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Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and the Ancient Near East : In Search of the Golden Fleece /
The aim of this book is to provide new insights on the multi-faceted topic of the relationships between ancient Greece and ancient Anatolia before the Classical era. This is a rapidly evolving field of enquiry, thanks to the recent advances in our understanding of the Anatolian languages and the ever-growing availability of primary evidence. The chapters in this volume investigate the question of Graeco-Anatolian contacts from various points of view and with a specifically linguistic and textual focus. The nature of the evidence calls for an interdisciplinary approach, and the contributions presented here range from writing systems to contact linguistics, without excluding the analysis of cultural motifs and religious practices in both literary texts and non-literary evidence.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Books and written culture of the Islamic world studies presented to Claude Gilliot on the occasion...
In celebration of the many contributions of Claude Gilliot to Islamic studies, an international group of twenty-one friends and colleagues join together to explore books and written culture in the Muslim world. Divided into three sections - authors, genres and traditions - the essays explore themes that have been of central interest and concern to Gilliot himself including the Qurʾān, tafsīr, ḥadīth, poetry, and mysticism. Gilliot's detailed and extensive work on many authors and texts, literary genres, and specific case-studies on many Muslim traditions renders this volume an apt tribute to him as well as offering Islamic studies' scholars valuable research insights on these subjects. The authors of these English, French and German essays are all renowned scholars from Europe and North America, each of whom have benefitted substantially from Gilliot's work and collegiality. With contributions by: Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, Mehdi Azaiez, Anne-Sylvie Boisliveau, Abdallah Cheikh-Moussa, Jean-Louis Déclais, Denis Gril, Manfred Kropp, Pierre Larcher, Michael Lecker, Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Harald Motzki, Tilman Nagel, Angelika Neuwirth, Emilio Platti, Jan van Reeth, Andrew Rippin, Uri Rubin, Walid Saleh, Roberto Tottoli, Reinhard Weipert, Francesco Zappa
1 online resource (xxiii, 398 pages) : color map. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004283756 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded /
This volume is a scholarly tribute to Bustenay Oded's distinguished career from some of the many contemporaries, colleagues, and former students who not only admire, and keep being inspired by his achievements, but who also count him as a friend. The title points to the remarkable span of Bustenay Oded 's research and research interests. Accordingly, the Festschrift's thirty original contributions deal with a wide range of topics, focusing on the Assyrian Empire, as well as on the Hebrew Bible and other cultural contents.
1 online resource. :
"Works by Professor Bustenay Oded": pages [xi]-xvi.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047441243 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Qurʼān in context : historical and literary investigations into the Qurʼānic milieu /
Although recent scholarship has increasingly situated the Qur'ān in the historical context of Late Antiquity, such a perspective is only rarely accompanied by the kind of microstructural literary analysis routinely applied to the Bible. The present volume seeks to redress this lack of contact between literary and historical studies. Contributions to the first part of the volume address various general aspects of the Qur'an's political, economic, linguistic, and cultural context, while the second part contains a number of close readings of specific Qur'ānic passages in the light of Judeo-Christian tradition and ancient Arabic poetry, as well as discussions of the Qur'ān's internal chronology and transmission history. Throughout, special emphasis is given to methodological questions. This title is available as paperback .
