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Kinship and family in ancient Egypt : archaeology and anthropology in dialogue /
"In this interdisciplinary study, Leire Olabarria examines ancient Egyptian society through the notion of kinship. Drawing on methods from archaeology and sociocultural anthropology, she provides an emic characterisation of ancient kinship that relies on performative aspects of social interaction. Olabarria uses memorial stelae of the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom (ca 2150-1650 BCE) as her primary evidence. Contextualising these monuments within their social and physical landscapes, she proposes a dynamic way to explore kin groups through sources that have been considered static. The volume offers three case studies of kin groups at the beginning, peak, and decline of their developmental cycles respectively. They demonstrate how ancient Egyptian evidence can be used for cross-cultural comparison of key anthropological topics, such as group formation, patronage, and rites of passage"--
xv, 279 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 26 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Herodotus' Autopsy Of The Pyramids / O. Kimball Armayor -- Ramesses XI At Hierakonopolis / Klaus Baer -- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum (C.A.A.) / Robert S. Bianchi -- The Sculpture Of Sesostris I / Bernard V. Bothmer -- The Singer With The Glorious Harp Of Amen, Amenemheb Mehu / Edward Brovarski -- The Invasion Of Piankhy (Piye) Into Lower Egypt / Duane L. Christensen -- The Development Of The Back Pillar In The Late Period / Herman de Meulenaere -- Hecataeus Of Abdera's Account Of The Egyptians' Expulsion Of Foreigners: Did It Derive From An Egyptian Source? / Frances Henderson Diamond -- A Statuette From The Field Museum Of Natural History, Chicago / Earl L. Ertman -- The 1977-78 Season At The Korn El Ahmar (Hierakonopolis) / Walter Fairservis -- Sinuhe: The Ancient Egyptian Genre Of Narrative Verse / John L. Foster --On The Meaning Of The Name Akhenaten / Florence Friedman -- The Egyptian Second Canon And Archaic Greek Sculpture / Eleanor Guralnick -- Age Of The Pharaohs At Death From The Perspective Of Developmental Rate In Modern Nubia / James E. Harris -- Slate Figure Of Anubis From The Reign Of Menkaure / Lynn Holmquist Holden -- Survey Work In The Wadi Tumilat, 1977 / John S. Holladay, Jr. -- The Demotic Legal Code Of Hermopolis West / George R. Hughes -- The Functions Of Departments Of Egyptian Antiquities / T. G. H. James -- The 1977-78 Season At Queseir / Janet Johnson and Donald S. Whitcomb -- The Scatophagous Egyptian / Gerald E. Kadish The Painter Hormin And The Style Of Th. T. 359 / Cathleen Keller -- The Tomb As Pavillion Of The Soul / Arielle P. Kozloff -- The Naukratis Project: 1977-78 / Albert Leonard, Jr. -- The Personnel Of The Funerary Stelae Of The Middle Kingdom / Ronald Jacques Leprohon -- A Dynasty 21 Royal Bust In The Metropolitan Museum Of Art / Yitzhak Margowsky -- Procopius Or Eutychius (Sa'Td Ibn Batriq) On The Construction Of The Monastery At Mt. Sinai: Which Is The More Reliable Source? / Philip Mayerson -- A Suggestion On The Origin Of Late Egyptian I(W)N3 / Edmund S. Meltzer -- Henri De Morgan's Excavations With Special Consideration To Two Important Predynastic Graves / Winifred Needier -- "Under The Chair"; A Problem Of Egyptian Perspective / Del Nord -- Abydos: Recent Discoveries / David O'Connor -- Report On The 3rd Season Of The East Karnak Excavations / Donald B. Redford -- The Origin Of Aha (Also Called Bes) / James F. Romano -- The Reassembly Of The Temple Of Dendur In The Metropolitan Museum Of Art / Arthur Rosenblatt -- Egyptian Royal Sculpture Of The Seventh Century B.C.:
Some Remarks And A Proposed Addition / Edna R. Russmann -- Physical Deterioration Of The Royal Tombs In The Valley Of The Kings / John B. Rutherford -- The Winged Reshep / Allan R. Schulman -- Orthography and "Archaism" In Official Writings Of The Late Period / Elizabeth Sherman -- A Lost Kingdom In Nubia At The Dawn Of History And The Problem Of Kushite Origins / Bruce Williams -- A Reinterpretation Of The Blade-Like Objects Found Upon Tabletops In Egyptian Offering Scenes / Charles E. Worsham -- An Index Of Demotic Literature (I.D.L.) / Karl-Theodor Zauzich -- Some Problems In The Literary Analysis Of Medieval Arabic Adab Works / Fedwa Malti Douglas -- Al-Maqrizi’s Prophecy In The Middle Ages: The History Of Famines In Egypt / Sami A. Hanna -- An Egyptian Drawing: A Study Of Early Fatimid Sources / Eva Hoffman -- New Evidence For The Possible Provenance And Fate Of A Major Medieval Monumental Bronze Sculpture / Marilyn Jenkins -- Towards A History Of Astronomy In Medieval Egypt / David A. King -- Early Lead Glazed