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Published 2001
The Jewish dialogue with Greece and Rome : studies in cultural and social interaction /

: Twenty-seven interdisciplinary essays on aspects of Judaism in the Greco-Roman world, exemplifying a wide range of techniques, by a well-known scholar. Three are previously unpublished, including a reappraisal of the Judaism and Hellenism debate and a study of the Sardis synagogue. The book's overall coherence derives from the author's long-standing interests in the analysis of texts as documents of cultural and religious interaction, and in how Jewish communities were woven into the social fabric of Greek cities in the Hellenistic and Roman East. The four sections are: Greeks and Jews, Josephus, The Jewish Diaspora and Epigraphy, and finally Beyond the Greeks and Romans, essays which extend into Christian literature and on to the nineteenth century reception of the Judaism/Hellenism dichotomy. Scholars and students from a wide variety of backgrounds will benefit. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
: 1 online resource (xix, 579 pages cm) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047400196 : 0169-734X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1996
The true Israel : uses of the names Jew, Hebrew, and Israel in ancient Jewish and early Christian literature /

: Many studies have portrayed Judaism in Antiquity as sectarian, with a variety of groups all claiming to be The True Israel. Early Christianity is alleged to have begun in this context as one more Jewish sect claiming such authority. However, the second-century Christian Justin Martyr is the first person known to have used the phrase 'the True Israel'. This book examines the uses of the names 'Jew', 'Hebrew' and 'Israel' in the surviving literature - especially the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo, Josephus, New Testament and Mishnah - to determine whether this is an adequate or accurate picture. It discusses the associations of each word, as determined by their actual usage and collocations rather than their theoretical origins. It will be of value to scholars of ancient Judaism and early Christianity. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
: 1 online resource (xvii, 303 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 274-297) and index. : 9789004332515 : 0169-734X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1997
The spirit in first century Judaism /

: Conceptions of the divine spirit underwent complex metamorphoses in Jewish biblical interpretation during the Greco-Roman era. This monograph explores those permutations in the writings of Philo Judaeus, Josephus, and Pseudo-Philo ( Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum ). The first section, 'An Anomalous Prophet', unfolds surprisingly divergent transformations of the inspiration of Balaam. The second section, 'An Eclectic Era', unearths both faint and conspicuous traces of Greco-Roman conceptions in early Jewish interpretations. The third section, 'An Extraordinary Mind', undermines the view that the spirit was associated primarily with ecstasy rather than with intellectual insight. By analyzing these interpretations in light of other contemporary Greco-Roman and Jewish writings, this volume offers original and essential data for further study of inspiration in Antiquity, including early Judaism, early Christianity, and the Greco-Roman world. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 302 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 276-279) and indexes. : 9789004332829 : 0169-734X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Heiligtum und Mysterium : Griechenland und seine ägyptischen Gottheiten /

: 138 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 31 cm. : Bibliography : pages 133-138. : 3805334427 : wafaa.lib

Published 2017
Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor : Festschrift für Linda-Marie Günther zum 65. Geburtstag /

: Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor' ? der Titel ist Programm: 23 Beiträge von renommierten Althistorikern und Archäologen spiegeln anlässlich des 65. Geburtstages der Althistorikerin Linda-Marie Günther die vielfältigen Interessen der Jubilarin wider. Mit besonderem Fokus auf der griechischen Geschichte, von der Archaik bis in die Kaiserzeit, greift die Festschrift zentrale Themen von Günthers Forschung und Lehre auf. 0Aspekte der Ikonographie antiker Münzen, die Günther besonders am Herzen liegt, werden ebenso bearbeitet wie epigraphische Quellen und Probleme. Die antike Historiographie, auch dies ein Steckenpferd der Jubilarin, ist Gegenstand mehrerer Beiträge. Untersuchungen zu genuin archäologischen Fragen und zur antiken Lebenswelt reflektieren ihre fächerübergreifenden Interessen.
: Bibliography of Linda-Marie Günther. : xxiv, 376 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9783447109079
3447109076 : 1613-5628 ;