"This volume has emerged from the conference 'Historische Sondierungen und methodische Reflexionen zur Korangenese: Wege zur Rekonstruktion des vorkanonischen Koran' January 2004, Berlin"--T.p. verso. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047430322 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Handbook of Ugaritic studies /
Over the past seven decades, the scores of publications on Ugarit in Northern Syria (15th to 11th centuries BCE) are so scattered that a good overall view of the subject is virtually impossible. Wilfred Watson and Nicolas Wyatt, the editors of the present Handbook in the series Handbook of Oriental Studies, have brought together and made accessible this accumulated knowledge on the archives from Ugarit, called 'the foremost literary discovery of the twentieth century' by Cyrus Gordon. In 16 chapters a careful selection of specialists in the field deal with all important aspects of Ugarit, such as the discovery and decipherment of a previously unknown script (alphabetic cuneiform) used to write both the local language (Ugaritic) and Hurrian and its grammar, vocabulary and style; documents in other languages (including Akkadian and Hittite), as well as the literature and letters, culture, economy, social life, religion, history and iconography of the ancient kingdom of Ugarit. A chapter on computer analysis of these documents concludes the work. This first such wide-ranging survey, which includes recent scholarship, an extensive up-to-date bibliography, illustrations and maps, will be of particular use to those studying the history, religion, cultures and languages of the ancient Near East, and also of the Bible and to all those interested in the background to Greek and Phoenician cultures.
1 online resource (xiii, 892 (3) pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 755-823) and index. :
9789004294103 :
0169-9423 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mani in Dublin : selected papers from the Seventh International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, 8-12 September 2009 /
In 2009 the Seventh International Conference of Manichaean Studies was held at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin. The 22 selected papers of this volume offer a deep insight into the faith of Manichaean communities ranging from the very beginning of the Third century up to the last traces of worship today. Among others the authors deal with sources from Augustin, John the Grammarian, Ephrem the Syrian and further sources written in Coptic, Sogdian, Middle Persian, Parthian and Chinese. Several studies about Manichaean art and iconography offer a visual impression, which gives a new opportunity for understanding the religion of Light.
Includes indexes. :
1 online resource (xviii, 459 pages) : illustrations (mostly color) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004289123 :
0929-2470 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Rūmī and the hermeneutics of eroticism /
This is the first systematic examination of the esoteric significance of the bawdy tales and explicit sexual passages present in Rūmī's (d. 1273) Mathnawī , a masterpiece of medieval Perso-Islamic mystical literature and theosophic teachings. Using the relevant features of postmodern theories as strategic conceptual tools, and drawing on the recent interpretations of medieval kabbalistic texts, it is a fascinating examination of the link between the dynamics of eroticism and esotericism operative in Rūmī's Mathnawī . In some of these bawdy tales, the phallus is used as an esoteric symbol. The book concludes that these tales are used primarily to communicate esoteric secrets, particularly when this communication is contemplated along gender lines, mediated through erotic imagery, or expressed in sexual terms.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [227]-242) and index. :
9789047422730 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Der Midrasch zur Eschatologie aus der Qumrangemeinde (4QMidrEschata̳.̳b̳) : materielle Rekonstruktion, Textbestand, Gattung und traditionsgeschichtliche Einordnung des durch 4Q174...
This volume deals with one of the oldest midrashim, the Eschatological Midrash from Qumran Cave 4. 4QMidrEschat, previously unknown, is preserved in at least two copies (4QFlorilegium, 4QCatena A) found at Qumran. A reconstruction of 4QFlorilegium and 4QCatena A is given in the first part of the book. The second part is a comparative analysis which shows that both manuscripts are copies of the same former work, 4QMidrEschat. The third part deals with the other exegetical Qumran texts, a definition of 4QMidrEschat's genre, its position among the Qumran literature, and its dating. 4QMidrEschat provides valuable information on Bible interpretation and eschatology among the Essenes in the first century BCE. 4QMidrEschat is of special significance because, according to recent studies, the Essenes are no longer to be regarded as a \'sect\', but as one of the most important Jewish groups of that time.
On t.p. "a.b" is superscript.
Part of illustrative matter on 2 folded leaves in pocket. :
1 online resource (x, 235 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004350144 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New perspectives on Jewish-Christian relations : in honor of David Berger /
The delicate balance between toleration and repulsion of the Jews, a tiny minority living within the Christian world, stands at the center of studies of religion and society. The development of this difficult relationship on many levels, theological, institutional, and individual, is a matter of continuing relevance in religious history from ancient to contemporary contexts. This volume, written by the leading scholars of Jewish-Christian engagement, seeks to revisit the question in light of new sources and re-readings of older sources. The old view of two implacable enemies battling for their version of truth, of Jews living as insular pariahs within a hostile world, the tale of persecution by the mighty of the weak, has given way to a much more nuanced understanding of areas of congruence, of cultural, economic, and social interchange. The volume examines changes in the Christian posture toward the Jews occurring in a time and place of tremendous cultural and religious creativity in Western European society. It seeks to understand how Jews integrated elements of Christian culture into their own. The volume spans some of the key turning points in the Jewish-Christian relationship and re-examines critical texts, religious disputations, and cultural interactions.
1 online resource (ix, 547 pages) : illustrations (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004221185 :
1571-5000 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Stories of Globalization: The Red Sea and the Persian Gulf from Late Prehistory to Early Modernity : Selected Papers of Red Sea Project VII /
This book contains a selection of papers presented at the Red Sea VII conference titled "The Red Sea and the Gulf: Two Maritime Alternative Routes in the Development of Global Economy, from Late Prehistory to Modern Times". The Red Sea and the Gulf are similar geographically and environmentally, and complementary to each other, as well as being competitors in their economic and cultural interactions with the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. The chapters of the volume are grouped in three sections, corresponding to the various historical periods. Each chapter of the book offers the reader the opportunity to travel across the regions of the Red Sea and the Gulf, and from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean from prehistory to the contemporary era. With contributions by Ahmed Hussein Abdelrahman, Serena Autiero, Mahmoud S. Bashir, Kathryn A. Bard, Alemsege, Beldados, Ioana A. Dumitru, Serena Esposito, Rodolfo Fattovich, Luigi Gallo, Michal Gawlikowski, Caterina Giostra, Sunil Gupta, Michael Harrower, Martin Hense, Linda Huli, Sarah Japp, Serena Massa, Ralph K. Pedersen, Jacke S. Phillips, Patrice Pomey, Joanna K. Rądkowska, Mike Schnelle, Lucy Semaan, Steven E. Sidebotham, Shadia Taha, Husna Taha Elatta, Joanna Then-Obłuska and Iwona Zych
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004362321 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Islam and Muslims in Germany /
In the European discourse of post 9/11 reality, concepts such as "Multiculturalism", "Integration" and "European Islam" are becoming more and more topical. The empirically- based contributions in this volume aim to reflect the variety of current Muslim social practices and life-worlds in Germany. The volume goes beyond the fragmented methods of minority case studies and the monolithic view of Muslims as portrayed by mass media to present fresh theoretical approaches and in-depth analyses of a rich mosaic of communities, cultures and social practices. Issues of politics, religion, society, economics, media, art, literature, law and gender are addressed. The result is a vibrant state-of-the-art publication of studies of real-life communities and individuals. Contributors are Kilian Bälz, Kea Eilers, Friedmann Eissler, Konrad Hirschler, Jeanette S. Jouili, Melanie Kamp, Matthias Kulinna, Judith Pies, Claudia Preckel, Robert Pütz, Mathias Rohe, Sabine Schiffer, Verena Schreiber, Christoph Schumann†, Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, Clara Seitz, Faruk Şen, Viola Shafik, Yafa Shanneik, Martin Sökefeld, Margrete Søvik, Levent Tezcan, Jörn Thielmann, Nikola Tietze and Maria Wurm. This book is also available in paperback .
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
1 online resource. :
9789047430001 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The technique of Islamic bookbinding : methods, materials and regional varieties /
The Technique of Islamic Bookbinding is the first monograph dedicated to the technical development of the bookbinding tradition in the Islamic world. Based on an assessment of the extensive oriental collections in the Leiden University Library, the various sewing techniques, constructions and the application of covering materials are described in great detail. A comparative analysis of the historic treatises on bookbinding provides further insight into the actual making of the Islamic book. In addition, it is demonstrated that variations in time and place can be established with the help of distinctive material characteristics. Karin Scheper's work refutes the perception of Islamic bookbinding as a weak structure, which has generally but erroneously been typified as a case-binding. Instead, the author argues how diverse methods were used to create sound structures, thus fundamentally challenging our understanding of the Islamic bookbinding practice. Karin Scheper has been awarded the De La Court Award 2016 by The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences for her study of the bookbinding tradition in the Islamic world.
The Technique of Islamic Bookbinding is the first monograph dedicated to the technical development of the bookbinding tradition in the Islamic world. Based on an assessment of the extensive oriental collections in the Leiden University Library, the various sewing techniques, constructions and the application of covering materials are described in great detail. A comparative analysis of the historic treatises on bookbinding provides further insight into the actual making of the Islamic book. In addition, it is demonstrated that variations in time and place can be established with the help of distinctive material characteristics. Karin Scheper's work refutes the perception of Islamic bookbinding as a weak structure, which has generally but erroneously been typified as a case-binding. Instead, the author argues how diverse methods were used to create sound structures, thus fundamentally challenging our understanding of the Islamic bookbinding practice. Karin Scheper has been awarded the De La Court Award 2016 by The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences for her study of the bookbinding tradition in the Islamic world.
1 online resource (xi, 428 pages) : illustrations (chiefly color) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 413-423), appendices, glossary, and index. :
9789004291119 :
1877-9964 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A dictionary of Samaritan Aramaic /
Given the many excellent editions of Samaritan writings (e.g. The Pentateuch) in recent years, the need was felt for a comprehensive dictionary of Samaritan Aramaic. Abraham Tal's Dictionary of Samaritan Aramaic , the first dictionary of its kind, contains the vocabulary of the Aramaic dialect in which the Samaritans composed their texts, from the beginning of their literature in the fourth century C.E. when Aramaic was the community's vernacular, until the end of the use of Aramaic in the eleventh century, when it was replaced by Arabic. Over a period of more than fifteen years the author has exhaustively collected material form the Samaritans' translations of the Pentateuch, their liturgy, literary compositions, chronicles, et cetera, as presented in the growing corpus of scholarly editions. Comparative material from adjacent Palestinian Aramaic dialects is adduced where functional. With ample linguistic and textual notes. Particularly important for the study of Aramaic Jewish and Christian sources composed during the Roman and Byzantine periods in the Land of Israel, and an absolute must for Biblical Scholars . Entries in Samaritan-Aramaic (Hebrew block script); English translations; Hebrew translations; bibliographical abbreviations, et cetera, in English.
1 online resource (2 volumes (xliv, 967, 40 pages)) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. xxvii-xliv) and index. :
9789004294158 :
0169-9423 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Geschichte des hethitischen Reiches /
The Anatolian people of the Hittites (ca. 1700-1200 B.C.) are the subject of the underlying work. In recent decades scholars have increased our knowledge in the field enormously without bringing the new insights together in a new comprehensive handbook. This long-awaited handbook deals with the whole of the influential political history of the Hittite Empire. After an introduction on the natural conditions of Anatolia, chapters follow on the Hittite history of the early period, the old kingdom of the Hittites, the 'middle' kingdom and, extensively, the new kingdom or empire period. The book is organized chronologically, and each chapter starts with a section on the sources and secondary literature, followed by the actual text on the subsequent periods. In a separate chapter Professor Fiorella Imparati offers a survey on the political structure of the Hittite Kingdom and its foreign policy. Chronological tables, a bibliography arranged by the subsequent periods, a section on problems, and several illustrations conclude this important volume. Given the tremendous amount of material and its lucid organisation this will be one of the few reference works on the Hittites for years to come.
1 online resource (xxvi, 428 pages, [36] pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 394-411) and index. :
9789004294066 :
0169-9423 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.