Wares In Egypt: Evidence From Fustat / George T. Scanlon -- Medieval Textiles Of Bahnasa / Dorothy Shepherd -- Glass From Islamic Egypt In The Kelsey Museum / Priscilla P. Soucek -- The Past Reflected: The Poet As Historian In Three Occasional Poems By Abu Tammam / Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych -- Further Comments On Medieval Egyptian Costume Modern Category / Yedida K. Stillman -- Leadership And Leadership Formation In Modern Egypt: A Comparative Study Of A Rural And Urban Community / P. Benedict € L. Cantori -- The Egyptian Wafd And Arab Nationalism: 1919-1939 / Ralph M. Coury -- The Socio-Economic Roots Of Nationalism: 2 cases: Egypt « Syria / Peter Gran -- Egyptian Engineers: The Reproduction Of A Bourgeoise / Clement Moore Henry -- Syrians In Egypt, 1875-1914? Exiles Or Members Of The Egyptian Society? / Thomas Philipp -- Egyptian Feminism Today / Kathleen Howard Merriam -- The Demands Of The Feminist Union / Michelle Raccagni -- Evidences Of Social S Political Change In Male/Female Roles In Modern Egypt; Amel—Village Bride, City Worker / Connie L. Shoemaker -- The Rise Of An Haute Bourgeoisie In Egypt, 1920-1950 / Robert Tignor.
The afterlives of Egyptian history : reuse and reformulation of objects, places, and texts : a volume in honor of Edward L. Bleiberg /
"Egypt has a particular longue durée, a continuity of preservation in deep time, not seen in other parts of the world. Over the centuries, ancient buildings have been adopted for purposes that differed from the original. Temple sites have been transformed into places of worship for new deities or turned into houses and tombs. Tombs, in turn, have been adapted to function as human dwellings already in the Late Antique Period. The Afterlives of Egyptian History expands on the traditional academic approach of studying the original function and socio-political circumstances of ancient Egyptian objects, texts, and sites to examine their secondary lives by exploring their reuse, modification, and reinterpretation. Written in honor of the Egyptologist, Edward Bleiberg, this volume brings together a group of luminous scholars from a wide range of fields, including Egyptian archaeology, philology, conservation, and art, to explore the historical circumstances, as well as political and economic situations of people who have come into contact with ancient Egypt, both in antiquity and in more recent times"--
xxxv, 187 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
In the House of Heqanakht : Text and Context in Ancient Egypt. Studies in Honor of James P. Allen /
In the House of Heqanakht: Text and Context in Ancient Egypt gathers Egyptological articles in honor of James P. Allen, Charles Edwin Wilbour Professor of Egyptology at Brown University. Professor Allen's contribution to our current understanding of the ancient Egyptian language, religion, society, and history is immeasurable and has earned him the respect of generations of scholars. In accordance with Professor Allen's own academic prolificity, the present volume represents an assemblage of studies that range among different methodologies, objects of study, and time periods. The contributors specifically focus on the interconnectedness of text and context in ancient Egypt, exploring how a symbiosis of linguistics, philology, archaeology, and history can help us reconstruct a more accurate picture of ancient Egypt and its people. The Figshare images in this volume have been made available online and can be accessed at
1 online resource :
In the House of Heqanakht : Text and Context in Ancient Egypt. Studies in Honor of James P. Allen /
In the House of Heqanakht: Text and Context in Ancient Egypt gathers Egyptological articles in honor of James P. Allen, Charles Edwin Wilbour Professor of Egyptology at Brown University. Professor Allen's contribution to our current understanding of the ancient Egyptian language, religion, society, and history is immeasurable and has earned him the respect of generations of scholars. In accordance with Professor Allen's own academic prolificity, the present volume represents an assemblage of studies that range among different methodologies, objects of study, and time periods. The contributors specifically focus on the interconnectedness of text and context in ancient Egypt, exploring how a symbiosis of linguistics, philology, archaeology, and history can help us reconstruct a more accurate picture of ancient Egypt and its people. The Figshare images in this volume have been made available online and can be accessed at
1 online resource :
Heaven on earth : temples, ritual and cosmic symbolism in the ancient world : papers from the Oriental Institute Seminar Heaven on Earth, held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2...
