from the thirteenth workshop of the international network Impact of Empire. They focus on what was considered just in various groups of Roman subjects, how these views were legitimated, shifted over time, and how they affected policy making and political, administrative, and judicial practices. Linking all of the papers are three common themes: the emperor and justice, justice in a dispersed empire and differentiation of justice.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004400474

Published 2013
Civic patronage in the Roman Empire /

: The Roman Empire may be properly described as a consortium of cities (and not as set of proto national states). From the late Republic and into the Principate, the Roman elite managed the empire through insititutional and personal ties to the communities of the Empire. Especially in the Latin West the emperors encouraged the adoption of the Latin language and urban amenities, and were generous in the award of citizenship. This process, and 'Romanization' is a reasonable label, was facilitated by civic patronage. The literary evidence provides a basis for understanding this transformation from subject to citizen and for constructing a higher allegiance to the idea of Rome. We gain a more complete understanding of the process by considering the legal and monumental/epigraphical evidence that guided and encouraged such benefaction and exchange. This book uses all three forms of evidence to provide a deeper understanding of how patrocinium publicum served as a formal vehicle for securing the goodwill of the citizens and subjects of Rome.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004261716 : 0169-8958 ;

Published 2018
Imagining Emperors in the Later Roman Empire /

: Imagining Emperors in the Later Roman Empire offers new analysis of the textual depictions of a series of emperors in the fourth century within overlapping historical, religious, and literary contexts. Drawing on the recent Representational Turn in the study of imperial power, these essays examine how literary authors working in various genres, both Latin and Greek, and of differing religious affiliations construct and manipulate the depiction of a series of emperors from the late third to the late fourth centuries CE. In a move away from traditional source criticism, this volume opens up new methodological approaches to chart intellectual and literary history during a critical century for the ancient Mediterranean world.
: 1 online resource (356 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004370920 : 2405-4771 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule /

: This volume explores the nature of religious change in the Greek-speaking cities of the Roman Empire. Emphasis is put on those developments that apparently were not the direct result of Roman actions: the intensification of idiosyncratically Greek features in the religious life of the cities (Heller, Muñiz, Camia); the active role of a new kind of Hellenism in the design of imperial religious policies (Gordillo, Galimberti, Rosillo-López); or the locally different responses to central religious initiatives, and the influence of those local responses in other imperial contexts (Cortés, Melfi, Lozano, Rizakis). All the chapters try to suggest that religion in the Greek cities of the empire was both conservative and innovative, and that the 'Roman factor' helps to explain this apparent paradox.
: 1 online resource (xvii, 221 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004347113 : 1572-0500 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2001
Administration, prosopography and appointment policies in the Roman empire : proceedings...

: The title of this volume is 'Administration, Prosopography and Appointment Policies in the Roman Empire'. The papers contained in this volume focus on all three of these themes, within the context of the impact of the Roman empire upon the regions it dominated. The papers contained in the first part of the volume concentrate on appointment policies, career structures and the impact of military presence and recuitment, esp. in border provinces, in the period of the Principate (27 B.C. - A.D. 284). In the second part of the volume the reader will find papers on Roman jurists, administrators, and bureaucrats and articles about administrative procedures, the administration of justice, rescripts and the influence of learned juridical treatises in various regions of the Roman empire. The last section of the volume presents contributions on the impact of the Roman imperial administration and appointment policies on communal rights and politics, the composition of local councils, local administrative structures, Romanisation, and social mobility of regional and local notables in various provinces of the Roman Empire.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004401617

Published 2015
East and West in the Roman Empire of the fourth century : an end to unity? /

: East and West in the Roman Empire of the Fourth Century examines the (dis)unity of the Roman Empire in the fourth century from different angles, in order to offer a broad perspective on the topic and avoid an overvaluation of the political division of the empire in 395. After a methodological key-paper on the concepts of unity, the other contributors elaborate on these notions from various geo-political perspectives: the role of the army and taxation, geographical perspectives, the unity of the Church and the perception of the divisio regni of 364. Four case-studies follow, illuminating the role of concordia apostolorum , antique sports, eunuchs and the poet Prudentius on the late antique view of the Empire. Despite developments to the contrary, it appears that the Roman Empire remained (to be viewed as) a unity in all strata of society.
: 1 online resource (ix, 183 pages) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004291935 : 2213-9729 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
La romanisation des dieux : l'interpretatio romana en Afrique du Nord sous le Haut-Empire /

: Heirs to the Punic and Berber traditions, the North Africans, once conquered by the Romans and willing to show respect for their new masters' gods, did not want to forsake their beloved ancestral deities and solved this dilemma by giving Roman names to their traditional gods, who nevertheless kept most of their former natures. This phenomenon, known as interpretatio romana, resulted in an interpenetration of both religious universes, each being enriched in the process. Roman African gods thus conceal dual personalities within themselves, which this book tries to investigate through all available sources (epigraphy, literature, numismatic and archaeology), unveiling many unsuspected aspects of great deities like Saturn/Baal Hammon, Astarte/Venus or Mercury/Baal Addir. If those gods of Roman Africa have inspired many individual studies, there was still a need for a book examining them all together within their interrelations. Here is then at last a real global study of the Roman-African pantheon. *** Héritiers des traditions puniques et berbères, les Nord-africains, à l'arrivée du conquérant romain, voulurent conserver leurs divinités ancestrales tout en respectant les dieux de leur nouveau maître. Ils affublèrent donc de noms romains leurs dieux traditionnels tout en leur conservant l'essentiel de leur personnalité d'origine. Ce phénomène, connu sous le terme d' , résulta en une interpénétration des deux univers religieux, qui s'enrichirent ainsi mutuellement. Les dieux de l'Afrique romaine cachent donc des personnalités multiples que cet ouvrage tente de dévoiler en mettant à profit toutes les sources disponibles : épigraphie, littérature, numismatique et archéologie. Ces grandes divinités, telles que Saturne/Baal Hammon, Vénus/Astarté ou Mercure/Baal Addir livrent ainsi tour à tour des aspects insoupçonnés de leurs personnalités. Si les dieux d'Afrique romaine ont suscité diverses études individuelles, il manquait encore un ouvrage qui les examinerait tous ensemble et dans leurs rapports entre eux. Voici donc enfin une véritable étude globale du panthéon romano-africain.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 750 pages) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 671-693) and indexes. : 9789047410331 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
Roman epic : an interpretative introduction /

: The author's approach to Roman epic is interpretative; the reader is invited to study a choice of typical texts, from the beginnings to the end of Antiquity. Famous poets are given the attention they deserve, but also some minor authors are discovered as precious 'missing links' between the ages. Special heed is paid to intertextual relationships between different epochs, cultures, literary genres, linguistic and literary patterns. The book is meant for students and teachers of classical and modern literatures, but also for all those interested in the history of literary genres and cultural ideas.
: Index: pages [365]-371. : 1 online resource (x, 371 pages) : Bibliographie: pages 341-359. : 9789004351417 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2022
Plutarch and the New Testament in Their Religio-Philosophical Contexts : Bridging Discourses in the World of the Early Roman Empire /

: How to read Plutarch in the context of New Testament studies? Almost 50 years after the seminal project on the topic led by Hans Dieter Betz, this volume elevates once again the issue's priority. Bridging discourses is a fitting description both of the religio-philosophical spirit of Plutarch, the Platonist philosopher and priest of Apollo at Delphi, and the task of bringing his writings into fruitful dialogue with the writings of the New Testament, Hellenistic Judaism, and Early Christianity. Taken together, these authors constitute the religious Platonism of the early imperial era. Contributions from the fields of New Testament, classics, philosophy, religious studies, and patristics explore various ways of how to establish these bridges.
: "Three meetings of the CHNT-group at annual meetings of the SBL from 2014-2016 were devoted to the topic of this volume.... A selection of the papers delivered at these meetings are being published in this volume, together with additional contributions." : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004505070

Published 2015
Brill's companion to Roman tragedy /

: Until the Renaissance the centrality of Roman tragedy in Western society and culture was unchallenged. Studies on Roman Republican tragedy and on Imperial Roman tragedy by the contributors have been directing the gaze of scholarship back to Roman tragedy. This volume has two goals: first, to demonstrate that Republican tragedy had a far more central role in shaping Imperial tragedy than is currently thought, and quite possibly more important than Classical Greek tragedy. Second, the influence of other Roman literary genres on Roman tragedy is greater than has formerly been credited. Studies on von Kleist and Shelley, Eliot and Claus help reconstruct the ancient Roman stage by showing how moderns had thought to change it for contemporary aesthetics.
: 1 online resource (xxi, 450 pages) : illustration. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 389-420) and indexes. : 9789004284784 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Staying Roman : conquest and identity in Africa and the Mediterranean, 439-700 /

: "In 416, when preaching a sermon on the psalms in late Roman Carthage, Augustine was able to ask his audience, 'Who now knows which nations in the Roman empire were what, when all have become Romans, and all are called Romans?'1 Yet already by the time Augustine addressed his Carthaginian audience the continued unity of the Roman Mediterranean was being called into question. The defeat and death of the Roman emperor Valens at Adrianople in 378 had set the stage for a new phase of conflict between the empire and its non-Roman neighbours ; and over the course of the fifth century Roman power collapsed in the West, where it was succeeded by a number of sub-Roman kingdoms. Questions that had seemed trivial to Augustine were suddenly and painfully alive : what did it mean to be 'Roman' in the changed circumstances of the fifth and later centuries? And (from a twenty-first-century perspective) what became of the idea of Romanness in the West once Roman power collapsed?"--
"What did it mean to be Roman once the Roman Empire had collapsed in the West? Staying Roman examines Roman identities in the region of modern Tunisia and Algeria between the fifth-century Vandal conquest and the seventh-century Islamic invasions. Using historical, archaeological and epigraphic evidence, this study argues that the fracturing of the empire's political unity also led to a fracturing of Roman identity along political, cultural and religious lines, as individuals who continued to feel 'Roman' but who were no longer living under imperial rule sought to redefine what it was that connected them to their fellow Romans elsewhere. The resulting definitions of Romanness could overlap, but were not always mutually reinforcing. Significantly, in late antiquity Romanness had a practical value, and could be used in remarkably flexible ways to foster a sense of similarity or difference over space, time and ethnicity, in a wide variety of circumstances"--
: Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard University, 2004, entitled: Staying Roman : Vandals, Moors, and Byzantines in late antique North Africa, 400-700. : xviii, 438 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 379-419) and index. : 9780521196970

Published 2019
Cassius Dio and the Late Roman Republic /

: Cassius Dio's Roman History is an essential, yet still undervalued, source for modern historians of the late Roman Republic. The papers in this volume show how his account can be used to gain new perspectives on such topics as the memory of the conspirator Catiline, debates over leadership in Rome, and the nature of alliance formation in civil war. Contributors also establish Dio as fully in command of his narrative, shaping it to suit his own interests as a senator, a political theorist, and, above all, a historian. Sophisticated use of chronology, manipulation of annalistic form, and engagement with Thucydides are just some of the ways Dio engages with the rich tradition of Greco-Roman historiography to advance his own interpretations.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004405158

Published 1999
Manichaeism in Mesopotamia and the Roman East /

: The study of Manichaeism, the first Gnostic world religion, has made major advances in the last few decades thanks to the continuing discovery and decipherment of genuine Manichaean texts from Egypt and Central Asia. This work brings together a number of major articles by the author published between 1981 and 1992 on the history of the sect in Mesopotamia and the Roman Empire. The studies have all been up-dated in the light of newly published material.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 325 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004295810 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2000
The treatment of war wounds in Graeco-Roman antiquity /

: In this investigation of the treatment of battle trauma in antiquity, 'treatment' is used in a double sense, both as actual medical treatment and literary 'treatment' in non-medical sources. Part I deals with the practical, medical aspects of the topic: the types of wounds likely to result from a battle, their surgical and pharmacological treatment, the question of medical services in ancient armies, medical terminology and the availability of medical knowledge. Part II discusses the use of scenes of wounding and wound treatment in literature, and Part III is a survey of the archaeological evidence. This is the first monograph to examine the topic in all its different aspects; it should be of interest to classicists, medical historians and military historians.
: 1 online resource (xxvii, 299 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004377486 : 0925-1421 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2005
The imperial cult in the Latin West : studies in the ruler cult of the western provinces of the Roman Empire. Volume III, Provincial cult. Part 4, Bibliography, Indices, Addenda /

: This volume concludes the series with an apparatus. The list of Abbreviated Titles comprises all Abbreviations used throughout the four Parts while the Bibliography consolidates the books and articles cited in the four sets of References. The intention of the various Indices is to let the reader find his way about the text in one way or another whereas the main focus of the Addenda is on publications that were either earlier missed or, as in most cases, appeared too late to be included at the appropriate stage of the text. Lastly, the list of errata in the Corrigenda consists mostly of typographical errors that escaped notice in the original manuscript.
: 1 online resource (i-vii, 256 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047416111 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Work, labour, and professions in the Roman world /

: The economic success of the Roman Empire was unparalleled in the West until the early modern period. While favourable natural conditions, capital accumulation, technology and political stability all contributed to this, economic performance ultimately depended on the ability to mobilize, train and co-ordinate human work efforts. In Work, Labour, and Professions in the Roman World , the authors discuss new insights, ideas and interpretations on the role of labour and human resources in the Roman economy. They study the various ways in which work was mobilised and organised and how these processes were regulated. Work as a production factor, however, is not the exclusive focus of this volume. Throughout the chapters, the contributors also provide an analysis of work as a social and cultural phenomenon in Ancient Rome.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004331686 : 1572-0500 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1998
The Near East under Roman rule : selected papers /

: The studies in this collection deal with a variety of subjects. Their focus is the Roman Empire in the East, the Roman army, Judaea in the Roman period, and Jewish history. Inscriptions are published in them and literary sources discussed. First, Judaea in the period before the arrival of the Romans as well as under Roman rule forms the centre of attention. Here, articles on specific documents are presented and historical problems discussed ranging from the Seleucid period to the Later Roman Empire. The second part of the book contains studies of the wider area and the third part is concerned with the Roman army, its organisation and aims in the Frontier areas. Many of these papers are hard to find and it is particularly valuable to have all of them together and logically arranged in one volume. Moreover extensive discussions of recent publications and newly published material have been added here.
: 1 online resource (xvii, 481 pages) : illustrations, map. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004351530 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2023
Understanding Integration in the Roman World /

: Integration is a buzzword in the 21st century. However, academics still do not agree on its meaning and, above all, on its consequences. This book offers numerous examples showing that the inhabitants of the Roman Mediterranean were "integrated", i.e. were aware of the existence of a common framework of coexistence, without this necessarily resulting in a process of cultural convergence. The Spanish poet Martial explicitly refuses to be considered the brother of the Greek Charmenion (10.65): paradoxically, while reaffirming their differences, his satirical epigram confirms the existence of a common frame of reference that encompasses them both. Thus, understanding integration in the Roman world requires paying attention to the multifarious situations that allow to glimpse the complexity of integration in Roman times.
: 1 online resource (251 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004545632

Published 2017
Citizens in the Graeco-Roman world : aspects of citizenship from the archaic period to AD 212 /

: The twelve studies contained in this volume discuss some key-aspects of citizenship from its emergence in Archaic Greece until the Roman period before AD 212, when Roman citizenship was extended to all the free inhabitants of the Empire. The book explores the processes of formation and re-formation of citizen bodies, the integration of foreigners, the question of multiple-citizenship holders and the political and philosophical thought on ancient citizenship. The aim is that of offering a multidisciplinary approach to the subject, ranging from literature to history and philosophy, as well as encouraging the reader to integrate the traditional institutional and legalistic approach to citizenship with a broader perspective, which encompasses aspects such as identity formation, performative aspect and discourse of citizenship.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004352612 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2004
Neokoroi: Greek Cities and Roman Emperors /

: The neokoroi, or 'temple-wardens,' were Hellenized cities of the eastern Roman empire who received that title for possessing their provinces' temples to the living emperor. This work collects and analyzes all the evidence for the neokoroi, including their coins and inscriptions, contemporary and subsequent historical texts, and the archaeological remains of the temples themselves and the statues that stood within them. There were at least thirty-seven neokoroi, and each is examined in a separate chapter. The results are then re-analyzed chronologically, clarifying the development of the institution. Finally the statues, temples, cities, and provinces are compared, resulting in new insights into the rivalry and hierarchy among the cities, and the dialogue of worship that related them to their Roman overlords.
: Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral--Harvard, 1980) under title: Neokoroi, Greek cities of the Roman East. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047401506