: viii, 463 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781885923967 : 1559-2944 ; : Hadeer
Middle Kingdom Palace Culture and Its Echoes in the Provinces : Regional Perspectives and Realities /
"Middle Kingdom Palace Culture and Its Echoes in the Provinces addresses the significant gaps that remain in scholarly understanding about the origins and development of Egypt's "Classical Age". The essays in this volume are the end result of a conference held at the University of Jaén in Spain to study history, archaeology, art, and language of the Middle Kingdom. Special attention is paid to provincial culture, perspectives, and historical realities. The distinguished group of Egyptologists from around the world gathered to consider the degree of influence that provincial developments played in reshaping the Egyptian state and its culture during the period. This volume aims to take a step towards a better understanding of the cultural renaissance, including the ideological transformations and social reorganization that produced the Middle Kingdom"--
This collection of essays is the result of a conference dedicated to the study of Palace Culture and its Echoes in the Provinces in Middle Kingdom Egypt, held at the University of Jaén in Spain on June 2-3, 2016--Introduction. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Women in ancient Egypt : revisiting power, agency, and autonomy /
"There has been considerable scholarship in the last fifty years on the role of ancient Egyptian women in society. With their ability to work outside the home, inherit and dispense of property, initiate divorce, testify in court, and serve in local government, Egyptian women exercised more legal rights and economic independence than their counterparts throughout antiquity. Yet, their agency and autonomy are often downplayed, undermined, or outright ignored. In Women in Ancient Egypt, twenty-four international scholars offer a corrective to this view by presenting the latest cutting-edge research on women and gender in ancient Egypt. Covering the entirety of Egyptian history, from earliest times to Late Antiquity, this volume commences with a thorough study of the earliest written evidence of Egyptian women, both royal and non-royal, before moving on to chapters that deal with various aspects of Egyptian queens, followed by studies on the legal status and economic roles of non-royal women and, finally, on women's health and body adornment. Within this sweeping chronological range, each study is intensely focused on the evidence recovered from a particular site or a specific time-period. Rather than following a strictly chronological arrangement, the thematic organization of chapters enables readers to discern diachronic patterns of continuity and change within each group of women."--
xxx, 492 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
In the shadow of Bezalel : Aramaic, biblical, and ancient Near Eastern studies in honor of Bezalel Porten /
Twenty nine scholars from Israel, Europe and the Americas came together to honor and celebrate Prof. Bezalel Porten's (Emeritus, Dept. of History of the Jewish People, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) academic career. Covering a wide variety of topics within Aramaic, Biblical, and ancient Near Eastern Studies, In the Shadow of Bezalel offers new insights and proposals in the areas of Aramaic language, paleography, onomastica and lexicography; ancient Near Eastern legal traditions, Hebrew Bible, and social history of the Persian period.
1 online resource (l, 429 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004240841 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Evolving Egypt : innovation, appropriation, and reinterpretation in ancient Egypt /
: "In February 2006, an international Egyptological conference entitled Evolving Egypt: innovatio, appropriation, and reinterpretation in ancient Egypt was sponsed by Brigham Young University (BYU) and Brigham Young University-Hawaii (BYU-Hawaii). The conference was held at BYU-Hawaii..."--Pref. : v, 124 pages : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781407309903
Debating the Law, Creating Gender : Sharia and Lawmaking in Palestine, 2012-2018 /
In Palestine, family law is a controversial topic publicly debated by representatives of the state, Sharia establishment, and civil society. Yet to date no such law exists. This book endeavors to determine why by focusing on the conceptualization of gender and analyzing "law in the making" and the shifts in debates (2012-2018). In 2012, a ruling on khulʿ -divorce was issued by the Sharia Court and was well received by civil society, but when the debate shifted in 2018 to how to "harmonize" international law with Islamic standards, the process came to a standstill. These developments and the various power relations cannot be properly understood without taking into consideration the terminology used and redefined in these debates.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :